CHURCHILL ay MRS shunran Mrs ilarry Sloan is In Royal Victoria Hospital having under gone surgery Mr and Mrs Dan Sinclair spent Tuesday with Mrs Jack Reive and iamlly The IVA oi the Anglican Church packed bale Wednes day The Girls Auxiliary met Friday night The members at the IDEA oi Churchill visited island Grove LOIIA on Wednesday night Miss Lillian Sloan spent couple oi days in Toronto this week litany from our community took advantage oi the beautiiul autumn weather to motor to the intematlonal PlawingvMatch at Conn Smythes Farm at Caledon Guests at the Sloan home who attended St Peters Harvest Thanksgiving services were Mr and Mrs Charles Sproulc Mrs Jack Reive and iamti Mr and Mrs Ken Moi iatt and Bob Stewart Newlove Rev and Mrs Trent and child rco and Rev and Mrs Norman iitoilin Janet Arlene daughter oi Mr and Mrs tan Atkinson was bap tised in Trinity Un Church Smith Falls recently The Churchill Chicks held their HI meeting at the home Wendy and Beverly Kell on Oct Chici Brown at the In nislil Police Department spoke on satety The second oi the LDBA scr ies oi euchres at the Burns home was held Oct Prizes were won by Mrs Flowers and Thomas Burns ior the most lone hands Mrs Flowers and George Uncles iirst Luella Don belly and William Boychoit sec ond and Mr and Mrs Chalmer Pratt consolation Cougmtninliunx In Central School pupils on winning tour at the major awards at the tools til Township School Fair The school with the second highest number oi points champion iud glno team Bob Bcatty and Kent Sturgeon Ihegiri with the higie est number of points Nancy Spence and the boy wtth the second highest number oi points Eric Saunter Mr and Mrs Donald Realty Mr and Mrs Stewart Donneliy Mr and Mrs Douglas Hughes and Mr and Mrs saunter attended the Simcoe County Cream Pmducers banquet at Jubilee Presbyterian Church basement Stayner Oct it was interesting to meet the Dairy Princess oi Slmcoe Coun ty Mrs Fran Summervilie and to hear her speak Oiiicers are the same as last year Stewart Donnelly Is the director tor the Hilfl CROSSLIIND iRENE ALLEN Mr and Mrs Harold Wheeler Oshawa were weekend guests oi Mr and Mrs Andrew McGin ms Congratulaiions to Mr and Mrs Ruwson tnee Carol Bell who were married Saturday in Knox Presbyterian Church Fios Mr and Mrs Graham and children Miss Nellie llockon were Sunday guests at Mr and Mrs Andy MeGinnis Mrs Sam Allen spent Tues day evening at Mr and Mrs Blackburns Nottawa when iamlly gathering in honor oi Mr and Mrs John Potts and iamlly iram Weyburn Sash was held Mrs Barnes returned home Sunday alter visitingher iamlly in Preston Mr and Mrs Graham Stratti and iamily Elmvale were Sat urday guests oi the iormers parents Mr and Mrs Joesph Strath We are glad to seeKnrcn Smith home irom hospital Mr and Mrs George Bell iram Saskatchewan are visiting James Kendrick Resigns Its President of Zellers Peter Kilbum the chairman oi the board at directors oi Zeliera Limited has announced the resignation oi the president and driei executive oiilccr Jam es Kendrick Mr Kendrick will undertake the responsibilities oi new boy itian that oi sales vicepresident to be created at Grant Company with which Zeiicrs Limited Is atiilintcd Mr Kcndricks resignation will become citcctive December lie will continue however as member at the board at Zeliera Limited it was also announced that John Curtin has been ap pointed director oi Zelicrs Limited and that he will succeed Mr Kendrick as tho Companyl president and chitt executive oi tlecr Mr Curtin is 42 years at age and graduate of Fordham Un iversity in New York City He gained his business experience In the service at both the Grant and letter Companies Alter 12 years with the Grant Com pany he joined the Zciier 0r ganizatinn in March 1959 at the latters head oliica In Mon treal where he became conv troiior ot the company and in due course assumed additional responsibilities as its treasurer and tinancial vicepresident and as one at its directors in August 1962 be returned to Grant Company as its comptroller which position he relinquishes to undertake the lcadcrahip oi the letter Com pany Wheat Quarrel Bears Out PM ity ARCH AlArKENZIE Canadian Press Staii Writer The wheat quarrel hciucrn Canada and the United States bears out recent statement by Prime Minister icorson that more prohlcms will cmcrgc as relations become more Intricate and complex bctwccn the count trics Mr Pcnrron was speaking In Cleveland Sept 29 noting that problems certainly do exist In trade and iinnnclal mailers dc spito the long record at irlcnd aiiip aInng the international boundary The great Iakcs labor war the Columbia Iiivcr proicrt Tunndi lrndr Imhninnre will the and the dominance nl ltnrcrlcun Invralmrnl capital in certain arms at industry are oxnrnplcw In ioct Itlsllrt liiinlslrr hrvrirr or acting prime min Illcr tnld thn Home at hun mnns Thursday lh lrtitttli lflIIIlIti these days Is rpnuiing Inust oi Its ihna in nttrnipilng to outrun that rclaliuna with tho Ui do not reach rrixia ro portinnv over the Inhnr nur Ion or wheat WiIrst prnhlrnls rrcur pcrindr irally xhun nnoda and the US are ihn lnrgrrt rxporlrrl In the Mid nnd tnrh CM ra rity Itrnw in mint yrnrs tnr more than It can use or eri on urllmrrtlni world mntIrIIt Cmrtpttllilwt II tight and Iht nadinII our industry in Initiiite inr has bcru lming ground picndily itul this time It Il lin ll turn In ho nnnoyrd whrrc In rm pan tnnnrtn hor usually tirrn lilo rnlttplninant AIItIIII uhrat dlrpnxol prnrilru tfonndinn concern has rent trrd nu liti ohoot girosway nr nihrr lorrign aid program STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT Fur ridrriy and morale it patients Harrlimt iariIIlrra tor private or umtprtvalo Iiot and cold wnirr In moms ItrgItch nl Nllru tn ntivndaoce MARSHALL Ron PHO 116 which inlringe on export mor hcts where Conada has been selling or trying to This time the US accuses Canada oi imposing restraint on the upward trend In world whcut prices by selling to coun trlrs at turd level tor dolly crirs over it pcriod ot months Japan where the US and Can min are locked In competition Is the particular irritant now to the US ï¬rm are some iundamcntal dilirronrra involved The US whrnt market oper aiu on speculation akin to the stock market World domand led by USSIi anrl olhcr Communist counlrlra nccds toiiowlng roar harvrrts have pushed prices upuurd iiut the US It saying in viirct that they would go rtin highrr with rcsuitlug prniiis to Vtntlltl cxpurtcrnii tlnnadu plnyrti hall The US would gain Itlost ainrc Cnnn ulnn Itimliy iiuu nirrndy nro otrvlthrd light nnurilun prices are the re rpomlhility oi the Canadian IIirnt lionrd frown agency itltltittl III the mm at lht re quest ni lrnlrlo lnrmcrl to act or Inmuiuinry pairs onllrt tor their nlirni oats and barley hrnt trndlug hnl horn rat nluvrd trom Ihn WIIInIprg tlrnin iirrhungo oniikn thc UN ritunliulktnr number oi yours The hcat hnnrda view at this time is that any unrnn trnllrd vhrnt prIrn Inrtoalo olli niirnuinll production nmi rrult In return in hurdno aurno onrpium whlrh plagued tnnadw during the limo the farmers sisters and broths Bell wedding Mra Gertie Archer spent last week with Mr and Mrs George Archer Edenvaie Knox Ladiea Aid met at the home oi Mrs George Hunter Wednesday The topic was taken by Mrs Georga Minty Arrange ments were made for rum mage bazaar and bake sale and tea Wednesday in the church school room at pm NEW FLOS My MRS WANLESS Mrs Alex Finlay attended the tuneral at her aunt Mrs Bentley in Sarnla Mr and Mra Aiired Webhlot Stmud were visitors Friday wrtb Iiir and Mrs Steve Rawn Mr and Mrs Murray Pearson at Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs Kirkpatrick Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn st tended the wedding on Stthlls day In Guthrie United Ctiurch ot Miss Erma Clark and Ross Fox Ross Kirkpatrick spent Sun day in Tomato at the horns oi hia aunt Mrs George Pearson lira sister Mrs Harry Hawkins Stayner accompanied him Archie Wanless is spending this week at 11mins with his brother Earl Waniess Mrs Clarence Atkinson ceie bratedher birthday nresday by visiting her daughter and non lnlaw Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele oi Tomato NEW FLOS WI Mrs Magulre Minesing district president was guest at the WI meeting held at the home at Mn Salcourt She brought greetings iram the dir trict and described demon stration at the area convention at Goldwater Twentyone members and three visitors were present The mil call was answered by giving brand name and slogan paper on the topic Canadian industries was given by Mrs Archie Smith Mrs Archie Wao less commented on the motto There is no machinery that can replace good neighbor Mrs Harold Smith conducted contest on Jumbied Sove relgno Names This was won by Mrs Wanlcas and Mrs Loitus Adventure in tho Attemooa was the title at reading given by Mrs Busch Mn De Hackers draw was won by Mrs Geotirey Hope it was decided to hold the annual iowl supper on Oct 21 in Edenvale hail Mr Sam Ai ien and Mrs Bert Kenny wen named to look alter the pm gram and draw tor the evening The president Mrs George Sndth and secretary Mrs Busch will purchase the turkeys train the WI lunds Tho Wt voted to contribute 10 to the Unesco Glit Coupon Plan also 32 toward sending the District President to the conven tion in the spring RUGBY lly MRS JOHNSTON Mr and Mrs Earl Robertson attended the wtdding at their nlcce in Udney on Saturday Mr and Mrs Mantord Home Mr and Mrs Clarke Homo Mr and Mrs Wilired Johnston and Mr and Mrs Remol John ston attended the Clarke Fox Church Saturday Mr and Mrs Leslie Clark and Caryl oi Port ttowon spent the weekend with Mr and Mn Vliircd Johnston and attended the ClarkFox wedding and also attended the tuneral Mr Clarke brother Frank Clark Sympathy is extended to Mrs Manlord Horne and Mrs Wil ircd Johnaton and their iamiilrs in the death oi their brother lrank Clark at Woshago Anniversary urviccs will he held In Eraon Ora Presbyterian Church on Sunday Oct to at it am and 750 pm Rev Cunningham oi Scarborough will be the speaker llarry Sirnor oi iarrio will be soloist in tho mor ning and Baron choir in the eve SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE iRAVs uoov SHOP Specializing In BODY WORK or Ir am to am Mon It ills II um economy youll enjoy BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WIN erCOE COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY OCTOBER 11 ammst nrnrsrno Brian raAucn Work oi excavating basement tor the naw wing to the United Church has commenced splendid crowd turned out Saturday attarooon to the new community centre to attend the sale at homemade baking gar den produce and rummage Thanks to the sponsors oi it as goodly rum was nudged Members oi St Peters WA joined the West Simeon Deanery on bus trip Oct to Toronto to attend board meetingat terwarda vIrIting Baverly lodge homa ior boys and the Home at the Good Samaritan Mr and Mrs NormanWood returned home aiter their motor trip to the Marltlmes Mias Chappei ot Toronto vis lied mutiny with Mr and Mrs Richard Plowright and her bro ther lvan Mrs Melville Wattle oi Mid hunt was recent visitor with her aunt Miss lrena Knapp and Mrs John Partridge Thanksgiving service was held Sunday morning in St Peters Church The Junior choir imm Presbyterian Church stayner was In attendance in the eve nlng youth service was held Sorry to loss Mr and Mrs irwlo Beamlsh trorn ourcom munity They have moved to Woodstock where Irwin has tak en up new work in his plumb lag business srnoon By MR5 MULHOLLAND BALL BOARD EUCERE About 11 tables at cucbra players enioyed an evening in Stroud Community Hall Winners were Mrs Campbell Barrio Mrs Garrick nswlck and Mrs Hutchinson Stroud An gur Dove Roy Lepage and Mr Dubols Barrio Mrs Stewart Fisher and Mrs Mervin Ayres served lunch Euchre and dance in Strvutl Community Hall Friday ava aing Euchre at oclock good prizes Dancing to Tom Patten dens orchestra with door prize Sponsored by recreation com mittee Work has commenced on the looting tor the new Stroud arena to be erected north oi ball din mood In tho Commth Park Mr and Mrs Harry tephcn son at Woodbrldge Mr Ind Mrs Bev Smith and Sherri Lea Ipeltt Sunday at Bert Mulholtanda with son Bill celebrating his 16th birthday Mrs MacDonald of New Toronto visited recently with Mr and Mrs David Johnson Tlihou Reynolds is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rio undergoing surgery UCW Unit or St Jamel United Church Women held their Octo her meeting at the boma ot Mrs Parker Peacock with 11 members reacnt thanksglv log wnraho service was given by Min Mao Ferguson Mission study and iilm on lndia was given by Mrs Oscar Bowman it was requested that any mem bers having Canada Packers la boll turn them in to Mrs Moula llortoa as they are no longer saving them Lunch was served by Mn Alice Booth and Mrs Molsio iiorton WONDER VALLEY nos nanny Sincere sympathy to ume ed to Mr Cooper whose mother died on Sunday at llailaybury also to Mrs ll Switzer in the death at her brother Friends were Iony to hear oi the dcth ot Rev Fred Burner at Gravenhurli Sunday Mr Herncr wna minister on the Dal ston Crown litil Edgar charge some years ago Many imm era are attending the World Plowing Match at Cnlcdon TER SALES RENTAL Wt RPECIALIIE iN SEE US F011 Commercial ltatlonrry and Systems Adding Machine and Calculators oniu raulpmnt Rrpatrs SIMCOE thiliNEM MACHINE IIlop PA wu yonmx BHANIIIN Show Bl GGE READING 9f BARGAIN IN CA NADA How It Works CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES You receive The Barrie Examiner And you have selection of 66 popular magazin es from which you may choose y0ur favorites One weekly at our car riers regular coI Ieciion period co vers the entire cost of both the news paper and magazines Your Barrie Exam iner will be deliv ered by our car rier and your mag azines will come by mail We fully guarantee each order All ms BARRIE EXAMINER 55° WEEK NOTE nu on available only to daiLonmedeltveredExlndncr Subscribers floretsflow You select your Magazines CHOOSE nooanurs an iron Group 0R MAGAIINES and on Iron imp MAEAHIIES Both irons am Mugoxlora Nrw Rea IArgosy The Mans Mogazinet Itcdbooii lictter llomm and Gordcol 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Itipruta Atlrhi lyrn III titi tItiTV tlIIIde It It lyrl lyrs ilouw nod Oardrn yrs tint livrning Ioat yrs look yrs Holiday lionDo iopnilr Mrrhaolcl lyrl FronilagsiIrtoctivo yn Iiiarpora linmr Ihhow Maurine High Fidelity lIan no to hym tor Frt mm In Ar Do PM Write Hm Carrierl Iiouta No Newspaper Dellvrrcd liy Iiate liuer rnrnii mo in trwmher oi The Harris momtnor Economy Heading man this aim me the privilege oi receiving The Harris Examiner tor as ItIottIIll and the lnagntlnu checked AINII agree to pay In cents weekly ior to months with tho underltondlnl Ihnt thisamount rrpments lull ply Imni at prrssnt ralra tor not only ths mogul NAMI AiIlIitF tilratctrlot IIainiyi Alt No but also im the newspaper IilttNii N0 20NF1Iit0ViNCE liiiiilii TA All Magrim Now vasoaur lslrsalher Delivered To The name Auma itI N0 Present Newspaper Itohsrvtinr