Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1963, p. 11

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JAILED ON DRUG CHARGE NEW YORK AWEdward Warner Iormcr college hnxkelholl player senlenced in slxmonih lerm in the 1951 haslroihall ilx scandals haa been xnnlcnced to lo our years in rlson on unrcollc charger lormer player for €in College ol New York had pleaded luiliy lo charge oi oi empllol lo aoll uarcoiica SEEK lllfillEll PENSIONS PARIS lleuicrslMora ilun 0000 and and disabled per sons staged mass demonstra lion Saturday in the heart ol Paria demuoding higher social security pensions The demon Ilralara marched Illoully lo the lumen mlnlsiry carrying ban um readinz bread let the old ed FIRE Al POPES HOUSE BRESCIA llaly AP No volleys lrom bird gun tore hol Sundly in the wooden guie oi the house nearby Conccsio where Pope Paul VI was born The shols stirred up slorm oi public indignation Authorities discredilod Milfllrlcfll motives and laid Ihey behaved was work vandals or drunk fll APARTMENT EXCHANGE VICTORIA CPIResidcms cl retirement centre to be built In luburban Esquimnll may mend mm at their llme In Honolulu whm similar centre being huill scasanal exchange nparlmnnl by mm mm In plannnd PLACE BUFFALO ST JOHNS Nlld lCl Twnnly bullaln will placed an umnhahllcd Brunclla lsland oll Newlnundlnndl mulh can ln ll lhny will an herblaxo lpurncd by mom Ind caribou ll lhry Iurvive Ihty will he moved lo lho malnland In nup plcmunl M1 lama wlldlilel HEARS RAID IVES BURY Qut CWTwo black bean ammund male and 275paund Icmalr gobhlcd more than 150 pound bunny And dld some $250 damage to horno Quinnl bmhhtl belorn Quinn Ind his llyurohl mn Dnlo mm mm The Quinn llm Ihul lua huge male benu llllr llmle rnld on he hlm In 1961 SERVICE USEFUL SWAN RIVER Man CPI Im Ilr nmhulnnu mvlca whlch wu Ilnrled by hm member II Swnn Hivcr Flylnz Club 40 mile nnrumnl ol Vlnnlm pmva henrliclnl hm unu Ktncy Khll WHE mmln lo Winnipeg In hm week opmlmn HMK IN llllSUN VANCOUVER 1CIJllurxlnr hill back In pmun Hllrcd Alrhclun 61 who nvquircd he mums or MI convmmnl nr vurloul oflrnru IIHC mo ve rtnlly rmml luu mm or pmlnl mud chrquo Illilllllll IlWNMiIC quymym cm Tun Cnnmln Mr Linn New uni lnnnnle 731m pnumlq mll ul Wmnlpu Inlrlnnllnnnl Alrpml aumm Nplrmlxr mnllllul 01 567000 pound fllr lrrluhl um 7041 pmlmh air urn 11m pmluuq rtuud MRI 71501 mm In May IUHIJMI VIM IIDOK IHXHNA lllA my wine you lmh wlll In puhllnml hm only next rnr Hm book In Iurh ruhllcuflun or lHKlIInl polic lmrr ullx wvnnln mum any mm and nllmn muller mm mum pcxllnrlll l0 wlha Hulk 10 MUN Mil 111 lll 1hr Ily smiled by on sale Carr ousel 63 Friday allemoon In the Mlislon Irena hall had WlNNlllih ll 1hr Ily anlpr Min Illvn mm um nuuul llvo 1w lilry up yum VMHMIHLIIU Cunn 7L OVER Nfl HUHIUN Ml lulldrnl rmmly mlde lulu mull lnlo Cnnmln flnlunlay IIIpm lnu hm Hu nlr Illa pl Hm luulmml mqu mluiun quu lnumbqwld lldnl pour mume In hm um um mm uyonm WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF HE WANTS ALL 01 THEM pmct lfennedx also hnd aerial look at the easternmost Up he UnlIed StalcsQuoddy Head himand the New Bruns wick island where the late pres ident Franklin Roosevelt took he fateful swim that tril ered his polio stuck HEADS TEAM MORRlS Mani CPl Elvin lloflman native of this com munity miles south of Win nlpez is heading 15mm um surveying lor all with eleclrnnlc qulpmenh near Casteron Au II HOLD EXERCISE VANCOUVER CPY Hum radio operalars successfully conducted twohour xercise In clvll defence communications In Brillsh Columbln recently Messages were exchanged with fire marshals er carnlva Man Gm Ilavnr wIIl be thd In his Okan agnn communin in February There will be masquerada parade and ball BLAME DUST SW LUIS POTOSI MoxIcn AP OIllclnls lnvcsllgnling several can crashes nI crap dusllnz plane In lhI area blnme strung dust lound In he englncs One death has re qucd ram Ihc washes TRANSPMNT IIEAIIT BOMBAY India AHThu hurl dud do ha luc cmluliy been Irnnsplnmed 1n nnolher dog by surgery Prcl Sen municipal cummlv sinner and munlcipal college Incully member laid my mum Intcling Pral Sen said he mrvivlmz nu now hal lwa lumliuninl hnnm HEADS TEA VAILEITA Malta 1M Jnmu Walls vlrcprcsidenl Chum Manhattan Bank In New Yuk nrrivtd hm hudlnz team Iludylnl lhe Mediterra nean lslnnds etnnomy Ind out what Mnlln rnn altar world lrudr Ha discusxln possible Amcrlcnn lnmlmnnl here SE dome ll nluml Incnllcd llmlldumldn rMIdrrn wlll Inn 1mm and tdurnlcd ll Ila rxprnsu Aim to ban were horn chnrmrd In Helulum allcr HutIr moment luok lha drug Hulldnmldo duran preinnncy SE ILH PROGRAMS IllZYKMVIK MUIcflnndc nu are wnlrhlnu US ltlevlnlon mm on Iluulnn lclcvlnnn ult 91vch mtlvlnl nu hnvo Iona nh nla here ml ram but lha nnly prnurnms In In lnmi In mm ma US mm Ilnllon ll Kellmik NATO lune DONATE HOOKH M605 MUThe US nv rrnmrul hu drmled an Ill ryclnlmfll lnr um mu lihrnry In lhr thor mum at wnmn Nllrrln nuns IMY MOSCOW MUan Sllll Slnry Ihu Alnrrlrnn unknl by Lemma Hruulrln Imn Imn Ilfllrd In Um Hmlrl Mun lnr lhr llnl llmu hy llw Armlrmlc Dym 11mm in urvnu 1m um Annoy rum 11w mm In Vflnion wan In at Ihr Mm cuw Film Ynllvnl lull luxumcr FflllllliN Ulmlfllfl NUHIlNHPLI IMJThfll ll nhmll mm lnnlln lalml rII In Wul Ummmy llvr lnl rml Inlmr Mliu purl Mud nl Ilmn mm Iluly uum Spain null IIllkry 5er Iumnl mum Me mururd In Ilhrrl lmm lomnnmold Ken Ardm all anon Ken is the son Mr and Mrs Russtll Archer 91 Inna cvulrvrnu In Ala19ml n1 Nnulhmtl All Ind llm Far Hm wlll Mr nul January In Kunll Lummln Mlllylln hudqunvlm or Ihe would Mm lnn muqu In Kvuchl lm up nnunml lilMllNlfl WANT Al PHONE IA um PLAN CARNIVAL VERNON EC CWA wln IM IINIEHIIN UIMIII IAIN11w ml nu MOOSE INIUBES UNLUCKY HUNTER TORONTO CWTm federal government do no liver policy or establishing qunla system requiring employer lo hlro certain percentage dis abled maple lh Canadlan Re hahmluuan Cnunnll or the DI ahled wal old Suturday nllhk Albert SL Alllslon He ume In the Carousel with hi mother tExunlner Photo Henllh Mlnllh JudyLa Marsh nnld such Iyxlem would lend to place 1h handicapped wnrker In In interior posillon ills LaMnnh Inter said In an lnlcrvlew weHnre calczor It Ahould be abolished and placcd by tderaIpwvlnclal welInra nyllcm hnl would pro vIda uld butd upon lndlvidunl nccda Termin Iha current wtlllrn cnlczory yslem loo rliid Mls LIMIth uld the lava Iyr lam wllhoul tumor um Kelhen Such lyltm would ha discussed ll ha lurlhmmlnz dry mlnlunpmvhlclnl tnnlereme Hrr much to the llral annual meeting of the cnuncll an amalgamnllon he Canada Cauncll or Crlppled Chlldren and Adults and Canadian Faun dallon for Pollomyclilh Ind flo lublllullnn lnld Ihe ovum mcnl helleved ll policy uro vldinl vocallnnal Inhnhlllmlon was preferable Govt Dislikes System Of Quotas GEMLDTON Ont CF Heres mouse now to vnl any Ish story Dlsfllc tnrester MacKinnnn told about In his weekly port He laid One our nemesith hunlm had an unfonunula accldenl Hln plrly had dUWlltd large hull moose and while he was taking plctures suppnscd dud moose It staggered to It eat and Ml an the unlucky hunlnr He Inflered bra ken leg Ill IN bitmam wad lIm Ia mmllnI 0m libM mull Ipun MIMIM It mu you worry humn Ind hwy VlVIIII BID00M HMSUNI nmmmnmrmun mwrlulmmm Ilmnummml an Mullfl ocronnn 21 ms Affidan Natidns Muster Strength Armpd with the most poWeriui votlnl inrc the United Nations has ever known Alrican countries hlvl at out to bring South Attica In its knees End driva Portugal item the Airican continent The strength mustered by ha young African slates ram through resolutions denouncing landscparman In South Alrlcn and Portuglll trenlmgnt In larrllorles hp made dam Sm preislon ll also has caused apprehen Ilon It the UN as extremlxl Ms rlcan elemenlz its up demnndl lo expel bolh South Alrlca and Pnrtpxal lhls lear ls malnly prompted by lhreats from hull cnuntrles to qul an their own nlher than Iuhmlt lo ceaseless lnvecllve la the world forum The Alrlcnns are dedlcnud Ih common alm that they must naylr Igalq gmgiergn Igyvitqdpz 0n colonialIssue me Mr can have chalked up In Im pressle voting recnrd What they havn achieved 13 open to quesunn MARSHA OPINION The rush resolution da nnunclnl apartheid race up mlnn has helped mnrshll world nplnlnn Ignlnsl Premlar Hendrlk Verwoerdajoulh African regima and in policies ROME ReuterSXPopl Paul VI Sunday expressed ueplda Mon and Inllmale paln lha sltunlion the Roman Catholic church In China He asked the Peklng mien to consider the condition oi our Lhiidren wilh Ill eye oi equity Ihe lame llmz ho ex pressed firm hope that Iha seed Chrmlnnlly sown In Chlnll lerllle furrow amid tears would apron one day Earller Sunday lhu Papa can xecraled bishop mm mls xinn are and nlher countries in St Palerl anillca In In address Saturday Pope Paul said that mum llmlr tenth only or ecnnnmlc prommy be twin re The Pope was addressing slu dent priesls at the Missionary Cullen or Propaxallonfil the Failh near Vatican City DOUGLAS CONCRETE Anna Sr Church In China Pains Pope Paul UNITED NATIONS AP The SARJEANT Delivered Complete Precast Conmto DONT lfl WINTER Mary Strut Bani Complm Rang of Slm Phon PA 82461 PRODUCTS LTD SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN Spurn your lull all pymmu nmly our way monlhu wllhuul lnlnnl Aruld hmy kawlnur vlymmu whm ml cumumpllnn II pul 111mm made uulnmlllullv Mun yml nm low Ynu now him In cull lor hunhtm Hm blinded hul lnn on 5mm lu Sunhnl romlurl nnw TIIIJ NEIWICE INCLUDES Fm Ilumrr Bench Ind Londfllonlnl ullnur Emrmnry Fenlu hulcnlly You pay only or nphmmnl Conlch luklnll In Full mum SUNHEAT PAYMENTS HOME HEAT SERVICE Bmlo It Inc ulsu prompled whlu 0th Mrlcunl lncludlnl many who oppose Irlrlhald In class rink and Eve the prcmlu luppnrt he never anlchpnkd Determined In mnko South Alrlca an economic well moral outcast the Alrlcm bloc passed the central Ah sembly last year Iplo callml for sweeplnl Ind boycolt Verwnerds navernment TM has had Hule emcl because II Western power have refund lo in pr harsh panama Inlnxt algaSouth Amy 91 forty 0n th nlher mm the black nations have tried to am For lugal to live In freedom to in Afrlcan are by pullinl through Security Counell call last summar for In emburn an argu lhlymenu The Atrium singed Inolhzr Ihow ol Ilunglh this month when they rallled nallnns behind demand that 50th Alllea call on pollllca Mul uni free polltlcll prllonerl The Weslem puwen want along wllh 1M resolullan as whola hecguse of world null mull They ahxlalnzd on key paragraph and made plain they dld no rellsh lellln wvmlzn nullun how run in caun lyn urn filplomats hm hopeluliy de cued sxllh relaxation of po slon by both Soulh Mrch and PortugnL quenlly strained relation ha lnhor Ind lpanagenent Vl nu Ilngllnx out on group or lha other ha uld ev eryono ha ha right to hit compensation and In no on should try to get out or work by pushing it on menus em Hunting Oll CENTRAL TAXI PA E9642 TreatquurSelf to CANADAS Finesi Reading Valuelm PLUS Our Carrier will deliver The Barrie Examiner No Money Down Every Order Fully Guaranteed Your Magazlne will Come by Mail cm 01mm TAKEN HY Plum mnll IN mmlwr at luulc liummrr nnnmy lludru rlan my jlm rm 1hr pvlvllm or mqu 1h flux mlm or month ml mu mnmim min nbmr um In my mu Ink hr at mmlhl wnh nu umlmumllnl xhnl nmaunl rmnl lull my mini AI rmlnl mu only muuinu hul or lb nulplpu udnu mm bounm hm um Ilhmllm Imul anylmllbmfl ADDIHS Do Nvl Ill Ilm Munlnn Nu In Artex Tn Mlnl Endlumlloml Jaurnll Truc Story Chum1m Hmnll MI Sport Mullins Cth LII um HHFIawu Omn Modzm Ihaiaunphy CMLIHIII Herald Mochnnlx Illuuuled Moody Manlth Amman Horn Gllmnur HIquin Amcrlun Girl Albtrly Modern 5mm MOM Ilmm Jmlrnll Culling All GirLI uufluuunuulunuuuo wyuwwtuekuuwku ml lur Marlunl mny olhrr uevkl lnmlnr IMogrlphy yu Hnuo UHTV HM Mndmmmlh Cllndrrnl mm ilmut nmuuux mm MW PM All in In Pliny Qun ll 4ng m1 Jill Choose Your Favorite Magazines Eh 15min Ezeaminrr FOR ONLY 55 WEEK llluu lrml IIllan GROUP up Mund Hy mml mm TL yn mum on mums OR mum GROUP NHL Muuhm Nut Rm mfivopmam llnuu Ind GMdln SAL Ilwnlnl lml Mccnn CAIhollc mm 54 time UHTtenmnlnmm llnlnnlic Adverm HmodnndGun HHTruoLma HUI 11 yrl Modem nomnnm Uri Good Hnmtkuplnl Salurdny Nluhl lyu llumply Dummy Ulu 37I TV 1an Mirror ropullr yll yu dtmnl and mix VOHMnau yang pally zlrypsameixi Irr mum iirn Mnguln Mulrln Fm CHOOSE Lboi Nollxlay Ihlrm lnpullr anl Im lhlnl llAvpcrI nanr bhvw Mllumt In Hddflfl 1tm cm 41 11mm Both hon hm IIIOVINCT PHONE N0 NO yrl 323

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