Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1963, p. 9

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WW Maybe Ihnuld have one or lhu He nld erkuwfld um the game It had meant Anything to In In lhe numdlnu would have But wo played Hamilton Ihe lama way wull plly alalnn Ollawn or win mam HAVE WON Tho Ticail took an me dia chlnn irom Toronto Armani Sundny at Toronial Exhibition stadium when they Ihouid hm boron held to He The win boosted the TchI mm Intplace wlkh 0t lawn Rough mum who dumped Menuml Alaueltes 2121 Satur dllcmnpll Prumnn Accuman Inld Brllllh Columba Llanl would lmpmvo lhll MOD vuuihly oven thh mend In Calgary Sumptdm In tho Wellem Football Canlmnm Gut they hadnt heard cmdlnn rookla nnmcd Mar Kempl Keml hut turn the Canad dhn oolbnll Lenzunl llcklnz phlnom lhll union and Emu dly nllhl booted our Htld aim Ind lwn canvnrll lo Md lhl Liam lo In Win over Ed manwn EIHHIDI By PAUL RIMSTEAD Cumin Prbn sun mm Hamilton Mercu win the Ensign Football Confer nee lltla by one point Rnlgh Eula will probably und Nob erkomkl card hunk thawakl when Arm dead with no record elected to pan on erdandln Illnn lIon late In the game when Ar laiwerelm 1901ng Arm wllh one oilhclr belle parlormanm a1 bad lemon ghonld hm wan Illa name Sun In an Llonl lhelr llnl COMIXIMI HUI with an 11 mo old And Kemp let CFL kirk lnl mm It nu hlm 21 Hrld all lhll lemon mm holler lhnn ho Md record not In 1954 by Jan Alulm Snlknlchownn floulhridm Kemp mm has In palm In nmu MI uunn and or ucond plnco In Iho wulem acorlu mu only yolnl hlnd Item Flvmlnl cl Wlnnl pol llluo Ilmnbm mel hn Held xnnll conmu nnd our Ilnlln Flemlnl Illa vimmun Indudn uvcln loochdownl In hll point In mw In flnxurdny autumn mt Cnlllry Ami Rklknkhrwnn ml Ind la which MI lho lllhl lur 1mm wn plnyofl lyoll upon By THE CANADIAN PRESS Argos Outplay Ticats But Suffer 1110 Loss Canadian Rookie Sets CFL Kicking Record Gordie flows of the helm Red Wing zeta caught ho wecn Toronto Maple Len foal Johnny Bower and Al Stanley during one hi ml have rllynl ll Null wllh Hm llrlm and II lmho ill Mu yml lmwn nlo lltl Thin Tm fi1nmpl an mend llATJM HONORED HEIXINA TUTh CM mum Hum have nl J7 rm vmlmlnnnl lullJ Um Illh Iln Ilanuluhlm um by lummnm 011 Mlull tlulm he mlly Mlvhllp lulnl lllm ml lnrhlr Hr While HOWE CAUGHT IN THE SQUEEZE Quarterback Run Jnckun wu brilliant for Ottawa baton recnrd crowd at 22761 at Lumdoum Park Ito lhraw tour touchdown panel on with Jen than two minute to go In the Hilton topped the Ilqpbom Ml hrllhl we tor Toronto we learn llughley who look like the breakaway back they have needed all mum lnellalbla at Central 52an Teacher Callm lhla Man Okluhvm Hugh ley wu lluned recently by up Ilrlanl conch mm Spongle with palnll Snlknlchcwun 04H and Winnipeg M4 hru ll Edmnnlan 1m with nnly lwo win In slum pulled it out lat lhu Tnphlu wuh an ldylrd touchdown run on An Intended pm play in the fourth quarter Don Sutherln who had booted 39yard field ml and single kicked lhn convert to break Aria quarterback Stephen pulsed to Dick Shana or lecondquarter touchdown kicked the convert and Inter Idded field aunt Illpound rookla In hll Hm pro um ran tho mand hul openlnz kickofl back 95 min to the Hamilton lwnrd lem jumped into In curly lend In um mum at Vnncouvtr mlnl Idunlnu of pennlllu and an error by lhe haplm El klmnl to go ahead No II In ma flu In quarter Thcy Ind 190 Iller tho lacond and ha and clinic lhlmr day the ogtplyzdthojzull Nuh numcr wmu Flemlnz and Ron Mum and touch dnwnl Wm Iho mwd 19 Edmflnlan qunrllrbnck Lynn Ampdu who 91 ed all but nu mend qunrlu TammyJed Collry wllh ultra Iouch down an In hi lrd nulrlvr or monlonl 11 Inll Elumpvdrrl one awnl wm many nuhu on ml In Satur dnyv Nhll NHL name at Ta ronlo Bower Gordiel ald Inhan buddy came up with moral wectaculnr luvu Mohlmif new rail Oluwil TO HELP YOU HEADOFF TROUBLE DANGERFIELD MOTORS Bervlco Cantor Important llama When Handing lnlo COLDER Woalhor Ollor load For Umllod nmo Act Now Phone PA 02487 FREE Brako lnspocllon and F100 Aduslmont FREE Cooling Syslom Chock Ton AntlFroozo FREE Exhuun Syncm Chock Ind Hamilton by our WIMI In the loutIenm conlerenu was mo mszs Fleet Whiz gathered in two pnyoii pane inciudinz 24yard one or the winrrin touchdown Dove Theien an Geno Guinee caught the other Jackson touchdown poem and George Eeiu klckinz in the Ib Ience injured Moo Racine nddgdfllhreo converll Hammk I0 r1 Dlxon plunged or both Monku lauchdovms Gino Bum thu relormed laccer player kicked twa 32yard field om ling and convert In round on tho ugrlnq Tho knemlnjurx bu MI hm Ike clubl Montreal damnIva ace Jim Reynold wax to un dergo luxury or knee Injury today llnmlllon chI add non flay wlth 1111111 Injury and Toronto loll huhck Lynn Bob toml erkomkl doubtful 11 Bottom will be back The Ticntl may also have lax aumnndinz Garnoy may Henley Ilnndnut lulu Eun dny with two lounhqumer ln exceptionone to up Fa loneyl touchdown Inflated voulble hmmd kidney Icorcd by lullbnck Enrl Lum lnrd qunrlerblck Eula Dny end Drum Clarlduo and null back Jim Dillard Lnny nabln Inn booted lwo lltld all And hm converu calm Fon lunEM Flanktr Dnla Wm end chk Golll fllnhr Hulh Camphlll Ind hllfbnck Ed Buchanan men yurchm lrom Call and Smknlchlwan Iou dam he llu Whllthouu kicked Hold am Ind lvm convert and qumerbnck Funk Trlpuch counted Ilnllo on quick llck Dny compltlcd ll 01 an pnm In lb mm In bruk by 11 lb rrcvloul rmrd 01 complh 01 In mum at by My frovmflnl the Denon rem mulching Rocket Rlch Bldl ml record Toronto mm the mm 24 GP Wim photo on Colllor bt NEW YORK AWDH Phll Guyana let National Hockey Lflfim racord here Sunday II NEW York Rnnzm daiII know 0mm doun know and thncoxg baakl don Igy The Naw AYork Iarwnrd ude our mhu 1n no porlnd ha Ranzm downed Bolton Erujnq think lamehndy live Ian lime vain III Guyana But In my hm been lhlnklnu of tho record or mm mm In one period The NHL book IhOWI Lu Cunnlnuhnm and Mu Huntley both 01 CthIlo Black Hawk ch In thin do partmgnl with Ilvc Cunningham In Ml on two ham and Chm ullm alllnn nnmnl Canndlenl Jun 18 mo Bentley did It mmn flu Rnnun on Jan 1m with all end oneJmI Mum manna MONDAY mum at Billy Taylor at Detroit Rad Wlndl Ind nven anlm In one game mlnn Chlcm erch 10 1841 but lhn NHL racordl do nu In my man will In one period The twomllc Gold Cup wu tho eilhlh straight Ilakel vlc my low or Kelso who Ab ready had clinched hunk con ucullva Ham the You um of tho men harm In the MI tnry us raclnu drew nwny IteIdHy In he In mlla satur day Ind mll captured hll fourth camculva Jockey Club Gold Cup Aqueduct Thu le year old zeldlnf backed down to odd 320 11 ha 45m runnlnn cl Illa llOMOO race llnlahed laur lenllha In rant Mn Bohemia Donerl Guadalcanal Guadalcanal Inn or be 1943 Gold Cup winner Cllatlon wu Iva lengthu thud ol Harbor Vfgw Farmlrolrwol By ASSOCIATED PRZBD They didnt do it once in union to in nnn rupee Qucben Am could cantider their cur rent American ankey Lewis umn Already lumen Their achievement Dentin champ lon BuiiMo 311011 The Am turned mu kick Eun dly nlght with DUI Euthan lmd leadlnl thl mad with two cull and one mm their flu victory ovur flu my on In 10 lumen In Sundayl other AHL lame Dllflmm Clipper won their um mm bi Amen by do felling Fravldenca fled Hanna Dun whlp ed rlnp Hold Indian In Re um American dtluted Clevuilnd Bmm Fllllhunh numm but Quo bec Providcncu downed Claveland 53 llenhty look Bu alu 11 and Sprlnifleld deflated Baltimore 42 Salurday nllfll unmet Olher nbec mm In Iho nullalo ma wera Wayne lllckr Terry Gray and Don Blackburn Barry Cullm and Larry wlyan 1on tar111xle i551 Conuhtr Ind Wnynb Rlvm uch lcorcd mm Ifllll lIlldllmhey trimmed Sprlnl Myron Slanklnwlc Icortd Ihn Bearl olhnr ml whHo Raw Colo Dennll 01lon and Diva Arm ofognled ortquns Did Goyette Set Record Kelso Easily Captures Race Quebec Aces Post Win Over Bisons flaw mm CPlol Mlh Carbon playing bill MUTUAL OMAHA MD OHICI Vol CANADA 100 ONVAIIO AN OUNCE OF PROTECTION 1mm lunch Oflku Unlvmny Ammo mm Udvarl whhlled it down In vnlldnllnu the on Win rulad llawel tumman Alex Delvecchlo had mned the play Illewly by Ihovellinl the pqgkylllh hll gloved land blm the whistla by re cren Frank Udvarl ha pra urved Maurice Richardl ml cnllecllnn rocurd In 1h National Hockny Lenzua or loan In other hm dayl Gordie Howol uuult on ho mark appeared to have ruched Iuccoulul conclullon Sunday mg it was 10 go Tho bl lnln Torantol empty net altar loaltJohnny Bowar the Ma pxo ale had been lmed or llxlh Muck Eight day goal by he Damn fightwinger waI wiped out undor Ilmlllr clrcum Ilnncu Ho put the puck Into in not In nmo ugalml Bar tan Brulm But It way disal lowul becnm of malty lo lhg 19d Wlpn Schlnekl Danny mum Ind Ed Ehrenvmh 1m mm more 34 lead curly In lhn third nerIod mum Providence Hurry otlenbralt and Jlm Bar we tho Red hack lntn non lentlan but Davo nicth and Fred McMahon clinched It or the Clippen Bob Becket ol Provideuca mud wIlh hm mondl Ml Krofeulanal lama nfler junior naked In Toronto union lcore gosh wllh kn llm two man and Mar up the win nlnz on nochemr downoa Cleveland Eddie anlon Icorld 1h win nlnl ml And 001m came ram Gerry 5th 1nd Lou An Inm Bab Elle Wayne urkln land Tcd mm mml for ha M5 VEGAS Nev AP Ynnk Nicklnul cnma mm ho hlnd on the last nIno holu Sun day to win the 010000 sumn Invllatlonal oll mumman with final round 09 and 72 km Icon 01 216 The 23 year old Mum chumplon collected 013000 he rallled from twmlmke dellcll to overcame hll mam rlvall Al Gelbemr Ind any Brewer Bath Gallium and Brewer lin llhcd wllh 705 Ind 371 cull Gardli taken Inch utbackl philosophlcnlly no he amused Gemu Knudnn Tomnto Ihnt 73 In SundAyI plw or as total worth 108 in Howe Still Seeking Godl To Tie Record By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nicklaus Takes Sahara Tourney COMMUNITY DRIVE ELMVKLEKRENA For ARTIFICIAL ICE IMURANCE COMPANY ONVAIIO An ounaolpmunmunpmkin your mum nanny too proud than mint hmkfihanymmdlmkbmm at damn Nelda Mutual ol Omulun 12 mm mm mm tangyan hc Inlnnlloflmill SUPPORT Cnmpun nun OCT 2128 7an Your Tho Hula concern He gels anolhar Ihat at the record when the Red Wings play Chicago Black Hawk nut Thurldny Ild Howe durlni the week end ive laid it many timu be iore That next goal mean more to yauxeporten than it does Immu The Red Winn shaded the Lenin 31 in Sunday nllhtl name in Detroit producing Ipiit inthzir hameAandhoma Weekend let Toronto was 21 winner at home Saturday night The lawoil icit the two clubs Aiminn Iecond spot in the finding with Iix noinu Billy Reuyl mack Hawks meanwhile pushed In mm with Ham win dawnlnI Montreal Canadian In Chicago Sun day mm muons pm mums md at were Bobby Nich 011 Tommy Aaron and Don thtGAlron with 68 Nichols 69 qqdflhltl 70 In Another Sunday night lame Naw York Runner dmbbed tho Impalcnc Bmlm 51 at Madison Square Garden shutout by the Canadian over Boston In Montreal Snlnr The lama or Due loam men wu the 7038 yard at 353571 mm th Pm In veuw CM CM Arnold Filmer who wan Into the tournament ruled on even term with Nicklaus wound up $11 down the line will 73 or Nickllul Gelhcrw and Bre war won law the final 18 lulu Ill avm Nlcklm med out with mherabk 75 In the 1m mund He came on with two night And closed an with 69 Sugdgy prize monoy AI llnhhlng with 253 mu A1 Jo Alan Man real who duplicated his allow Cnnadlnna 73 on h1 lan round ma course Gelhum led Nicklanl by two slmku as they pulled he 63rd hole Ho pumd ram eel down the camel an the Ian warm mind me the middle of tho cup only to bounce out and tnval anther mt PUITED HACK mum piued back and holed nu gain He and WW Geihérger hnd round 5771 5970 Ind Brewer 68697070 each collected $5250 Alvfialdlrrisrbt Toronto shot In final round or as tolaland $199 Igglu moqey Cay Como mm In HI Dunloy flmul Bowllnl Alley BEHINS Snack Bar CIII Na 2673 Tlrad Thu SAME OLD GRIND day night rounded out the week end schedule Some the highlights Camille Hanry at Ran erl counted the 2001b goal hILyHLcheer mufnmu of the Lea lcoredNa 100 New Yorks Phil Goyalla helped set up laur MI teams goal In one period Howie Your the Hawks tuned with on one minor pm my In Chlcmo in our gnmu reverted to In new Ionl arm and II back at to the In of penalty leadm 1h minutes The home team won Ill flvo weekend games Now In 15 am In er thll union home club have yielded only one wIn and one No to clubs on the mud ElEflTRIE WATER HEATING APPlimE Cascade 40 Is nameless clean silent And there Isa ten year guarantea on the tank DetmItLrahm manpower asfastasaverage use demands with the new you can heat water electrically SIX TIMES BIIIIIIIE PIIBIIII UTILITIES AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER HEAT IT Tho lumn voluma healed by another method could call over $1300 por momh II mm Independent uurvoya provn that more water can be heated at lower cost with In mo electric waler healing thnn any oflmr way Matchless electric water heating ls proven to be over 00 etllclent other methods may only be as much 85 efficient YOU CAN USE OVER APPROVED The newCascado 40Walurmnuna Appliance an APPROVED PRODUGT dovalopad ihmuah the combined numb and resources of Onmflo Hydro and alectrlcal manulacmrern Electricity Is Safe Clean Flumeless More Efficient tool FOR Hill DETMLS CAll OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY EW COMMJSSION with Pnkar MacDonald and Bruce Mumagar on the filing 1m nunzed ahead ol Toronto Sunday night with goal by Ron Inmm Delvecchlo Ind Dana BIWJ the win valet Dave Kean and Hank clicked or anonlu In the mend and third lEel10m rufecuvelm be lore How ulnlr with lecondl leg to 91 Howe plnyéd both weekend games with slum cut on his Itlth ankle slegledln prnc lice Ieulon Goalie Terry Saw chuk also phyed wllh an guy severelybruised lea and auflmd Snlurday night and turned back to Ibob 11 mm lhan Bower SM Mlklta Ron Murphy Blll Hay Flam Pilate and Al MacNell shared In the Chlcago caring while Moos Vaako picked up three nnlm 200 ma GAllONS Hm

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