35 lem illl mi he In hul lulu hm nnyvme Mn rnn phono Mn Mombr ll Mn Mouth nld mom Inn In Hull region hum bun Mm lo pul In uhlhlll Ibrlr work MM Monmy mhlrnl ol Ihn flmlo Mmu llullh Auoclmlun nhl ha wmhhnr njmllhnlly lnr hum luv nml Vhllr rm whnnlml Sh Inkl lhrru nu nlmul valunlmn In flnnlu and II In cher lhnl nlmul In VI Il migt HMO nmln pmplu will nl end In nnotlny rnlly and wall nhop nmmnml hy mad Inn Menlnl llullh Auoclnllnn ll Yark llnlvmlly In Tnnmlo en Nav Maulluau Imlrr low llm youlhu Um WM lucky nu on WM injuud lhlnk oure lorlunu Ml ynurc not mini man mlaun chm Wm drlvn1ho anlm llo Inld lhnl lhry hlll lor mm llnlr mm drlvn on Magistrate Suspends Licences Of Three Youths for Two Years Locals To Attend It Health Rally defence atlorney old Enr lie Mnglslrate Court Thursday um wild chase alum Huh Way no In whlch three cm lured another the mad show how wrestlers are mu ars njwl rlsydwlgzy mm the cadet aul lllzhwuy no lawnrd Cnmp Borden 0n lho hlxhwny he youth lrlod In slop Unullonl cmpllng la box It In lhclr lhrce can McKny rmalcdly dmva M1 ur up behind Doullonl and Mrurk punhlnu It weeds up In as mph ncmrdInK lo les tlmany 11x hm llmo Iu Id lhll ho muck he mr ldl corner at Haullou cnr cnmlnn II In lpln and to on lhu md lnlvn lhu dflrh wu nllutd Crown Allnrncy mth Ch onor laid he court lh In II coma Inch Mltr what he Inmnununz oIllccr ducribod as could Ablo ncllvlly Ihe Inna dur lnu whlch the cadet clr owned by OC John noullon wnx klck ed rcpcnlmly the youhs 10H nwcd the cadet aul lllzhwuy no Jpnpp Borden uww Charged with careless drlvlnl alm nn nrcldcnc mulled wm Wnyne Vlllrcd Barnes 170 Vcsl Gruvenhursl and Wayne McKay 1n and Hobln Armand Edwards bulk 01 ll Anne Darrin The than developnd lflcr large zmup youth had an argument wlth numbcr 05 Royal Mllllnry Collcu Olllccr Cadets over which wresllcr Ihould have been cheend ll Barrio Arum Cnmmunily representatives glued so ï¬ercely aver which calm munuy should lay host lbs Mnrlpnsn Fesl val next year that Zone chairman Willard Klnzle had to call ha mean in ordcr Th9 Geurglan Buy DevelnpA mph Assoclallun In Zone meellng held lhls weak decid ed an valley of nonmagan convcnllon business in Ihree wnys Small convention which can be accommodated by the null mm of his area will he solidl ed Du tour 1mm large con venllons In bigger Ontario clues will be encouraged and tourism by convention delegates helme Ind unex lhclr convcnunnx wlll llfo lgenmurnxcd Zone Seeking mm mm might ham tendency Io run things lhclr own way II now with the ward system mm sallslactory think lzmnn council ls beiinr than an eightman ans When you let too low mum hm hm LI not enough manpnwer to will various things loq few men INQUIRING REPORTER ASKS Do You Prefer An cert In one Arranm hy lhu nmnumlly Convert Aunclluan mm Ccnlrnl Canalla orrhulrn pcr lormod In penan concorl III mum lul SMurdny 1m nlnu SARJEANY INSURANCE AGENCY mm yum mum In lhl olk lllmlurn all nnllanl and more rmnlly UK now Milan Mrlu him yielded low malady Ind color wher ha ha pal llo plcnnlnz iuu lop ed And many II program bulldcr and MI compilations um Inld be IIA my In Admlxlure sound mnxtul vnluo Ind top mterlaln mtnl INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PERSONAL Oct mulule McKay whom Muanlrnlo mm called ha worst offend er becausc was the car that spun Boullon car all he ï¬nd was xlwn In at $125 and costs or 750 or month In Barnes was fined 575 mu 750 cost or 20 days and Ed ward was llncd 375 and 81250 mu nr 20 days de Paur Chorus Is Next Feature highway and said will pend your Ilcenm or nu unch lhls synlule Councll MI ec Ihat the da flclency should be brunth la thn allenuan of the Simon Cnunw mmnll Mr Klnxlo protested against the lack of sins In the am He refund to lho Big Shula Manna Rnllwny as an example Though the railway prime lunrlst allracuon then not sin nferrlm to in mile of roads lcgdlpg 10 IL an v1 um unun He said that municipalities shauid xubmi any subject mat ter lint they wished to have in ciuged ol Increasan lnduslrlal and oth er development for tho Georllan Bay Development Assnclnllon are was led by Nuvllle Rule gtneral manager ol the GBDA Al lurnad out however Mnyar Isabcl Pan Orlllla already working on plan for neg yearn gavel GBDA Tourists INSURANCE SURVEYS FOR AL TBURLOW Baum thnk the 12 men there are doing load enough Jab II and Im satisfied with their work Im not on well vets ed on the pmcedum but dunt see any mm for chnuin if theyre doing ha work And he mun hnvc clnso contact with hair re specllve wanis nod Max in Juell nnm wlll lus AMI Imu In law mm ohm you un mcom rum tumor um 001M CAMPBELL nu Hun Ilmllr imm wm no vlded mum mum mnlurll lov mm lnlomulllnu lml null IM coupon Inan mlmnanl lnrgml II km or Ian IM Ill LHI lmunnu mellon Our Ulo lmomc Nun In upallly dullned lot mu Imm Iho unit Aflumnlmj mum would lulu Ihat urea ovemmenuhwld be hand upon 11 mu being run And when dennlly In 01 an mould be crec Imul with mm In um lo Iuppm an econnmla Ihould no only apply In crmanenl mldencel bur tho or mum mu when on let rand Illcr road building bu In united by web method upllc tank or unlllry dll chum wllhln law turn we lflppLV 11 llFE INCOME 11 In Ixrlcnltura um nl Iuro generally pmvlde mnny llwse lnrvlcu he galluuon donxlly very mall nld Mr Cooke memd ll lherl l1 nnylhlnx lo Iha alplannlnz um from Icltntllla hull It should be poulhla to develop yard Illck whlch muld bu uled In my when an urban um Ihoul ba uggblllhed And In demlly the populallan pu lm lucuuel this becomes more Important lo lmura henlthy ntmnsphnro An urban pman gcnerllly require uuch snrvlm wmr uwlgo meet Uxhllnz Hr pm lecHon Ind so on Wu wr partner Ihlpl In planning HI nld There II In Imme dlnla connch Inlemu with pmnn who urn Mug by worklnu In commerce or lnduslry and mother porlan who Hm by agriculture NEHEDS SERVICE Iyn Address the nlnlh Annual canvenllon the OntHo Ano clnllan of Urban and Rurll Mum lclpllllie Mr Cooke Id main um am zovemmcnt gala to be approved in con mlullon should prnvldo or the epmllon urban and run or muglclpal navernmenl pun uk NIAGARA FALLS The jun lla 01 lb municipal duml and raspumlhllluu should he clnrll led Mayor Canko Bun1c nId hm yesterdly Why called MAYORS CONTENTION mm Burk 18mm considmlinn Ihouid In xivm to an 11th mm council and mayor This Wflllld dniinlkiy break down ha feeling oi dlvldtd Barrie and mandala and be cause the members would be elected from the city at large they would deal wiih Ind give mount to any Luuo on um basis or what in hes tar Illa entire city mn lhinklng wnuld not be ham pered by ward election And ward npmeutalivcs DON CAMPBELL Must Clarify Jungle 9f Municipal Duties Or Twelve ROYAL BANK Nu Hum Auk up Ikulm arm Il you menu Cum anlnrt and new flurlum value an be calm my Hm or full he has at the Royal 04mm mu mlw IN Ammo Buy youn Canada Savings Bonds COLLEGIATE BOARD mum meotlnl In Hm rh Dhlrm Contam Bond will be mm In tha hoard mom Cent Culleno It pm Mnndny mlaun governing bodies Mr Cook concluded Whlll wo no ultlnl far In ovum mlnt ho proem Jung Am control by mare than on munlclplllly lends lo re move the auction from 1110 Deep and council canlwl um listed some than Th0 dhmbullon ol mu by amas mcnl even whun tqunllzed apex to dzblte ud In many gun or Illa pmvlneo Ihl hllh Ichooll urvlco pupils lrom lhclumun Area Thi nma huh could be used to would water and mm can police And In Area much Metro Toronto and tho Chlcuo Innlury dlxlrlct There are drawback Io extan dln lhh practice In nld mum of lame township and lies Mr Cook Iald nywagcxs m1 mm The null township could continus within the present coun ty miem Mr Coah laid Sine most of these boundar las have been established will out my knowiedn oi todayl need it might be ndviubin lo runnbllzh new township and uouniy houndnriel Initial ihern up nto mull dly economic uniia Th5 might call or the Imalwmll rcplqcemen openunz unit and uh can It mjecledAxrowlh ho mm McMEN Bum prelu an slamnun council Ive mu loo many bl bond and committee Mk too long In mu llama An elmmun muncll would do the job In er Ind mm elllclently when or Illa man an elected we to wind or 3mm lhe ally reduced council nln mlchb also Idd morn lnccullva or more men to run lnr cauncll As ll naw may mend Jon hours unions ooun mun pnocssos 10 ms RETARDED cuubnws aunomo FUND Mombm of HM Knmpunlolr Klwmll Club will un vu door lo door Mendy and Tuudny uvunlngl ulllng Gnorglnn nay ulm Mrlnmh Applu The Following Ara municipal duiles and respon Iibiliiie were ciariiicd so ihnt the lacal government in levying real estate properly taxes nnly ind to concern iixeli wiih ihn urvicu provided ior iis ciiizcns under Ii jurisdiclian it might be surprising how easily ihi whale quesiinn wnuid resoivoii zcii even wilhnur are govern ment inaller by new Any council can be im proved or mlllnr kn 0d um BOBIERDmlcr Some people may be concerned that too mlny person wlll lnvolvo more dlscuulon and less work obvlnusly 11man council wnnt haw tho dls pnlch avallablo wllh an elghl man one but dont sue hls reason to cut dawn suppose lm snllsliorl with counclll What have they lull cd do uld hedorne AM MONDAY OCTOBER2Ist WARDS and TUESDAY OCTOBER 22nd WARDS and KIWIINIS SECOND ANNUAL KEMPENFElT Wlll Bo Canlllld Forecast temperatures Lows overnight High Sunday Wlndsor Lake St Clair Lake Brim Lake Huron saulhcm Georgian Bay Windsor Landau Niagara western Lake Ontario Hamlb on Toronto Becoming mainly cloudy wllh chance of law shown In evening or Iu nlghl wnllnulnz warm Sun day varlablu cloudinelend warm Vlnd light snmherly JIM ARMSTRONG FIRM prefer izman council would probably has tho taxpayer ii the lite com 11 was cut it is now it is deï¬nitely Inlhlactnry Bnnic has been flowing and not decreasing and hemii come lime when we might need more mun Hs beilu this way WEATHER unlllllb macaw flamoloiséiflamllmknd Umb hn ywmmlnon tho tank ELECTRJEXIAIERHIATING APPLIANCE asfastasaverageusedemamis with the new APPROVED fluoan wu Appllonoo II on APPRWED PRO uh flu camblmd numb Om Nydvo Ind Charla mm you can heat water electrically mountain your hydra Slum tho lannouncemcnl of the committee Ive wondered who would be on It and what would be done Ive wondered recreation conscious pcoplo would be appointed to It Ivo wondered If while Ihoy he con Ivn asked lot of pcoplu who are active in recreation 11 they knew who was on Ith comm teo Ive yet to get anything but negative answcr 111m was no need then to ask what was going on nu II II mil to do wllh recreation people Item an more apt to talk tell what they know or hale bcqrd wrllera can feel ï¬le has dune Mason Anything olmch great consequch does unvuuuuflfll Granted the same mport said flu mu the committees ding would be expected ear ly in la However It hasnt announced to my mind at least just who makes up Ms commute Who am the loll ow or women who Hrsgoing to degerml IJuslt wlgnls what form athlete of no great status as former sports writer and sports editor and sports Ian accepted tho new oi the committee with wide open anxiety At last thought Barrie would got or ganlzed later as recreation whilst in sport is consumed In almost mnnlh since Barrie CIIy Council In It be known committee was being formed lo study recreation ac llmea here The dale to be end we Sept 23 3mm EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOBER The name ruin School Board will met In the Public Emilie Bulldan at pm nus 2v So whusocver you an you people on the committee came out of hIding Lets gel together on this It or lhc whale citys beneï¬t Isnt dont believe that Won people on news Ma wholo IL sue Im 22000 Um ism used in council scion of recreation these poo pie would he more involved In xomezhing other than brldge Would they be people present lylnvolvcd In recreallon lex softball baseball hockey len nls bllliards loothall etc Ara they athletes or execullvu of IdllLllc and recreallonal organ muons What do hes people do An they qualllxed to look Into such sltuaflon Do they have or Interest or are they lull happy to be appointed Who are the member of tho committee puma smobL Bomb