iv Pholo by Les Cowper Studio COUPLE SIGN REGISTER KINGCALDWELL RITES Her Sketches Aid Surgeons SWARIZ BAY BC CPI Michelangeto studied anatomy to perfect bis sculpting but Barbara Bhlnd studied line art to pcriect her anatomical work Mrs Rhtnd who lives in this seaside community near Vic toria Is one or the tow medical illustrators in the country illustrations often provide clearer picture oi operating pro cedures than photographs Sho spends her time draw ing operative procedures tech niques specimens and medical graphs and charts Her studio can be anoperattng theatre laboratory or morgue She spent the last six years on call at the Edmonton Uni varsity Hospital ior special cases or new procedures Sitting on high stool she overlooked the operating table sketching each step From the compiled sketches she com pleted detailed picture The detailed pictures are used in slide iorm during medical lectures and published in med ical journals She was the iirst medical il lustrator in Alberta and will continue to provide melted drawings ior Edmonton doctors while working treeiance on Van couver island Trip To The Laurentians Follows Wedding At Trinity honeymoon to the Lauren tians iollawcd the wedding at litw Marilyn Ann Caldwell to Thomas Walter King in Trinity Anglican Church Oct 11 nk white and ccrise gtadt nii and candelabra created the scttiug tor the aitcrnoon cere mnny periormed by Archdeacon ltcad assisted by Rev Gardiner Skelly oi Colticr Street United Church The soloist Victor Knox oi lizirric song The Twentythird Psalm and during the signing at the register Lord liiost itoly accompanied by the or ganist Mr Belcher oi Coiling Hail The bride is the daughter oi Mr and title George Cnirh icil oi Collier Street The bride groom is thc son oi Mr and Mrs llarvcy King oi Lciroy HIlIDAI GOWN The bride was escorted down the while carpeted aisle by her intiicr For her special day she chose court at brocade and candlelight corsage peau its sole The dress was designed with tilted bodice leaturing high rounded neckline and long taper ing sleeves The toll length bolt shaped shirt was enhanced with tilt oirrskirt oi pcau de sole tiltlcit ilowcd to chapel train large pcaii do sole rose held the lingcrtlp veil oi silk tulto illusion the bride carried bouquet oi illlto sweetheart roses and baby mums with ivy streamers MTHNIMNTS the bride was attended by ANN LANDERS Airs linger Sturgeon oi Barrie as matron oi honor Mrs John Poole oi Barrie and Miss Ruta Jonson oi Toronto were brides maids The attendants were gowned alike in dresses oi Autumn cer lse pcau do sole designed with iittcd bodiccs with saitly scoop ed necktines and elbow length sleeves The cone shaped skirts icatured side pleats and sell bow trimming Their headdresscs were circtets ni Autumn ccriso net with large rose iashion ed ol matching pcau dc sole They carried bouquets oi ccriso rosebuds surounded with white baby mums Robert Sturgeon oi Barrie nt ieoded es gxuoinsiouii The ush crs were Garry Caldwell oi Tim mins the brides brother and Robert Burns oi Barrie RECEPTION Following the ceremony is re ceptioa was held at the Bay shorc Hotel Receiving the brides mother wore gown oi ltoyat Jewel Chilton veivct en hanced with leather hat and accessories in matching tones corsage oi pink carnations complemented hcr costume ltie bridcgrooms mother as sisted attired in gown oi mink tintcd brocade with matching locket hot oi brown clttI and enrsnge oi pink sweetheart roses complemented hcr ensem blc For travelling the bride donned three piece double knit suit in beige rind brown tones with matching accessories and car Family Wont Respect DoorMat Mother lirar Ann Landrnt would bin in ruinuiciii on the letter Itiitll Illt mother who conir IiiIiiiltl tliiit Iict cliiliircn hull iiuv upper linnil itinil gricil Im only it illlll know that any lllilltir wiio lets her kids stop all ltr her is plain stupid ii nuthrr works all day and air biotinrs and to plciiiy tor rillliiui My brothers tire is tool In ie crt our liwn hrcak Iii take care oi our own imnii and arrange ior our own liuispuiiiilinn iiiuu dont think we are un lIilltlIVlltLliI Ve ore is normal ioniiiy with li iilcc homo and plenty oi advantages The iiioiiirr who wtiitt thiil lcttrr ilunild llil tiiniiiiriillog lirr toti oiound Mn is making riiii invalid out at llllill lluyd hate num mom ior Ilti ii Flit stopped being door iiiit it lirr liltll tile on tiriplrn liilil has around lil hate it think what they will be without Ill lIATTtIN MIMOUHI IlIZN liriir lnylnn rmu Your Iri tn ii on eluqllriii pmIon at tun iin Ittrll trying in all to parents tor years it think you ior laying Itand Hut it so well hope all IMlIIltil whon this notion tlicin rugged will iiur letter and recognise ierirr liIJtIATItN or Anni My limiqu ls oi on stinlr with the mo iirll door We has ibiivliiil in II and III it two About children lV is not his lint roinnnin we were inliilrrl and it be hll last Divorce in out the ipirdlon In have ll wt iliII in his mnnlr siivs He will ipiit running iiiillii wlirn ho is worn out lb ultl he in about to ye vIt husband has asked our in lliiiltI daughter to baby ail twilbuiit pay or III woman li when he takes brr to union meetings tiiicy work togrlhcr iinii other supposedly business connected nitairs Our daughter doesnt see why she should turn down paying customers and III without pay inr this woman Im niroiil the girl may catch on that there Is eumclliinii between them licaso icll me wiiat to do ilT Dear tT Tell your hus hamlrlgh wliinl IIotI litt tor ncvcr ngoin ask his dangh lrr to sit tor the neighbor woman IiIiIItl it clear ilioi it he does you will step in NI iorm her that llit is under no Dililttillltlll in tip to You hair the right or ii mother to hrotrtt your dough tcr against this iiiiriiiit iiilng lie pliiity eiiiphnlic lllliI dont back down nn iiiili UNIUHT Dear Ann Laminar was married tor 11 train to happy drinker lhn Iiist tiirre years at his lilo liippuiiril liiiii he use he was too sick to work Iir died III that Six months ago pointed it my hire innit who IIiIII iioirr lirrn lilnrllrll Iiclnrr Wniirn II Itm prison till be Is irry good to me tin ll also wonder lid in my HIIICFilltl dangli lor but he tniii min to warm up to my IIIyrtlrtllii soil sly suit Is the image uI bi intiirr and ovriyivwiv iciiiniiui about it iin Mill Hill is the reason Vaiirii tliirsut like thn little livliiiw llll iiiliilttiiitn iu the boy input in our is won inn lirtwirii lniirn mat tit mom Ninirliilug II unm anon Niall IIIItiII it With Iiiml lirarn lit me now what is IWI JI rim llior oul IlilIImniI to me talk with your rirlgymnn it In Imus horn an unbiased third paity that his IttIillEl toward the boy are liiiIlil and irrational and that his marriage may he iuinnl More at those ireiings hell listen tin sage oi yellow sweetheart roses On return irom the wedding trip the newlyweds will reside at lot Peel Street Guests attended irom Atliston Cookstown Thornton Ottawa Lelrey Toronto Churchill Pet crborough Newmarltet Tim milis Long Branch and Guth rlc THE STARS SAY Dy ESTRELUTA FOR TOMORROW This days planetary lnilu coccs are more auspicious ior personal matters than ior busts ncss aliatrs Put iorth your best etiorls in all activities how ever and you can have sat istnctory day Just curb tenden cies toward ovcmggrcssivcoess and youll be all right FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates line prospects where your personal tile is concerned The aspects lavor harmonious domestic re lotionships stimulating social lite and great romantic happi ncss Where the latter is con ccrncd late December and the period between next June and Scptcmbcr will be your best cycles in financial llolrs you may experience some ups and downs but it you take all in stride and keep plugging you siiould wind up your year on the credit side oi the ledger This should not be too diiticult since practicality and the ohtl ity to succeed in the lace oi obs stocles are among the Librnna many line traits in lob matters put iorth your best eiiorts and show is willing ncis to do more than your share cspcctoiiy between now and late Decembcr Generous rc wordr are indicated then also in midloot January July and August at next year will be ex cellent ior travel child born on this day will be highly endowed along new live lines but may dislike the iinrd work and attention to de tail needed to proiit by them Stars will invor routine mat terl rather than new color priles nn Monday Stick to mnt im with which you are lami llnr and protect present iris instead oi trying to increase them through eculatlon Dont try to mix but am with picw ure either Foil THE BIRTHDAY it Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you may have to work hard inr success and make occasional revisions in your budget during the next year but the rewards will be well worth the rilorl Good opportunities ior both Job and innnclol gains are in lIICuIttI in early November late December and mid that but three periods will be inter spersed with somewhat doliI cycles in be realistic lian timid and not only conserve allots hut woiir out consta lrnl program ior steady pro gliss Dont count on any dra matic iililIIl lrnm your rliortl during the nut It months Social nliairl IllilltltI plate in ltltlhllf in Ilrrrliihrr inunry llIlI iiitl lent to grncrait happy period tor all Minions ill be raiciui not to reuse dlu tension to either iwmlly or hurt rim rirrlrs tor the balance iii this month or in tvhinoiy lawit ior rhnncrl to trawl neat July and Aorist ior he by roman ilr duo opmcnls in ate Ilflilfl her and between June and titp trnihor oi next year rhllti horn an lhll day will be minaret wllh been unto ni nllro and great love at ith lotion inrn llIALIAIN IAN Tiiiliey nr chirimi will Molt more lvmly Ii placed in shal low routing pp SAYS FASHION COORDINATOR Fashion Forecast Depicts VYour Life In The City By EILEEN DIXON Fashion coordlniitor ior Fm shion Forecast Mrs Rod Sntl dcr handles her position with wealth oi experience to buy ing and Inshlon promotion The whole theme at Fashion Forecast is Your Lite in Dar rie Decorations will depict winter the inBarrte and we hope to prescnt clothes which can be worn ior all occasions in the coming season Mrs Snider commented This will be complete Barrio show with merchandise irom Barrio stores worn by Barrie models ior living in Barrie Fashions shown will take Barrio women irom sports activities through to the New Years Eve Ball The isshlon show which Is the Ys Mcncttes second annual event will be presented at the Continental Inn on Wednesday with three showings at 230 pm pm and pm Mrs Lois Robertson will be the com mentator FASHION EXPERIENCE Mrs Sniders seven years ex perience in iashion promotion iotlowed her graduation irom North Western University Ev anston lillnnis Just outside of Chicago She majored in Enti lish in the iicld oi creative writ ing and her ilrst position loll owing graduation was with Charles Stevens and Co oi Chicago large womens ape cialty store was hired to write book let describing store operations how merchandise was handled sold cic which finally lin ishcd and it was used through out the States at various branch stores it was during this time the industrial psychologist visited the store and it was dis MRS BOD SNIDER covered that would he poten tialiy good at merchandising Mrs Snider sold during our in tervtew At this time Mrs Snider was given an opportunity to enter the buying iicld Hcr initial training ior buying was in the better coats and suits depart meot where she became buying assistant Alter six months ex perience in this iicld she had the chance to enter sportswear Iwhich was just coming into IL own WORLD OF SPORTWEAR was thrilled at this oppor tunity since sportswear even then could cover any event Knits were just coming into their own and anything that could be worn or sold as separ ates could be classed as sports Sportswear styles had TilTHE DARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOREH 1D 1961 Community Shares Memories With Couple Wed 50 Years Mr and Mrs Edward Elit aon marked the ï¬lth aonlvcr sary at their wedding with an at homc held in the Orange liail at Beelon Friends and relatives irom the surrounding community and irom distant places took the 0p portuolty to visit with and con gratulate the celebranls who have resided in the community most at their lives Baskets oi ilowcrs and com grntuloiory cards added dc corotivc touch to the decor at the hall which the celebrants entered to the strains oitbe Wedding March with lillss Cor olynn liannah presiding at the piano Welcoming the guests were Mr and Mrs llaroid llilison Mr and Mrs Oscar Ellison sons and daughtersinlaw oi the ccicbranls and their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Garnet Vcstlakc The gutst book was lookcd oitrr by grandsons Joiin Wtsi lake Doug Dob and lied Elli IOH The ten table was ccntrcd with it wedding cake ilankcd by candelabra During the ills ternoon rrcrption the bride grooms liricr Mrs Mary don oi Woodbridgc and Mn Amy Deruli oi Ilccion cousin oi the bride presidcd at the tea tnhtc Pouring tea in the even ing were Mrs Bertha liaines oi Edmonton Alberta sisterinrlaw oi the bride and Mrs Sarah Lewis oi Alliston cousin oi the bridegroom lca assistants included grand dailghicrs Miss Caiolc Ellison Misses Linda and Norma Coop er and iriends Miss Mary lltcrryiictd and Miss Carolynn liiinnab Among the oltcrnoon guests was itcv Downer oi Darn troon who presented the couple with iramed scroll on bchuii oi the Province oi Ontario DINNIIlt IAHTY iamin dinner party was held in the bascmcrit oi the Presbyterian Ciiurcb Master at ceremonies was ilcrb Saw don the hridcgrooml brother inlluw Alonzo lialnes proposed the toast to the bride his sil tcr llrlri rcrriarks oi pleasant associations with their grand parents were made by Carole Ellison Linda Cooper John testinke and Doug lliiison Mr Sawilon concluded by wishing the couple many more happy years at companionship and stood iicnllh The couple were the recipients at licnulliiil gills ilornl bou quota and congratulatory cards Your Steps will get Siares Add Bcnvl Plotrt ouiiii Inilollnilen Construction 11 lelnieiud COMIIII InlilnII Nepalid lived our Home with READYMADE PAKASI STEPS and PORCHES 10 at to It lvini VIN HIID DOUGLAS CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED For Free Estimates Cnli PA 89642 See Our Display At 91 Anne St Barrie lust gone into alterlive and we had lots oi latitude felt at that time and still do that sportswear can cover all walks oi lite Mrs Solder stated Recalling experiences irom her earlier years in the buying ileid Mrs Snider says that there is one event shewill never for get They were encouraging us to do lot oi buying in Eur ope and was given the oath ority to buy coats too in tact The coat arrived by alrtho night betele the show and the box smelled like something irom the loo We soon discov ered the coats had been llown with shipment oi monkeys and every coat smelled the lame At that time It was tra glc but now it seems rather iunny 006 at thd biggest problem in large store is exchanges While training in administra tion Mrs Snider remembers woman who returned 50 list the day otter she was pictured Wearing the hat on the social pages at Chicago newspaper We lust bundled it up enclosed die clipping and returned it ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY Since arriving in the city two years ago with her husband who Is Sales Manager oi Im perialEastman Company Limi ted and their three children John Susan and Mark Mrs Snider has become active in various local groups She is Director oi the School at listi glon with the Unitarian Fellow ship member at the Barrie Gel and Country Club and con vener ior Canadian Players with the Barrie University We mens Club We need the support oi all Barrie women to make this is shlon show success Mrs Snider stated and women with iamiiies will understand why Proceeds will be donated to the Barrie building iund US Social Worker Praises Canadians TORONTO CPI United States social worker praised Canadians Tiiuieilay night ior pioneering the ado tion at Negro children nio white homes But you kept quiet about it sold Harriett Frtcke oi liitnnc soto here to tell the Social Planning Council about her states two year old Negro adoption scheme She satdi Nobody expected white iam itlcs in the United States to want Negro children until lust over year ago it wasonly when we learned Canadians had been doing this ior it years Miss Frlcke and her commlt tee opened the campaign with is television show icaturing threeyearoid Negro boy named Bobby Favorable reaction started at most immediately she said and when the campaign ended in June there were 600 inquir ies irom lomllies wanting to adopt hobby or child like him Shir said there are 150 chil dren under eight in Minnesota who need parents and too in Toronto OLDSTEIIS HANDICAP LONDON CF More than 750000 old people in llritatn are sulirring irom isolation says sociologist Pctcr Town send its describes their mircry on an immense social prob lem Piiiii NOVEMBER The engagement has been announced oi Miss Betty Van Kalker daughter at Mr and Mrs Van Kalker oi ilarric to Gerry itlemcrsma oi nar rlc son at Mr and Mrs November Dance Planned By Aux The Navy League at Canada Ladies Auxiliary held its months ly meeting at the home ol Mrs Leighton Final arrangements were made ior the Comeas youilka Dance to be held at the Orange llali Burton Avc the date set ior Nov euchre is to be held in Jan uary date to he announced in tcr Father and Son banquet will be held in February Mrs litadtgan announced that the next meeting would be held at Mrs Dagnooults res idence on Nov ill at which time TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA IZtie NUPTIALS nlcmcrsma oi Grontngcn Holl land The marriage will take place at the Christian itciorm ed Church Barrie on Nov at pm Portraits by Les Cowper there will be visitor Mrs McChcsnoy who will show the ladies how to decorate cakes with all kinds oi inncy things such as birds ctc Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE PA 61142 Havent you go one youre sure ivill win sonny Back ri winner Guard your future security the guaranteed way with LifeinsuranceYourConfcdcrntion Life man will show you how Protect the you love onfederation Life av GONBULT MitchIi CiU Divisional Manager I48 Steel Slrast Barrie Tel PA 552 Natural GAS