51111 mm Exgym mummy omnan 11 um By STEVE JONESCU Im beginning to wonder who is winning the run of the herring on Kempenieii Buy For time took the iishermens words and could picture thousands at biuebacks being hauled out cleaned and munched But now dont know The tellowé expected to catch enough for more than snack and snapshot havent come through And from all indications Sunday may have been the best day for the boaters Des Mo all the men and boats on the water Monday hear of few good catches always get the same answer You should have seen the haul the fellow had yesterrhay Maybe should have Then too could be the target of normal fisher mans tale Why would one fisherman want another on the water Nevertheless the herring run has caused some ex citement 1n the city VOYAGEURS Angtqnu ihflerngn otthe ï¬réat canoe trip to the far north havo returned and theyre drawing wllllng ears every where they go Evegtnlngygnt pretty well for the where they go Everythln went guys who canoed to Fort lbany Only known casualty was Jack Hamilton who sub cred some rib bruises when the canoe In which he was riding through the rapids struck rock GREAT OUTDOORS Among other thtngs Jack satd that byytollowtng the marks of the Indians you couldnt go too for wrong The group was amazed too at the way the nattves can repatr boat regardless of conditions As or the other Barrie people who were to get to Albany by plane and be there when the canoelsls ar rived things didnt go exactly as phnned The fliers were the second persons to reach the point SHORTER NOTES The big bear hunt in Innisfii Township yesterday was unsuccessful The animal that is supposed to be causing some trouble is still alive and most likely still itching to be bother SOmE Hunter Safety Classes continue tomorrow night at seven oclock The group sponsorin the course Bar rle District Hunters and Anglers onservatlon Club has meeting called for Mondayat the Orange Hall Allandnle Kiddies You make like its spring by ï¬shing oi the end of the Baytield Street dock Many oi our buddies are pulling in some pretty good loo ng pore MONTREAL CPI Football Ila Marv Luster laid Wednes day the Negro minute has In be cnrclul not to be deluded into hinklnf he accepted mums clthm In lull lame He lnid members of mu In alhlfllts are accele only hccausc oi lhclr skills on lh ilcld and not because they no equal human hclnga Luster Calilnrnla born and with Momma Alnueltel 01 lb Eastern Football Camr cnco and farmer unr nl UCLA wal uddmslnz Hue Monlrenl Advcrlislnz and Salt Execu um Club the Ivar1e New Imam he dllcrlmlnnled ugnlnst right from Iha Ilm but the athlete Ind thing Illuhlly lemnl Major unlvmlllu cnlu lo We are mnlcd lullclnu cl hcnshlp easy or younl tcllow lo Ihlnk he ll ncccpled lnln socltly Fellow Aludrnu look up to ynu Faculty mem bm ndmlrc ynu Samcllmu yuu are even asked lo lnln uhll lrulcrnlly nul only ran Once he cllowl plnylnu day are though he drew rizhl hack lo mudclan rflhen Its Illa be men Ilulc hit funny miuhl hnvo bun belltr lo have nnne II II It mlxh bl TORONTO CPITho lour cmlnlry world curllnl thlm plnnlhlpn wlll htld In My nrxl Mmh Hm II Announced hm Wednesday 111L mmlu lh Inl Hm In llxyrnr lllnlory llml lhI cwle will he uhl aullldu Scul 11m Cnnmll lml on com prmlon mm mm vlh lhn you rhnmplon lulu lhl Hm lllrhnnlmn lnk mm IllInn Furlnnflnn In InternHamil lrhlmry rouncll la mid up 01 reprmnlnllm lrom ht nllnl hodhI hum Mach Ih cumpcllnn tounMu Cnmd IN United um manna ml Hunlrnwu Ilw unmounted nnmlnl uurmnlnllvn on Inc vnuncll In olin Cum hell Tmunlo rhnlrmnn al In Do mlnlnn Curllnl rinlinnl pmlrnm rummltlu um pull pmmml lhe DCL In Us nvrmnlnnve Elmer Frey Hum Mn MIMI Jlmmm nl Maillot In lM lhunl fllnlonlnn lurllnl Club Mum ThrRvaIh mmlm null lw armlnlnl Inlar by IM Suilhluï¬unlnu Am an Luster Speaks On Negro Athletes llirhnullnr ml mllmc wlnner ol AIM may ml In mm and llec HInIIl Iidnmntnn lht MI Cumllnn nanmiun DINI won lho world ml Ihl year Calgary Site For Bonspiel Herring Winning Annual Fall Run halter live and mum Ihan merry lie Olhur Nam membus he Maudie answered quesflons Hallhnck Dan Clark xldellned with leg injury wn naked he had experienced dlscrimlnr Ion hem and replled he hnd Another halfback Bnbhy Lee Thompson said he loo nonb ol hll teammates an proludlced ualml Namcu ii only wt nil wanird In win and bctomo good citizens like the icilaws on lilo loam man in win game limo wouidnl heldllml inr xuiai inm ha BOWIE Md APlA curd payofl far beHn Maryland wax Bawlo Race Cauru Wrdnudny nhnn lane Imm wan mrmuo on us lwin douhlz The wlnner was Imme diately Idenmltd but wm mid to be mm ntnrby Wuhlnglm He wan mm In lhe duhhnuu dlnlnl room wtarlnu bl Imlla and wnvlnl lhe llrkcl lur Ill lo up The wlnnlnu 1mm In Wed nudnyl payofl wrro Save Up whlch paid In the mu rnca lnulmu lelh Foch luau um In he mrnlll and Cock Norm al mm in lhl Hunlh Big Payofl For $2 Bet 11m hlxhul mum or lwIn doublo payoff nujor IOP nunhhrcd lmk In In $51125 mid ll Mllmlc Clly hut Scpl BHTSTONES ma IIRVICI IOI BAYFIELD ST PA M549 TODAV BEST TIRES BUY THE BUY Bnrrle Cenlul Seninn polled lhelrï¬m wn In three mm whlla the CenlrdJunIora racked up lhelr aurth mum victory In Georgian BaySecundnry doubleheadar mlnst erllln DC at 05ml yesterdnx In another league coiled Slaw net Junior blanked Orlllla Park Collgglgle 134 Central Seniors chalked up illH decision The Junlnr were hardpuma 0m DCVI but earn an an the long and of an 86 storm Nlck Owen paced he Cunual Seniora wln checklng In with clan poInILon touchdown convert and hoollnl single Dempley Snow and Jlm qudy rezhlered touchdowns Ken Robertson voted to hut ycnrl llm Allstar cum in Iha Gemlnn Bay Intermediate Hockey League signed wlth Barrie Saven Up last nlzht following the club xecond work out under conch Pnul Mexgn We m1 we now have three top notch defencemen snld club Ipokumln this morning Ken Dav Sanderson and Don McBrlh um good slréngth dalenslvelyr Sand Air voted to the club execulva several weeks Ixo made ofï¬cial that hell be lnylnl by a1 inking Seven mnlncL Meger held another mln nle wnrkout and on hand lnr Bdrrie erntru1 In IWin Victory Roberfs6n Signed By Barrie 7Ups NEW YORK AP Each member at 141 Ann Dodgers no mm 1117 or flallen hm New York Yankees In lnur lhfllKhl names In 1063 Want Series Che me for $781132 will no In Mr mombtr In dvlcnlcd Ylnkm Bah pnyolll an ruc ords The Dodum 1pm hclr mtlon In 32 hlru Whllc lho Yunkcu cut lhlhl In 35 Illm DES MOINES low AP Lou Procter cant but hit Ir Mend In lennlx my more But the 22 earold Duke Unlvmny an or can He his shoelacel xhumn cud Ind black and tackle or the too ball team Jun about well he could helm he lost hll right hand in an lnduxtrlal ac cl an In June ï¬gure guy could play oolbnll wllhoul any hand he wnan to bpdly enough lhe In spoken guard uald tn dny still aver the my llllle blt but dont think Record Purse For Dodgers Frlck baubnll commis Ilancr announced tho wml Vcdneldny In addition to lha mum pnyofll lrkk Inld lho urlu produced the In $1000 000 pool or playm calls Procter grant athlete wllh tremandaun desire Inld Procler made ILCXenr when he came out or lwlball prnc llce that he wanted an lnvors although he had been mm or Drake In past thrga yura ONEHANDED PLAYER TOP PERFORMERWITH SQUAD My him because heu good enough and for no olhcr mason uld Mum who mlnlcd on ma Drake hasnt en beaten In the wo xumcl hats the flavour sécrct of Gold Crestflhiskylj Dani Swnles and Run Kitchen notched uze Orlllll mint and both wen converted by Kitchen Burla Central curled lead into the mad hall and gall ammred 1413 mm fin1 Toxiomwl leuui nation will no Colllngwood and Birth North phy hpnu rk 19d Shy Thm playerl llzured in iha club point recorded by Central Juulm in lhllr aa victory lnm Ardold cruised the line or the major Jim Burke kickud the caan and Bob Nielsen hunted dung ner respectivel Min Price nccounled or the 0mm touchdown this onexwu Don Rich the Tumnto goallcnder who pumm edbriulanlly with In club last lesson but wasnt avllllhle for nlLlho zarq Rumm In In Rlch will be back whh the club tth aca uon again ona pantime hula mu ex acted anolher 1m pmJuuen ervlllll ha hl ii expected that the luguu will open on Nov but the Bar ria Iquld in presently neuritis ting wlih senior club for exhibition game prior to the lan lug opgne hg Practice will conlmuu Ionlgm and tomorrow night up However clubmnfflclal re fund tn commeplyn Elli gamut iï¬whlch Prucicr participated ARMV up nuan held him out the um two games because didnt thlnk his Inn was quflo ready Menu mid WO were beaten hathsz Procter has played about hall the ï¬rm 111 Drunk two victories and In 11 one handed dabu awash South Dakota he recovered um hle knocked down pass cow and unl lnr Drake deep In South aknla lerrllary and generally was he defensive rlnrrdout 130 triumph Am learn as la use an millclpl hand and hook or my normal activltlea um nd Proctor Wllh just one hand have lurned to la my shoes shuf He cards and do Ill the olher lhlngs used ludo wllh lwu hands am having iitllo trouble with tennis which one oi my favorite synriu it didnt take me long in iind out my llrl iricnd can beat me in tennis now MM 0th Than Im In Ill ym Frl Ind But Im to wn COMET SERVICE STATION Its in Walkeris secret distilling process HWY 90 AT FERNDALE CIIIllllln Pun sun wnm The Rocker record wu uh lax anythe thmd Gordiu Howe Aldellned by cut right ankle lnclvllhn clnnus on the Detroit Red wLnsbwcm The wound 1311 expected to keep Howe ol the Ice for long however His next that lob mer Montreal Conndlenl Mnurlce Rocket mahud llma gnunod record prob able will be Saturday night when Detroit ploy Toronto Mr ple been in Torontoo Howe roiling Bldnrdn 1109 neond by Just oneI lur fered ourminke In preo esly with Howemul New York Ringer lulled nhomatawn crowd to win ever be unm uoulle Jacques Plantel nmflthy glue beln deg to New York ram Montreal after last tenxon LOOKS BRILLIANT Plume didnt have Haw to contend wllh but uu looked brllllant kicking out 34 Red wingl shuts utter lilowlngvnlne an in hit ï¬rst two limes Is ajquer Phil Goyem flan sent by Montm to Rangers In the big almatanswap involving men playen put manger mum is IECOIIdl after the game mned whllo Rod Gilbert and Val Fon leyne scored no other New York goalsjn Illa gird period The ion dmppld Detroit in lie to mend place Chic 20 Sun Mikiln led Black Hawks to 52 victory over Bos lon Bruin with hm goals performance which lined hil team into its place and him aeii into the lead Tor individual mixing hqnors The hapless Bnllna last by wide mnrxin last lesson held their own aim Chicago in the tint period only because Damn gonna Ed Johnston was able to kick on ID 20 man Bruin went nhead on powergm goal by Orland Kuro enhnc hut Mikltl gvgnegi thy score before the pcrlod cfased Bobby Hull put Chicago ahead with ma only 1031 the second Hï¬WkS Rangers SCORES Rummle Gln Flues Zombie Pink Ladies Col ln Manhattan Screw dflven Shannon Sllnu LEAGUE STANDINGS Mym 11 Zombies Pink Ladies 24 Collin 2d Rummles 21 Man hattan Gln Pine 19 Screw drjyegl 39 lngpqra Sling leh élnx uleil Mcï¬un Illgh Triple Helen Cross GAMES Dom 713V 202 Helm Cm gs Ev Sllk 207 Mm KEMPVIEW BOWL TUE AH LADIES BOWLING 0pm Sandy mm to pIn perlgd and fig two more goals flullhed of Bob ton In the third Leo Bolvln scored Bostons ucond goal In the thlrd but was too 1m to lave Bruins now whales In their In four outings and can ngaln In 1h ileum with single point Ibr Ken Whlmm picked up an mm on each ol Miklhl goall leaving him pain behind his teammm in individual scoring hnnorn Mlkltn ha live on 1nd our mists Whnrrnm two goal and live Asslslx tha latter ï¬gure laps in the Iealue Toronto moved into mend place tie with Denoil by de icating Monlreai 41 on Cnnm dienn home ice giving Toronto two win against one Inn in lheirlhreu lam TORONTO MAPLE LEM5 goalie Johnny Bower get some help from tummqu And Have The Cleanesl Car In Town WASHES $1000 1200 value ONLY 13 CAR WASII SAVE CASH Corner Dunlop and Anne Sts The rough game was awn un til the 610 mark the third when Torontnl Tim Hortan scored his Hm goal me Aea son and Bsslsled on the clincher About three minutes later Maple Lula opened the scar lng wflh gun by Dave Kenn In lhe ï¬n and Mnntrenl came back wth goal by Gilles Iremblay tn the second period Bob Nnvln again put Toronto ahadearly In the third but this lead will quickly wiped out by Cnnadiem Bflly lllcke Then wm ll penaltley In the lame Including major to Jean Beliveau of Montreal or charglng Red Kelly Into the heard the end of the flu perlod Kelly lmd llve sï¬lches uken for cut ovcr hl Huh fya and dld not mm lbs ce Allen Stanley and Bob PII 1m 20 IS he makes the IIVO alter flaring attempt Heres Chance For You To in loss Cnnadlens ï¬rst Arm distilling mom give Gold le llnvour youll rcniiy enjoy oombinu the qualities you like but In puriccl bninnco Gcnlio light goldenmellow 10 be Innbut will the wink diflmnco of nrcnt invuur mm And always of lilo name superb qunlllyTry Gold le ncxl lime Youll Icc why in numcllug Io muck Illcnllon after plcklng up wln Ind lie In their ï¬rst My games dropped Montreal to mull pot 1n league standings one win ahead New York by Dave Halon of Canadian behind net Tommo won the National Hockey League game 42 Wirephoto COMMUNITY DRIVE In Your ELMVALE ARENA Clmpnln Emu OCT 2128 For ARTIFICIAL ICE SUPPORT Thu