Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1963, p. 5

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931 One at the most Impresslvav sights In the county at thla tlmu ol the year may be seen by travelling along the highways canal tranda and service roads intersecting llolland Marsh at and In the Bradford area In eluding thousands acres the rlchest vegetable growan land ln Canada termed the vegetable basket of Canada Stand on one the encircling hllls you look dawn and see the Marsh lat as skatlnz rlnk mile 01 so wlde and miles long llke great patchwer quill made up oblong patch es of every shade of green end In In the purple cabbages now being broken morn frequent ly by patches rlch chocolate brown where harvestlng has Bl rcady been cumplcled In the Marsh proper the fields are alive with man woman and children In lamin groups all cugerly helping with the harvest MOUNTAINS 0F ONIONS 11w most striking leature at harmi time are iha mountains of onions loin at 75000900 stacked in eyecuiching 50 yound red net bags There are pl oi oneton pnlici boxes flocked in long rows along iha harder oi fluids and beside roads when they await irnnspariullan lo pri van and company sinrnga huiid ings throughout the Marsh and in Brndiaij 1211 packed Fnur Russians will be guests or Barrie YMYWCA at luncheon at Bayshum Motel Monday nflernaon The v19 An In ordinary arm n5 var Mable mum am being used In Incrcaalng number In har tuber crap like qnlona car roannd polnlocs dnpl muck mil var lcs mm few to devornl lee In doplh ayl Andy Rnbcnko who arm 15 acres of mmh In grow cpfrmg Innq onions Amended by Hand and neigh bors red culnrcd nnlan com bine mcmhllug polnlu dig gcr crawled up and down long xowa lmcd nnlom On good day lhu crew my bag and Moro us many as 2200 wwund hull of onions In BpLn ilium Mics inld quick lytrunskmd to cold flame or loprqcossogs andyuygrs An or he producllvlly Hm Mnrsll may be gained by nollnx how much produce ll grown on how llula mnnhlnnd An average crop at unlmu would hu rxvrclrd to ylcld belwccn nix nnd men hundrrd Mmund mg anions reaching an hlgh In eight hundred bay per IKIC Harvesting In Marsh Makes Beautiful Sight Illa nephew Wnllcr Nnknne shuy who also grown onionl muesli lhnl you mun npccu lulu when growing onlonl LIKE HIGHLANDS We do our hamling Ilka lhry do on he llighlnndll Wu mve hnrvnling bun where hlcndl nrluhborl and lnmlly bmy Thl II uptclnlly mm on wcckcmh Vn Inlk and nu Mrs nnd no In or lunchu and Auppm All nl Ilur Hm un 1an we grow um wnil unlll rlm Impmvn Jml Mm hluh nml lnrmru wall or cnllla prim In Imprml Minn my 1ch rnlllo and heel Huklu the reuulnr mum lephmc ml mlmzcn lnlll hm rrcommcmkd human nml Inrrrmp Mann vegrlnhlu producllqn ll luu hrcn numb rd mm mm clnpl Includlnl nmlnn nml ltllllct xhnuld rel ulvr npumxlmnuly lnur pound DANDUETS CONVENTIONS WEDDING Aucmmodllon hr 175 Pinon RECEPTIONS SALES MEETINGS Aluaudlllnnld HOLIDAY INN ICYORM HARBOUR ny BRIAN BAKE YURI KASIILEV NO CHARGE FOR BANQUET MALL Four Seasons ONE COLLECT VICTORIA HARBOUR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION imam INVITED TO MEET There are lewpeople who do not eat the crisp slnlkn cel ery Some he finest of this henlthhfl mod grown in Brad ford Marsh where grower like Joe Glesla harvest between 50 and 60000 pounds of celery an acre of blue Mona per acre Blue stone 6r copper sullnle Is one of lhe melalllc truce elemcnl desirable or lhe boner lrowlh plants So thickly does gmw that Ihe mus ol lemma pmlecllng dark green nbnve Ihe lighter mm keep lhe stalk perfectly clean even in heavy down rour of rain which would splash es closely spaced vegetables with soil Celery In one In most paying mp per me to grow and at the same lime ane or the must expcnxlve to grow re marks Mn Nesta who has bun In he buslnul 13 years Mr Glestu native Poland LI also Immlalor at Barrie Court House And wallet at the Vulgze Innln landlord Mr Clem whu also grow carrots uplahu thnt startlng early tn the spring celery reed must be sowed and the vlnptl mind They must then be run plentcd out doore where they are to grow Side dressing at nltrnte must be nfplled end the plants must regu arty be lprny ed with lmcct killer to axrure that the elaltu are not blemish ed And llnally It must he hnp vested and lent to the cannery Although rurprlelnzly frost does not damage celery each day at ter tall mt plcklnz at the crop must be wltheld untll alter the trust hue melted Celery touched whlle frosted wtlt ehuw every tlngcr mark etched in black on are mad at an exchange program which mw our Canadian secretaries visit Russia Th public L1 invited ATTRACTIVE and vegetable mnr km on Yonu street In Brad lord are IIIth attrncflva to lhoppen 1mm communities throughout Central Ontario Ind upcclpll Toronto dvezc Able Iloru operator are Paul Smith and his son mlL Bill who mu menlly married cx vlnlm how lhelrl typical hullnen wllh every member cl lh nmily In lhulr cue now our mrmberl working In lho buslncsl Mmul every vege Niko Finml 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT $21000 SHARE THE WEALTH EVERY MONDAY VLADIMIR KULIK Abovo NuSorvln Clunlrl RCAF ASSOC Admlulnn 50c 14 HIGH ST 0NT CANADA table they sell 11 grdwn by Ibo Smilhfl Mast eye catching is lha moun tain oi bright yellow pumpkins ranging in sin from few lo 100 pounds cuch Allhough doubt less air portion of these vege tables will end up as pumpkin plea pumpkins are gencrnlly bought im cuuing out devilishly FOUR RUSSIAN DELEGATES Pmple are flubbergnsted when hey discover the smnll prices Ihey have to pay for vegetables and fruit that may can buy here in Brndlord says Bill And for lhe fisherman Ihc drainage canals are good places In which to fish or pike perch bass and catfish Worms mnka good bait or the laltor three fish largo mlnnows far he hun We According to Norman Carter Toronto who has had 25 years flshln experience in tho Brnd lord Bren llsh become more numerous and than less numer ous In fiveyear cycles being unfunny nolcenhe lnlhe pike tn the luncheon to meet ha guests Persons Intending to attend an asked to nollIy the The guests Ihrce men GOOD FISHING IN here way terrible says Mr Carter lhl year it is holler but no good Th next three years should be very good lhaugh Why works this way Dont ask WINS HOLIDAY IN BARBADOS Ills Adeline Wilson of 540 Woodbine Fergus Ontario is Ihe lucky winner oi Ihu meant conical held in cun junclion with Ihe Chemocll Arnei Dalemien 1963 Fas hion Pmmollan The conical oilercd the lucky winner wacks vacnlion or two at the Blue Waters Beach Hotel in Barbados Air transporta Ilon will be via Brllish Wm indies Airlines SERGE MOLOCIIKOV llNIIllM AT 11m Ind IIM llYlNH IIIIM II 10 lull UINIINUOIR IATlIHIAV Hum NOON 10NIINIIJII MYNIIAY FIIUM rm MI MVIIYIMI nl Ill Ill vim MII IIMH Lu KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY TODAY SUNDAY MONDAY The Rendgzvous Lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL TOIIONTO CF Presldcnt Kennedys praposcd ch11 rum program political ma noeuvre corn US Negro was William Clam at Inmn vresldenl of the US Nn unnnl Association Buildan gwnm and Managers 331d FH ay Speaking at reglonnl confer ence the organization whlch include members from Canada Mr Clanks said there is dan gerous encroachment on prop eqy nights in gha Iatlnn and Woman are Yuri Kash lev Vladlmlr Kuilk Sergei Malocllkav nnd Mrs Marlena Slepanynnu Secllons the Mil would on able ha govemmenl tell Empmy owner what person he ad lodo business with Mr Clants sald the governmenl go thh PDWH It mlghl then dic tate Indlvidnals telling them what pcrscn they should allow into their homes Says Kennedy Just Seeking Negro Vote in an Interview aim he mceunz he said the Kennedy civil rights program designed to gain ho backing oi Negro voters They dont can the nigger stepped on or what happens to him he laid oi the administration ELMVALE Stallfinishing lunches being applied lhis week to be two new temporary diml rooms at Elmvniu District High School will enabla classes in use them by Monday bourd 5cmer unsure William Campbell said The tworoom irnme building was erected during the last month to cope with an unex pecchin high enrolman in Sm lcmbcr particularly in the mid dig grugcs Grade 10 classes will use new lucillllcs Mr Camp bell anld Exm teachers to hundln um new classes are al ready here Each new mom will ummmodnlo about In 35 Mudcnls MARIETM STEFANYANTS New Classrooms Open Monday Blrrlua Llrgut And Most Luxvrlaul Fully Llunnd Loungl Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH HAMMOND ORGAN II Ihn blg In lav iium THE HARRIET EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1365 LONDON numeralThe res ignntiun prime minister at 69 yearold Hamid Macmillan Fri day brought to an end the tang est continuous spell in oiiico at any British prime minister this centun Since he hecnma premier on Jun ID 1957 this urbane pulm clan Introduced the word un flappable lnlo Brilalna politi cal vocabulary Thls was trbute 10111 1m perturbnblo exterior which lay tough driving per sonality that made him one the most dumlnatlng prime mm Isters In Britalnu peacallme hslary In almost every way Mucmll Ian contrasted sharply to his two Immediate Conservative predecessors Sir Wlnston Churchill and Sir Anthony Edna whom he succeeded In 1951 He had none at the spectacu lgar dashing Ink Churchill under whom hexervcd as cal lnet ministen whlla Edens tense sensitive temperament was the exact opposite or Mac mlllans own Imrumed confident hundllng any crlsls SUCCEEDED EDEN When he succeeded the nllinz Eden In the wake the 1950 Suez crisis he was confronted by nation turn and divided by contruvursy bitterness nsd hurt pride Mac Can Boast Of Longest Term Mncmlllan Isa was threat ened by national economic roubles due parlly to Ihe cost or the mglglary lnlervemjon But wllhln two year his Im xhnken confidence was vlndl cnled In October 1959 when his Conservative parly was rr turned tn power or third term unite and doubled House of Commcmfnajpflly He Immediately tackied IE healing at Anglwimerlcnn rela iions strained by Suez by con ierring with President Eisen hnwer in Bermuda and helping to produce their decinrnuon oi comman yurwse pmpoundlnu the historic dncirine oi irna wgrlditerdcpendcnce In Fcbnmry 1959 Macmillan In pcnanai eiian to ease EastWes iennion went to Mos cow at the Invitation oi Soviet Premieif Khrushchev French President do Guniies veto of Briiish membership in His European Common Market in Janunry um came as le vera disappointment to Macmil lan known iar hi European leanings it tapped an economic crisis which had brought on an oiher slump in tho Conserva livcn pycioclthn armyI This Inlllniiv wu widely as ceptcd as hnvlna started lha mbscqucnk EastWest thaw DISAPPDXNTED 0N ECM In he mlddla nu crllll during 10 summer 1961 Macmillan Ill mlssed Bevan at hll cnblnc mln Isle includan treasury chlel Selwyn Lloyd It earned Mac mlllnn tha nlcknnml or Mac 01 hulk Mncmlflan need mic cl Ichrfly gturms Then lust sbrlnz wnr min lecr John Pmlumo rcslncd Mlfl ndmllllnu he had fled aver mmqu to LA IIIOWINO TODAY 35L COLOR HITS II sum SUN Ills llllclt alfalr wllh London playgirl Christine Keelcr who mnlmalned simultaneous aaclallon with Russian nuache Yevzcmy vallqu As ha scandal reverbcrntcd In crescendo or new rumors Macmillan lubbnrnly reslsmd opposmon demands for his rcs Innallon and even nmovemunt wllhln Maan party to have him replmd by younger leader wgm gun Reported recovering nlcely from the successful surgery Macmillan npparcnlly does no plan to zlva up politic allu Pnlltléal sources said Frldny he Intends to remaln mcmber Parliament Macmillan was born in Low don on Fab 10 139 the ma oi weaiihy Scottish iulher and nn American mother Educnicd at Eton and Bulflol College 0x iord wounded ihrce times when serving as an oi iicer in ihe First World War TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mm 0f Up To 550000 In The BARRIE EXAMINER Mail Subscription Contest World Wide TrIVII Sorvltg 107 Dunlap SI East Barrlo Oppmlh Quinn Huh PA 66525 Tannin an my EI film 111 Front FREE Exp 12 Exp lncludlnl Free Fllm Ind Pflnll MAIL FILMS REPRINTS 23 EA REPRINTS EKTACHROME SLIDE PROCESSING 357MM520 Exp Mounkd 127 12 Exp Mounlad 36 Exp Mount JOHNSON C0 llMITED Slut Mann Om an Two Yuu SI Man Ono You Two Yom KODACOLOR DEV Ind HUNTING HERE ARE THE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0R RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR ME SCHEDULE OF POINTS NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS MR5 ANNE BOWERS Rnpruonflng Shanly Buy Phonl PA 6M THROW OFF OR BY MAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAIL WITH EVERY ROLL SENT IN FOR Ill be cullingpn you soon BOX 222 TORONTP 1919er wnh voun Help RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS sits 5000 palm I0000 pom 20000 palm 10000 polnn 15000 punh 50000 polnh See PDIIUFIL snaIn Ilaly Iunlnndxo Soulhunluwpo on Canadim mm Emrrm ToursIthuxonnulrillllor gnu MM plum mam prim muplfllfizthpmyouslm wilh Eanldun Pianos llday economy lam look mm um Imus Cos Include hols II5hlxeoinmumomealx QIUROIESFOURSEASDHSM Idvvnlumux ll tour In the sunnclandt Sculhum uh are ixil lllbon Sevmu Mar 16 Barcllann Nlco homo Nhunl lufl uvuythng mm lively lnlin nlghl Mo mimic AmpoIiL ll days only $11 plu law pawnd nu mm um um OMKDIHRMNEAN CRUISEM Ouilinz ulmndm low Hut Imludu lhbom Mldrld Home Vonlulhuulcliumymvny JTI lo hhlod Will cl ml lnm llmmnl lhlla lun 71 lmlmlinl am my mm III my on Super DCB mpml lhlmmlmnlydhm mm mm clnldn major ilrn lo lhhon Madlbd Rom low luMm lnluvlnx Ihm and Wm mum mm yuvvluwlArnlouny dun Bull Inc carefree days as little as $le rm PLUG AIR IAlu

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