fflï¬ï¬Ã© Viruses Said Cancer Cause NEW YORK AHThen ls little reason to doubt that VI rusn may be the cause 01 some lypa human cancer an ab lclal at landing cancer re leurch Institute said mesday Dr James Grncm assist um directnr of Rcswell ak Mcmorlul Inslllute in nulfnlo cited six llndlnxx whlch he said shed new Ilght on poul hle links holwecn viruses and human cancer No adenovlruscs known In cnusu reddening lbs rye and upper rcsplmlory Inlccllom In humans hnvu been shown lo cause malignant growth when lnlcclcd Into ncwbum hamxlm Newbam hnmxlm develop cnncun mu Injection with OTTAWA CWChm by rcllrtd Commodore Jnmu Plomu navy nullucncc bad Icndcnhlp Inornnce ur mxnnte luck of rink and nupld and dhhonul dctlxlons Mrs tfltll dllmlmd Tun day by In Common dclcnco tommlucu Aller mm Hum lhrru hour nlmunl mummy by mud mktn VIcrmlmlrnl Ilerlmrt nnynwr rhlcl of lhn H601 member nnvy lhu cammlllca dcrllncd Commodore Ilnmer nrlrr lo Ippur Iznln wil JI Inmmlllro mrmhcrl mhl prl vulrly lhnl thuy bad In nlnnlml Ilm navy nmmw dnm llomcrl churn Thny Inlll ommmlnm linmrr had II TORONTO Il Vnunl Ithllll Ihmlld lho whitAl 01 wean Iralllullqn ml Iprriul hrnlmrnl hm Ihry lInak Ilm law llw Anmllun overnnI Ivlnljnn In The nlol prvmm nullnnnl tlnml mulmnre In mm mm mIlcr llme mm mmle plan lrzlnlnllnn dealw bith um an mun Ind In IHM In III Iulnnlllul In llm mlnlxlpr nl ulllre ml nul yur nnd mw Iven whin mum mrulnllom Autocla Im In In mlw mflllmll WVan nlfrmlrn errn 1m nrv ml flllmno on nvvcn up Ill be lellhl rlvlhlvon and 1M lmmlura lo INA mm ulnlll This big truck and lnller skidded durln heavy rain norm near PInole yesterday mashed through heavy ce ment guard rail and wound up dzan head stand High way Patrol afï¬rm sald chnln which canceled the FINDINGS SHED LIGHT Suggest Young Adults Receive Special Laws Navy Cleared Of Negligence 99m Yur No 241 For Eiurmne Wm Ad rele phom PA Mm The teluuhone pumber to call or flu Business or wmu Dept ll PA 551 Our Telephones TOPSYTURVY TRAILER mnnllii Ilrul whlcll also cause channel hlzhly Iugzenlva cl mallxnnncy In human cell town In lahnrumrlel Sludlu cl llssuo and blood Elasmn mm pallonu with law nmlu have revealed pnrllclu whlch rcscmbls ha vlruI parll clu non In mouss leukemla strain of virus that nah molly mum mnllznant growth chickens Wm recently shown to produce sImHnr lrowth in Newborn monkcyl two It weeks nttur Inoculation Gram said the data was the tint pm that vrusu can cnuxu mall nnnt tumm lngrmntu VKIA vlrulvï¬hléh cause hm Inn tumor In monkey also pra ducu Ilmllnr tumor In hu cum hul had overdone It by In dululnl In porlnnnlmn An uumplu nl thin mu Com modnm Plnmcrl chum thnl all Cnnndlnn ndmlrnll art And talk like nmnlcun the rtqunl John Lloyd IoIlnlllnxr Admiral namer INDY Ilnce lowho won lho nlnunxullhml Servlcu Cruu nnd hnr II dulroyrr commander In ll Second Vnrld Warput hll qunlllcnllam on um rrcnrd Admin llnyncr Ink ml land rmmmendrd year no In lhrn Drlmra Mlnlllcr Doua lu Hurlnm that Commodnm llamtr lhcn dapuly unvnl rumplmllrrv he lewd Mn Ilnrlmm NI rilrrmd that Cmnmmlora Homer nnw rtlrnml MAI am In he nvullnMI mm mm In all nunl adulll haunl ullll willumlu an nlhm rum llllllllmn lo lhll WIII our Unm dluuu 1le MAIN In run Mull lrtnlmrnl nmI rrlumlnI II Hrmkrn MAMZII HllfllilZMYIONN nwï¬ Mummy Hm dllmulvn llw umlnflon llll mu FWIII Ionlull pmvlnan be warm to cum lh unlmc olymlnl lllulu pro mm um mmulnlury In any mu nvn1vn1 ymml Mull mnvlflnl ollher MI Mldlhle nlhnu or an punlxhnbll luy lmnrlmn lraller la ha truck kept mm rallan over Tha lrnller lie on alde on tho him way above The drver Huh old Almnnrude 52 Danvllle CallL suffered broken wrist and multiple contuslnns AP Wirephoto hPiTï¬arriPExaminkr SEOUL mentor Mlliury junta lander Gen Chunl llcn Pnrk was elected pmldcnl of South Korea oduy nfler maln oppnlltlnn cundldnle Pa Sun Yun conceded damn ll munnl hut Park when luderihlp we oppaud by Yunn Clvil luk Inrly unl other clvllhm groups wnuld lend the govemmcnl for an nlher our yrnn member lhn lecnn cu rln Um rhurrh unlrnl Ionm ln body drmllml he valu nl victory nr lha pmmulm he modern mlndrd rirmrnl nmonl lhu 1500 rhurrh lnlhm VATICAN CITY AP Tho Vulcan lcuxncnml tmln lln promqu wlnu nppenred lodny In haw mined dom lnnnl Influence nl Hm Ilomnn Cnlhullc conclnvn lollnwlnx IM wukl val tn modernlxo Ihe mnu nnd tho Inrrnmrnll The convoy was held up Bubelsberu checkpoint cub xidu Berlin altar It commander had refused to dlsmaunl hll men jar mg count flckela drawn on Early to Rhostill pnmhlu Illum nnd Corky Bay were In the name 01 Uand BeIIcIeuIllu nnd canInd lho address SI Fruncoll SIIu Sud Que No Inch Iown II 1ch In the Canudlnn Almno nnc although then several thch Includa ha numa SI Frnncqu Them II also an un Ilslcd communIIy culled St Franco do SnIu du Ia RIvIcreduSud In Quebec pmv Ince however mull nol Imprlwn hem unlru nll nllur murm hnvo Mm mlr lldun ml rgjqclul mm mm mhllnl you Mlulln In rrlh an nmnml Ihm mllhlm lml my nu Iurld llml lhry he Iurrnnltd hum ohm MIMI convoy wasrcloared ulna gfgours DUBLIN CPIAn Ipparenlly unprecedented double drnw or Cnnndlnn In lhe Irlsh cwccp IlnkeItwo tickets held by Iho nme permmarked the last 1933 drawing In the Irish ho plul lonery nmsday as llck held byHCnnndJnnl wm drawn on no harm ellxlhle fur the Cambrldxcshlm llandlcap Newmnykcl England Suiurdny II nmll lu rrrrvhled Illh ndwwnlr lulllllu Including an nhlr mum um lllll Mm Knvmvmvnl wuvhlm lwlmmr and um lor mrdl nla HM prulvlem mm Idul ollmdm nu lurid Inyl no mu ymnh mm ImlM nerd lo dul will Jmh Ind Mum rum uld hm lulmlmlon BERLIN Renter Bril lsh Army convoy was Allowed to move toward West Germany today arm belng held up by the Russians nenr Eerlln or nhï¬ hours British pukmman The spokesman Inld tha com voy began movan toward Ma llenborn at the West German and the lmrmlln Autobahn from Berlin through East Ger mflr territory The holdup allowed lha pal lern last week when an American convoy was hnld in West Germany for El hours by the Russians or the num ren mn General Elected By South Koreans Progressives Take Lead At Council Canadian Holds Sweeps Tickets British CQnVOY Delayed um or Ad count Brillxh pukumgnuaald ha chemmentsurvives NOnCOnfidenCé Vbtes OTTAWA CPITho ovum mcnzl new defence policy now beulnnlnl in aka shape will re null In Icwcr men in lho Armed areas but higher expenditure for weapon Ind equipment source close lho cnhlnel lay Then wlll be ml at about 10 pencenl In lhc prmnl rnnn power Ilrcmzlh mm 0000 the lam mu dnlcnco budget will be plnnncd on vayenr hum l0 lhnl Ihu de lcnco department will know In advance that In mm will have appraxlmnlnly 31500000 000 to lpend ouch yeah WASHINGTON CWA hluh US wurco mm U8 plllll la nllnck Cnnudnl nnw nulamo Iva pmdurflon lncvnlivo mm mm Ihrnuxh he thrrnl Aummrnt on Turf Ind Trndo vlyulmlly cullnqged Thu lnlnrmn merlcnn nmhorluu mum uhluluvely tar lama lenl mundn clmrgo Cnnndn wllh bunch GMT olIlanonI and lulled to tame up wllh Iquclenlly 1mm ram whlch tould mn vmcv 10 GMT membmhlp lhnl counlrrmcmurr Ihauld In lrrygmrd aunipu MIL Huwuver Ibo UVS IHll ho Ilcul In new plnn uhlrh In thlnlry miller Drury plum In untold belnrn Com HAIMT Murmcn mullm nm Mmmn Inlunmllon mlrv Imy Inlll lmln nu nlzm plum II bombed lhu Moroccan bankr um Owl Alumni and hard inlr um llomcum yarnon Huudcnnx Mmmm nflIcIIu In erniuh uld Ibo Alurrlun Anny hul launched counlrrnuul on he hunkt wulh ml lhu my UTIAWA CIY Arum llodrluu lf hm cl In locum loml lln In Dominlcnn llypubllr Im kfl Cnn bnule unlnl drmmllm WHIII 4yurold hum MIIWIIII nl my IMI Owen mom will bu ï¬led to mm or 115m um 001 muluulom Addflllm pllnmd lur mmp Ion In mm drpnlvmnl ï¬nrr will occupy mm Mutt Dam on lln ml by You Ind an Uu wulh b1 th light race has developed or top awards In The Examiner Cash Award Content The ï¬x contestants who are selling mull subscription to lha nuwumpcr nro closely bunch ed as they vlo Ior 1250 In cash prizes tho compemlon Iwinuu inlo It thlrd week Mn Anne Dow representallva ln Ihe Shanty my district leadlnl milon ICI nobal 51mm Ca Ltd lad1 numd 9000000 pankm or In amnion Toma non Sum my nl lugn nggnumu gm bu rgud pull or Algorians Bomb Moroccan Border Areas Army ManpbWéf Attack On Canadian R036 Plan By US Reported Collapsed Dominican Security Chief Loaves Dopaflmont Store Announces Expansion Will Be Shanty Bay ReSident Leads Examiner Race maximum mum of about In second place In Mu Joan Blrrlo Onhrlo Clmdl Wodnudny Octal 16 I963 MRS ANNE BOWEN NEWS BRIEFS Durlnz hla vlm hm Drury um plum lo can wllh Un dorIccrclnry Slnla Gram Hall and with Dcltnco 5cm Inr Robert Manmnrn Drur wlll mu Manmun lo mlarnllon or canmnlannl mm In order Hm II US Army can mnllnuu lo urrhnln Cnnndlnn Caribou mmer plane and umlcipnlo In dz vrlopmtnl of mo Caribou nlr All blucr and man power ul vmhm ul lho prmnl plane Fund or bath purdmm and duvelopmem wrrn cut Ivy Conlreu lll wrrk moru Secrmry Lulhnr lodch In ticlull muudny II In vIoln llon or the mm lmrmnllonnl mile obflgqlinm 20 per cent of hue budull will ha or new weapon und equip ment In conlrnrl or example to Iha per cult alhtled for army equlpment in ha In de lcnco budm No major Chllllll an ex cciud to occur In lhn present lacnl year except for cancnllu Man lbs eilhlIhlp nuvnl lrlu Ale program lnlllnled by the Comervnllva govern mom The reduction In milllnry manpower lnlormed Iaurcu my will be carried out over period III month or more Thll can he done Imply by dry lnl up recmillnz Bunchcd um um lender are the three other contexlunh Mm Jnmcl Morgan Minesinu Mld DNclfl Elmvn All contestants rcpnrl manur aulni responw to Ihclr canvass fur Iubacriplianl lar emu ran lng from month to two you Pope Strand She is cloxely allowed by Mn Lilllcrap Thornton Cookslawn dla mm Reduced mus mm Porn anmlllnn rccnverlnl mm rm npcrallon which elxlll dnyl um caused hlm la nnnouncc hll lmntndlnl rcllremcnl Idlld ulcd nnalhrr ltricl or lnlkl wllh promlncnl Tar In qcl Ith vluwn Ila cnllml In all Hm princlpnll ln lho drnmn Tuudny appur cnlly trylnu lo 1mm hll eudlnl cullonxuu an of dendlork milln bcdaldo today wllh the Hearold prlme mlnlxltr Ink lnz lha lend In trying to plck Ml luccular DONDON AP The Alru do for war In ha nrllla MM fluted to Harold Mm You can help your own trial rcprmnlauva In her am In wln la prim 00 Michael Dannel Examiner clr culnum manager lllld today You can Ilgn up or lublcflp lion when this call or land gay menl directly to Thu Exam ner oulcu lo Bnyfleld Streak Barrie Thy canlutnnu waxking Iur lhcmelvu and tho newv paper They are the time when many lubmlpuons normally up or nnewnl and mm mumln lhe dil lricHn aka up mdencc again or mn and wlnlnr In Ihelr canvnu onmmm homered by knowledge that they have IMK product 10 I211 11 Ex um Slmcoa County newlpaper future ally and dim1c new but also carries the mnln Itorlcl 1m uunul and world lnlemt The MW villus lawn and city II to be 0qu on dlmlc page mam detail Khan In any other new mcdln Mn McIAmI Khan ly my nm rmlm her rnnulhutnr tlrfl lmm Unlhd Arm Mum Mn John Power Struggle Continues In UK MM LILLICRAP BARBIE UNITED APPEAL Thoo who Imwered Ihn ma blllznllon cnll Included numtr our ynunl volunlml carried away by ma olllclnlly whlppod Ur war war Many wens anrly loo Ynunl aver lo have cum against the French In on nunconlldencu lest the Liberal were backed by ha New Democrats and Social Credllen In lhe nlher tha gov ernment Iupparl mm the Conshrvntvu and Real Cn oueuep Credltllm nrln Ill streamed lnlo nrmy bunch today In anlwcr lo Pmldcnl Ahmed Em Bellas general mohllluflon deem Io me In threat war with Mo New The mahillzltlan decree wn luued Tucsdly night after more Hahn 1n the dlnpuled Sahara bordnr raglan between Mum and Morocco The AimIan claimed lhey mu cunlrollud lwn dhpuled oulwm Allcr two day of Moody lklflflllhel Ben Bella ordered all armer mldlorloullmnlcd lo total 30 qulo reparl gr army urvlce mm llm effort can llnuud In ntlulinla lelllcmonl dhpula IIIOUMNDS REPORT Aikerlnnrlouiml ma non ml IN All in mm mm nmwm wllh Ipomnnmul emhulhum WAWA CHA vnrlcly at aprosltlon luppartluatalncd the mnnrlty Liberal government In Commnny vote on two noncon tldenca motion Tuuduy night The vote came the anti twoday debuts on harm prob lam In Enltern Canada no time were there any real can flu lhe government was In damr or being our lhgown The vole wern he mm and ninth lent 01 conï¬dence In the lovarnment which command 129 votes azalnlt cumblned opposlllon 139 MP1 mad up of 95 Conservatives 17 New Damocrnll 11 Each Cream and la Creamm CHARGES FAILURE Scoreboard on Illa lwa volea conurvatlva mollon non conï¬dence charm ha ovalman with Iallura to deal emotiver with man arm problem wna defeated lo 05 with New Democrat and 10 Social €11de backlnl ha lavemmcnl Inalmt Conlerv aIlvaxadjlllga alyanca gllKlvgelrwtfl Algeriqns To Meet Crisis 72f Soda VCredl motion blaming the lltunllun on can llnuauan inadequah wllclel ltmmn nu flldl wlll ha Inn Ill tonhllmim nur Ina ml mum and may dIyvlund In ulndmv no um emum will mi of ALGIERS AP Thuuundl Conservatives Sodreds Hit Whigs AgriculturalPolicy No Morn Than Per Copy26 Pug sunny with low cloudy Inten valu Lilllochangn In tempera ture bow tonight 41 High to morrow 13 Summary on pm deal Weathef the armnr Conscrvallva zov ernmcnt was turnnddown 208 22 mm LbernhCmacrva llvu Cradlllsles and Frank Howard NDPSkccnnl an the name alda against nine Soclnl Credllerl and ISNcw Demol cruls Although lhc vole warn on the lovernmeml lnrm pallclu neither Agriculture Min lslcr Hay not Ilene Tromblny mlnlner wllhoul portfolio who ll slated to become enslcrn ag rlculhm mlnlslcr were in the Common or lhcm NEW YORK AwThu Hnnn mu dimmed New York Mr tor mud publication alter 39 yam and mm or us well have been Iald to the New York Daily Ihonilrhrl last edition rolled on lhe mum at 311 Mohammad Ynzld armrr In inrormnuan mlnlllu Ind 511mm Honnn an aide ol Defence Hlniller Col mm Bnumcdlznne flew hack lo um Tuesday night alter day of mm In Murmkcch wllh Kin man Morocco and other Mornccnn lenders The wn no alllclnl ward on lhc nezallnllom but Inlormcd sourch uld lllllc ml proxrm hud hem mndo Ru om ram Hui Sahara Inld Hm n1 hnd mhllrlnd Tho lovnrnmnnl tonlmllnd ml and rndln aimed nlendy man chute Moroccul KIM llnnnn II Benna Ihe debate MP roamed over wide range of eulem Iarm problemsfrom he use lerlllllcr to Ihe Im vact dnlrz Iubsldlcsan pm ductlnn utter cheese and Iklm milk Tha Mirror had daily drew Iatlon about 382000 ucond only The Dally Newa Honnl Man nurly zoooooo no two emlunrlcl Immedi ately wcm lnlo mnftrcncn wllh Ban Brlla They look on again at dawn lo mums lhclr Inlkl In Mnmkech MAKE LlllLE PROGRESS kn II he mm Mm lulu TM mldonlill rpm mm yummy and nl run limit will Oct 11 nillulu Mom New York Mirror Ends Publication