mun mum Ho raised me pm some place In lhe Canadian Ankle Russia He snld If we Ind on In mu Canadian Arctic nnd they or drilllnz or it now Resume the logltal place to sell would hq Naryay and Canada going to Inca some larhu dlsuler in tha Cmarllan Amlc pretty won dont waku up and use sums lnlellfl ï¬ance Mlchnel Marsdcn wast speaker at lha Canadian Club saw 1qu night um um Mr Marsden Ks dlrcclor at tho Montreal Ollicu me And Inslllulc Norm America This non prom group Incurpor am by purllamcnl ll Palm 110ml and om the low Can adian Amedcan projects with hcgdqqnlrlm Inf Inwuquunuu Spenkln an the towns The Canadlan Arcllc and Sh John Franklin Mr Mnnden ald Al though wo mmeumes ml min Ior to Russians In many Innis we are superior In the Arctic ml mm Many peep do not npprcch ale luvnrlely north as ou can go we have already sled In plants Tho vueluunn In um Arctic my fly vuleq Darrin Cnnndlnn Club hnd one ho hum Allendunces In in history In hur lhe liul spcuktr of the mum at Lihrnry all list mm Mlchntl Marsdcn zucsl sink or and an ho ms nu ulhlnl Ipcnkcn In the clubl spoke on Thu Jun Ind Slr John uLDéSCrlelll mu lcnaln Mr Mnrsden said on BnlIln Islnu Mr ersdm dIrucIornI the Arcllc Inslllulo oI Norlh Amer Icl wn born In NcwcnsIIo Up on Tyne England He mdunl ed Imm CnmbrIdlu where he wu EthbIIIoncr Scholnnhlp Sludcnl In GNlrlphy ll SI Cl Ihrrim Colluc Ila mw mllllnry mva In Germany and npcnI Ihreo unm mm worklnn wIIh glncler um ncIlln pmjcch lo Invullxnla Inlenml Inuvuncnu oI lnlcr In lha luI pmkc Mn helm oI 000 led an Mnnlo IInsI lelmlnnd IIu tnmo la McGIII Unlvmlly In I03 CnmeuIeMcGIll Inms Argue Achnlnr Mr Im II has been to Cor pcrmlM and Coronnllan Gul lho hurrtn rounds lrnm Can lunylo Lulu to Klnl Vllllnm hllml North mum Land Nor Hltm lilltumro llllnd Am ï¬ber MIMI Emum Hullln 0n llur Lulu IIILI Nwlhrm Alnskn Ho wudml cumullm wim thlll Amlc lmnln 51ml you and lhtn Mn ll MonlnntI omu ol ll Am llc huhlulr Mr Marden nyl he lw hlxhllnhu In lull umr hmklnl In mldelnlrr on III lln hlnml and 1000mlll Inn in nlul Mp Imlnl uh mm In olrdrnnlc nllrmrnl or my mung lhrmglh 1cm lnnln um III in dlmvrr Id In ad cntha ell durln lurch lnr lilr John hunk In 31 In the urhe Im unmd lluur tuxan lwl ml unned 1m mu murm leh Amer 01 hldl III In dlr KIM I0 Mull mvnill luup Impound Iry wily nwnl llr uh dulled of ulm mm £100000 war and mm ulm ml mw rmd unr Irr mnlmn Ilnu umlh cl hull nm AT LAST NIGHTS Cur adlan Club meeting are mm Mt speaker Michael Mm Héars Speaker At Canadian Club mullva Iohlrml ll look mm lvlpl lo In Aullc Ind on Ill hm In lpenl llIu Illa uunmu mu 17 ml lor nhmllr pulth Large Httenflance II we wll TO AVOID DISASTER Must Take Action In Canadian Arctic ulna Inuml um um mm lhrm In Thi nun wénmhlml here are mounlaln 10000 cut hlzh nnd on Ellesmere Island the scenery snrpnsse um ol Switzerland Mr sald Arclla peep in lhu west are qulte dll mm mm lhose in tho east The basic reason eastern Eski muu dimr Imm In western is that in the east they have tides In ha west ho llde nnly ll lnthcs Dog are harnessed dll lercnlly and clnlho Ire dlller Int lla Iald lllosl people lhlnk the Arcllc grlndlnl moun lalnl ol ice Tall nonsense Whell you net to the highest palm In the Arctlc tempera tum Burch level an and Ar comparable to the law lem fmlum Vlnnlpcz But lhm one dlllemncel In Burch ll nay that lumpernlnm or llx months urlng summer In any on square mm In the Arcllc lho number 01 animals equnh he numbtr It Ihu nqunlur But most of lhe nnlmal are mosqulloes II we understand them pm cesm we cnn use them In flu Arcllc the pmblem the rclallonshlp between lnlmlll to much omcr Ind lo man Is enurrgnusly xlmplmcd because llmlled number of Inl Mr ersden nld when the nlaclm nmoved all tree well loll lhere Iboul one llllrd mllllon Iqunm mlles that In volenllll mherllnd nuld the Russlnm have plnnltd lrtu Ihoul lhrce hlah on almlllr lnnd OLD HISTORY no laid the Cnnndlnn Arclic hn lhe olden history In 1574 my wan Inlo Frohlshzr Bay and tel up pm lubricated homes Fmbhhur lhouihl ho had lound fluid but It Will iron pyflm ooll gold Speaklnl cm Alluan and over proIbriculcd houses ho Iald lhcy pul Ill north Walk In on ï¬ll with wall In an olhnr Ind 50 on In ol the ship unk Frabllhrr gave up colun lulinn Ind look up piracy in Item den Mu EIaIneJMtexson Club and wP Puuun pm secretary ol Barrie Cnnadhn idem Examiner Photo liannld than Dew Llnu Tunnch In l02 Dunlop Sf Wm TBA Silver DartMy nanstop jet to Vancouver FASTEST T00YOURE THERE IN JUST H0UH$L40 MINUTES Travel across Canada on TCAs DC8 Silver Dartdaily servicel Or take your choice of other frequent daily flights Fly First Class or EconomyEconomy Fora 3218 return TDA SIIIeprï¬wf Damn Island in 1816 Mnrsdun said In 1956 they drew line around King Wllllam Island and that was the first black line around Canada The first map wnrkEdeIlh was the me used by Sir John Franklin Thm me two lines on all maps prlnlnd by Cnnadlan gov ernmcnl One on the east sldu lho maps and the olhu on Iho west There Is no key on any them to tell what the lines am far What hey are far so Ihnl nnyunc discover an island lnsldo of these two lines the Canadian government can my 11 ours Its on All ol our my nfucnnnd He said lhe nlr forcapholw graphed every square Inch Canada You can go to Ollawa and get photograph lhln bulldan or cl any piano In Can ndn Every square Inch Can ada has been phalagraphc¢ CHANGE ATTITUDE Mr Mnrsden said the attitude about lhe Cnnndlnn Arctic at II evu ï¬nd anything up lherc well Invest hn tn be lhukcn and quickly He nnld In spile all el arlu lherc Eskimos starve cv cry wlnler In caloric alone than not enough rcnewnhle 100d lo feed tho pcoplu In that area When you next hour the Northern Alla rn mpnrlmcnl glvlng nsslslnnce lo lhe Esklmu please remember If ha could work 24 hours dayr ha could no Alan muku cnuugh lo cud hlmscll und luml Ho synlarihu Lsklmo has the highest hlrlh rule In lho world 9150 IM hklxcsydmlh rntc Ihiï¬k mm dnnxcr 1h lha Cnnndlnn Arcllc wl be plglljd by ml by Can Th bniy huorlu Vlorr lhutï¬r and my lnllh Is In lhls cry pruspcroux norm BE EXPLOITED Then company drl nu now It llesolula ll 15 Mush company um they oil may nhln It In Dnanh ankm Ink ll cvtr doc no out 0K JOHNSON CO LIMITED Warld Wldo Tnul Slrvln l07 Dunlap Ian Burl Oppolllu Gum Holt BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE came ln FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATION FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS CALL NOW THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCT 18 136 prrdve Plans For New Church Archlteclural plan arid llnnnc In arrangements or the new WIIowane United Church were approved at recent meeting of mu Slmcoe Pmsbylery held Chllsllan bland unn sodturnlï¬ cereman In scheduled to he held early In new Sudly School record nttendnnca was unlstued auhe church meeting In Johnson Street School last Sunday On hun dred and lhlrty ï¬ve puplll were yrssent The willowdala Junior Choir which will sing at flue evening service oi the 75th anniversary oi the Zion United Church Sinn ty Buy Nov 17 is hoidinl re heanals for ma Remunbranca Sugday memojill sgrvlce The second anniversary at Willowdale church will be held Dec with mnmlnx and eve nllu services Preparations are underway for the celebration at an 75th an niversary service of the Zlon United Church In Shlnly Bay Nov 17 Invitations have been sent 10 the United Church congregations ui Hawkutone Forest Home On station Guthrie and tho Anglican Church of St Thomas in Shanty Bey Gum speaker wlfl ha Rev Lewh minister of Collier Street United Church or many yam and now minister Ex elrr Guea soloist will he Mrs Fer guson oi St Andrews during the morning service The Wil Iowdnie United Church Junior Choir will sing the evenin service Provision have been made or the expected overflow tonne ï¬nhlon In the nwhy community Funeral service or Mn Dui cia iii Simmons 82 of Own Sinai Barrie washeid Del from Jenneua Funeral Home with inienncnt ai Barrie Union Cemetery Archdeacon Allan Rgnd officiated Mn SImmnns was born In SIdcup Kent dauxhler the late Mr and Mn WlllIun Cop pIngI She beclmn Illa wlle oI Chnrlca Slmmanl In 1904 Mr mmnn predateNd her In Mr Simmons died It Royal Vlclnrll Hospital Ocl tall owinz Ihreo months hospltnlin Hun She resde In Ken qr 30 years priur to mmlng to Can ada and taking up mldence in Barrie Mn Slmmonn was member of lrlnlly Angllcnn Church Bur rle she wok an ncllva interest In hockey und baseball llld ll landed mnny of lho local sports acllvlllex Plan Célebralion Church Birthday She is surde by two daugh lers Mrs Frzd Andemm Ver ona of Owen street with whnm aha mndo hcr home and Mn Scholluld Dulan of Utopia one brolhcr and hm nlslen llvlnx In England our grand chlldrcn and mo matmund cnlld Ono Ion predccnscd hcr nhnuld no out In Cnnndlnn tankers mden nld Unleu Clnldinm are Inuxm In lha prm In the wheels nnd 1n the unlvmluu we canl hope or lhh duclopman Following hls letlnro Mr Mnrldnn Insured question 1mm lho nudltnu MRS SIMMONS OBITUARY Maynr Le Cook let the chalr ins nluhl and Indicatlnns were um hl lxmlnula address to my Council threw conslden Ible walzhl 1n the passing ï¬nance committee upon deal lng wlth lho lechnlcal Iddillon proposed for Harris North Col lezlnle incident began when coun cil heard Horace Praii chain mm oi Iha Banla District Coi iegiale Banid Mr mu expresg mi disappointment that Barrie council look so long in ratifying the hoards re West or in ex tension to Nor REQUIRES noon Tï¬erixiensldn requlrlnz about ll mom In he Igullt along Ban1e City Cuunnll mad relnln Ill she 12 members and voted salary lncrcase of rum abnut $000 year to $1000 or each member The only amendmenlio ha report was Ihu lium dealing with membqrs salaries it was originally commended council lees be boosted in 81200 but iiiLs was amended In read 000 Thu mnienilnu issue of cauli ciix she was subject to an amendment molinn by Aid Smith to cut councils size The motion was delcaled last night by recorded vote Thesuvenllem report presen ted by the general government committee was passed by re torde vote at at the and of twerhour debate The report recommendcd that councll can of 12 member and the yor that council be elected at three members per ward that the mayors hon orarium be boosted tn 82300 per year olfactive Jan 1951 that council tees be boosind to $1000 per ycnr eliective in the new year and that tommiuee chair man be paid an additional $200 per year also recommended lhnt dcduclion be taken or coun cll or commluee mceunzs not attended unless he siluallon was scrinus and that dcpulallons in John Gnmmcll chnlrmnn of the personnel mmmmcc wn rrporling the Board Im mm at rczulnr meeting The shorlnge sin has no nmburdcncd prcscnl stall lhnl lho onu remnlnlnu lupcr vlsor hns lundmd loner or rcslunntlon untlnz um aha Cln4 not continue undu hcr prmnl work lnnd The Chlldrcnl Md Smitty Simme County shun three to our pcopln In sun will lace grave crisls II it unnol alum new staff was reported last nlshl Shu hm the dune ol another supervisor thrust upon hu when lh nlhcr dlcd nw noduy has not yet been able lo Ind qunlillcd pmnn In lake nvnr lhu mound supervhnrl dull Council Retains Size Members Get Raise mm mm AWN WWII WU IM II Maire Leaves Chair Backs Sch ool Wing MAY CUBTIIII ACTIVITIES CAS Facing Staff Shortage WA CANADA TRANSCANADA UNIS IA 66515 lho sama llnu ha howled nlcul win at Central Collexlm Tha cost to theclly would be about 60 per cenl or 315 991 reqnlred by Ihl bond ll 25 per cent mu In the mllllom dollar projecg The 111m ihm would he mi lnwes by the valndnl Govem men Mr Frau ï¬elded question from our Aldarmeu LA W11 son Newton Jolllflo and Gerald Robam for um bet leLpur9 ha a1 noun Med em llsh 11 the board had recognlnd the necessity Iddln to North as compared In the desire for alan bird high school In Janie the its Inslnnce be directed to the Ippmpriale commluee TRY 10 AMEND There was three lcmpu to amand the port and one try to rate hick to cum mmee III at which Wm WM down SmRh Gun ï¬chem Morrow were or the clam mcmber council Aldermen Cumman nnrl Newlan were split nn the lssne avorlnu lwn representatives lrnrn each ward and our men eluded ll large and Aldermen W11 son Hersey Will hams 115 Boy Mme lns and Emma were against lhe elshlmember com To bran he ml up In lull complement two cunwnrkcrl muxt he hlred well lho nddlllunul lupcrvlsur Because ha shortage ol qualllltd pen wnnel the mlcly may hav lo rnlse ll my Icnle Mr Gam mcll um Md Wilson told munch um he report was nor entirely un anhnnns and wu merely pm rcnled tn counch to break lhl qugrd 101 dlrmsslo Md Smith mm of the two slmngest proponents tha elmmember Icheme nld he mended lha Kenmk governman commutes meeting for only an hour whey ghx was dacussed New nd Illa the com mlllto has hud another reveer ll mind nanlo ll pmgresy Inn and lo be more pmnssive we should reduce our council eight memherg my to WI until Duember helm qulltlnz The personnel commib Ice hope to have corrected lhl my 1119mm by hit tlmeu mmell Iald Hm ha rcqulrcd penumnl no not lound In llme to prcvenl he unper visnrl leaving there will hive to be severe cutback In the mndmd by Hg melon Wrrrcinl no on nk n1 Veuh Ilnl mcmbur la do ha Job of lwo or lhrte people In Illd mm the counlryfnrna hlva asked ilha rgmglnin lupervsnr lmln hull mum lunesled mu wdind tu They lino bcnln Idvenlse PA 56474 Mr Pull nld We of tht board arevcnnurned at 16110 lay since our request or pmvnl was sum council 593nm He Iddedlhll Barrie was the only one lk munlcipalilles Nncemed hut hadnt replled Our Board met Mgmday and II we lnva lo well proceed wlth our plnns as we have the gang majorl The ï¬nance cammlunes re port recommended that council comply wllh the bands request lo approve the proposed lech nlcal addillon Io North Colleg lilo and guarantee and assume shnre of debentures on the meet muncll msls by thirds and would also mull In demnse mn admlnlslrathn 17s was opposed almost im medlalcly by Aid Emmi who and um culling councll didnt seem to be forward lhlng Ind asked hero were any statistics avnllnbla on ulnar slm flanked due who had reduced noundl lee Ald Romu tell that lha matter was loo lmponunt or council to decide alone Ind sug gested um the Issue the in Aid Wilson suggested Aid Roberu missed an important point In his proposal In ihni it depends on what side of Ihu icncn youre on leadership or choice ln lhl case council would be providing leadership and not dumping technical plroblem into the lap 11 lilo pm Ald Cummlnz ndvncnlcd that two represenmlve be eluded 1mm each ward with our men brlflfl elected layup He said ha altitude that Buds In Barrie and Allnndala Allmdnle all exsls Ward our wish to be well pmleclc number of pallus order points at Inlurmntlnn and polnls clerlllcnllon were called than lawnlug he clxhl man proposal fled In mvlnce mun cu lo dnhlgo in mind AI one stage Ald Roberts muved that council rule um permuted Item previously dull wlkhlo he brought up again be lnvokad or the remnlndu 15min ldiouncu mum of Mr in moflnlll was defeated TheSARJEANTsa SATURDAY OCT 19th 1963 II 700 pan OWAISSA LODGE RAMA ROAD ORILLIA Bnuiy Dunn Comm Dunclng Door Prlm Ind Spof Prlxu Smorgubord DON wnvzm CREDIT UNION DAY GEORGIAN BAY CHAPTER Mary Sm Barrio Phone PA 824 SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN Emmi your lurl all pnynwnln omdy um mlny lnunlhl wlmoul lnlmll Mold brnvy mhlwlnlcr pnymenll whrn ml comwnpllon II at It put Dellverkl mndc nulmnnllcnlly Mun yum run law You never hnvu lo ull or Sunhul lhn hlcndnd hub In all Swllch lo Hunhul comlnfl now Tlllfl NERVE INCL Fm lunm Suvlcn Ind Condfllmnl ullvur Emrrunry SFHIN lmlully You pay only or SUNHEAT PAYMENTS HOME HEAT SERVICE Regardan calmules Mr Pm nld that only the num rpehnnlc radh Remixed them and it mun two your loss on the Ive year Apprenticeship plan Unlnrlunnlnly the mhcr Irades do no rccognlzu the cen llllcute mu qucsllon concernlnxflhl mu alumna tho new addi tlon lhn average cost per Ink dent lhu pnsslbillly at other land am right down In an nerllflcau Issued lo technical graduate were Inked Mr Hersey nuance chnlrmnn was 11 lame or number Icchnlcnl question from Aldermen Wlulnms and Robem NB Ald Williams said he was con cerned lhai Aid Honeys com miltce hod loken hard long and serious look inio lho mull er and on won only so brief report on tho subject Pnnphruinz Aid Roberi early queslionhll and comments ha wanted mom iniormullon about orcasling the growth oi sludent enrolment Va could he cru iing monster and lha board should seriously consider ii per hagsanothcrrnchooi nuodcd Ald Mnrmw brought to counclln nttentlon lhe net but mectlng lo whlch Indexmm were Invited wns held last summer which nulllncd all the plum and could have answered all the questlans asked here lo nlght lauded the collegiate 52mm on dnlnu wonderful Md Newton said those conn clllors who objected to the report hadnt done thelr homework The board Invited to limit meellng and now wa come to council not knowing the Inc ms hellevo high Ume wllh lhu need or qualilim people In todayl commerce lhut mml arm or cducallan be made will Ible In ev SUPPORTS REPORT Allyan Caoke lï¬enr asde Ali Wilson to lake the chair Ind flew Into Canndl Ha xalrl that he discussion In council placed the re In an unfavorable and mm light ullsfled that lhls sun or adgmon nccgugnj Wum he person elected la plus he board where In um think It hm dune an admin abla lo cd We can ask qua unn alter quasllan here and xtlll got nowhere ï¬nding renun why thll Ihouidnt he built lhlnk the lnIormnllon ha bun wall prgscnged in closed By recommendinl council support tho re rt The report was cm ed Hoollng Oll