The Big Stick Wont Work With Canadian Government Ammand hm Um Iml luv rhyrmnl III um DIN MIMI nu Illluvuy IIIMIY uan IIHNIHI ILL hillIn FIIAN ll HINT HOMIIO II ll NIH I0 lllllll IM nunn hum WIIIIN ml MIA FIIllIAIL IVJNNILLV In II In Iuhmmfln ran my hy rulu mm mm mu my 1v lilnllnuln mm um um munlMJll mm yum out In num 0mm lml mm 9m mun Huma Wm maul VMnuu luv Mm cmn IllNu Mullnllnm 11 mm mmm Mdlln Nu Iht fllfllll llhullllanl Iy muna nllmim Mummy my m4 In no AMJIIM nun all Ibo nu Incl un nunnu um Thls ls Pharmacy Week In Canada It is golden opportunity or arenls to doubleeheck the safety their homes Inasmuch as this is concerned with protection at their children from dangers based on the contents of mod icine cupboards Often the cupboard are too easily accessible to youngsters not old enough to appreciate the dan gers in which the stand through salls tying their natura curloslly There are signliieant tlgum to bring home to adulln the need tor this can lalant vigilance where rnedlcinex am con cerned The Canadian Pharmaceutical Arsoclntlon has atudled more than 10 000 cases of polsunlng in thin country It was learned tnur out of every live happened to children under alx years at age Two of every three happened to children under three yenrl old lluw did so many children ind anna to pour down their throats fly or cent were victim 01 medlcallona ctt carelesslp mourn the house Twu in live vero ruuaehold preparations and pesticides llle nthern included clean paints Iolvents and coamellca the lnnlnalncd accounting inr two per cent Reaction of the United States agri cultural department to Canadas sales of wheat and flour to Communist nat ions is most surprising The us now threatens retaliation over our pricing policies in statement bordering on potulance the US agricultural department says measures under consideration include in creased use of American wheat givea way programs special refunds to custo mers buying large amounts at US wheat and other special deals The US is irked by Canada for ap arentlylretusing to cooperate in Fol cy gradually boosting world pr ces during the present Communist wheat crisis lts hope is to reduce the world market attraction of Canadas long rango fixedprice wheat deals such as those already negotiated Two matter come to mind as result the us reactlon One Involves Can adas huge adverse balance of trade The other concerns this nallons privileges to mako purely buslness deals for the sale ll products Canada has been forced by clrcum Protect Walk Publisher camvuTez mmom FINDS FANle Tzouue NENsPMEE HEADuNE The Barrie Examiner Eh Tï¬ï¬lï¬lï¬iï¬ Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Bame Ontario LETS FIX THAT COMPUTER forced by clrcum an slaliht General Mannw SATURDAY OCTOBER 12 63 Pull Tots From Poison Sn rl hlhnndrï¬ In hnth MEI mun lo hm in lo ovnolllc mm mllerm The llrlllAh pallcm gnu luck lo dayn nl lllll when knlzhln lrnvcllul Illa coun lryrlde on Immmck llm lmmmnnl Mvonl wan worn on lllo rlghl lo mum prnlocllnn wllcn pnxnln nnollwr on tho MML In case combat amulxl be an llm llrangvrn mlnd llm rllltr kc hone It be loll an lllal he wnuln ho ln lhu lvoslllon to draw Iml usc his award lrom ho rluhl llm leh Amurlrnn lallclll dale la lhc day of flu tovrrrr wagmn WIIIlII were dmwu by loam ol horses and mul llw druvnr or lead man wnlkrtl In lhe loll of the cam whlle lmldlny llzc lllllllv one ho Ind lmml wllll luln Ilrun luhl hand llle lenmt Ill mmml from llm roar lllu druvrr lml ll lram In llw rlulll WI Ml rlxhl llaml Medlclncs should be kcpl ln locked cupboards Old drugs should be lush ed down the drains household prepara tlons cleaners and tho rcsl placed lllgll out of chlldrens rearlL Never take or Live medlclne In the dark Clearly den medlclne wllh labels protected by ol cellotnpe Above all lock lhe cablnel doors thus prevenllnu busy lllllc hands lrom cxplollng the cup bonnlsl Onlnrln pharmacists are main pack age mnnufnclurm lo lasuc mod callous and drugs In conlalnm with child proo tops WHY LEFT AND RIGHT thnlham Dally News Why ll ollcn ll nxked In lllo flrHlsh drive on tho lo and North Alurrlcans on tho rlghl Ilnlory holds the answer slanccs to seek out new markets for Its natural resources and manufactured goods It needs exports balance the many millions of dollars worth of goods andserviccs pnrghgsedtlrom the 1S To accomifllsh its objectives the Ca nadian government has sent trade mis sions to all parks at the worid Certainly deals were made and some as In the case wheat were negotiated with guagnlces of n9 price hikes These were legitimate deals between buyers and seller But there is something decidedly questionable about US threat to give away wheat or the sole Eurposo of bringing Canada to her 1100 Canada has had experience wilh these USr giveawayprograms before and has found it most dilllcult to seil her own products Now that she has got her out In the wheat export door It seems both illllmed and ungraeloux for the Us agricultural department to raise such fuss Canadians will not shrink from the big stick The best US policy would be to make similar deals and to fight Can ada for business on common ground of the total The ï¬gures are sombre reminder of risks needlessly run and which ran be avuldcd by tho exercise of common sense ncllan OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 11w rundlllvvï¬v nhvlomly II lumvylmz the pnflrnl In Wu lvllnl mmlml mummy miuiu mad In lmlv 1le rm mull and uh II unlnd um mm In ullrn llw nu wllh IIMIM lhll rummullvrly run nut lumuuv 0n wary ll ml ï¬lms mum mrnlvpmllul an mm Hluly lo hr ullnlrd dulmbure In In Mmulna nr hmmnnll mum my In In wlvnl Alwthrr IN II ml Hue Md do Ml ma pmppr Im nl Hmnm In lhll rrunnl Mom um II mllhrr Ihe mall nur Hm In undmloml Il Ll lyplcnl Hm un Illfll pmhlcmn which mrnl lrrquwl hul are Irrn nflrn lunuthn mounnqd HJURHHI 1qu II llm nrnw lmnwllmu mmplrln lltk Nutlhm mulxluu hy the hmly mm Um no Ildl Irllcirnry In Innrl munlly lho um lymplnm In In noted 11rn un cum drymu lm maulh Ind pullmly evrnlunlly dam In mul lnl Mum limit wrll In our and nwenl lam mny lul rum Alter Mr Caitman rallied in the Bahamas ll applied or license as an Unqualiilzd Med ical Practitioner and llla main part Hull book recount in an underslnruilnx and perceptive manner his experience doctor lie found lhat hl was no conventional practice and that ynn wmn considered docinr in the nutislands unless you used your sleihoscopu or sounding rod Ilrri Throughout each long winter In lndiana lilr Coliman dream ed of un adventurous lile on Iroplcai island Uiilmntcly he gave up his leaching positinn and seiiied in the Bahamas in law years hi lile underwent many changcs He married In English woman became dun lor the outislands of the Ba hama and learned Io sail his own keich in the lreacherous Caribbean waters The authors descrlpllans the Islands their lnhabllnnls hulh black and while his eHom as sailnr and his own develop Ingrmalqrily rage excglknh om IslandDaclor In very intercsllng and readable hook Escape me Alulm By Cnmphell Bruce Campbell Bruce San Francisco reporter in this book relate the history 01 Mulla mm the day thn lndlnn le gends held dwelling plus or evil wiril through ihe years when It housed mm me most Iamous crimlnnlyln hlslnry Drlr Dr Mnlnm have SOL urml dlxcau prncllcnlly over my mum body mm mm mm much Imam ll tom my loclnrl ducrlpunn really all irrck Io mu umMIKE Il may unlinuo lo he Grtrk hul pcrlmu am ulvo you In um cullxhlenmwl Wu undmlnml nuny dII quila wrll Olhen whlch ho cnuxr lhry cnmmon nnd mmlimu bnnum lhrir lnhmnlly bullan Alum up wrll undmlood OuIIlllnd Dador By Eum Column OuMslnnd Doctor 1h axclnlflng wary man who left the du1l security his job science leather In small Indiana 1an lo make 1114 for hlmself In the bland the Caribbean Mr Bruce write of the day todny ramlne or guard and prlsonerl alike and dcscrlbcs nu only the prlsanl Ingenlnu escapeprooï¬ng devlcu but also he cmvicls equally ingenious deflccs 0g gaging Rich blucdlhcd Ind murder make up lhe noryn lhh pen lanliury The lnlc lhn havo came out Alcatraz hnve rc pealedly shocked me public bur even these disdasum niled lo bring about reforms ml the prison to obviouxly required Thequmlon also nrlm now whelhcr the mnxlmum Accurily prnflcnllnry that Is In rcplacu Alcnlrnz will he an improycment By JOSEPH MOLNEH MJ The necdulu and cries did In book In both lerrllylnl By THE CANADIAN PRESS TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH AT THE LIBRARY Chrisiapher Co bus lighted lila Bahama islanda 300 Mm miles mm the mainland of America 01 years ago todayin 1492 He marked the 5m occl liun with cannon han fier mm the Pinln one of his hm ships and took possession oi the island or Kind Ferdinand of Spain IllsBritish nurse Edlth Clvell wu execmedzby lha Germans on the dune she was spy lawnGan Robert Leo dled Lack Of Moistuie Sign Disease TODAYIN om315W PARK LeavesSeburity 01 Dull 011 For Liie On Tropic Island HISTORY Ml 551 Jnhn munch In MI Jnhn Bulloch tells lhs orlgln nndhlslory lha Blrltlsh Counter Espionage Scr vce nmlnnl mnoul Ivy umnn bunnu lhll vellu om ncmr llnl nml lho Mlyl nnmul rhy lhm hruunru dlmnlml Tm Mflllllmlm ul lhr Inurr Invan my lrrmm lullled by and llmyrrlnl mm dllullu Julm In nnlrlul Isl 1hi1 lnr mm and the 1mm parllnn nl 1mm mva Mu plan In Ihe In Iullm Whll II loll In lllc Inwer Inn In In In um ImIy hula lull II no polllmmll Thu In lhv way mime Inlcmled Winn mnlrlvnl nmmml bu Acrunmlnlml flu Illmulu rnum Hue hum In mm uur lrleml lnrvmd In yin llul loud II vimI All 1mm Ina Ilomuh Only mu pm ol lood uluo ulmled In III atomt Ill mrnlIl wnml II nnl In lb mm hul lo reduce ha load In llqulll hum mlltd wllh nun dllnllu ulru By DON OIIEARN TORONTOThu DIEM heard John Wintermeyer make opening amp5n much in 0b awn wondered If he Wu gn xnz In bc ucrlflced by 1M ld vlcl is much was not nllurll M5 wznt yer moan uxunlly lndl salad and the rollcl they bran xupparll one of lhu lhmlu he came lhe dlluu 50ml good mulu Imvt betn nporltd wilh In mo ol large dnm Vlllmin Aaml lhnl Iuppnru lht olher lhwry In pm my my Dm Dr Mnlnm lrirnd In good heullh um ramphu mch tvcry week and some llmu ullmcr ï¬lm My PIl load ullzr lenvln lhl Ilumnrh Wm pa mum and It In only mulhln lo drum Inlrr nHy fun ll do me man hnrm Ihnn mm In Ibo long run In InIInw llxll lnlmul tlrnnllnl prnlluv II It was all mention of Top In not term um former Llhenl leadar rwould custom Hy hnvg usg This hook trace the hislary of Mi ram its establishment In the present day Ind des cribe how it expanded to the highly organized and complex agency that it it now The Mr tary cover the eventiui year at this century its that task was tn iind the spies rent to Britain by the Kaiser and in the Inter war years it dealt with the threats oi fascism and commu nism lhil agency also played an important role in separating the true tram the inlle among the many reiuxeel who flocked tothl country in theiagtylar Ind successes and deisils the methods used Mi throws new light an some wellhiown cases and Iclis at other cases which never achieved publicity The Amerlesn We of Dentin By Jellch Mttterd In this book Jmiu Mittard has produced seething expose at the tunerel business in North Americsl lhe teats Ira so we tesque they seem eimost un seell indeed the practices and rituals are designed to make death itseii seem unreal The body is embelmed dressed with camiort and mariners med iitciike with cosmetics and pin ed in In extravagant Inlinviined cniiin tar dispisy in 1961 the average sduit tuncrel in the Uni ted Slates cast the incredible sum of 51450 ynu doctor but ynu huh yum wllh nn Approprlnlc Iulinn um dro rm mm hum lhqn land Ind lauchlng Ind lhl dummc account at Frank Lee Morrls preparation or escape Add grtilly the interest 01 lb on Funerals Ire surrounded wllh pretence and vulgarlly Thclr language unreal Mor tlclan Mcmorla lardem number roams etc line funeral has been mad lulu lymbol lo balslar amlly pride To quote on up comment on HR hook Hero lho whale complex tommerclnl upm Hun that mull 1n Iumnall whose expanse dhplny and mumha Jumbo are unrelnlad in any Chrlsllnn or Jewish lradl Ian and virtually unhclrd of In anxolhcuurllry Iodyy In or hope lhal cutoperative movement or umpla Ind Inexpemiva unernll may help in mlare Inme Inn Ily and dignity In lhl maller MJ lhen In ha accused Pre Wintenneyerj Should Have Been Himselii mler Kahuna of having walked out an mu conlerenco In Hamlllon It hnppenedlhe wrmr hnd ptrxonallyl muted one his much writer just law day befnre that report on thin inni depe wugnwronu And the campaign wore on or course it became clear but Ilralepmslons were rlghl hat Mr Wlnlenneyer Wu not being his naturaliseu Who man my whalurnlzhl hm hlgpengd hag hc bgqn 101 Cértalnlyflh wauld Em ha wnuld no hlva lured poorly did There wax cum agreement at tkarl of the campmn lhnl chance or II leul lub anIl Llhenl lulu hadn heenlq oodjn yearn But during the cnmpaign and particularly In the llnnl day you could um them dropping nulqulckly ohably let Illmay that Mr Wintermeycr lalkld so mohfeflmo Ind mndll car ATTENTION HI Idvlserl probably tell this would let hlm amnion And it would have pleased some his aunparlm who objected mlldness The believer bu an uplmdala road map he Ilmmy rum Ihe Lard But least we observer would have liked in have men Ihe Liberal lender exercise hls leaderxhlp loilhe extent oi being hlmseli The ranks qunllly he al lvinyl had pmnnally was ideal was an ldealisllc speech lhnt won him the leadership convmtinn In use And when he talked in term of Idem he was larcelul But when he talked In term or scandal If you knew him you could tell he wu un hwy fioone can fly whzthlr lhll Ictually WI 011 reason for his uveml day In ukmwledn mm Ind He shall alrth my prfl fuelb 16 Cmmm Colmrll mulan 130 pm In lho Munirinnl Ole Cnnmmn luh ll lemry llull nl loo pm wllh Mkhnrl Mmden Ipeknlnl Elmulu Councll mm Al 145 pm In lhu card Tudo mom Irrle Clly Counrfl men ll pm In Councll Clmnbm Drive MM on nmnkulvlngDny Annual Soap no Derby 0an Cnnndlnn Lemon Ilrnnch N7 nlrrle Pnrnda mum ll rum Ilnyvirw Park In Illu commmc In El 1130 pm Hm min at pm Church Scrvlcu Church Pm Suppurt Iha Unlled Appul Driva new In DNKICH mrrle Skullnx Club Get your Ipplicnllons In berm 0d Is In Mn Eilmn LIndrelele club Icrrclary Barrio Ccntml Colleulnh Band Communin Cnnrm Almmlzm Central Callrzlnle BIBLE THOUGHT TODAY SATURDAY amber ll WEDNESDAY Orlnhrr TUESDAY 0am MONDAY Orbiter ll RUNDM lfltlohrr Ill Saturday Oct 12 to Saturday Oct 19 Lu winur IEW an intenslva camtalgn being waged by New bar working citizen hurling Iheresidmu oi Barrie in shop in their awn city This is man commendable and am aura that most oi the cllllcm will any intelligence all mills that keeping money circulating in Barrie will Increase pros er lly in lhe area make more on and ease the burden oi local taxation Dear Slr Howmr mmpmuva newcomer Io this ally am nppalled II Ihe Indiflerenl nul ude lhnwn hymany of lhe downtown merchants mwud my idea promoan their own buslncu The lollowlnz law comments which hlnk In worthy serious Iludy by all the merchant In lhu dawn lawn am mere do not wpeur to be any Imllarm business hnurl Walking alonl Dunlap Street En belween the ham 530 Ind 8200 pm on Tuesdayjl found mat some on were npen while mm lhelr com petltora were closed Thll In conlualng lnltallnl and Incon vcnlcul to the would bu down town shopper In renlized lhal lhe smaller retailer cannal oller the vexlcly zood that lhe larger store In my Toronto can alter they should at least try to carry reasonablerselecllon My wlle was unable to llnd allp 1n the rlxe tar lhe shorter glrl mu lsjusl one of many occulans where we have one round numerous store lor dll Ierenl nrllcle and been unable to Ind them On rare occulons we have met wllh an enlerprls In clerk who he ollered to procure for ul lhe mlcle ln quesllon but when uked how lnnl mi would take and the reply ll three weelul we allll luve lhe teellng that the partl cullr llure ll no golnz out of In my to zlve llre customer lhe SELECTION ouz my mm mange lo lame Inca merchlnls there In customer load and hone customers who prefer to pay 101 thelr purchase large or mull by cheque This does no make lhem Into crlmlnall who have to mbmilfllo lndlgol Ilu II the hand nome Ix horunt elerk Throuzh lack nl choice In other non my wits ha Ihopped one nm on BARRIE in IN HARRIE Incl dislric LETTERS TO EDITOR Coumy An Ithlbll Todnr Ind tomorrow Mm pgrln McAvlhy speak nl ll Drlllll Publla Gmrzlnn nay Developmtnl ILuoclallon Zen mecllnl Knlxhls ol Columbus Hall at 100 pm Gum Ipcnkrr IL Delaney Ike Depanmtn Ecanomlcl nnd Do velopmcnt Turonlo Trafalgar on DA 20 Football Inrk 51ml VI Collinuwood lnllinmod 100 pm Mldlnml vu llarrlc Nurlh mm Nnnh 100 pm Foalhnll Orlllln Park Slml Vl Slnyncr ll Slnyner 100 pm Dnrrla Central OrlIlln Orilll 100 Beauxnnllu Square nancn Club mcdl uch Thursday at pm In RCAF Amollllnn Hall High St Club levcl dnncm wel COME Puhlic mulan nl Canadlnn Mcnlnl Iltnllh Amclnllnn nnrrlo munch ll Public Library 000 pm Trllllllnr Nnvnl mmnwmornlu Tryhlnr 3n ï¬lirnry THURSDAY Oclnbtf l1 MTUIIDAY 0mm FRIDAY 0mm Ill live or slx dlllorenl oooaslons As xounva llll lender cheque to thc salesglrl ln payment she ls old to go up to Ihe olllcu on the Iecond floor and let lhe cheque Oldl She than has lo walk all the way down nuln leek out the uleslady collect her packagn and lender mar ked cheque0m clan put up wllh thls lndlxnlly once but why on every suhxequenl occnslonl And If llrm la unxluus to do bu lncss why does no the clerk do the runnlnl around 01 comu lhe ohvlous amwer Why not open chum account hul the answer lo that thalloma people Illll prefer to my lot lhelr good ho llme of pur chase ll the merchqnll preler to be millions why not luuo an ldenllly card to repulablo r0110 and d1 ens wllh Inch rrllallng hchav our Enrrle has become my hum land Im anth ll my cidzm no matter how long 4hcy may have resided hm lo Barrie me ahead In jus my the Illla ol Beaulllul Emil lha Progressive City Than why sign myull HARRIS BOOSTER come puhllc relation would he great help to ha downtown merchanlal Too often wa get the lmpresslon lhlt they are doing In fnvtor by wallan on us lhlnk they Ilwuld mllze that customer ls the rensnn lor them halnl there In the ï¬rst plane Ind thlt It In he or Ihu wlm really pm thclr nlnry These are Just law point which occur to me There Are many others ihouid Just like to mention in particular The Norwich Plan This is named alter the procedure adopted in the Fwlirh city oi that name downtown Itroet oi merchants took aatock oi themselves and inund that they were ioelnl hue lnesv They collectively called in export planners economist and architect and at very little cost to themselves redecorated the whole streetatoncee The re ault was phenomenal end her to he lean to he believed and the tangible result in terms oi in creased business amazed the participants Every time walk down Dunlap Street East and 1810 upwards to name oi the second and third stories oi lame oi the buildings ieei that the merchants are shortsiqhted it they do not inveetluate the Nor wich Plan PUBLIC RELATIONS ball Cnnllncnlnl Inn unulc