corsair By MRS CAMPBELL Mr and Mrs Pat Jamlcson and baby oi Eganvilla are spen last Saturday CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE IAIvnniu ncroiiim 1115 Wasthsr Sports News too Howling 11so Sound sr mint TUEIDAYDC103ID on 1r 913 Tut Pattern are more National Schools mo Bavarly ntuaiiuu mo can Halens no Zero 0M to Nursery School1 too To run the Truth iioo Romper noon sao NHL Hockey 1100 Paper Part tons Juilelta ma Noondsy Reonrt nus Sports Unlimited mo anla itoo cnc TV News Betrayed Women 111o Welther News Sports zoo Password mo Movta Deer Valley sso Scarlett 11111 soo Iska so sunnar ocronan 1s no Friendly Glsnt tots mt Pattern us Mlsterours iioo Church Servch too Fireball xua 121w En France oso Pope am 111a Davey mo Goliath soo Raul Danie 111 outdaorsmsn so Gunmoka Loo Iisrltsgs our News Weather Sports zoo NrL Football moo llennesey too 51mm International no Petticoat Junction son The Valiant Yem son Patty Duke aso lua Cross Program ass out Casey aoo Route to no Front rm onsile rso Hazel moanwomanh 73a riuhhnk 1oso aout AM no Sullivan non CBCTV News am Bonsnsa 111 Weather sports News Juno uomoh 11so Markham 11o cacrv Naws 111o Weather Nun sport wannasosy ocsoasn 1s 112w Movie us Test Pattern Candlrlgiht in Algeria 1000 Natlnml School roan Chet 11111 MONDAY immune 14 1o 45 Nursery School ass Test Pattern 1too nompu Room 1ooo Count of Monte Cristo moo Pap¢YI Party use can llelme mo Noondly Report was Nursery school mo room 11oo Romper noom An Angel mm Texas moo PopeyesParty no Password mo Noonday Report are Scarlett 11111 1m ltlovle no rm Thirty iScollsnd Yard investigator son Friendly Giant zoo Password ass Mlaterosars no smim ltili too Shsrl Lewis Show soo Takezm so Popeyas Party no rmhdiy Giant soo rum Danie us lttstcragcrs sso woody Woodpecker 00 This Living World am Nations Business soo Breeders sum sis Qula no Cheyenne no News Weatherpnfll sso News Weather Sport 1oo Topper me My Favorite Martian no Phil silvers show no can licuers Juan soo lied ntver lsmborea aoo Garry Moors Show ear Parry Mason at no rutivsi tooo lnq 11oo mic TV News woo nuntly Junction 1115 Weather Sports News line our TV News 11so Earn Benedict Toronto Eievshth Hour CFTO CHANNEL Isrvnnu actuator 11 10M nr Kild CTV National News Metro Final llnro 11mm ltasnsv nrronm ts Mua Morntn lopnrl rs Ilsalt Club tili ll rumm with Unrla aohoy 11111 ooh Hurnlnl tlsgsrins NMMIIV moan Kiddo Ksrtnarts humour and iii ti Lava ury Till llltlinnalra Ilersa Inullnl At You MM rhnruu mum rnhrrm onion unor Club KILIIII an out hush News Wasthur Fpnrtl 1h iuum iioao Welcome Wagon uls Inslrl titmint utmh nawhahy with trImily allwith ItsItal at him smirnngralulstioltl oithenttu rummunllyi Outrlr Installation No Comtwrtlon lieu lelnlamd Consuelo OnspisteUnit Ila sun to tail Welcome Wagon ol the mini nt every new baby In your IuIIinï¬I Nonthinned PA 66302 WELCOME WAGON Mr and Mrs Bert Jamieson Mr and Mrs MacDonald and two children ol Streelsviile vlsl ted Mr and Mrs Mason Sgt Thomas Barra oi RCAF dlng couple oi weeks with Fort hioisie Qua has been TELEVISION raccoons pr or oluihumWroghlimh voyaelthildaylng with his wile and iam 10rlllia returned to nor home have returned irom an interes ting motor trip through the Central and Southern states Theyvlsited Mr Ravens sister and her lamlly at North Platte Nebraska They look interesting trips to Cheyenne and Laramie Wyoming Denver Colorado as well asBoystown in Omaha Neb Boystown ia the iamous roiorm school ior boys here Mr and hire Cecil Raven Mrs Blrd at Prince Albert Sask is spending some time wllh her son and tumlly Last week Mr and Mrs Jerry Bird spent aiewdaya in Sault Ste Marie Mrs Crossman Mrs Vlilla Walkra mother who has spent some time visiting here and in CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY West dealer Nelther sldo vulnerable room 12 new ï¬AKQJRB Wm EAST 0853 AKJIOI QBH 9A QKQMOH moans éww sum on QAKJDIC 938 Igee Ihabidding West North East Scull Pu 1e so so as Dbl Opening lead ace oi dia monds Here is remarkable hand played in pair game At table one South became deelarcr at six hearts doubled on the bidding shown West led the ace oi diamonds East play ing the tour it West had now led club the slum would have gone down one but he ahlited to spade instead Declarer look the ace and cashed the king oi hearts West showing out He then ruilod diamond took the marked trump ï¬nesse drow Easts last trump and won the rest at the tricks tor score oI 1210 points gg mergers asymel The shoe was on the other loot at the next table where eon on Train 11 13a Kingstown mm Hm West became dcciarer at six uo lstotryNliithmle wupugsnsvindotliisonlsa ll spades douhlcd North led the king at clubs Dcclarer ruiied tom Jury utter aoo iiomemsrm Health cum not cry Nsz no Mlsa Iteien 1er out I8 M6 of 6PM 1115 Annular amiss no risyilms wills Uneis Bobby trumped the heart return iioo Morning Masaslna auanY ocroarn um mm mm Hm Mala PresentI isso xiooo Kartoona BAY CITY or Momma ill ur ousa ms cm 11 soo my UPHOLSTERING grmoocgg in 11 Mlflasï¬tra ANTIQUE AND EIBI II 100 CPL roalbilv sao Ieopls In Cantlitt MODERN WORK so geieeoiimm gildilwliq honTans Deautilul Sample lrce Fstlm1tes eoo Wait Dlmey Presents soo Kiddo 700 Danny Thomas up Hum FREE PICKUP goo gill AND DELIVERY par es er rooo 7oo Iiesl crouchi PM PA 37 ILW no Dlsl Van Dyka MARIE 11is son My rsverit Martian Upholstering Is Our stash mo 1mm 11 ton 133 Â¥K11IIhtzln chm one ntnNnAr roan is non mil line Tow Ind Mvmlnl Depart ms Metro Final tittADlOttD St aoo Homemakers 1min Club mm um o1o ins 111 no Meta iruants mg gaytlm with Uncle Bobby II urn III III ma Noony new LOWEST PRICES FASTEST SERVICE tsso Kiddo uniroom no number and 110 our Home zoo Love Lucy and 1hs Mllilonsln soo ens looking At You no reopls Conflict soo utouny runrim no room Mouu Club soo Kiddo sso ï¬es riont one little earl Walther sports no IJO ISO em 93 will eiSiares our Home wllh HEADVIMADE PRICAH STEPS and ilm on we lotltl tvm mo DOUGLAS CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED For Free Estimates Call PA 89042 Seu Our Display At 91 AnnoStu Barrio perislnllmmheldml in Windsor Nova Scotls by air Monday Oct on Smiday0ct at new This community wds shocked II MAYDEWEY Thmw mg km mien PANTS Visitors on Sunday with Mr Ih mm and Gain Ant Marlin mm and Gaul we niveraary service here Sunday llmb Wm If wren Km and Oct with Rev Charles Town Ph fave Gwmel ma sons Alliston Mr and Mrs Million West aker may fun dun Gauley and iamiiy Weston III linl BK IIY mi gym Mitchel Beetoa Elliott 111 the choir an win by Mr 33 ï¬nedncgurch Sal Mary Smith Toronto Miss Ei Tomlity at the evening service urdaanevenln Oct were the Bannng SYmPlihY ill the commiinib mi mmï¬ Mr rand and Mn Myles Egbert goes to Henderson la the gm Dunn Hui and Don rlr and Mrs Blakely death oi his sister Mrs James Mr 33d Vumn Hawkins Burns spent Sunday ailernodd Peacock Everett Ge Caldweï¬ with Mr and Mrs Hender Mr and Mrs McAiee sod hf Shining MW Durham spent Sunday Cam Mr and Mrs Bob Gray and evening with Mr and llrsad of We daughters Falconbrldge spent Turnliull Id dank Ma Ming an evening last week with Mrs Visitors with Mrs Beyers nd XOJMaAfï¬ï¬ï¬‚ came Denney and June While on on Sunday evening were Mr vma In Sunday Ihelr way to Mississippi USA and Mrs Walkom Elm Gm across Lciosoto maroon LBIMIDW EEnLILIel cymbal BECKER amino aroma BIJeny alludedth mummy but played another spade and then Dimer allurme satiat had twelve tricks to show tor mommaI Wm moses his eliorts iour trump tricks 13 53mm HIl1 two club mils in dummy and ï¬iuggi six diamonds He scored 1210 Raf 13 is points also but this time with Bowl the EastWest cards Milletrecs vundarinand The slam could have been de Dinal 135mm ub teated at this table it North had 17139 seed sum led diamond originally and 1mm MPHHWI Alumnus South had returned diamond ï¬gxl mm 11141 assoan MIIIIODRIIIIICQ oi °m mm 223lnger IDka mats At another table North in stm may stead oiSOIIUIIdIJeélBIéIDddElelc Amertone asx earl an user orzustzap anguish bidding twoken Fem mfgsz mac aoonrac wen as no the king of diamonds and Nitinsurm West tailed to overtake and re iur turn club wcéfmggE The sorrlest case oi all oe curred at dillerent table where qu South was in six hearts doubled letter and Wests opening lead was 821ypeo low spade Declarer took the architecture king with the ace and played SLUth the see at hearts West showing 30 mg out Thirteen tricks now appeared 513231 to ho practical certainly but spun when declarer led club to the mm om see in order to take trump 00Irlsnsrno iinesse East ruiled East put poss his partner In with diamondI DOWN got another rail and then lFarmers cashed spade The uniortunate FMN declarnr at this table went down 1mm three tor loss oi 500 points amrm 0n lltondayt AMther Famous 11m IYou lrnow Fred He looks into things carefully and he chose The Mutual Life it youre ilko moot people you buy lilo lnoumnce ior lomlly protection But your policies are aound lnvostmonto no well when theyre the caah voiuo kind Mutqu Lilo policyholders onloy unsurpassed dividends plus healthy increases in the guaranteed values oi their policies Chock the advantages oi the Mutual way to guaranteed oavings and protection Call the man Irom Mutual Lilo today ThervMutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record Representatives Arthur Johnston Ilnn CIllllIIen in Shirley Avenue 213 Wellington St Ill IA ozooa on atom it rnsasnnis exsmasm ssruansr ocroaan 1m IN JAIL MONTHS FREE MONTREAL lCPl Phil adelphia bandleader who spent more than two months lnlall1 because he could not raise hibil $5000 ball was acquitted Warp nesday at narcotics charge Abdullah All as who leads dance band under the protes stonal name at Billy Hope was acquitted oi charge at pos session oi marijuana mder and Mrs Mooney and Gladys Egbert Mr and Mrs flurabull Utopia visited Sunday atteraooa with Mrs Elizabeth Gauley Mr and Mrs Denney and sons and Miss1Lynna DAnglo visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Holman Toronto Mrs JWarsiold London Ontle spending some holidays with her sonlnlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Ray Eotiiam Lawvlolators have been In this Community oI late with breakins and attempted break ln and vandalism Pleasances car was taken Irom his lawn Saturday nl htsoma house wln dows were rotten and wire cut out at an aluminum door STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and convales ent patients Excellent 1lselittxcs tor private or semieprlvato Hot and cold water in roomstteglstaa 1ed None in attendance ALL aoowuuo Sherry Jackson the original want Illar oimthe nanny 5ALFI omas sow 3pm Mr Novakss an lIslcahollc PHONE I24 bousewlie CARRIER MISS YOU II your carrier has not arrived by p111 please phons PA 842433 And Copy wm Ba Delivered To Roar Horne THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VVAllEY TAXI wancum cans AND TRUCKS Darcie Romania 17 Mulssetsr 5t Next To Public Library PA 6056l GOLDEN SLEE SUPREME MATTRESS GUARANTEED TWICE For Satisfaction For Valuol With natures tound In soon mattreaua unuouognooocnooo Dont miss lie double omitted Dayna nkfwsleuitdm MAN 1untmuununnumtaym uninummmmunxswutu IIIe solarohm Houstonwanna Irlsld All mm SLEEP MADNESS no altl tssso lesiom ll ml mm starva Onilonmti mtmttm um um um bu tarts Isttrusorlolmln tlo lull II Prisms Posturepod Lula you to loop on is it tea Hologram Ilnl IHID IE COIL IMIINIIIM the smart haw rm to snatch this totally new Mlabylwlhla PamperPink lotiontree top otsoursa lasts has pt 19 1M entertany Arm Bounded Ioatuiapodlc with Use Your Credit Shop By Phone Free Delivery Free Storage