mm Sun Batman McDonald Mccloxke Coleman ulnar DUBAI 11mm Good Begi HOLIDAY GUESTS humming holiday mu Good News Bible Club Members Begin School Visits This Week Mlss Karen Emerson lu dent at Weslem Unlvmlly spent tho hullday weekend In the ally guest at her parenll Mr and ML Emhmon hull Sl M15 Emberson who re hlered ln the muslc CDUISI at Western was guesl aololsl wllh Illa narrle Central Collegiate Band on Salurday evenlng The bind led all the Burl Com munlly Concert Assoclallon can hlls Embersona mlo was Concerto for lmmpel ln Flul Mljor by Hayden NAMES TEA CONVENERfl l1 Srlzley xenenl con venur ol the Holly Tu Ind Elke Elle to be held Nov 13 In St Joseph Audllorlum Jun In nmulced the xypolnlmem of he lollowlnz convenen Tu Hon ten Mn Decnriu Bnku TI ble Mn Shane Cnndy Mn Sun Country Store Mn Zelner While Elaphnnt Mn Sun Sewlnl Mn rapn bagelallow Mrs CONCERT APPEARANCE Brannm Decorations Mn McDonald mum Mn Mccloxkey Tickeu Mn Coleman Publicity Mu Mar The home Mn Cooke Sunburn Ave was the lam of happy event whlch took place early In Oclober Approx malaly Indie the mu of Ibo Barrie Good New Blhlc Club me or In informll aller noon Auburn hostesm were Mn Ian Stanley and Mn Max Parker Mu Thoma nrolley DI 0r Bible Clubs reeled lhe null and called on Mn II math to Introduce lpecln mu ML Grace Woodcock mlulannry who had men 12 pm in Dmllln chlldml work mantis EXAMINER Tum omnm an Min Woodcock autllncd Inter eatlng events htl work In that counlry the almost Insurmnunh Able dlmcultlu In ruchlnl the mIIvu tar Chrhl and mm at the rlch xewlrdl Amnnz other florid me oh ol rp Ihe made any lhu oupcl to mom chlIdrcn dll llnco nwny lrom her mllan 1110 Journey had to be mod In crude homemldn bout Hon rough river Sho torrled good den Vllull old equlp mom mm slw hod Ipcnl mlny mkl 1n umber loulhlr book and plrlum The boat cmlxed Ind Ilmoll overyulnl wruu 1011 or ml won mt bul IM tnnllnuod hor ioumey and llwn Iho told how lha null of her mlulon to how chlldmn worn to wondulul 5h urnd llm MUN prmnl to ho Illlhlul In mrlr work nu Ibo fu lur of fly rounlry drprnd on tho rhlldrm nl today During Ibo Almnoon Mn Irollry hlmulum lho um ï¬ve or 1061 Auhlnnl Dim tor Mr Mlthz Sorro luy Mn him Tum um Mu Mu lnylur My onlmr Trnchlnl MIL II limh Auk m1 Canvmr of Work Commlllu Mn II Conlum Irln fonvrner Im Km melnn in or Mn Mnrvcy Hm Devo TM llnmlllun Euwly Carma lonnl Kernmy Mn Oll Mrs John Chnppell Col ilur 52 received congratulm don 1mm her many Mend Ind relatlves on the occulun of hr 90 birthday on Sun day An open house celeb ll lull In rumm hm Hhmcufs siiod PERMANENTS HVES BEAUTY SHOPPE SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Allum rim Ill lpmlnlmnl Only 550 lull Mr and Mn John Carbon Caroline so Mr and Mn Wiiiiam Naviia and Ronald oi Cookalown and Mn Emmon Cave Cookmvm alluded the Plowing Match at Caiedon On Sunday Mr and Mrs Corbett and Mr and Mn Norman Ne vii motored Corbetlon ATTEND WEDDING In the city for he Thnnkaziw In holiday weekend and tend the woddinl Min Sn aanna Wait were Min Wain Mother and aimr in law Mr and Mn Wait ni Flinl Michigan Mr lava his later In marriage to Paul Arthur Swain morning cemnony St Marya Church Barrie Mr and Mn Walt ware guest at the home Mr Walia mother Mn it wm oi Sophia Si Em along with ML tm1 Mn Georg Tim oi 01 sqqma DANCE It the home Mr and Mn Bamluk Bnyfleld 5L wen Mr Boryslukl mother Ind liner Mn Barylluk Ind Mlu Irene Boryaluk and his niece Ml Linda Mcharmld all at Ottawa Mcmhtri of dlnce club 71mm 113 Almlon Camp Borden Tdrbnto st 3th mm Teltphono Cnnvencr My Tidemln The Intern Ind enthusiasm ma waxkm In mu Good Nam Club mm high And an loaldnu lorwnrd lo Ihu open lng at tho Club In tho vuiuul Ichooll thin week llon was held at her home 1mm lo and lo pm family dlnncr was held In honor the nonaxenarlan at Crown Hill United Church on Sindhi iEinniInaé Pliéth PIOIIMI ELIZABETH ARDENS BEAUIY CONFERENCE FOR BUSY WOMEN Ellnlwlh Ardml Imuly Conform or nun Womm mull lIVYlnllly lfurllh llnjl Cglllgr Slml on 0d mm vim la Ehw you how to berm mm mm Mud mn ln your homo Ind out ll Mlu Ardmn Consultm Ilu Chol hllovtl will tell you ll mi 75 Avonbl Dvnlop CUSDENS PHARMACY Or Any IODI Mombnr The No mill ml your mlvlflu Ellubrlh Aukn cm hdu you row In hvcllnm Illn cm makoup lulr can poaluru hand Ind run an Mlu rHou wlll be happy lo mum your lulullml plnn In thrru Youll mm IL Kempenfelt IODE To See Cosmetician methodlrlldn tonlnz and do gathered It the Colllnwnod D1 lric Cellulite mum mm evening or All Iqum dune apomomd by the Ski Town Square Cofllnuwood culler hr the 10 let dlncen wal Ed Gilmore Camelnil mow the dinner remnant the Buux and Belle Banlo were Mr Ind Mm Gordon Peacock Mr and Mn Eur Carroll Mr and Mn Howlrd Fnlrwealher Mr and Mn EIII Judge Mr and Mn Harvey Weber Mr and Mn Al Wullln Mr and Mn Dnllal he Mn Melcalia Min Mao Fen mmn Ray Wllflnmlon Bill Wright Mr and Mn John Crlwlord Mr and Mn Bill erlney Mr Ind Mn Fred Cuuhun Kemptï¬ï¬t Chipm of mo IODE lpanm comm demonstration Trinity HI tumorrow commencan at pm ML Chelsea Fenom bean Homa or lb holiday weekend with their milieu were Donnld Crow and John Cameron alu denis at OAC Guelph John Pel ieiier Ind mk Baxter student Queenl Universily Missal Linda Stephenson Fume Ina Jane Ouxh and Mary kin student at Univeniiy ol Wesern Ontmio Bruce Henry pruned linden Univenity of Taronlo Min le Ed mund and MB Dinnna Law nudcnu Univerlity oi Wet iern Oninriox Harold Green and Neil Gavin Iludenu Norih ern Oniario imlituu oi Tech nology Kirkland Lake NgVEMflEll WEDXPINQ Thu ensgamut bu been an nounced MI Jndllh Ant Crnlg daughter or Mr and Mn kalln Oral of Banlo to Dlvld Thoma 13mm Inn at Mr and Mn ThomI Barnes cl Toronto The mamm wlll Aka glue Trinity AnzLcnn Chum mm on Nov Mn Mlu Shirley Dixon RIC 111mm hubeen lulected II moiMr mo Ontario dele mm In nund Nllkanll lH Club weak Mm Dixon ha been an onlulndlnl 4K Homemmu Club mumbenulll min aha 11ng her Provlnelul Honour or complellnx ll prolech pmant 1h II knlnlnz to ba WEI lgchnlclnn Vflw Ontario damIon eon Ilm ol um 4H Romanyin Club menAbs and men Ml Agglthugll pm mombm NaIIanIl HI Club Week II or lnnlxed by the cmldlm Coun cil on Club In Wilan with an 10 pmvlncu LII Club member Item n11 provIncel mud to In momma On mu may hllhIlsIm the week be VIII to Cun nun 01 cuymd the lumen dim consultant or 61011an ynl ggmqmgnle makew Sit0 quan HOME FOR HOLIDAY Tthtbn Girl Named Delegate To 4H Club Week Culllar ITS STILL LEANINE The maul leaning town Pin wan mm in 1111 by Bonnnno Plum Eh Amclm the Rnyll dim Acude of Am Vice president am Meg Artilll rm gruldanl Inldlan Soc My dam In Water Colon Llnd pr pllnur In on And water so or ML McCarthy who went mm In warld travel Ind ll dy will show Illdn and mat on the topic Art Ammd th World elm Dutlnl flu mm law then will be questionnnd up awn plriod Ind lucky dnwl will mm 11 ndmlulon ueht Inclndu lunchoon Mlu Dfllll McCarthy world miller mm And teacher of art will he the nu maker murdny ovenlnx Oct 1912 the Count An Exhibit lo be held ln crun Public bmy lb ml 20 Dom will be oxen émurdly 7pm In mm Mccmhy proleulonnl trulnlnz ammo Gallon An Comm School of MI and can London llnd Ind Ontr10 Trllnlnx log to Wed Tucheu Topic At County Art Exhibit To Be Art Around1 Theflorld ll IIJJER lTnlBT IA Mt LUAIHUMI IU TRANSMAN QUALITY STYLE STRANSMANS can wark wander for you pacivl ropmmtatiw Min Chaim Fallow Quill JJaw you how tbi famom Elivbatb Ardm IHURSDAY OCYOBER 17TH FRIDAY OCIOBER TH WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME T0 Emmy Program 33s M5917 iï¬ CLOTH COATS FUR TRIMMED COATS FUR FABRICS CAR COATS whn will be II on Aldln Counln Dunlov Wu only Inn mpu furl mg of 79m Como mm 71 Min Ardm Ipoclnlly mined nymmfldvl Min Chelnu Fellow THARMACY ntï¬vldIui Inllm lam wnndmtul uhup nude Ia dan you pl Mn John Mormon nI Snd bury II VIIIan ham at but Inn and humor In Inw Mr Ind Mu BIII McCurdy Ind Ian Pendant 82 MIL Marv rllon III In tho cllylar 111mb living weekend and mended ha hIrthday puny held In honor of Mn John Chlppefll mn blrth nuy on Sunday MISS DORIS MCCARTHY FROM IUDle SELECTION ll DUN PRICE WOODSNCK Ont UP lhn wom thin you could to member the Milan Club 11 um the had 1m hnr buxom gould jun nboubbrelk hui club formed In 1969 by Mn Purl Lynch Woodstock II devolud to the collection of buttonl III member from Vlrlflfll Wanam Cumfa communlllu meet monthly to tune In huh Ion talk and lelrn man About that hobby Some zap think you have to be It add to collect but mm Illd one collector but actually ll vnnkl ncond Itqmpl 011qu In Club Humbertthen In low than dam in Illhm but lanl dllln back to the 1m 1m Ind surly 18m Theyï¬ra In vnlaly of manhunt do lct Iuch thing Inlmall rylllel numry rhymes nl sixwa leaner wildlife and chll an Thawnman who mm In button Ihuwl In nanby cluet mm up button rel onnct book printed leveral yam no but no loner enu Illy Ivallubla Buttdn Collgfctors Devoted ToHobby San Lycra spandex flrolch punty audio toy light 99 weight control On Ilzo nu 2230 waist mum Mm mm no humor 81 ll woman My IraL nTiu in YOUNG ADULT Gently contoured to mold you ï¬rmly oomlonablo bundcnu youll km to wear Dalnty ombrolduod cups 51m 3210 36 or cups Cotton cup 49 Cotton cups with Lycra nldos wlth cotton sldo Llahlwolghlglrdlos fora nflm Mm look ham hallriled amigo Sam bl molt preclqu we um um bum no buttons hm bun found an old ads plan In what wuthan mm Mn ll Harlin OnL now Kitchener in nmlly chum Mr Ind Mn Goom Na bm of Gilland hm Amman ed theenzmment their dauï¬hter Hahn Patricia to hurry Ron Edney at Mr T0 WED AT GILFORD Ind Mu Willa Edney ER Bradford 1h marriage to lake planeod 25 1m Glflond Unkbd Church Pho to Bi ï¬léeio mm by nva