Giving T9 Others Is Theme For Guthrie Messenger Group Inn has mule I5 um mp1 lvr mint erlrma Fllhlp Vlrlmy whim II pmemd In all hlr Iwr hm In nu umenon lrl Duplmll lhz willlclun not an pane lilltl Ml My IM Nlh IKIJL Thcrhiokrnihy In mull11ml lnllrr Um mm 11 JIM In myth and In Frenzh MONTIIRAL CPI omphy ha lulu premlrr Maurlre Duplrull Quebec mlllrn hy Mnnlmla In none wu lulmdlrd walnu day mm In Fund and En All Immun Th pmcnl lylllm nrrd In be rndlcHy mrunnlxrd uld he Lsyuer llcncdlcllnc who menl nlmnxl leu decade In Alma Mon nllrinx lllll glnnllry Ila IDKKHVLI um anlrnu nprmnlnllnn In lavelxn mull Iul In tho hundl nnllonnl 11m lulu Pom Jnhn XXIII And Papa lnul VI haul nrvtd In hlnlur diplomnllc Jnlu brlnrt boclmllnï¬ mmlll nhho Joachlm Ammlnn um uponlollc nunclol In ternunriul and duhgum Ire really yummy any man Duplossis Story New Published VATICAN CITY AIIA ro llrod litrmnn mLulunury Inn uu told lho anlcnn ecumenical muncII Wndmxdny Il Wfll hluh llme lo dn nwny wllh In klml mm nl prrlnle dlpln mull Ila InId lhry make look III Ilmuih lh church mixed up In Inlcrnnllunul puIllIcI Nancy Caldwell conducted the meeting The warship was led by Dnvld and Ivan Mmrlhur The presenting the all but and regular ollerlng amounted to 3736 The leaders were rule lul the pawn and lo llm chlldrcn for bclnz no thoughllul IIJM lime of in la olhcrlflj Twcnlyohécmldren Answnrcd he roll cull wllh vcm on hunks GUTHRIE Special The Messenger mup me an Sutur dny nutmoan in I11 United Church Sundny School room The home of ma worshlp ccnm worshlp mvlcn and program kxxivlng Ind Thank Says Radical Reorganization Needed For Vatican Prelate Hearing of pclillnn for drnlnuc portlun the vi lage of Strand us of Highway was placed before the lecled mlcpnyen They worn BITCH HEARING MAKE nnrn OIHIELMQII FJIIIM Innlsfll Come with on dis senllng vote has decide 71119 last two day November will be open season for deer with permisslon llmltcd to ldgnu ghe townshlg Allendan meeting were David Fralick John Russell Ewan Campbell JaAnne Ver sagc Glurln Mnckle Tulle De Jong Llnda Ball Carolyn Arm slrnng Wilson Pltcher Bub Sweetie lnn 2009551102 Ileev um éulldn Caihy Suiktm 0n leavinv Bub Sweetie thanked the council Occaslnnally than were dual dlscusslnns between councillors and some at the remarks made were between mnmbm and were not concerned with the manor being debated Thls mny have been confusing la Ihe young people all of whom are pussible future councillors as Reeve Joe Cnthrana sald In wolcomlng spyech 111 be lnlercstlng Io hur reuclmn 15 pupils from Strand school who with their teacher Mrs ParkerNance visited die Councll weeping It ls qulte common In count as many elm deer grazlnu an the carrot whlclr are now about ready lo llarvust Mr Vudko told Councll TM was corroborated by Councillor Ehun Sawyer who had seen nurdcn patella cleared by the deer Following vlslt or dcle gallon to the Department 01 Land and Forest ultice at lllunle lnnlslil may estahllsh hunllng reason open only la resldenlr wlth lownshln ll ctnce CLASS VISIT Choll Goes to School wu Vudko owner of lem lands on the second line whl have been cleared and convert ed lulu gardens came to meet ing council to ask for an slslance against the deer popu latlon whlch had destroyed much hls carrot crop and threat ened to eat he had produo Deputy Reeve Campbell ofan ed open season as belch unl er would lrcspas an arm lands and dexlroy catlle and other anlmah BARREEXAMINERKTHURSDAY OCIOBER 1m INNISFIL NOTES Township Arranges Open Deer Season mos hhhup wu mankln Hm council lnplc do mlull candrmlnx he thurdfl uhlch um Inlo concept how Muh up who Ihm In unlm horny wllh us rune Ila Idded lhll lho lmprmlon Illa cmlcd Um lha thurrh ll mlxlu in Inlunnuanll poll Ich In am my or nnnlhrr Mnnf pmonl lhlnk um Iurh lclnll npollollc nunclol lnlernundo and delrgnlm Ihndown hldlnz lho xenulna ace the church lho hhhop Inld lhelr pmcnu In tnunlry mm In mule lhu lmpmxlon Hut lhc church lmluulnl lhv mulu power bllhnpa cnnlmnm or re ulnr anicnn diplnmnll corp must be mnlnlamcd Dull cul Itnndlnl flnmln Calhnll hy mcn humfll lhe Job mind clcrlu Tho next mectlni wlll be Nov ember wllh Lawrence ncll prtsldinl and Bruce Clark and Lnrry Caldwell ln charge flu wouhlp 7M Cumming had ltnl lunch and Ms wan Icrvcd by Suzanna Alter ha Iln new sung God Let lhn Whole World Pulse Thee short llme was given over to wurkinl on he Boll Booklets Wnrxd Frlelld Maznzlna wns dhlrlbu led and each child was 1ch some peanuts and pipe cleaner In make an animal such shgwn IgWorld Friends he title lhb ilmslrlp and record shown loo brought out lhewmemglyg vlnln Mm Peggy Campbell Nnrlh Simeon home economlst was there She demonstrated how In do lallor lack and gave helpful Idea on laylnl out pul lcrns Tho next medlnz wlll be Oct 15 Ihe homa ol Mrs Perkln at 130 MA ll yum CLOWES Special Clown Hi Club held In ourlh meeting the Mama Mrs Perklm There were eight member pro lent This week Innlsfll police have been told that bear and cub are wandering around not far from Stroud Farmers have seen the animals Pollca may call members the animal Conser vatlnn Club to help nmav the nnlmalx Thl lack of acccs has heen holdlng up approval Mn Car ner has been unable to sell any at his lots and get back expens caused by the devflopment of hls properly Ha told Cnun all that unless he received up pmvnl ha wnuld have lat the properly revert to farm lands also lha roadway now belng us ed Rand Supervlsor Cowan will get highway Deparlment ol lclul to make ruling BEAR SEEN Mum REPRINYS 23¢ EA REFRINTS EKTACNROMI SLIDE PROCESSING 35 MM 20 EXP Mounlod 27 I1 Exp Mounfod 36 Em Moun Clowes 4H Girls Get Sewing Tips FREE KODACOLOR DEV rmmmo Klp ms no mu Innmu rm rum lrlnn Lxgmnx mums BOX 122 TORONTO ONT lmlll Hm Iu Nrnllm Nal rmm 001 00 flcqnnl WITH EVERY noiL SENT ron AlS PHOTO SERVICE Imch Ronald Mc Mmln mlmm ml Irntrh Srpt ll IM Ynnio Blue 0L llcn III WllHnm Durllnu Wu ml Canada and Onlnrlo lulu mnnnlrr ol Mrlchm Invenled TORONTO 16 Malchm Dmlllm lelled wn llncd $5000 Wnlnmlly or uHlnz liquor nl Ill ulownlnwn olllcu and mm or havan llqunr In plnco olhnr Hum tht mldznco ol the purchnm Sold Illegally Distillers Fined lvlnln lnrludlnl Im Fllm and REFRINTS 06 EA BLACK WHITE Luzv um rnmnm 7m 3mmrcmirmcinmxingmidommm flyoozen WORKS oN LANbshhmo RINK NAMEPLATErLETTERING INSTALLED SATURDAY ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANT DELIVEREI TUESDAIY mmm ll lllW PAINTING LONDON CF Frrnch gnvrrnmrnl rammluec II mn nlderlnl huyxng book at Ikddm by he lmpmnlnnlnl pnlntor Ammka Modlzllnnl who In In pavmy In mo 1mm Um Tnla Gallery hum prlu would be around 016000 Sonu Individual Wtro Mn whale of 50 or ovrry can liquor purchmd Iram ha cumpnny lhn dmcllvo Id boltch whllky cued Ind pnjrrllrd HOLI VICTORIA HARBOUR DAY INN nacmlons SALE MEETINGS Almondlllomd Accommodnlon for I75 Fmom aANoTiifs convarmous waonmo PHONE COLLECT VICTORIA HARBOUR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NO CHARGE FOR BANQUET HALL Four Seasons Illmnlt lull Phqlnl In Ilnlemrn lollawlnx lhu clm lha CICI emulle round Mr Jodaln Inld ml II nuklnu provlnclnl Inv rmmenh in pmlm NMIOM nxnlnnl mm mulhlllly OTTAWA 1C1 Imldem Clnudo Judoln MM Wndncndn mm he CanndInn Labor Co lreu um that lho 110 lncmu In old In penllmu may he mnlrhcd Away 1mm pcnllan Ivy ml Inmnm lor lholr room Ind olhrr livan accomv modnllom Thu command mld In Iellurl lo Defence Minlflcr llcllyor and Trnnxporl Mlnlslu McHrnllh that he plny dlrLcuy or lndl fully allezu that homosexual ads are cullnmnrlly mmmlllcd by member of Her Majesty lorecs Dolomite to flu commnndl Annual canvnnlkm unanimouxly ado ed rcsoluflnn nlcsday n1 n1 lnr Ihn cnnccllnllon and snylng lhe Mum and thus dinlouua Ihu nIny landed hold up In rldlcnln and canlempl mvlco In Cnnndnl pcachmn army REGINA CWThe CDC has been Aukcd by tho Saskatche wnn command he Royal Cn nndian Leglon to cancel any Iure bmadcnsll of lclclelnn drama No Soldlm by Ed monton wrllcr Georga nyga Pension Hike Is In Danger Iodoin At Tho Finolll Request CBC Cancel Show bun CANADA Enrolmcm grew Io ml hy midAScptrmher lhl yur Inm pared with 3529 In 1961 and 6056 In 1961 Ipptm Ifmoxl ldul lhls your IL Blanch nrd ullxlnnl nupcrlntcndcm leather cducallon nt Iha 0n hllo drnnnmen cdncnuan uld Wcdnudny mnomn ZNDanger leather thumzs appear lo have pamd education clull announced um lhll yearl student teacher enrolment In Onlirio If 000 over last year THY EXAMINER WANT ADD PHONE IA Mm mudy Del 17 The Commons mull at 230 rm EDT lo canllnue debating ncams lax molullons mm 1h June budget In Senna meal ll pm Alfred Hnlu PCWelling lhn South had complained the Ennllord bendlll would be ln Inflow Induflry nllnlsler Dnlry uld he xowmmcnt will not with draw special jobcreating Incen llvg thrflganuord Am nanctv Minister Gordon uld Cnnadn must move now Inwam remvcrlng conlml of ll econ omy ram us oration hut ylll yang By THE CANADIAN PRESS Walledn am one Justin Hobart Tnche run Canal Icllng up my lo lavemorlcneral Vnnlet gm ha royal assent Wedney day In lhe Scum Teacher Shortage Appears Ended Ipoknsmnn nld Illa tho myal assent liven lha bu ln crush lhe pension in 75 came Just In time to Include he boon in HM October him OHAWA 1CPA heaflh de pnrtment omclnl uld Wednes day night that the $10 Inclus IIIold age pension wll be In clgged thl month Parliament At Glance Far Immnm and Pmleulm Valunleer labor well the loan of machinery through out the bmldlnz project hal Came through on most en couraging lcnle all mmmu Mr Paco uld He attributed the that the building wul be may In me or he upcamlnu curllnl Icmn to um commuw fly cheraflom STAYNEB Sill with boost from the men mll of palmy October wulhcr co quctlon at Shynerl new curl lnl rink nImo madam £15000 was drelivered rink Workman spenttha an tin dny xpinnkinl it item the enirancu near the end or the rink to the machine room at the other and Selling it used through the machine room door was lent In iisoil wiih only oanuarier of In Inch to rpm indoorirarng npnca Octobers Cheque Has Pension Hike For All Your Fall and Chrlnlmu Tllo Wilh helllnl piurnblnx installations nearly ï¬nished whim min to be done Inside in the interior do coming Already Mr Pace Boinied out mm waii panellinl zone on Tuesday morning he lean griiiiclai ice pignl ynlued It up Everything II waxkin on planned nld Jim ace chairman the building com Ier mm Stayner Curling Rink AlmoSt Ready To Use PA 68967 BANQUETS Hlnquov Form Avnllnbll Cmflng Lori II lmll 0mm Fine Food 3M lulu ll EMBIISSY Ixullnni Dancing Facilities am mo You Ioukhem Quebec Three mines are lo pmdndion min on on day While crowd we watched In 40 degree weather the Irehzht traln ehugged slowly out of the scrub plne bush that cov erl the cnuntryslde and pulled up by Hngbcdcched platform holding the ofï¬cial Welcoming party railway government and mining omclnls The 61 mlln Ilne which took two years to build will carry zinc and copper cmtrate from the d= to refineries In MATAGMH Que CHTM ran Wear lrelghl train Into Malagaml Wednesday of ï¬cially Inauguratlng $9000000 branch Ina bum Io help open up in Hell mining centm In nnrlhwcslern Quebec Wm mm co plant L1 in place further preparatory work on tho arena loo base can pro ceed Hal the floor is randy In In rulimrom menxlml yam you in taunt nu helptmm lhl min mama diam IwI mgmumu PARADOI W¢rkmen ltruullnu along may wllh ho Ice plnnl had met way llzhled by the rlnka 32 fluorescent lights each 11th bar eel lop Meanwhile vital3e lhe rlnk bulldozer mamm was pul In the ï¬nishing touches to earth movinz In prgparallon or lagï¬cmglnu salurday during the holiday weekend other volunteers look to the ladders to much lhe nor Granlte Club letter rInkA north wall CNR Opens Branch Line KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPENBX The Rendezvous lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL STARTS TOMORROW go ilpto Donation havesupp1lcd the rink kllchen with goodqualty used stove and refrigerator Still to come furniture or the lounge dams SHIRLEY EMMON Madam in the other half will be Inch The Ice hould in In shank ho end at the month Accord In lo our schedule Mr Pace nld EIllYWIlDERS NOTE DUE TO FENGTH FEATURE to And mm ECHNMLDI PINAVISION Blrrlls Llrgul And Mon Luxurloun Fully Llnnnd Loungl Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH no big HAMMOND ORGAN fllOfll mm mm NOW SHOWING Inna an