Helpful Hints For Lost Hunter HUNTING sacnou égflunting Sclhedules For Deer And Moose DONT PAMC The reel that seem he clmlnz you In Ire your best trltndx Use lhnm 1th lupply Iheller fuel and load The with wild mill Iuth Kaonbury curmnx Ilruw hmy rupbmy hlnckhury tlnudbmy blueberry cowbury purlrldga berry bundxlxny Ind the burl mwntnin nsh Ind honeyluck Ahonlrl not be our looktd II hrlp In aumvl Amml hmlnulu and um rum mm are In nlihlu Ind Many plnnll laund In lho wood Idlble nnurlxhlnz and may hu ulen raw DIII appliu nlsa In new gmwlh rm musl Km llmhs hn younl molx Thu ml me cnmmnn wntrr plnnu luth llnnd Iler llly my ed uvtr In 0pm Hm Clam mulhh Ind Inalll In wily nlunlned And my ha mum our all open Ire nr lrlcd on ho nlnne Smnll Anl mnll blrdl hlrdl en nnd mh Ira Nully caught and may he tanked wilhuut kitchen ultnlill Build Ihclm wllh men bouuhl Build late umpAilre Gnlher plenty wood dry or Ilmln llre green In keep nlng Galhur plenly mm nughl In cover he fire and mm plenty of xmnku bpporlun mm to nurse umh In aircraft nrnund IBIYChEIl In day llme and lower ohuh verl Dnnl wandrr Inn from Ihe campsite 11m In your llblhhed hnml Townahipl oi Aibermarle Am lbei Eusinor Lindsay Ind SL mmondl in Bruce County no don Patorboroulh County Ioth of No Hiahwny shot guns only in Townships oi Ii hodei Douro Ennlsmm North oolxiun Dionabeo and Smith the pm of flu Caunilu oi Frommc HIIHIIEI and Len SL Josgï¬l hland nu dugs Nuvumher 11 to Nnvember 16 lcnznuya or olxum only permuted In anuhlpl of Ennlsmm Dnum Ind Smllh In Pclubomugh Counly November to Nnvem her 10 ICHEDULE Southern portions of the Ter rltnrial District at Algnmu Ind Sndhury Terrllnrinl District n1 Mnnlloulln no dag on Manl toulln Island Niplsslnx Parry Sound Muskokl axcept eastern lownshlpl at Medan Ind and Cuunflu at Kenncw Ind Hullihumn Cnunlles ol Lnnark Frontenac Lennox and Addlng on Hasllngs and Palerhornugh north of Highway NM and Township Sommervillo Ind thou part of he Townshlpl ol Dnllun Laxlnn Dlghy and Lonllord lying north the Monk Rand in lhe Coumy nl Vlmorla Towmhlp mm Mm In th Cuunly ol Dn Ir noun Centralnorthern DamIo In ludinz Ihu northern and ensl urn rowan of the Territorial mam olnuln Rlv lullnuuuu Thu southwestern purllon the Territorial Dlllrlcl Ral ny nIvc ICHEDULI wNovember lo December lcnanum ICHEDULE Territorial DLstrlclh of Kenprn qulh thy g1 Icnanuu CONSERVE YOUR ENERGY October 1965 lo Mummy 71 know ma in mm Inmumy boa but yauuldyoudbolnconrm DEER HUBERT DONT START OUT WITHOUT Mnlchu In watertprool con lalnu thnlh knife rompnu mm of the am ï¬sh hook and HM mm win nckzl in nld klt lly dopn HIIIII and lama sweet thamlnle Thm an wlll hnvl morc lhnn the Ind Am Ind and hay Iurvlved to enjoy tip old In Somo edlbIo plmll who Iuvn can he holltd Inr use rlch km Illnxlnx mule lamhl qunrlm thlrkweed mmh mnr Ixold dundrllon chlcory trlll lum Ihephrrdl yum plantain and low Milli Cl cpuly rnr elzn Minlsltr Edward Hum bun curled nn lnvlullon Io Elly ma orlnn Al Inndon Symphony rrhmrn tuncerl Amlwr omnln llnlh wn Him In chum MI on mullc Sulphur Ihel are nun and yellow In rolour mum arm and row on roller loxl Ind old Mnndinx trees Shnxzy mn nu nro lung mlnlod Ind pulpy and grow cverywhera The no our mushroom which no bolh very nourlshlnl Ind can be positively dlullnxulsh cd from tho lnedlble or pollon mu klndlr The In lhe mon elr uullhulll sulphur Ihell And many mnnu Morel Ire ound In the wood In early Iprlnx Fulton Ire more numerous In Fall In mudan Ind Imonl hardwood men And brulh North ol Highway Not 17 be tween Mattnwa and Sprlgge Ind lncludlng lha porthm lbs Terrilnrlnl District Nirlulng 50th of Lake Timflam thn soulham pnrllon the Turi tmlal District of Sudbury Mn north of No 17 nghway and lb quthem nnrllan cl the Te rilorlll Dlstrlct Alumna November to November 30 SQIIEDULE ll nnurlshlnl Ind my taken raw Central northern Ontario In cluding the Swastika Timmlm Gmma Chaplem Lake sun In Provinclll Park Whlle Elv er Gunldton Lakchud Dry den and Sioux Lookout arms Oscslfber 1961 In January SCHEDULE Lnks otfnaimm Ire ln lha Territorial District of Keno Nnnh narthermou Ill lhu CNR in the Cochrano and Knpuskaslng Arm and north ol the Illh bass line In the Territorial District of Ken on September 16 ms to Jun unry 19M SCHEDULE ll SCHEDULE ll SCHEDULE Caumlu of Slorrnonl Dundu and Glengnrry no dogs Cann 1121 of Lead us Hlxhwny 15 and the Nanow Locks and Carleton can the Rid unu River Russell and Prescott Shotguns only pcrmlllcd In Schedule November lo Nav ember SQ Jaseï¬hl Island the dogs Ruldents only Novembzr In to November 28 max and Addlnxton lying be tween Highway and Lan nrk Cnunly south of Highway and 43 Lead County was of Highways 32 IS and he Nar row Dock Road Carleton Cunn was of the Rlduu River Grgnvlllo County momma only Nnvembu to Novemhu scnanumv ruijm mu MOOSE Available bnly Mo following Franchlud Romlngion Dual vou no at AUTHORIZED REMINGTON DEALER fALlL SPECIAL ierfiloriai Dialricll oi Sud bury and Nipinslnl loulh oil runway No 17 Territorial Dia ricia oi Maniiouiin no deal on Manitoulin inland Parry Sound nnd Muskokn icxcept ualern pari oi Townships oi Medan and Wood Countiu oi Ren irew and Hailhnrinn Conniiea oi Lanaik Frontenac Lennon and Addingion Hastings and Paierboroulh noth oi iiigiiwaya Nos and I3 iowmhip oi Sommmiiia anti ihoae pnrll oi the Township of Dalian Lulon Diiby and Lonuioni lying north oi the iiionk and in in County oi Vicinrin Township Rama and Mm in tha County oi 0n larlo Ruidentl only November to November 16 rtlons the Tarrflarlal le rlc Rainy Rlver Realdenll only October 1m to January 19M WWWMW QUALITYtflflDWARE Ind jn lhenqrhern and easlem Snnfloldl THERMO UNDERWEAR Shirt Drawarl Comhlnfllonl DUNLOP ST EAST HEAVY DOESKIN SHIRTS 299 to 499 on And Flnm Boyl and SIudInII NOW priced wllh THE lOWEST Gulrdlln 660 Gronmtng NINE DUNLOP ST The schema Involve purchase by the clubs mndown farms and scrub bush lob some of them now owntd by high way devartmem 111a club muld pay nr mammlon then turn them over to the can scrvnllan authority or ndminll trallon and timber cutting The club would ulpulm that rulallc hunting be allqu an the an They plan approach the lower lhamu Valley Omen vaklon Authority at Its Innull meeting In Navemlm to dluuu mmepgsltlonl CHATHAM Onl CF mulhwcmm Ontario co lllomlckuhl geclfled rv EU farm and oiher ununa and to set it aside or hunllnx In lhe future The duisian came It med in here of In Kanlclnverlell Conaarvallon Club at CHIhum lupported by repruenmlva lhe nondenu Rod and Gun Club olnenrhy Elephelm Will TryTo Buy Unused Land For Future Public Hunting the RQQGEDMQQMQMIABLEI Cl Ont CE Ontario decided Win in cold wind blow Youll b0 wnrm and eomomblo ll youva chor on your humlng mlro rom our won dorful ollullon Chocu your now Im onloy your hunllng mum longf BARRIE do WIIIHVI fled 1mm mmlnnl unused land THE REMINGTON SP plastic Sho Shall MADE IN CANADA Available an Easy layawuy TIMI Ba ready for Fall Ibo my way Pmlousivnluo mo on IZIJO VI 2125 FROM 1995 TO 2995 publii HUNTING VESTS REVERSIBLE 895 REVERSIBLE HUNTING JACKETS ELECT NEGRO PORT ELIZABETH South xlu AHA myumld clem man Rav Selhjlakltlml lb duy became ho flm buck to be cholen leldnr of male church In South Mrlu He wu elected president the coun lry mummember Melbtr dist Church by large mnhruy It the church mmunl can ence here mm of Buulo 11nd ha hu been minim or Tho Yankm have lot Mitch elll Ely ha Iovernmenl hu Rondeau Park uld maiden Jim Muflaly ma Kent Clam lud Club WI time All clnhl Ilmgd action fur our lulu nd Mllchdll on leu sq cm or mm unllnl while thl mvnclnl mammal Allow duck hunting only it urnin poxlad In Randelu Park on Like Em mimic Wur Sloro PA 85025 PA 52451 hunch hm EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOUR EUDGET SEE KENNEDY WASHINGTON AwPm dun Kennedy welcomed Im denl Victor Fnz Ellenuaro ol Rolivln in Washington Tues day honored hlm gr lulu Xunv cheon and wnlemd wlm hIm Duck Bout Mn May your boat well nmouflued Dolflnlu pnlnu rum Ill wu Ihn candl ldhfl 149 Olfl Duck Cull Mud of hud rubbcr Produm trueIallh quick duck nly to un nud um 11 Altrmlvu Top Quallfy 11M balm nlln hluk rnnmtl llnlnh Mr II him Tm Inked nun Muck rnnmel IInIh nl nth ll Muh llahlod by umnlm lhll mum Ind mnammlul Icallntml MI llacknMalludl and ï¬lm Illlt rum Plntlo Decoy Ton IllaIla nan cm body Exln ht Duck Decoy Sturdy mauldzd flbn mm 165 mm In unit WM Km 21 Ma 5110 Xena In minklull Pack Warm Keep hllldl wnrm whllc youn mun tn ho duck blind am to E121 MT 15 HIE BARBIE EXAMINER mlmeAY OCTOBER llll In White Home They will hold second worklu courtr was today Ind Inn commu nique WHATS NEW AT CIC Radium um mintM dowy 1mm flu min un ynu It In 1h mm an out who lock In mondl Luhu night In an box you my pick dozen or more In 1h lldl pocketl or your hunting mm Selllnllallng Rubber Decoy Gun Cum KhakLDerl Wilm prooi mum hind lo Ind Mm Proud your lun hom nlll 31 329 CANADIAN OIL Canada yrnduced 31 per can the 0H requirement lhn Brillh Commnnwnallh In 1901 Lanny Red plmia body wlth whlu Mm Mouldd hundlt Flam blinkl and LI walrrmlmnl mm avolt Im ï¬Qm 298 1vluayuM EACH MALLARDI ONLY 29