CALLS MEETING TORONTO CPI The Carr erudinn Safety Aswclaiinn representing aboui 100 Ontario contractors has invited un ion in conicrenc Oct 23 to discuss raier precaution on building projecis So inr his year 67 mm have been killed on construction projects com pared with far all of last year INDUSTRIALISTS VISIT TORONTO CF Thirteen Japanese flnduslrlalisls whose inn and lrading companies mos more than 58000000000 annually In sales arrived here nmsday for week talk They were inviled to Canada by In Canadian Manmaclurcrs As sedation and the Canndlan Chamber of Commerce Dean Punkinlaw ShEVBUeT looked lima pluyed yesm day during the pin eating mn STOP SCEAPPING OTTAWA CDThe CNii has Hopped scrapping old freight can becanso oi the need for rolling stock to transport the huge Russian grain purchase to seaports nldmut Vcslmoriund said Tucsday ii suld in slniemoni that lhis was the reason given him by Transpnrt liiinislcr Mciiraiih ior rcccnl iayniis in lhe CNii map yard at Mansion NBl ASKS Foil WARNING OTTAWA CF MP Barry Mnlhcr non maker has wrlllcn in ihrre malor Cana dian clgnrcllc manulnciumrl asking lhcm lo lube each pack age in iha cited lhat excu ms use oi such products ll dangerous to htuilh Mr Muihcr NDP mnmbcr or New Westminster issued copy at lhe icllcr Tuesday MAY lNCLUDE CUBA OTTAWA CiiA Cunndian toniribuilnn oi 520000 in uid to Caribbean vicllms oi liurricnne Flora will includu Cuha ii lhe lied Cross can complete lls in ucsliuallons in that country Ex lunai Ailuirl Minlslnr Marlin old in Commons Tuesday lie also indicultd lhal the smouni ltrmrd nlunnily by Nm itmitrA Douglasmay be in man MMJMUX EXILMNN MONTREAL lCP AVIle Mnlrnux French culmrnl lnirl mininlcr wound an cluhlday vllll lo Canadn lh dny wllh wnman lhnl Que hcc dc Men on Franco would bn rlt lculoql npd even dnnxgr cm unld llml remark hu hull mmlu enrlkr About closer 1an lmlwaun ourhr nnd Frunro were meant in an Illr lnrlc and mum nnle up lillrnlly HA3 10URST PLAN QUHHICC CH11m Quer uuvrmmrnll tau rl Iltnnrl mm propolu In lllllrllvulI abridged Englllh Frrurh Ilannrlu border painll nnd lnrlmlo Hmn In In mnHrd nd venlllnm lyhmrl llnnrmxl law he lourllm lhh Ind lmna mlnlmr mlxl Turldny nu ldrl mlzlnnltd In kpmlmrm ba raum llu lnrxu numhrr pomt Hnullnlrlrtnch dlcllon 1ch mm It um Ilumll IONTECOIWU NAMED lINHVA MI Tumctm Icltnllxl llruno lonlrmnu who whom In helped lhu Hunlam pmduu lhrlr hm Ilnmlc Mmh Wm Mer Tun flny Mr llw mrn Hlllfld new nudrnr mm hunk lhmuull Al Ihc European Im In Nudrnr march llmr Mnrlu hm Ipnkumlm lur CHIN be hrmllllmuxh WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF ruv nMuIy ml mnvalrp ml pallrnll Elrrllent ladlllm lur vrluu mm prlulo HM and tnld In mom Huma cd Nu In nummo STAYNER NURSING HOME STAVNER ONT MARSKALL Rog PRO IM may mean lhe discovery 01 family of weak alomlcv par llcles FIND 15 BDMBS VERNON BC CEArmy engineers hav lound 15 mortar bomb In the first two day of wrap acres nearby Second World War raining grounds No Boy Smut were killed near Vernon last March when one ol lhem hit bomb with an test at Woolworths store on Bnyï¬eld mm Everything except the pll which was pumpkin was in apple pl per group reported Ncsday that Ikaan is In Important uclor in mouth cancer but worse Hill is an habitual chcw lug ol mixture of Iohaco nnd lime in some part Asia The expcfll mid habitual chow in in India and olher South Aaian countries in responsible PIEEYED WINNER cuswmo 18 wow NEW DELHI MP An 9x BI 55 inc Road Thor1 an lmlcr way Iggyivgflhwéum Man an old cow and lry xhuvlinn the door with Iho win down cloud Mllrwanl be only became lho VW II pmdkully ulniahl Try ll Inquiry wilh Iha window open Hub and door will don auxlly with You dont have to float Volkswagen to prove its watertight or hlgh IncIdence of nraI cnn cer exceedInK cancer In other 12am the body PLAN DISCUSSION BRISTOL England Haulers The British Council at churches plans to dlscuss wIth John IIee nan th new Roman CathoIIc amthshop of WestmInster the question of me0d marriages between CnthoIIcs and nanCath nIIcs Thls was announced may day by Rev Ernest Payne of the BnptIst UnIon at the hall yearly meeting the councIl CLEMENTINE ILL LONDON Reutnrs Lady Churchill Meamld wife Sir VInsIon ChurchIII was ad mitted to Westminster IIospItnI here revernl days ago It was learned nxcsday nIght She was ndmltled or rest has pllnl spokesman lBld order thnugh ed his pic In won the contest margin TAKES FIRE STEP LANSING Mich AmGov cmor George Romney acting on the Michigan conserva Iion departments rccommcnda PIERCE MOTORS LTD Dean down mlnule and by clear lulhlyina ludwnk l0 whalovor tolld dooc 1le Who malm Volluwnam uhllghll 0w ham 1th Incl Ih vudanldu lhc car wllb ah metal All 9h wlul and rod youd uplcl Ia Ind an lmlde pmmud again wulor and llylng nlmu lhcy muh ELMVALE Slam Rather than pass bylaw or biennial elecllonn on spill vale Elm vale councildropped the bylaw after the mom readlng The declslon came Inslnighl when discussion on the proposed by law revealed Milan in mun cfll outlook Dr Patchcll who was obsentvlrom the last meatlng when the bylaw got In that two readtngs strongly opposed Itl pmvlslonl Itl ï¬ne you have good council but bad man II etectedt then coun cll would have to put up with him or two years Dr Patchell arguad think thIs Is ques tion the town should decide even though council has tho legal right to dow Elmvale Council Drops TaroYear Term Idea He gained partlnl agreement ram Cgunculor Ken Knox who commented have feeling shuuld go vole Let he pubflc decide NEED YEARS Councillor Norman Crane told he could understand their point of view yet he sllll wanted twoyear term Instituled Nowa days you need two year to do justice to lhe Job No yearn given councll betterchanc to Inflow hrouxhflgn ghin To keep up wlth the times Reeve Alex McAuley also put In plug or the two year term He noted dun Banla Collan wood and F10 Townshlp all have twoyear term Elmvale would be allin behind its neigh DOE byhrejec as it Coundl pan out huwever that the proposed bylaw was Initiated to answer request from ratepayera In the Interval another segment ratepayers opposing the idea had made their iion iuued proclamation Tuesday iorbiddinz outdoor ï¬re and making in indexdry woods throughout he state The proclamaiion is ihe ï¬rst Iiflll wide ban on ï¬res in Michigan in 17 yearn WOULD EXPEL SARA MALAGA Spain Reuimi The governorl ofï¬ce hxesdny night laid Lady Audley the iormer Sarah Churchill daugh ier oi Sir Winston Churchill has been reconunended ior expul Lion from Spain The gavnmorl oiiice eald Mls Churchill who lives Marhello had been lined 5000 pestle about $65 for drunkenness and disoro doriy conduct Lhnughil knuwnjlo Inï¬lvidual councillors Au JYesult the pmpohed by lawwan dropped No decislon was made to Include the question on lhe ballpts lhe anhcam in village elecllans Question concerning xubdlvl sian plan for property he own in the village were Rut to coun all by Cecil ane Eimvnle He showed council in drawing the subdivision located north and east of tho Johan This drawing also contained the alter ntions tn the subdivision plan as recommended by the Elm vnleFi05 Planning ï¬nalti Mr French sought lntnrma tlnn mm council on road build lng and sewn provisions He was advised to contact the Com munity Planning Branch at the Department Planningund De vctapment or whatever techni cal Informatlnnhu needs before submitting hls plan In the On tarlo Munlclpnl Board or up proval The vlllagaa sewer Installa llon project was mentlaned brief ly last nighL was lulled early um month when the contractor Cromwell Constructionflx Add pulled It machinery out Elm vaie unlll reviewo the pm 1ec¢g llnpndng ls ongplege The only refefinc to tha ult unllon Iaslnlghl cam wlth lhl Maren chnqnu or money order to ANIMALS This new magallne contain inacinatinz Itoriea and plcturea in colour about animall till world over Edited by Armand Dania and an advisory tail of experts it will interest both the moral reader and the Itudent oi natoral history riha lullcolour picture anél the quality limit re production an rupcrb Here truly ii an oppor tunity to broaden your horizon Animall la published weekly and printed in Great Britain Subscriptions are available at $2600 year postage paid or 51300 or lb month postage paid For Fascination Read ANIMALS door Ilm doorway and top lhul ballamx Exadly Md IlmI ovary weld and boll In chukod and uchnchd Io lhaf nothing com Icon Ev IM dont who our mud or VIIII yovr mqu VW ghowvoom and Ivy lumow Volhwagan dootlul TllannI Mykwhy 85553 reading 01 corrcspoudence mm the Ontarlo er Rmurces Commlmnn In latter to the manual 1nd Ike contnctor SEWER EROBLEM Concerning ment our by OWRC men alqu wage slm In Ihe village Reeve McAulay reported They told us they were Von anr leamzf and they wen as disappointed as REEVE ALEX McAULEY Dcvmment my Toronto Ohmlo CIIMI it Lhd disconupugnca oLyrork The ElmanaFlon Planning Baard received lull endomllon lrom Elmvale councll to keep lnnctlnnlng under It preunt arr xanlzntlanal setup quesuan mire nubmmed In council by the board oulunud mated chanmJn um boardl makwp and duties should councll pre lel nnyflghungea THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAYM rCauncllIor Kerr wnnlcd to know what the planning board can and cannot 10 He wan old board 50b In to study plan ng problgns wflhln lhboqn danes and make rmmmenda tlans to tho councils concerned It cannot enlaru pmvlalana the Flo Township lubdivhlon comml bylaw That is the hund lng iglpectgrn Job ln Elimale council noted than neither building bylaw nor building inspector to back up tho planninz boards recommen dation What llal bun done all along hora is to have ml build ing permit application appmved by council Last night two oi chm wm appmved one each or Hamid Madlll and Stewart Palmer Thu magmratel report or you can heat water electrically asfastasaverageusedemands with the new ELEBTRIE WATER HEATING APPLIANflE Cascade 40 lsflameless cleansllent And there Isa ten year guarantee on the tank Matchless eleclrlc water heallng ls proven to be over 00 elllclenlolhcr methods may only be as Independent lurvcyr prove that more water can bc heated at lower cost with flat mo elcclrlc water healing thnn any other way iiuéhidescz ancient APPROVEDFM nawCaacado 40 Wammaa Appliance an APPROVED PRODUCT davolopa through ha combinad numb and mourcaa of 0mm Hydro and Ilactrlcal manufacturers YOU CAN USE OVER IIIIIIIIIE PIIIIIII UTILITIES AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT The name volume hunted by Inolhor method could coll over $1300 per month Electricity Is Sula Clean Homeless More Efficient tool FOR FULL DETAILS CAlL NEW NEW OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY COMMISSION September Ihawed EtaWale cal leaed ihue of pollen own line levlgd Coundllar Crane no aunt anca mm hydra chairman Lynn hnl uxhu would be in slalled In the new Rabinwn Plrk now belnl developed in the vul nge Mr unwanted two poles connected to the vlllm street lighting syllcm would be lufllclcnl flhgse gouldllge dw contacted dblIn the Milk Ships Delaged Bomb Threat THOROLD Onl CPlShlp ï¬lm wax dllmpted or wo our Mills three llco ones wound action the Mvmlle Welland Canal Tuesday nlght ollowlng an anonymous tele phone wanan mu bomb wu set or ll pm at lackv lean lo ampsflu mm Pm Colbome on bah Erle Ind llve at Port Weller on Lake 0n lnrlotwye held up vghlle pollco 200 GAlLONS iii