Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1963, p. 8

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lTflElAYinlEEXMlINEfl mummr anemia ma Muno Cly nnd Drlrall Manx mm Hmnus AIM and Lyon France had ml in him nr flu spuxls extravaganza nml mnny lhuuxlll um umch slum clly hnd mum lhe vnln lln wny with un lmxIrssslw pres crllulian 11 Cum Mtxhu Clly gut no vnlu De lnvll 14 Lynn 12 and nunnu Mus lun 0n Mayor chnncrllur mu Inlrmullonal Olymplc Cnmnm Ice mm lho mu Iummcr he Hrll rnushu he Wnl lflmhull nuknncu any Ilny dunl xuluu lllliuu nlhrr mumy haul Irul hty nlmuhl lvu IIHAMIA In hnru mlmu lnr lllclr aux unnlimllun hm hrpl Hm lunue nliw mm on IEMD Imiyl mu luulml nl muunn cm mrnn rwlnlyllhrd mul rlulv hmr lhc umln rnnlrilmln In Hm luml mm ml Inunry ch mrr qu luluw Ilw mrnn llnw unrUIIIII In lerrrmI lIrlMmI llm ll HII HIrIr Immnr In prucllun ll nwmu IH livuu Imu ummhlllnl Imnny In Snknlxhvuml llnuxhrlnlru ml lrIlr mummh In ulhrr nr 511le mm In rula unilrm mm unuml up wllh ncl put at $100 nADlCN MOI2N Grrmnny MUMemo City dnrkhunn candldnlc was nwnnlcd lhe 19ml lnnplc Gmmu Friday by sulid vuh uvrr Muer Dev mm ilru luldnu In Lulu nlmul gnlu umhln Llu lhr nulurl mquHmUnIL rhth 1Iw leu ulmvovl rlumHm Hull In Ivrnry mu In puuHum In ponuv Ilul Hwy um lnrnu nllrlll rrlllnz III My yrnr IIer mum Hun In he You and ulmv In tlrlllnlllml lwr monry Ipflll lvn lumunllnm MIII TENN Mn Una mnulh II lr Mum rm Ihr Mr IIV lllllmnl Ilmin yudlh In mum annual Bantam Hockey tournament Dec 20 27 and 21L Teams wishing to gartlclpate are asked to contact Gordon Wood 515 Bel Isle View Rlvcrsldc Ont Butch Boyd and pretty Marllyn lleld vlll take the long walk down the church alsle Nov ll Congratulatlons and best vlshes to flne young con la Reports out of Torqntq slate Leafs wlll prqbla 1y contlnue lo altq FROM HERE THERE Members ot the Shnnt Bay Jets girls soltball team were guests of their man ager Hubbert at banquet at the Shanty Bay Communit Hall The lrls were presented with jackets by Mr flu bert IR vefslde Ont will stage tts thtrq nnte Ed thzenberger and Barrles Ron Stewart at rlght wing with Red Kelly and Frank Mahovllch until suc cessiul trend is established The experts are going with Ottawa to represent the east in the Grey Cup game this year But Im picking Hamilton The licats seem to have more depth while Ottawa nomlnnted for last lnce before the season started must be in over their leads now and the bubble could burst nnytlme Next weeks Georglan Bay Secondary School Assoclat ion iootball schedule Oct 22 Colllngwood at Barrie Central 09 23A0rillin nt hiidlnnngVct 24 Park St at BarricNorlh Oct 25 Stayncr at Colllngwréoh THE JURY Is STILL out onthe Canadians No one seems willing except Imlaeh to go too far with pre dictions as yet They want to see the club without Plante Phil Goyette and Donnie Marshall To date they havent been too bad They were especially sharp against Rangers last week The attention this weekend will be on Gordie Howe the Detroit Red Wing right winger who needs only one goal to tie Maurice Rocket Richards career total of 544 NHL goals Howe gets twocracks ntthe record this weekend both against Toronto Maple Leafs Lions Want Keep Money Picking Montreal to land out of the playolfs is going out on the limb Dont for et this club had shot at first place going into the nst couple of weeks at the schedu last season And with super stars Dickie Moore and Jacques Plante not with the club this year the other players might just give that little bit extra that is ever so vital in professional sport Toronto an or not you cant deny they have some pretty fair tnicni Add this to the fact that theyre de fending champions and its hard combination to heat Well it doesnt necessarily mean that young legs wlll win hockey league But ll does help and all ough few old pros on Natlonnl Hockey League club are an asset too many of them could hurt the club in lonlgI haul This ls probably the polnt Fisher was mlh ng FISHER POINTED out that the avern age of tho Lcals ls around the 20yearold mnrk 10 Les Hubs are about two cars younger per average Also stated Fisher age con catch up ulckly wlth some of the real oldies on the Toronto squa fellows llko Johnny Bow er and Red Kelly Examiner Spam Editor Red Fisher the interesting Montrenl sports colum ist mode on Interesting observation last Wednesda night during the intermission of the Montreal Cann ions Toronto Maple Leafs National Hockey League game Fisher was commenting on the statement mndeh Leafs coach Punch Imlach Istatlng that Montreal woul nl make the playoffs this season Mexico Given Olympic Games SPORT AT GLANCE Hrllhh Iury Still Out On Montrealers Army lrnmlngc of Chlcngo IDC prumpm luhl he mum rlvltgnunn Ihv mm on nxnlnsl ll brcnusc muny IOL dvlcgulu though ll wnx llme lur he unmrs In In munlry that hnd nol hml Um honor um win he hlld he llrsl lwu weeks In Orhrhnr The IJGI Olymplu will be In Tnkya Orl ID Lm Angelou hurl Hu nlymnlcs In um and St Luuls 1n lJDI MAYOR Jury Cnvnnnxh Myer he le and member 01 ll Lllyl dclcxnuun mld Nnmmlly we are dimp polnm nl Um Llcclslun Iluw war knuw II uu Illmrull one or lhn IOL Damn nulpll mm In the Km Inorllxu lrndlllnn and Olympic xrll Gmrmnr urn Mommy Mlthluun ulm llcw hum lu hcml Udluill hill Mr unmu MIN My only rrul ruling llm muxmnl In one lvrrlMo dimp puinlmrnl nul 11 llllll Im on xn In ucl NIB Hm uumu 10m rnuuxll Wu unlucky nun In Da Wlll mulL Thu lulu Imllulllnl clly lrlrd Mrn llmu In 1qu lynuvlu Srvrn llmrl ll Inllnl By RICK FRASER Imn flu nu unmh Nnrlh rwlth in Vlulnl I7 points nusnd nut Orlllln by mg polnl Barrie Dlslrlcl Norlh Colle filale ycsmday allemoon has chn crass counlry Invllntlon mm with nlxmullcxinlta pnrllcl pnxlnu They won Barrie Con lrnl Unrrlo Norm nunan Mem orlnl Cnmp Borden Mldlnnd and Orillln Slmughncssy nml Owen inlsh ml onetwo In he llcld of 24 JUN 01 Hm amp Innch Irnm were Lnnalx Mumll Imd mpnumqn nnccs In lhrne classes unlnr Imcrmedlmo and Junlor were run nnnllng copped lhc ncnlor mm the mm Dave Shaunh ncsy John Owen Dnn McKay and Paul Noscwnrth with 22 point Ilcproscnunz North wen Lorne Spark Icvcnnn Jntk Mulrhlnock eighth Wayne Iln Ichclur ulcvcnlm and Waller llnidlc lwtnlyllrlli Camp Borden led by Hem will Ill plnco llmu 13 minutes and mum cup tum he lmermedinle cvcnl Scrum lo nmp Hordml pumln In Ilnrrlc Twnlrnl wllll Jn pulnln and naming lhlrd Wth 45 llama Crntrnl led by Don Yuunu rmlly won the Junlnr liflrl capturan In 1nd ml vlll pmlllnnl or I7polnl Iota Ilnhlllnx brhlml mm Mlllcr Within and 011m nnrdln awe IlpIM IMO his shoes hl morning wlth comfort lhcrcl good chnncu holl pIny tonight against Tar onlo an10 Louis The Red WIan rlghtwinxer an the vcrla 01 mlan Nu lonnl Hockey League scaring record didnt nnlvn In Tnmntn Friday night with Ms loam malcs He Is takan Irenlmcnls Detroit for foursmall nu Tum Iur lhe buiinilurmrdxm wm 21 mlnnlu 105 monds mm and Midland um lur mum Mlh MIMI nth Cnnndinn Im SIIH WINE Banting Wins CrossCountry Twcnlyscvcn was ho mn glc number Battle Norm Callcglnles football teams ye tcrdny The senior nipped Midland 2113 nndNoth Junlm clubbeer thclr oppasltlon TM Bnrrle senior had to make qune tavern In form late In the gum In more their mnrgln Mlur quick touchdowns that gave hum 140 lead they fadedto lhe palm when the mnrnln was out lg by one pojnL mm quarterback of bun Mkinson and mulor runnlng by Doug Smllh and Conrad Mal GdrdHowesGreatness Is TakenVFor Granted Acnowp or Midland ooh bnllm aurround Barrio North Collegian buncarrier drth Footbqllrs Like Number 27 By PAUL INSTEAD The Leafs nnd Wlnga Stun Icy Cup Una last season meet again Sunday nlnhl nl Dc4 lrolt In other wouknnd games anlun Bruin travel to Mom real mum and the Canadians are an lhv rand Sunday agnlnst Chicago Elmk Hawks In third Sunday clash Boston play at Now York The Hawks enjoy Iwopoln cdga on Tornnlu and Dclroh who are led and Mnnlrcnl In one puInt Ihclr pace Dalmll delcncemnn Blll Gadsby who lhufll an num anl coachlnx mlu wllh llawe lhlnku Gordlo will show up Gndshy ls one 01 the utmost nulhurlllu on tho llawelllchurd nruumenl Alsl In llll mu Nllll mum Gadshy played ulnlnsl holll Chlcnzn and New York plnycr Am ho hul been llaw leammnlu the last two IUrhnrd was just as power ful Gard cspcclnlly culling In an Knfll my Guhby Hut Gordie ll holler In lhe carnen An Uwa puck more lhc rcmrd Ida cu whlch made him mlss Vedncsdny night unmo against New York Rangers new needs only om goal la la armor Mammal Cnnnditn slur Maurice Rlchnrdx mime IcorIng record excludth play nm 544 goals Howe In his lath season has 54 Thrno warn year EC GORDIE THERE anHcu nlwnyl nol the puck unywny Inld Ondlby Ecsldu Mulcney and Smith Norlh touchdowns Wm scared by Dan Dcmpslcr and Bob Ger uw Gemwa TD followed Joel Andersons hornlc In blocklng hll second kick Atkinson had pnlr can verts nnd Lon Hum hurl mum to ruuml onl Ihe scaring ANOTHER ATKINSON Slev Mklnson norcd pnlr of major to lend Norths lunloru lo their Irlumph Dave Walnv right and fllck Scphons um crmhcd over for luuchdowns ungyypnlpcq Narlh pup pwny luv fiction durlnu yeslnrdnys LwIn bill at the local achnul nunlo tonml oak both 18 Blylllld SO Ynur lendlnn lumllurc mm In nunlo In lnrkl when you Mil ml In good cLllon quamy Urumm Iullu CM acorch lri fivu Viiixrts lhl lecdlnu Ilhwc Hm elkn as ho ncnn mm mld recent provlsnn plum by Ihu Erllhh Columbln Amnlcur Huckey Aucclnllun ll contrary to CAHA rcgulnllonn In In annual mcellnl the BCMM made it mandatory for lunm rc unsunl trnnflnr player In Yuma or lower culth gory to my lhc nuoclnllon 11000 holore lrnnntcr would he Issued Thu BCAHA had been ndvlsrd ll cnnnnl pul Ihu rcgulnllon lnlo cflccl mld Pollen EDMONTON CF Money payments have no place In anycr trunum 1n Cnnndlnn Amnlcur Huckvy Aasoclnlian rcxnlntlonl CAIIA president An gollcr ol Edmonton lflld F114 ny OPERATE 0N MANTLE NEW YORK AP erkny Mnnlle New Yark Ynnkm ctlrhrulcd ccnlrdleldur under went lurcmlul apumllan far nmovnl of cnrlllngv In hll 1m kncc Friday Munlle played only £5 nnmn In no mo Amcr lean Lrnluo Icnson In ex cclcd Io he out Km halpllnl about week ST PAUL AHMinneapolis Bruin scored three goal In the second period and overcame St an1 Rangers 41 Friday mm In Central Professional Hgkoy Lengun sump The vmnry mahd Minnunr all lnlo Ila or flu vlnce thg lunmqo 0mth Knights Jennnol Gilbert Terry Crhp nnd playingconch Hurry Sln den scored hclure Illlly Taylor connected for SL Paul 1an in himlog The only goal the lust per Iodwaa Bruin counterGli burla second of no game scared at 1001 Gndsby any the Detroit play an arm warrylng about when Han will catch Rlchard Wu all know hhl going to dn sometime he laid Vu dont even In about ltncllher dnc Gordie Sees No Cash For Transfers Minneapolis Tops Rangers games ho Ionian winnlng 2113 mad the Juniors 217 Examiner Pholn HOME FURNISHINGS PA 81841 past he Crawn operand CBC carrying the Snturdny nigh hams games of Town and Montreal prom rlng Ihem on alternate weeks far orknconsumpllqn MONTREAL CEThe Nu uonnl Hockey Lenguols gelling wider exposure than over an Cnnndlan televlslon this season and In tomclhlng that warrant unfllylla Mnklni allowances or an Iaynlllel In Ontario and Quebec the CDC 1ch Ontario viewer the Maple Leafs every Sutur dny mm and In the same way those In Quebec their cherished anadiem Brllnln nnd Australia had slx palm euuh lbs and the toumnmen In which New Zea lnnd nsn compclcd Twn palms worn awarded for victory and om point or lie These were caflcd mulch polnts Brfinln won three of It our cam matches and 10 one Aus tralia had we loam win and lwn flea Each country will hold the trophy called the Common wealth Cup far six months each yanr mull the next team cham pionship played pmhnbly In Cngadnrin W67 Cnnndu Issued nn InvIInllon Many to stage the next cumu men In August 19137 In Mant rnnI II held every four years The um Inumamcnl was luck at SI Andrewa Scotland In I951 mm In South MrIcn In 1959 Uppermost In many mind whether he enact will be as tarranching as those that Inle vlslon had on baseball In this Unilcd Snlea Now the prlvutelmwned CIV network has slapped In Each Wednesday night TorontoMon renl mecklnl buan televised SYDNEY Australla CRAP BrItaIn nnd Austral IInlshed In dcndlack today In match poInu and Indleduul matches wan and lost and wnund up as no chnmplon In the BrIIIsh Commonwcnllh nmnleur golf team wnmnmenL Canada in Ished In IhIrd place These scam brough About lungaddsngnlnst equnllty In the ccgnllylles anl lluurgs Brllnln defeated Canndn live mmth to our and Auxlrnlln lied wllh dcflndlng champion South Africa each winning our mnlche and halving another In todays llnn mulch the live coumry round tabln compel flan Britain And Australia Tie InCommonwealth Golf Test Will TV K111Hqckéey As It Did Baseball You phone Ill let you Your Ilamn Grnml Inxunnce Azrncy 170mm srnam PA 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE This Iturdy brick bungalow convenicnlly located at Davldson 5L than to public and high schools Mllkcpl homo complclc with nlumlnum door norms and mums lnwns tree and flowers as hardwood noon larch nir nil heal and cabin TV Inslallnllnn In 60 110 Full prlcv 2100 mer transferred must sell Wlll ncccpl host oHer Curries or per mnnlh on one 61 NJIJL Morllnlc Sen or youmll ul Davidson or call PA 53731 by CAV There are seven in each cllYI lugs mas GAME Nonmany lhp 18728 scat mm jnmmcd wllh smndecs or clash between the old rivals Must seats at the Forum are held bylangtlme seasonvtlckct subscribers But the Cnnadlens place number of cheaper seats on sale before every gunm and lhls where the dip presumnbly slemmed from Thormrcarrlcd it first Tor ontoMammal game last Wed nuidny glshtfrom Monitorfl Bu altendnnco was reported 12766 You have In so back long way to Ind luwer mark for game In Montreal Whybnltle raffle and pa In sea sum when yau can sit home and watch it or nothing DISBAND TEAM Cnnnda finished thlrd with three match Ints and an tn ulvldual mute recnrd or 17V paints agnlnst 13 South Africa also had three match point but poor lndIvIduul mark New Zealnnd was last with two points In this compctlllon each coun try play every other once in three foursomes and six singles AnoUIer igvelipmonlthls be moms um mu REPAIR NOW PAY lATER DANGERFIELD wllh nur tonvenlenl BUDGET PLAN In Cupnnlou an almost flnlxhod we got vld of tho plumber Ioday MODERN 3BEDRO0M BUNGAlOW FOR SALE lIs Coming Soon THE NEW l00K at Canadian Tire Barrie We vlsh In llmnk our many unlonlm fur lhclr pallunw nnd nlnlmlnmllnu lllllllfl our renovations Bunlo are he senson startedm decision by omcihls Shm gun Cataracts of the On Junlor Hockey League in As hand spnkcsmnn sald the club drew pour cruwds on Wednes day nights 135 your and it wnuld be pointless lo try to Ice team Ihis season bucklng the Additional obstacle televised NHL gnmcs The mlnur leagues base ball 11 the US were harllps hit by big league TV Thnsn con cerncd about the addllianal NHL TV coverage are fearful it wll also hit miner luagud hackuy teams In Canada Ulllmalcly of course he ad verse affects all back on lhu big league Decimalion Ihe mlnors dries up pInycr nroduc Ionthe blg league lifeline TORONTO 800 pm

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