wtnNzlmv ucmntn ll 4m In my TIM Mkluy Man Club Idda an Hum nmu 5PM Ilhrl Nlll nut 0mm ller Vm Dn My runrm Mmlnn Parry MIIDB runm NC TV leI mt am Nun Baum THURSDAY OCTOIII Tm PAHm Nfllnnll school Chu fltllm Nunr1 hhonl Rump Room Papal Pmy Noundly an Movlc DIV Ruben ll shrank Ilr Im afraid It was your own Hulk This model does not carry drlpdry luarlnleel HI there curly You must be parliculnrly urdul about mnlhu Ilr Un nrlunntely they preler laupeel lo lirloln Ileah WIDNIIDAY anon II Shlfl IAWLI Show Papeyn ny Rum pm Woody wmmku Nmon Bullmu QMxl Ncw Wulmr Sport Towr Phu sum lhaw Ind Rm unborn Parry MIIDB runm NC TV leI wmmr am Nun hm Baum =3 58 gymmama 213238 know It must Itch terribly this hot weather Ronald hm or heavenx aka quit scratch mgLEggwppdya wplchlnl Don clnse the electric an dear Remember when blew out lha apartmem windnw and landed In tree Ind you had to pl that little boy unis lo clmb Ip and Sorry mussed up dur ling was just udying the flour and when law It lylnz lhere It gnvn me such right hit twice with the mop be lmAl realized what it was must say that Ronlld has real savolr lalrc When Ml ounce ell Into lhu buwl in from him at Ihnt Chinese restau rant he didnt panlc He simply called the wlller over and told him Im alrald there been Iamu mistake didnt ordnr lhlu rdn neg gong dunt feel IO lorry or ynurnell They my the ï¬rs Queen Ellnhmh was bald an an eagle Ind had In wear Mg foot tall Hair Maygong May we anneal 111 that you shake um on It oc cnslunully The resemblancu to dandrufl will Elva ll hut Hnll nalural InuchJ Hes so absenbmlnded samemornlnls he puts it on backwankand than unt tell whelhcr has going 0r comlnl NEW YORK AmRemarks man with nuw loupea xeu lemma Here comes nld Goldilocks himself THE ll my unit In In Oupee Weargrs Do Have Problems All wul In Drmma To In mm THERI No CHARGE FOR THII SERVICI Tnmbllunl rmuon wmnu Epou nr mmm gaging DRIVlVOURIILF CAR AND YRUCKI TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL By HAL BOYLE PA 82433 In HockIA Nun In cuu msn Tlu umm lan Hm crv Nun ILII Mme nml IUD Pluu union LMMV ocrmml Int MI IIFDKI Ilnmlm an llllllh Club In rllylim um um Bobby lamlnl uln Noe npm NEW WHIPNAMED OHAWA CF Alexi Caron Llhcral MP iar Hull is giving up iha pull oi chm gov ernmcni whip in ihe Common in conceniraie on his other dul ics as one Prime Minister Pcamnl iwn pariinmeninry secrniaricsi He will be me ceedcd an chiei government whip by Jim Walker MP for York Cenira Ind deputy whip Appninimeni ni new deputy whip is cxpecied in ho announced lulu cm TV New wmnr spam luwlclcn r31 my ocjouus He was standlng on the Kash abowle River Dam embank ment 51 mlle west of here Po llca laid the bullet cm from the rlne of Arthur Douxla Vatey 13 Port Arthur any twn men in the hunting party PORT ARTHUR CmA genrold aanEr dressed in mwn Jacket bent over to hls nshhook from lag And was shot to death Munday by hunt ers who apparently mistook him or deer Phlllp Marsonel of For W11 llnm lather of lhrct wnl muck In the shoulder by bullet from 1me dear rm rad mm dlskunce 140 lebl He died before he could be brought to haipital Gee fellow ln new Invlha ofllce dont see why nu have to fly on tho handle en all asked you was when lhuel Iaad barber ground here ers lh shall will up or Ill xpuwearjl 11051017 Yes lopkl llne Ronald But my advice In ko grow heard That would kinda bnl Inn Hunter Is Killed Tgkén For Deer TORONTO Lucy snow nu sum Drlndl mm Thriller cm TV New wmnr spam luwlclcn BARRIE liuty jaw Opening Ilad ulna of lpadtl There are mma ulnyl Ihnl run Iaalnsl the xruln dun lo om habll but his dou nul mun lhnl they Ihunld necunrfly bu Avoided For example take lhII hind more South II II Iva dlnmundl donbltd having overcnllcd lhe pmmpllva nur spade Md play dlumnnd lownrds lho Au That whul would he dorm In nearly every hand whm deder had such trump rom hlnnllnn bul ll II no what Ihauld he done In In prmnl cm Till bldde than sand He returned to Broadway lCDltd In Say Darling and Ihen at the hlu one dazzling play loerl with klntllcllly Inven tive xlyle Morse lnlends lo lake advan laze hls many lllm alters Flu mch His and His wllh Robert Goultlï¬nd Nancy Kwanl He my my at MGM for the ulnar lrvlng Berlin musical Say with Muslc He plans In do Genius lnr Olln Prcmlnger and In talking deal for The Loved One wllh Tony Rlchard son when Tom Jones ls Ihe latest Illm sensatlun llow tn suceed indeed Those wlth lung mcmnrles re call lhll Morse made prevlnus mevie Matchmaker wlth Shir ley Booth Tony Perkins and Paul Ford PLAYED SAME PART don remember much it mysell heuld II was the same part had played on ll Inge Ind said the urns Hnu Ind but was IL Marse exhibits boyish energy um ll beuulllng He admits to DAILY CROSSWORD awu rehearsing hh muah number In His and Hla 11s due with himsel that hap pens taka placa In dump now does ha feel about It Exhausted Idmlfled Inhay had only given me just one day boy am beat can aland long run or the ï¬lm year and half but that last alx month in murder 5111 he has and memories 01 How to Succeed and with good reason The musical made hlrn the of Broadway In Ihnw that never did lesl than capa city HI Ilmem was no lo Men serloualy He was making in he not In he dmd an Saturdly nlzht anu two yam on Broadwny in How to Succeed In Business Without Renily Trylnx and reported to work MGM on Monday or Myler Illlflnl movlgi lQNp MEMORIES By 80 IHOMA HOLLYWOOD peak me walled Robert Merle In wetk was chairman lhe board this week Im work lnlen dump ii 318 OK won mm noun wut 59 DN llllll rommny to an MIullOllkl ll lmvlluu llnom ll lumlnl qu All ml OLA rim mm pluh mm Br IL llhln um Kmart1n 11 onuol 11 Vuunlll Ptrtormlr 15 Ill la hum of mhuury lllnnnhl unlmm bolfly 11 Nunmm connun North dbaler NothSoulh vulnerablz wIEc rml LAllmdul 52mm 1mm Rilobert Morse Rehearses ForgFirst Star Movie Role ROM Lllmm val 4M qxul om gnu in OC1 gym CONTRACT BRIDGE Imlimlcs llwl chum Kind ¢E€ï¬oa1 NJhuler pun wny my lllrk GI 10 humfl 13 Alukln with nctpuclc Bhtkh spunn randy By JAY BECKER And Wu noel up wllh the Jack Instead he Illll due no dcleal lhu cnnlncl murdlcu which lull ha rclurm South last only one mar rick And mnku he conlrncl 19611965 ï¬scal year Ihowl sales to Canada Intalled $517 dawn 8135000 mm Ihe previous 12 month periodl S520510000 Thus ll Wu lnken lhe in dllmond and return undo dcrlmr rum Ind lead dumond lo he Irn Wul can uk lhu klnu mw ar Inter but In tnher case he wind up wllh lwn lmmn lrlrks and rm mm Detlnrnrs unnnlurnl method of handling lhn diamond by lead lng ram Ilrcnulh lawnrdl weakness lnslczul ol vice verll on good dividend Tamnrim In mm min uvy nqu num Acco after taking lhn ace Ipades he should enter his hand with heart and lend low diamond lnwurds the on This unusual play render Well hllplcls ll he Inflow low dum myl Inn wins and West II lulu maucauy held lo twn trump lrlckl uran wm ILDDMWI IEAII omn Ill 37 Whflhlf Dund rlllln Dukh Min 11 Num 0mm unit 26 Mun Faced with In prmped Suulb should camldzr plylnz he trump In an onllrely dlflcr tn lashlon Since Ihe only losers he hu Ir In dinmnndl he should lake Ilcpl In Ivold loainz Ihm trump trlcks which can occur only vm hm nur diamonds in West with all low minim diamonds and thin the use lrump plny lridx two will mull in the ion oi hm lrum1 irl Indjthaconlnd Mtnnwhlle US purchase of axricullurll products mm Cu ada also decllntd dmpplng by 3132000 mm the previous to 3131530300 or The Cunadian ngriculluro sales lo the US In Me year un der View Included 9000000 In came 3000000 In men produces and $28000000 in Krains The report shows Ihe biggest share Canadian purchase in 19621963 were in fruit products with snles lotalling $107000000 Canada also spent 500000000 or U050 cam 3010000001 say bcun 5000000 or other grains $55000000 for vege tables 0000000 for cation and 125000000 or feed and ladder WASHINGTON lCPClnlda continue to he Ihe leading cus tomer hi the Western Handy phere for United Stale axflcul urn exports but the US buy more ngrlcullure producls from each Brazil Mexico and Co lambln than 1mm Canada Canadian purchases US micullurnl commodflle for 18621964 fiscal year wrre lower than in the prcvloun year bu an agricnllun department rlalcmen published show they remalncd hllher than those of all LaglnAmcrlcnn countries combined Preliminary export ï¬gure cmcrinl all us agricultural Iglde abmaq or belnl which many nnd dIl llcull lo bellm He look yogn When than was mm on Iran during How Sun ceem he said Id send out or III nutomph Hunesl wnnted to show Ivy rundchlldren that Graucha Mn came to lea me in play He Elia Mains an lnxenuoux ltllludo Inward hls lellow Illll Canada Still Is Top US Buyer tuludr 18 Nlnvvl mule Mm mlmm Dllpnlnhbd 0111mm null Hum VI 9qu 1° PM me I69 tut Ammo pn mu uwl mm Blmru asan uf gm um VII um vs Ni NOWRAKI KMGAWX DUR WILL GMT 10 0mm ulell NE zuwnrr dmul Mwm mum In YE wnu MAXIM on WIN 1n mnunm ms nu nouom mummy 1mm mama mew mm 015 lermuvssumwom LN on Mar own wugm wummm Aucuu SIGNEDE LE PAssAae Du Noamout NE WWII 00ml 691M OWJGID wnu MAKIN on mu mnumo HOSE SAID 110mm WIRE HY Bumomo 0mm 10 ms souDyan 303524 135 mn nnflfl2nn 02 in mm nmmum Rle TIM H0 wum MD locK mmw MUM mm 62 mo tuwmr nuurv or rouuuo mun cross 1ch lenlrS mako 1n WWW uawm mu mm nmmmm mmamurm 06$ wurmr Mvam NOW 15 MR MOTHER Wu ixu WSW um Auorulm mu roz NUT HHWHG Gullle ME mum 5le ï¬lm mam 1m AusuSI Ison mum mmm mm