Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1963, p. 15

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defending Com munwrullh nmplnn was In vited to pluy even lhuuuh no mum member at he nrlllsh Cnmmouweallh PREDICT lINALISTS SYDNEYv Austrafla CFReu lemCnnadu gained III first victory in the Comman weallh amateur sol team champlonahlp hare today du lcaflng Nuw Zealnndllva matches to Ihrce wilh nnu halved Auslrnlla won by lim Hag ynqrgln aver Brlain BritIn Ca d3 Auilrnlln and South Mrlca each had two Ruin lhencnq file fecqqd day 76 71h lamnaman nwev Auslrnlin and South Alrica haw bud byu whlla Brllnlm Canada and New Zea landwhlch hasnt noted paylfpluyed lwa ngnlchu nch lry play every nlher country In lhree games lounumc ln Ihn mornln and 18x mules in the Human The winner the heal nine mglthpl gym qu pgnu Lxpcm are lyplnx the tour nnmcnl could dcvclnp Into light bulwncn lhu only two ram fllll unbcalcn South rlcn and Amtrallu who mu ontho innl guy smurf Thursday Canada nu Am lralla and New Zea 1m mull Soulh Alricn Mlle Brllnln hm km An lmporl KDllllE rum WHI ernCannd£ que hlmullr1gll home Tucsdny mm In hlI Onlnrln Hockny Auorlnllan Jun lnr dchul whlln Oshawa Gm ernln mnklnu rtlum lo lhn league an an Hour uhuncc ha ha wrlcome mnl pulled qum undtr their rm Dav Cox mu oi FHA Flou Mun wcammd norm or man as he kept Kitch um flunzm Wllhln nun unlll lm could cum hack um da lenl SI Calhnrlnu nlntk Huh 11 Man homcluwn crowd or 1011 II lmvrkrrl III In lhl mm mm hll lllhl wllh 1an 1mm nl New Yuri hmlny mm final lltwml or Mm Munl vlln In Iho round umhrd cul an IM mr nmly Io mlnuln volhy nl Mhn vunrh unl Mtg Ihm II lb mum 1M III nu nld llullhmrl ham um med mm the nu an Ilmrhu All vellmln anmlnnflnn hy nrylmd Hello mmmlulnu Arman run Cnurnuycr mml of lhe nmmunillon or Mnnxrcnl Junior Cunnmrm vlrlary our Gunml In How nerth ltlutrlnl laur 1h xnnl In hr only ulher lame Tm unln erllmm mud mm mm Ivuoal comhlrk In llmhornum only lo iau on mlmrpmod mrhr hy lho Pr Mm lnllerwn Vldory Mubar nuxh owl lml nul flmn lwa polnu Mud cl Moulml Kll rhrner lml Tnmnlo Nlnllrl Falll whlrh open mum mudy ll lllmlllnn ll Hod MLTIMOHE AP lluvy ullhl Inn mm Knal Id In IJIlllmnn hmpllll lordy day And hull all MUM for mo Wm mum uh Mood clot MI huln Hlled Mm and own had Hm In unuld mm lmn wuuy ulmvlrd COACH PAUL MEGER let pictured talking In three or éhmu In nluhl Canada Gains Initial Win In Golf Tourney New Goaltender In Starry Role By THE CANADIAN M255 Boxer Ernie Knox Dies After Suffering Knockout Deieat It VIII opening mmrn Tuesday COACH MEGER GIVES ADVICE TOCHARGES fireday raundrohln Canlda bowed In south Africa the delendlnz champlon Ive matcth lo lvhrea with on halved The Cnnndlnn wln uduy wu dun lo llne play In he morning lourlomu In which mu Cana dlan made clean sweep lhefi lhreg matches From what Ive mu lnr the molt lmpartlnl thin for mu wlll he to pmlm mm Iald 1h am Swadrnl national mm an Ivename trial with New York mum Ihnl will not mm MI amalcur lu us They Now Zialandcrx won three at Ihe slx singles an Ull Sterner my ha wll hll eyu wide open and hll guard up whtn skates on to Madison Square Garden Inn lo nlxhl and becomes nu llm player horn And mlscd In Eu rope lo perturm In the Nulinnnl Hockey Mazue The handsome 21 yenr old centre and leflwlnger Jalned the Ranger at their Vlmlycl MINI 011mm Hnmlllan And Cnlhnrinu Cux herach alllml nllck Hawk Includtd llflpplnl on lwu ptnnlly Iholl Frcd Slan flold flared on he Ilru me Ihol or 51 tharinu but Driln McDonnld lulled lo bent Cox on lho Arcond mum who lMl yur pllytd an Guulph at Ma goal lrom John ntctlwy Ind Ilnllu 1mm nob Jane and Snndy Flu palglclg mick llnwk markmm were Jlm OBrlen Churn Kelly Ind Slunlltld ho darlnn chuhd or lllnl ol buln dump and uld lhty luund nom llul lhey ordvrld Knox unl la hnlpllll pnuullvn IEMOVI CLm luk Cohen IUIMIC rnmmll Ilrm mnlnm uld Knox VII rnllmnl In dmnlu room In lid in un monulnl om bl nl Em hr lll Thi lou lhc Imlnl 1th In ll bow Ila wan IO and dmv mm Ila dldnl IM lnr lMuL ll lul one helm lho lieIth II ulna mnmm no Ilqal Im Jlm Mwa Al nowmnnvllle Coumam Ind Ounrlcboll wllh Wu gall nnn an Hrlbperlndpcmlly Ihal rmvidtd all mrlnl or Momml Knox mmrd IIIM Hul mly Tundly ho Inll coulclmunm An om lrnr nwullon man bloc In mm huln Dnnny 05ch led lho Grn rrnll wlh lhm an thII nod anno mm In olhtr mnrker lmrhomuxh who led Tor onla 71 All llm Mod and Iller lhv man lol hm call hum lmmon we rom llon Nlud Ind on Inrh lmm John Vlndcrhurl Ind Dmny Qrnl Im Ntmkale Iner lwo or erlborol dld aunt Mann Jlm Mummy Ind wuann Iddm Nulu practice usulon ol Barrie Swamps Meier put 20 nlnyera through 60minute workout Llltenlnl to word SWede Ready For First NHL Game NEW YORK UPISwedens mm Cnnada an Ill three aur sumex mum Sauth Alrlca but today he Canadians lnve pub demanstrnllan of mm play lunch the Canadlam won two and Iho ether wax halved anan teamed with Ben Tlce hum nl Vancouvcr lu ducal Naw Zealnndl non Newdlck and Brian Bays and over my body already he moaned Even got them mm mm at tho Range dnrlnz the prac Cu really lamekhinl whun you hava walch your own teammate Bul hryre nlce bunch guys Ind hm helps me lrnlnlng camp Inst munlh Ha nppunrud In Ievml cxmhlllon gnmu but was only specu ar during lho Ran Hm two camp the 196 1547 NHL sen ln Chkngnfind Mammal may with he Rnngcu Sterner plans relurn hi nullva Gulcnburz where ha play lor the anlm Fm lunda team rlend Carl 0e berz from the Djurznrdcn team at Stockholm Ipponrcd in new ernl exhlbllion anu with lhu champlon Taromo anla Lent In month WAS HURT Those cxhlhlflnn game were really mmclhinu grinned In um um tried lo bodychcck somtbody and inrc knew wlml hnpncned In Illck Ind elbow In my gal IHIM rIb Icplrnllon hut dldnl tell anybody about It and cmlllnucd la play In In unmo Theyre laugh In lhln mine and wnnlcd In new Intm run Inks ILIM In Swe drn even when you tnI lb Isa yan In no norm Hull 51 ammo mnék Hawks and Jenn human Montreal Cnnndlem have Im prcmd Slemer lhu man an rulliwlncilnx lurwnrd J1n Ih ordl llnwt All ply my Mn mu hm Sterner uniInca Im unlnl hick lo Sweden play In Hm Olympl In Jnnunry Ind mum hm Ixnln nul III In plly wllh II Ilnnurl or an the Arm lulu Ill In pmllrl All lumd hm mm Hull win dont play In roulh In advice from the hon lll It to right Dan MacDonald Al Smlth and newmnerDon Mchlh Examiner mm fiweda gum Im TO HELP YOU HEADOFF TROUBLE DANGERFIELD MOTORS NICO Fame FREE Brnkn Inspocllon and Free Aduslmom FREE Coolan System Chock Test AnHFroozo FREE Exhausv System Check Important Items When Hundan lnlo COLDER Wenlher Offer Good For lellud Time Ad Now Phone PA 02407 Im mm Emma vvisnmmv on in ma 15 Damon AP Ford Imomohlle llmllyl willnm Clly Ford is laying $0000000 an lb buy Qatrolt pliant Ford aflered tha Llom direc torate he cub for uchantmL The Liana now are govemed by board of director responsihh to stockholders lets Not Ilnce Iyndlcale De lrall huslnessmtn bought ha Dellall Tilers baseball team or 5500000 In 1057 ha money at Hull alzu been on tab In mom lramacunn here at 0111 Earl MAY BE UNIQUE Madcd by Dan nccvc rcpulcdly plaid 31100 000 for NFLI 1m Angela Rum earlier lhll year Thurs was doubt whether MI was unglo piece money howeven Reeves reportedly luv price £00000 lrmralcd on Iluckhnldeu lhnra hash this was Inld to work out lo $1100 gSays HoweFWill Score 700 Goals ho he Nallnnal Foolbnll League club cream sensation tha Liana direclon meetan new day wlth the surprise ofler The 35000300 probably II the largest Ilngla omr or any spam tranchllo For money Ford would get squad playerl and tho Llona madesl headquarter ul llce the clubs only langlbla In ml may 7m have hap pcpcd nqywpcrz else either Baseballl New York Ynnkul were laid or 31500900 but lhll ywr were sold lar ammoaha Mb NEW YORK AP Vlllle Pop In lcnlherwclxh champion wnn aimed to box lnzl Hall Fame mesdny Pep II who livts In Hm lorn Cam ha vnrnu husl um enlerprlm In Tnmpn Fla and New York He bcmmu lhe mh mumhzr lbs hull Ilnu ll wnl armed in 1175 Nut Fleisclwr vuhllshcr or Ilan mqgnlinalgnd Hull anl cur ladfim Iild NEW YORK AP How many ml will Gordie Howo Icon and haw long will ha fry inlhe Nellonal Hookcy mm Hell Jilly live more yum and wln up with at least 700 wall predim enml man ager Mun Palrck New Ymk mum who open lhelr homo mason tnnlght nulml Howe and he Dclrolt Red Win In Madlsnn Square Gn den Howe 35 year old mm wlnger nerd nnly lwu more lfllll to break the NHL ca reer record excluding play 0111 held by Maurice Rocket Richard the armor Mnntrerl Clnadiem star The Rocket retired Ihreq year can no 30 Iherel rm doubt that How the areal player in tha story Ihe lame Illd Pnlrlck who Joined tha Run Name Pep To Hall Fame $6 Million Offer For Grid Squad COMMUNITY DRIVE ARTFICIAL ICE In Vanr ELMVALE ARENA SUPPORT ocn 05 Colllél 5L Thu For 1128 balll Cleveland Brown or 34000300 Then has been an of Ier 34500900 for FhlladeL phlal Football Eagles The Skiyenmld Ford Molar Company amdalhe is cam pany vicepresldcnlls he Hrs member his lamlly to be sportsman on major scale He In one of three grandson of auto pioneer Henry Ford Elll Ford has been president at the Llonl since 1961 when as member of tho board he stepped Into management breach and became president In flockholderr proxy light Fordl offer la hny came wilh Ihc Llons urngzllng to get back on the wlnnlng truck Thu Lions considered litla contenders lhc start lhe season have dropped three of their live games In any slmmion alienslw ely or defensively Gordie just the best there Put rIck said BU Cook played for tha Hansen the mld 1020 player In 1937 Hes alyendyicared lhrce Hrnau two unmet no It looks as though hes going to have an other nulltandlngv mason nun nrrnul lnm Haws Iuflmd cut righ ankle in pracflco Tuesday But hed WIngI pakcsmnn said the anur probably wuuid no hamper ll play against mg Rnngurn lanlghL Rlchard was In expluslve and exnlllnz Player But ha couldnt hold candlu Io Howe delensively Id rnla Blll Cook on par wllh the Rocket Blll about the only oxdtlmel can lhlnk who could hold hln own Illn the mod em nol lmclje WONT AFFECT HIM WWW lednn Al 5an IF MM mnm Firestone SIZES 750 670 EXCHANGE Whllowalll $100 In por SIMIMR SAVINGS FOR All CARS lNClUDlNG MONTREAL CF Bequ Geoflflon Montreal and Stan Mlkna of Chicago nhm the lead In the palmscoring race allu tha Nationl Hockey Leaguel um week 01 action bul Interest In lacusxed on De rolt fled WhIKI Gordla Haws as he uuulll the luxues all in cord Offlclnl NHL slallsllcs ru leased today show Geoflrlon moved Into urnplace la with le palms after scoring two goals and we asslst In Mont reall lacing or New York Geflrlana points are made up of three on and lime assist In two game whlle Mlkfln who mm his 1963M contract only day before Hnwka opened lhelr schedule with 31 win over Rangers now two goals and four assists In Chlcaga Ihrea games squEsr 11mm He showed Jacques Planle New York Rangers goaltender that he copld allll Ind madam filler being taunted by hls or mgrjeprqmnlq about his shot rce min In Da ralls two games to move within on goal tying the ca reer record 544 goals set by Maurice Richard Ihe Inrmer Montreal star In regular lea 5051715 The J5ynrnld Howe playing In his 13m season had said he didnt expect to scare he goal breaking Richardl record unlll ale In November Thlrd raid aurifx spals In the Individual rl race are shared by John Ferguson Ca Gleoffriqn Mikita Tied For NHLScoring Lead Unhnlfllflnl our an nzu No Just Slab llne £5 BRADFORD 51 BAY VCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beauliml Examka Free Estimate FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA 87433 HARRIS Town Country WINIER TREADS nadlen mkle 11 Vanéouver and Jean Bellvean the vemun Montreal centre Ferguson has scored three ganls Ind added twa mm In Monlreala first two games Ind BEHVEIHI lye point are made up of goal and our asslsls the Inner hoosllng hi cafecr mm to Hawea three goals ml In alsl fled him with Bobby Hull and Ken Whamam Chmgo and Delmlta Bruce MacGrcgor tar Ilflh spol In Individual scor lug with our point apiece Terry Surcth of Detroit lends zanllendem glvlng ufi hm goals In two games or 150 goalsalum average H6 also has the lone nhulonl 1n lho Icague 350 winaverBastqn The penalty leaders Iller the llrst week of play an Dick Dull ol lomnlo and John Bucyk ol Boslan each ofwhum rccelved mlnor and 10mlnula mlxcan duct or total ol 12 minnlul Hawle Younz ol Chlcaxo Black Hawks who set league rm ml 01 27 penalty mlnules wlth Detroit last season dld not re cuve penallyln Hawks three games an Ihe cam standing De trulls we victories ln lwn nummm mmnmts 249 STEEL ST at BLAKE IM972 LOWEST PRICES FHSTEST SEIWIEE THORNLEA CushCgrgy IMPORTS and COMPACTS sizes 75014 01 67015 EXCHANGE Whllowalll $100 In por zomu glves Red Wings the league lend with our polnls the same tom Chicago al though Black Hawks haw tercd loss ngulnst their two victories Montreal is thlrd with than polnts on Ihelr vlclory and tie In two games and Tor onto in fourth with two points on win and loss In the two Ilorts Boston has atle In three slam or one lnt one point ahqad the nthplace Rang er who last their first two games Geaflrion Mu Mixlta CM Ferguson MII Bellvuu Mll Howe Du MacGregor Hull an Wharram Chi Mahovllnh Tor Oliver Ba Rousseau Mtl Halon Mu Jellrey bet Faulkner De McDonald CH Hay Ch Bflcyk Bo Willlams Eon Pu 12 fix

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