Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1963, p. 25

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NEW MANAGER Mlcmlllnnl In nuuncomrnl wal lclqud Thursday few hours nfler he EDYCIIIDM lander undcrwcnt Ill huurlonu lucctsslul npcrnllon lo clear prqsmle obslrycllogg The lndeyendcnl Order of Odd Fellow ml confer In Grand Decoration Chlvnlry on our premium member Salurdly ll Qulnle To mclre Hm decorHun In Imrlu Andcrmn nnylnx Plate Grnrsc Mchnnld Nelle leIe Douala Slmpnon null vllle and mid Ecclu Tor nnlo 5L Blrrll war minister Proiumn nd milled ha lied Io lha iiouse oi Commons about his rciaiium with playgirl Christine chier ha aiso was irlcndly with nus Mir Ivnnnv Mncmman hecnme prlme mlnlsler when Slr Anthony Edcn Innw Um Earl 01 Aw mlgnrd bmuse II hull Ne lnnk am when Ml party And he counlry wna gravely 3le over the AnglnInnrh mH nary Inlervmllon in pl 01 The campaign or Mncmll IInI removal reached ils peak during he notorious annlr In which Jnhn Pralumu resigns LONDON Reuters Harold Macmillan prime mlnisler ol Brillln Ilncu January 1931 had In mm months faced in the Prolnmo xcandnl one the most virulent mack of my pc llllcal leader In the countryl hlslpp urbane pollllclan mm lnsly impnrlurbahlc had re enledly turned ISM demand nth from he opposition and ram wllhfln hll own Conserva tive party that he should to llgn because alleaalinn mismanagement the coun try leg Mncmlllan has Announced hls dcclslan not In run In the next znneral election to be held Inmcllmc next year But ap parently It was not the Prulumo Icandal which forced the dad an ML Jnlmmu Ynlmum and Hr Trnul mm 1m nnnuumnl llw all pnlnlnwnl Mr hm Imer Mann unnl lbru Mr Ihlulnlr mu mm In MmIIIruL llliml nml rlll rnlnl In lmunln erl hmhh nmm Mr Imnlmr um In he Innmum hmInru lnr hm 1mm and lmn Irrrll mum IIl vllh lhv Turn and MI llnu dunnl lh lull alx ml hnll yrnu Mr Imnlnle lmI uwllnl rumholy In luY nun flu Mlhhmn mi Nnvlh Kmulu ml nnldn ml II lllmhul AM In mu litnu Ill hand lnlolmnllun about lrlul Ill 51mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY on ms 25 To Confer Decorations 53 Glen Brown RR Barrie his incu blackened be lure the Grey and Slmco Forester let out an hair nlah palm Ihowed the veraalllily Macmillan Kept Tories Strong Navalr Mich Yivdfl FORRESTERS DESERT Jnlmum Hr Tn umuuuml llw Immlu Hum ll mm He unsuccessfully cnnlosled he Slnuklnn ml TM soul In lht ms parliamanlury elmHun hut wan In ten or he Tories lhq negtAyear lnrlha findwar KaliErnmenll he also was lorclgn accrtlnry and chancellor of Ihe oxchcq Dr Macmillan he had In hmlo with dlmculty on some damn in luucs cParticularly finance housinz an murky And hu also had Io contend with some mm 3251 prohlemk In 1920 he married Lady Dur nlhy Cavendish dnughlcr ol the nInlh Duke of Devanshlre They have one Ion and Ihrce daugh ters Aparrlfllhm short pcrlnd he lwccn 1929 and 1531 ha but bag In gnlinmenl ever slnct lawan ha nallonallzallan 01 ha Suez CnnaL But he wnl Able to lead lha Conurvallves back In puwer for third luccmlvevterm lb general election of 1m Born cmlllln became wenllhy lhrouzh the prosperous publhhlng Hrm Iaundcd hy his grandfather MARRIED IN mo He has held numhtr of mm lslerlal posls and was British rcsldcnt minister In North rlcn ram 1M2 until the and lb Sgcond World War the Canndlnn Army bayonet Saturday night The hnyonzt served as both can opener and aroon when the mutant de dad to lndulgt in nil coclo All after dinner CENTRAL TAXI 196 25 ActicnDemcinded rsnBy Hebér Smith OYIAWA Special The led ual Invemmenl thould Jake Item to ensure that ho Iull acllmes avallnble or moving lraln through My an Bale Camnu are null former rlcullura mlnlgler Alvin Hamll lyn Iald her today In an interview with Th Barn rla Examiner Ottawa Bureau Mr Hamilton pointed out that undervlhe term an Interna tional agreement Canada can utlllu man of lhu elnvnlnr ca parfly It the St anrtnco River run even lhnuxh the Mentor owned and cremated by on theJmen Unlcd sum mln companles the Cmm Grain CZPP tleher Smith MP for Simon North he placed question an the Cammnm order piper uk Inp whether necessary lltepl havc been taken to 2mm that the maxtmum tlctttlles It the elevntor will he nvattnbtu or Ihlpment pl Clnadtan mln to luuln nndother Europunooun nu Smlth laid the he hal learned that the Cmfll com pany ml the tint Amerlcnn lnln company In apply In the United states government or licence to export mln to Ru Ill He wanted that unless Cunnda moved quickly to estab lhh It rlzhtl at Eula Comeuu the us company would un doubtedly be uslnl its laclmiu there to the mmlmum enpaclty permitted to the detriment Cunndhn rnln monomenu Mr Hemlltan expllined the the United State he an ex pensive haul or mln to either em or west caam end the development the Law reuce Seaway altered cheaper lie uld that the lend In the manu has to ba taken by the namnmenl In order to lee aplrll or ctroperation among all ma prl ta ml cqmpnnlpa route or Amcrlcan grain rgsull the Carilll mmpany MmMBPOlllhld bum large elevator at Bale Cnmenu Far the nrrnnacment was that um us company could use no lo only per cent the clevalors capacity and hey have In Apply Ia tha Board 01 Grain Commlaw ulnnm each time lhcy want Io put American min there We should Immediately ask or all the space we can get at Bale Comeau lo help move Can adian min in Ihu Soviet Un ion Mr Hamilton laid be lieve the eicvaiur has about seven million bushei capacity which is no lane amount in iisell But Bale Comeau In open all year around Ind by ail turnover the denial capacity could be utilized many ilmu over in now being dons with we cqnsi zlevaimz Tho former ngrlcultun mlnlx er nld that Ill tumble Imps Including Mall normally used lnr min are on ma Great Lakes should be pressed Into service floltlnx lraln utnr nu and Ifichored 1n the river Al Bale Cameau Mr Sharp iinde and com merce minister ha rigid civil service mind and in hesiiani in inletera with he nnnmi pri vnte business ai tha grain com panies Bu ihn mmpnnlu on their own In no gain in re quest the storage at Eaia Com ean because Cnrzill in one oi heir compelilon Mr Hamli nn explained But Am lure that ii lhe government gut lilcm uo anAnroxbsméér ngsou morons LIMITED He slid this Ind other sugges iions he has made in the gov ernment In compcralive spirit cuuid meet the deadline oi the shlnmenis in Russia and other European countries Bu uniess something lhis nature is done he rs beginning Io dnubl he abillly oi Canada to met its commitments because oi he vaiuabie lime lost in the long shorcmens strike Montreal Qqchec snd Three Rivers The Banrd GralnCom minlunm should he Isked to consult wllh the government and terminal rhlpplng operugors Io make sure that every bushel spare nvaflnhlo In 1he lower rlver terminal reserved for Canadian when this wlnler All am asking that we exercise Ihe right we hm under the 1X cnncesr ha concluded 11 together In did Vin center In 1951 would hl pay Alble to get agreement man how all and Carglll wauId prom mm the storage and handling charge and um Canadian rain woukl hav mother lmportunt outlet RUMBLE AGENCY PHONE PA 841 IO CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION Eye Remcuon Order Con Nemnl condition or mental dhnnim Chlropmlnr Olleonath or Amhulnnz PreExlulnl Candluonl BARRIE MUlTlCARE GROUP INSURANCE YOUR PRESENT MEDICAL INSURANCE DOES NOT PAY FOR BARRIE YOUR HARRIS hIULIICARE GROUP PLAN PAYS AIL BENEFITS FOR THESE CONDITIONS For Plrliculm conucl enmllmenl omen Elimm In PHON PA 66505 Mrs Sylvia Swan Is Ihc Al sum area repreuntalive in The Barrio Examiner Sub Icrlpllnn Contest She Is busy wuman yvllh two cmldren slemigraphlc service at her own and the responslbnily being Alllsloh correspondnnt at The Examiner Her husband works In In Alllmn hardwm um CONTESTANT Conlenllnl Condltlnnl

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