Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Oct 1963, p. 6

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Ontario QSocreds Elect New Boss VINELAND 0M CF Wll Mr Trelford lzyurold chlrapructor from nearby Thor old was elected Ontario leader the Social Credit putty Satur CAPSULE NEWS dny Mm Ulflil 100 delexnlb closed muting of the Social Crgdll Associatlun 91 Ontario aim named Herbert Hemmer at Ottawa chld organizer tha mammal party as president of the 011359 group um um Mr Trellord and Mr Heppner Wm unsuccessful Soclul Credll candldales In the nelghbnrlnx Ildlng ol Welland and Llncoln relpectlvuly In mu ledml elecllun OIIAWA lCPDelence Mln ism Hellyer denied 11 the Com mon Mopdlly In Denies Report nwm my he Inland In borrow Pentagon official to remanm lhu de lenco depunmmt was It plying lo NDP Lender Douglas who said there ware Washan on reports to that elltct WAWA CPrnde Mlnls lzr Sharp And Canadian when bnnrd commluluner Mc Nlmgn len Samng out mum Wm the European grain mar week10m visit to Britain Wm Germany Ind Frnnce Visits Europe VOTIAWA CWA poiesxor Ind no nude Imm Curlelon Unflversily held ourhour vigil of thanksgiving or peace Mon Memo ua In Thu vlnll was sponsored the combined Unlvenflles Cam paign for Nuclear Disarmament and 1h Student Chrisllan Mave Hold Peace Vigil Hunt NEW HAVEN Conan AP Klnzmnn Brewster Jr provost Yale Univerllty since 1961 has bean named thu 17 pm dent of the Institution me Her Myenrold Yule Alum nus had been regarded the mall likely ucccssm In Whllney Griswvld who dled In April 19 Heads Yale WASHINGTON AP Navy Secrciuy Fred Karth who inst week proiuled animi Lenaiive Pmlaxon decision to deny the navy more nuclear powered 11mm carrien in re aiming and will be luccezded by Pnui Nilu now In minim gummy oi deiencei The White iinuse announced Monday ihnl Presidcnl Icccpied Knnils rcslznnllwn on Satur dgy Tim situation will like Koth Quits llecl NW mu killed and 32 other pcrlom were Injured Monday whrn In luluml bu Ind In If lmck cruhcd on flu for nnkeled New Janey lumvllm No other truck wm Involved but polka ruuld nol uy Imma dlnlely Jun Whll happened Bus Crashes CAHO mm ANTwo 5M plum uklnu pm In dediu llon prairnm wllldnd Sundy nlyoul 75 runwny It the Can Munch Alrport Six venom wen ured ther Planes Collide KEARNY NJ up Two ll uuuld Ipprnr 0an he arm my hu run And lont My ull pom Ivy your own pawnl HIWIIM and Ivy lh unmendvu mmiun an an In IBM nulch vnuau Inrl Atmlllnl lul Thundny nrulnl our pm In nhnvinl In not mmdiux Illc mJuyul ll Imnwmly Ind reflulnl Ian duklnl hund may 01101 Dimple Adulle your Urnl My ll null helm you null In any you Illdl Mum mu uhrnl Im dmwmlmlnn mm In on lhtu Immu nmbuuuu rum Maul Mnlm When ynur may Irl me him and Ill In via al In plan me ur yuur rhaha It yum dlmmM 0mm nl nur ham or vlm nl Innlow yuu mlwd lhn dpnlrr Ihow plum Im II PA will yummy um 1m rmm mlour badm nilht wow mmkll wllhout JOHN FRANK verely and both plane v1 lunlly dmulhhed MEXICO CITY APiSnviet Ambauudor Semyon Bur gov denied Monday um conno naul Yuri Gumin Ind Vaien Una Teahkovn hnd nid Russia would put man on the man next yelr The Soviet Union as well United sum i1 working in Land man in he moon Bazarov llld but who will in first In dlillcull in my hqpa It will be thu ngiet SOViet Hopeful SPARTANBURG SC AF Spartanbunz Genenl Hospital uldjaturdly prematur Negro Infant wclghinu mum at birth wai Ilm allv Ind crying after 11 hour The lam WI born 13 lo 20 weeks prematurely lo nyeamld LII Ila Mas Brown Chesnee FORT MUDERDALE Fla ADActress June Allyson and hulr llylm Glenn Maxwell were manled Saturday In almple elvll ceremony In the home al lhacannty judge who Issued lllem lh licence The Eye old brlde is the wldow of mar chk Powell Tiny Baby Born LONDON Reulenl The newapaper Sunday Clllten poxIa that plan to link Spain and Portugal In confederation la mdar active communion by the rum of the MI nations The newspaper any the Idea was raised at accre meellnl between Generallaalma Fran cisco Franco of Spain and Pr mlar Antnnio Salazar Partn lal In May Bdress Marries GUTllRlE Speclnll Mm Wallace Gnuxh Dnlston wu hasten to Gullurla Unlled Church Women when lhey held lhclr autumn Thankaltering meeting mu conducud by Mun New lnn Hem pmldenL Mn Bu read poem on lnnnhnlvinx In apenlnz nature The pray er general thanksgiving wn read In when To Confederate Thankoffering Meeting Held By Guthrie UCW Tho lecrelnry or Ilewnrdnhlp Ind recruilhm Mn Ivan Clark olfercd Ipeclnl prayer for Lloyd Ind Carol Strachan in Brain Thanksgiving wanhip ur vice wu led by Mn Bum Mu Keilh Sanderwn pmen ltd pmzum an the Ilnlun oi women in indln She med up rccordlnl in which Min Nancy Edwnrdu interviewed lwo indin womm Ind two Iniuionlriu ai in Uniled Church oi Cunndn The uriu oi quuiiom Ind III Iwm muled lh high level oi inieliilencn and orlnnlxinu Ibli ily pomued by indinn women especially in in nliicinl And in giliniivu nreu oi llie On the alher handi rut mullilude ni women In employed in inclor in mi In conllrudlon work Ye hm wamen retain Inch irnlninily and loyalty to ilmily Ind home iichnhllilliian lo proly pallenu wax dumbed by Dri iiilry vmnm II wheel chair doctor lan winner Gunrd your future security the guaranrml wny with LilolusurnnccYnurConfcdcrnlion Lti mun will show you how €9111 eclemfilgnfli Havent you got mm youre will win sonny New IN on yw kw auuvuiu DONIULT LONDON CPiA young Brit lsh hlslnrian reiterate Ihat than documented proof that the Germans knew In advance nhaul the bloody 1902411121 nld onDleppen erung In Th Evening Sun dard David Irving quam 1mm German military telegrams held by the United Stale lovem ment and not released or Iludy unlll Ml Teddy Gleason rlghllprw law ha International Long uhnlemcns Assodaxlon AFL CIO shake hands wllh Paul Alselln pmldem of local 375 EONN AP Ludwll Er hard alter patiently walking in the wings for yearn hecnmu Wu Germanyl nzw chmcellor this week Historian Repeats Charge Germans Knew Of Dieppe Konrad Adenauer the reurlnz chancellor did nl wml Erhlrd hl populnr cannmlu mlnhler lo lucceed hlm Adenauer de layed Mn rellrtment because ha helium Erhard did no hnvc he political man In Inllnw hlm Erhard bum up his allowing until he beam the only chalce the Chrlnmn Democrallc pally and coallllon ally the Free Democratic party To wher my comml the majority ln Punmen nceded to elect hum hard at jovial and In laklng over one ha toughest polillcnl nulanmenu In the world ll hu ta govern wllh canlltlon He lake over mun lry wllh polillmly explosive problems Ha ha to triumph over Social Dtmauallc opw Illlnn unlnlu more and more hm wllh lha vote EXPERIENCE Erhard Becomes New Chancellor mm to the dance Ia hlp ycm experienu cnblnel member Ind nut parnull papullrfly thl lnlhcr lbs economic mln Ade poqunr rccuvery oppam the Iavemmenll In anlnm Ind lupparu Uslvmd vollclu on Bump mm Allan nlllulre LONGSHOBEMEN END STRIKE Ha alto mentions raport ram source abroad ma still learnt document under Brilalnl 1951 NW Record Act and whlch he ha been adA vlacd no to disclose as John Galbraith Saint John NB central munu llonnl vice pmlden or Canada and other unions look on at downtown Montreal nr er hll monlh Irving wrote an article saying he had uncovered new evidence about the tragic Dleppe snack Cas allies Among the nearly 5000 Canadian involved totallad Erhard Inherltlnz stable prusvemus counlry but am many rohlcml thnl could blow up In 52durlnx UI gut lwa yurl Thnl It all the time left before he next election in which ha mull lead MI party lo man Ihowlnx II In hope melected chancellor Erhard ha promised to con unue ha main lines Adam nuerl poflclel but Indlmad here will be dlflerence in em and delnlll Unlike Adenauer who but run things hll own way with an Iron will Erhard will not lmpos Ml pallcm an ha new lavemmnnl hut leek to pul them avzr on Ihclr marlu He Is plnnninz In hundlo lha cablnel llke team This unit 1h risk lhnl he will ha forced la nclllc or tompmm In mouurc and all lo am through pmmm um would lmpreu lhe vole See THURSDAYS BARRIE EXAMINER FOR FULL DETAILS COMING THIS WEEKEND THE BARRIE BUILDERS was The admlrllly hu since de nied hla assertion lhnl relu larced German lorcu were ready and waking or the Canr diam quoted ltatemenl made by Admin 01 the Fleet Earl Maunlhnllen on Canadian Ielevlalon last ycar Mountbat ten said hulel The In dny old mm which forced ports at Mon nal Sore TM Menes Ind Quebec City to close and ed Monday CF wireplmto Examlnallon mum alter they hm qulle ddinllely confirmed our view that the Garmans had absolut ely no idea whakever that the Dleppe raid vial going in lake place Irvlng public record of Hitlers lab talk Ihow that the German had some lden concern ing projected attack It least in Relncuon 0rd cmqu CM Ncnoul condltlanl ur mrnhl dlnrden Chlrapnttor cumu or Amannc PreExlltlnl Condlllqlu YOUR BARRIE MULTICARE GROUP PLAN PAYS ALL BENEFITS FOR THESE CONDIIIONS RUMBLE AGENCY PHONE PA 841 IO CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION BARRIE MULTICARE GROUP INSURANCE YOU PRESENT MEDICAL INSURANCE DOES NOT PAY FOR For Plrflculln mud zunllmenl ofllu CELEBRATE THEIR 10TH ANNIVERSARY BY PRESENTING THE 1963 BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY OCTOBER 15 1658 lNNISIII NOTES 363 Tho ulc of lnnlsfll pmpertlu or unpald tun wu held last Frldny WWI film prayertln left mold It will be nondnuod lhll tying Friday on property with 8800 again It or taxes did not bid 1111 II lummn properly with collaga The ho had been damaged by weight of now The owners abandoned it Armproperty wax Md up to over 200 When lelflemen time came Ills buyer laid ho wished to pay or on lha hr Ilalmenl plan but lids II not permltlzd It lax wlu Al re Aull the property In mu on thuhwmhlp bookl Another 10 which wax Imnnl some of Ihe propertlu on plan which the lollcltar or the owners Intended to buy wan bid In by an outsider who Ilm ply walked on without alluring lo pay This will awn be ered It the Iuspended ulu flex 1an allernoan figsWI big crwod at Ihe 531 Ind blddnil on tho ymper lei wen blah Eroperiyowncn have year In repay and 1e thelr innds back otherwise purchaser will be given lax deeds Where blnidlnu Ire on vropeniu pur chaser Ire permitted by ilw la make use of lime buildings and keep revenue derived dur ing the year PLOWING MATCH wllh Slmcae County to be has lo the International Plow lnl Malch our year lrom now we eel lha biz mm to be com Ildered is the manner which arrangements are handled 0n the In steps wmfld seem xhould be painting of bulxdlnu the 1mm All the arm building lha Conn Smythe five weeks helm he Canldlanl normed the well delended beach Aug 19 1942 VMbriivern lap um ter gram bearing Hitlerl Ilznnlura 3eg II Jqu chunnrerlman nu DIeppeLe aweNormandy ll held to bl ln partlcuhr dan Bidding Is Brisk Ht PrOpertySale Conunlul Condlflau yroptrly thane In while pain with green in Just My many of these was the prapeny Mr Smythe we are um me but ram headquarter the match In All directions one could as lha big white barn with vatluul numbared harms In part in ME Smythe holdjnls Neighbors had dune acc Nllnz Whfle board mm ranted arms Ind special 1m pravemenu hld been undertak en across 110 lawmth in whlch the malgh wal being held was no¢ull done in ha pan year We were told the mun Icipalily had made apeclnl awards or the best home Im provemenll undertakenl durlnl the past cw yam Feeding the hundreds pl who mend the his match one II FREE KODACOLOR DEV Ind PRINTINB Exp 12 Exp 409 Inclndlnl Fm Film Ina Pflnll REPRINTS 23 EA REPRINTS EKTACHROME SLIDE PROCESSING 35 MM 20 Exp MovnIod I27 12 Exp Mounhd 36 Exp MovnIId MAIL FILMS SPOTLESSLY CLEAN ECONOMICAL FREE SERVICE DEPENDABLE Cll Tho Fuol Dlvlllon New 259 Innllfl SO USE COOP HEATING FUELS av Credit leen in Natum Nol Plli£d Send Cuh Money Order 000 Bequell SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP WITH EVERY ROLL SENT IN FOR sex 122 TORONTO 19 031 ALS PHOTO SERVICE NEW HOMES he major problem The lac Womens Insulum aur runndlnz lhe arcn whzre the mulch held lhh year an leak 11 hand They had placeu on the ground where god WM Ivnllahle One cwnty lrnup aid mum at £1200 for ulldlng put up ancclally or use during the day at the mnlch The hli reception Friday nlsm was held in the curllng rlnk Brumylon The build 1m we filled with luau Four groups of Wamenl lmlllules were convenedby one omclal who made dcclalmu Two hun dred nnd 75 pounds of bee was coaked by local bakerlu and other commercial unit and mved on planer plnczd on Ihe tabla nlnhz wllh vegelablu Ind other oodl the pm table whlch 1m 50 pmm ant lecond helplnn pie wm altered warld com llllon Wu on when we arrive and It was lhrllling to see then plowmen competing each with he mm his cuuntry on tha xlde Ms lraclur The compulallun re Iulu look our how III palnu had to bu tolchd and compared ma uher pm when 3he judge finally Immune ed wlnnm Includlnl Fm Fllm Ind Prlnll BLACK leTE nzv Ind PRINTING REPRINTS 06 EA OUT FOX Ole Mun Winter PA H531 200 00 Isa

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