SPEER JONES The place at uncs slca scl In Christian lilepli gt mph Ihis weeks lesson Whlrh continues mm the ntudv Pnuln ï¬rst letter to the Col inhlans supplemenmry pnssage is mm lhe Sermon on nu ml broadening the scope or malarial covered by Paul in lfllcr The armor deals an ending and clnlhing he Lady uncllnns whlch an cer Ialnly lmparlanl nnd Christ does not mean here to deny Ihdr Importance or lo say that we should do nullhl pruvide nlsullis mean lhc wnrld or hcsc ess In is certainly not owe me ivlng Rnlhcr ll mums that we must lry no lo dcvom nu un due amount Mlunllon Ioad and clolhina must not be 1mm and nnxlous about them or make lhnm our mum comm at Mlcmlun ThoGrcck word whlch ls translated hm anxiety comes mm verb meaning to dlvldc or distract How many wumrn duvnlc nccdlm hour to potty thoughts about Salunlny cvcn nu mrmhm cl be Sunday School hold wloncr mnll nml mclnl mum on tho Inrmzr GllIonl School mundi now ovian by Mr nml Mn Ilumll Evvrynnn Knlhcrcd MM lho Imnllro Mn IInK wnl wnl 1rd Ixy InIm lullle Idler In tho whoa hem wnl hymn anan nnd Mln Mum Sloth Iormcrly quIannry In Mrlcn IImwed nlhltn on her ml nnd uhml chlldml In III fltm Mr lIKn mic and land wIlh prnycr II lunch ernm nnd burn but dumlnm nnd cot lu urvn nulnlda by Iln llmldm 11m mmmllna In chum of via nmlnl Im lIumll lIIII Krll Ind John Mills Those nncndlnu Mlu Jenn MC Vim lrmuseau lcn Saturday Toronlo were Mu Nellly Mrs Sam Ncllly Mn Cnnnom Mn Jack and Mn umll There was nhuwrr nl Mlu Florence but on Friday eve nlnu lar Min Hclcn Ncshlll briderlobc She Iccclvad mnny heaulllul gills The fleviflrdl of Glllonl Unllcd Church met at ML and Mn lnzel homo deay cvcnlnl WIENEII OANT lhl pleuslng lhree bedroom home features comer wlndaw ln and bedrooms excellent to lo clrculollon and an attached garage WlUI sheltered Iormce at the rem There ls prnvlsln nlor an addillonal washroom in the basement The slmple rool llne reduces the cost constructlnn and adds to lhe charm ol lhls lnlercsllmz Deslgn House would requlre 75 not lol 60 wllhout the garage The conslmctlan brlck veneer but the blueprlnls Include complete dolnll for bulldlng in irnme or solld brlck Standard Builders Blueprint for lhls Design Na 643 cost $15 for the ï¬rst set and $5 or DOUGLAS CONCRETE Anni SI Paul Urges Church Members To Cast Out All Prdfligates MRS SAWYEH Dallvomd Complolo Procm Controlu Mnllhcw 62543 Callllfllhm 57 NUORD DESIGN No648 House 1200 SqFt Garage 282 SqFf Blueprinis include full details for building in Brick or Frame XRMINER HOME OF THE WEEK Complm Range SIM PRODUCIS lTD Burl Ile hulhnr urges Um lhoy have no social dealing wlm nduilcrcrl nxlurllonura or Mr Inlau Buslnm dealing with lmmurnl people tnnnot niwnyl he nvnldcd bul we 11ch not seek out lhpir cnmpqny goclnlgy Cnrinlh located on me lslh mus of the same name which conned ihe elapomnsrr soulhcm ycnlnsuln Greece with UN norllmn nnlnlnnd was natural cosmopolitan cen lm whlch became famed or III luxury and vlcel Even lhe term Corinlhlan came to mean Prolllgale and Corinlhlun lze mcnnr lo have dealings wllh praslllulu qushlp Venus goddess of love was marked part ho my life Paulx famous da suiplinn of pagan vlce In no man 11832 was wrlucn In Corlnlh The lslhminn games hcld here only served aug mm the citys sinfulncss Paul In his letter urges the church member to us an lrarn them win known In be Hvinx ln sln cvcn Ramon lnw Iorbndc the cohabllnllon with onul stepmother wldch in men lloncd spcclflcnlly Ill word concLmlng Inwsulu ma hrnga nu ma Incl that nnlnnonlsls minim law court nm In Icnm holh delcalcd llmuxh ono may be In ltxnl vlclnr moral delta al low In qunnd ranch such pro porllunm portnn pain intnr durcd In 011 In whlch Pnul any lhnl whlln mm may be Inwlul or even unlurnl my no he hnlplul We must no nxk much whclhcr lhlnz pm mlllrd In whclhcr HI tomo qlumm am what wu nnlly what they will Mar or what they will How much more valuably his time might be spent in tho seeking or servlce God The illles lhc ILId Incl dcnlflly Ere hnl Iv Pnlesllnc mono or wind flowcr most brilliant and pro fuse In that arm Onol body he hm and should be lrcnlnd In ltm nddltlannl sets They are avnil Ontarlo residents must remit able in Canada by return ml per cenlvsales lax SMIIII STUDIO For Own Bl lA Hm Commerclnl 0r Industrial Photos Passport Potlrnlu CALL Film Developing PA I96 ple IL is also member of Chrlst qnd should be used my cordingly To rent it mherwisn la alienate ones splrilun so from cm by means of me very bvdy given hIm in order to serve lhe Lord What know ye not that your body ls Ihe temple ol the Holy Ghost which Is In you which ye have of God and ye arenol you own Therefoerglomy Gad yqur bodyl Corinth We Carry Everything To Keep YourHOme Up To Date GOLDEN TEXT LOOK TO US FOR THEKND 0F FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Complain Scock ol CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS ANSWER It is extremely common for new houses to settle sllghlly on their loundallons Be cause plaster has absolutely no give even the sllghtest move ment will cause it lo crack Wail until the house selllement hos slapped before maklng re palm to the walls Ta determine llle proper time make slight pencil mark at each end of each crnck nnd us It lengthens make another mark Sale llmn lo as sumo lherell be no more settl rIRSlfï¬ID FOR THE HOME Mum MAHOGANY gunman tall crystal wlne decamm Ive med everylhlng know and iLsdll shawsup with water spot lnsida thanmpr the bbauly ANSWER No knawlng what everylhlng ynuve triedls cant be sure he allowing is unknown In you burl Is usual ly successful Hall Yill the de canter withwapsuds and hot water he caratul decanter is warmed up gradually addlng household ammonia Then shred newspaper Into very smau strips and stuff Into the decanter Use generous amount stirring it with ngrod or stick When he paper becomesvmushy swish It around and it will work elfecllve ly In remove the wmer spots inside liq ANVAS SOURCE ANSWER Rooï¬ng canvas ls nvallable mm roollng dealers or canvus dealers Be suru the materlal ls labelled as rooï¬ng canvas no other Iypu ls suit able for this purpose NEW HOUSE WALLS CRACK QUESTION Some of the plus ler wall throughout our recently finished home hnvn cracked We have been living here about six momh Does his mean there is fomelhlng wrong will the build ng QUESTIO Ihavei maho gany dresser which has develop ed mllky mm hr cloudy look on um surfaceuHaw can lhlshe cleared oA SWER Try wiping the mahogany suriace with mix ture of one tablespoon oi cider vinegarin quart of watch QUESTION want to cover sun deck with mating canvns Where can Kellhi type of canvas DISCOLORATION 0N TILE QUESTION recently moved Into an apartment Ihul has white lllcbonrd on lhc kitchen walls assumed the browndimlora lion near Iho stove was on the surlace and would be washable However havent been able In budge it Can ynu suggest in wman svmmn cnvsm Bo um of tho Ulmoot Ounllly lull um your Bulldor um Bumm um Produm Our complete stock of quality lumber make It possible for you to slnrl work Ioday give you free estimate on your needs lrco citywide delivery 429 BLAKE ST nnnnm 60254 BEBTBHM BRflTHERS noaeu wurrM lTD ANSWER Tiieboard acquires brawn discoloration when sub jecled to high temperatures as in the proximity er slave and cannot be washed off Suggest applying can of good quaiiiy enumei In the iilebaard iuriace allow manumciurers instruc tion on lheconleiner to up pilcathmi HARD PAINTON BRUSH QUESTION My wife used one oimy Rood paim brushes to re pain the kitchen table hand ne glected to clean the brush ailer wards Now the paint on the bmsh is stonehard there any avethe paihll QUESTION have painted my wood porch floor each year for the past three years but it peels off very quickly What Is thepraper pmeednre to prevent ppenhlg again ANSWER Paint wont remain on wet snrlace moisture is probably coming up from the ground under thefloor ll pos sible never the ground under the porch with nverlnrplng sheets of polyethylene plast to act vapor barrler to keep damp ness from rising out of the gruundl If the earth is flat laps need only be secured with weights such as stone ll un even it will be better to seal thgmlaps with ling cemgnt 17 has permitted dampness to ev aporate from under the floor and mm lhe floor llsell If possible paint the underside of line floor aluminum paw ween the floor boards with whlle lead thinned wllh llnseed all crack ï¬ller or Ilmllnr material Cracks too narrow to be filled should have linseed oll run lnlo them The floor should nut be painted until the ï¬ller has ANSWER Soak the brush lnl pain remaVEr or in one the bmshcleuing compounds now available at pain and hardware dealers wéthoii to remove lhIs The aux1 see 511 crackedvvr chipth SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENT PA 87111 Prlvavo dried Remove all loose and fluk an paint and be sure the sur lace Is clean and lrce 1mm all trace ml and griznthen appiy any good quality exter ior floor or deck paint ATTIQ WASPS RETURN QUESTION We recently bought an old house and sn discuvered wasps In the attic We had Kt fogged which was very messy and expensive few months later the wasps were back Weycaulked every crack of light but we still see them Can you suggest nnylhlnz ANSWER Best at all to cell innn experienced exterminator The wasp nest must be located Search the attic and ndlacent area carefullyplt may he in wall space The nest miist then be destrayed This is In extreme ly dangerous job and the entire person should be protected gainst stings by wearing thick clothing and wide hrimmed hat with netting over it gloves to protect the hands The nest en trance should be sprayed with liquid containing pyrethrum and synergists or instant kill and either DDT ul lindnne in he carried back lntn the nest The job is best dune at dusk when the wasps are lnslde After shortperlod when the Insects have been kllledor rendered be capable cl lllght the nest sheuld be removed and placed In paper bag twisting the openlng to prevent escape Then the bag and nest should he burnedl ll the nest ls located ln wall vacuum cleaner can be used the long lube suppgned on the wall close tn the nest So that any appreachlng or leaving in sect ls sucked into the bag when the bag ls well ï¬lled suck In quantily at math crystals to de stray the lnsects QUESTION We have alumin XIII nwnlngs Could these be pa ANSWER Yes but if lhcsu Pno DLYEXPOHTEï¬ on juggled MAWIIED Mr Idniw mum mi émhnlnu ncumm ué PAINTING ALWIINUM ANADVIVAN WHI KY $3 exii Ei 1xx$ix$$fu m= Z=ZU grime4w EgclmehM OFC QSchcnlcqï¬frz are presently uniinished the foln lowing prélimlnary treatment is necessary it this is new aium inum remove any surinie oil or grease by washing the sur face with phosphoric acid pom pound containing grease solvents Rinse with clean water niler ilve metal is thornughly dr apply in line chmmnte or metal primer Finish with twp mat of good quniily exterior ennmei or paint Weathered ai umlnum should be ï¬rst cieaned with wire brush to remove all loose din then washed with warm detergent solutinn to re move nii true of grease oil etc Then apply metal primer anti finish conisas lpr new al ummum To remain aluminum awnings Remove any peeling or chlppcd paint with line steel wuol then wash entire snrlace with dc iergent suiulion to remove all race oi snot grease ctc and rinse with clear water Touch up any bino metal spots with 1111 mer Apply one or two coats to qualitydeslxed paint my iwonN noon spurs QUESTION We hnva floor raffle problem In rout of each door leading the hall are vomrspou when we redo the floor these worn spat turn out dark should they be stained or Iretreated same way beiore the overpll ï¬nish ANSWER The darkened warn areas may be due In dirt penetrauan into the wood Take up all din with dump clnlh before refinishing area and go over wand surlacn with llne sandpaper If necessary will clean wood is exposed CALCIMINED CEILINGS MINER FRIDAY OLIOBER 196 QUESTIO We have scroll ceiling They are peeling bad Iy They have been previously whitened wilh cnIcIcoa prep aration We want to whiten them againl Is there any speclnl prop arallon lo use to remove or loosen the old contlngs olher hnn scraping the peeling sec tions ANSWER The peellng cal ciminc can be removed by sanding ll all ll would be best to send all all the cosllngsr Or try the allowan method Apply worm water with cellulose sponge to loosen calclmine enough so can be wlped all with wrungoul sponge Clean all one patch helore movlng to another For stubborn nrces nddlour ublespoons ol household ommonln or wushlng soda the gullon ol water used be careful to keep lhls solullon from palnlcd surfaces and use wlre brush rlnse ult erwards wllh clear water to re move all knee of tho salteolng sniuliun ï¬lllOMAIIC DELIVERIES PA 82563 SIMEOE PETROLEUM See LTD 75 ANNE 5T Farm Home Industry 719