honorary chllrmnn III wlll lulluw play In an mm cm or lhlrn development the rlub ham Innby he put ll In rdmln to ho JlInrl and man li ul Ivr Vnhmmnm rm Mn Imm eu la Imulignll he pmlhlllllel 3w IE Mar lint HIV1 TM Ilmn extend lo boyl uhu Imnrd on or um Au Im mmhh vullwiglcil loVi flu lmlmn an In of III mm MIMI Illhullvc Ill 11m Danie Lulu In InIIrI mnng nnalhrr huy mrul mum 1n HI mlnor hoc lry longm mournm Ihl umn Iu nlmnly hm hm have mil lwml mu Ihc IIMI lllc or Irnhlmllnn 11 um Murdny Muller ll Il wu an um um En Ah mInIry Club cume PM oh lanrn tank hls lul mm In 1117 hlq hlh mm MI Rn hrlwrrn AMI whllo Saturday Closing Date For Minor League Registration MIMIle IIEIIE Vhrn cnplaln lnlmcr lend llll US 91m ullml In In Vader Friday In um nm 11 mnlchrn coveran mm duyl JUan knoll curtain to In In Um 15mm II are pleasure in mcnllng lho vnrloul plnym and sharing Imnll Inlk on the VIP lniludu MI ullperlllnl uni lmslfnflnx sport 11 mm and muHum qucuo In lllllu social gathering or In harm of spcnklnx lo lhn Immunnl ml Ilnmmtr Janos now 61 tonnned lo llch chnlr by crimllnl Ill nus bnl sllll keenly Interested In lhe span whlch he helped nopularlxe throughout lhn warld has nunndrd every dlnner honor lnx he Ryder Cup lulml DH PLEASURE Dub Jones marvtlous Idea ï¬ller evrrywherc mud Alliss am sure ha revered as much In Britain he In lhu Unlled Sm Arnold Palmer ls leniflc Jul us Hams an amazing phyxl cal specknan II Ind Fem Allis of England In one In nIIIlmo slylisls Bul all them look lhl emperor This Is Bob Jonel ham and he still klngnol only hll worshipping nelzhhou hut lo the mumday mm or lhl game ATLANTA AP Prefer sianal gal slars of lhe United Stalls and Britain clash Friday In the blcnninl Ryder Cup ne xch in In almnsphm dnmIn Med by the memes nmmur them allDob Janus Now theyre ulklng about herring nm In Kem penfclt Bay Could that be the reason for the clouds of birds swooping down on the waters the In low days JUST NOTES Members of the conservation club are again reminded about the intensive work sched ule set or this weekend at the clubs properly More help ls needed to enable the club to meet its contract demands for 100 cords wood This group too is predominantly made up of youngsters Could It be that they are more safety conscious than their folk Lessons not only include how to properly aim and shoot the gun but evidence is placed on properhand ling and maintenance Map reading designed to ai Iow hunters to find their way in and out of the woods is also emphasized Yet no such animal has been almed at let alone wounded or killed Archery instructor Art Harmer says Youd be amazed at the number of times we have to chase rabbits away from the targets HUNTER SAFETY COURSE similar setu in BahHe is the Hunter Safety course offered by ame District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club Safetyv is the key word in the course Normally no bow Is arched unless aimed ata tar get In fact thats strict rule of the club Even more tempting than shooting at camera man must be the number of rabbits that roam the land on which the members shoot every Sunday Jones Still King To Top Golfers So safety conscious are the member of this group that had some diflicuity in even shooting some of them with camera For the sake of better picture our Robin Hoodstyle outdoors types were posed sev eral feet out of direct line of the target it took some convincing to have the members ut arrows in their bows The arrows were not fir Here is mixture of children and adults boys and glrls Here ls group learning the ï¬ner points of what could be deadly weapon yet no one talks of killing anything The object of the members of the group is to hit the pnlnted targets as often as pos slble wlth the view to wlnnlng the straw hat ITHE MERLE EXAMINER ILHDRsDAY 001035 In With the crack of the gun being heard more and more in the woods it is mighty pleasing to these ears to spend about an hour or so with Barries archery club members GREAT OUTDOORS Are The Youngsters More Safety Minded Any mum lllhlfll lo Iuhl In In mluur mulm Mr mum or luau uh Id In Mnlntl lln Mullan Al mm Mum mm and no pm an evening Meva at In Lulm hack commulm whh to remind My hfl lllled In ruhluilon cmh Inn 1m In hem Mm lur plronlu Illum Hwy 1mm hm Itmn lumd In II the Inn Hull Ivy What noon anunlny Anlunl who phch ll Mkh Inn Tod III Junlor IHVII wllh Toronlo FA Mich01 fol Ion Aldon nl out mm In yur wllh hmlen It ml lmlund Ilbow can Inla only ll Imu ln hll rook yuan II cl lo blulnl II In no we 09min min cl Iluuu lor hon over IOyurold Illnll lot Iboul nnmlxlh 01 um Mal Wodneldly nlxhl mm ROM Ind two mullIn flo chulerl IH mul Bullmorl Clipper In both lcnmn Amar lun Hockey League openlnl nml llmbuuh Horntu bluled numlo hon Ind Cloro lmd 11mm but whey Hem In 00m apenm By STEVE JONESCU Lon Angeli incurold rlzhl winger was lumpend by Injurm mas rook yur wuh Rochmar American llul mm Ind mmnxcd 0an pumu on 15 on And 1s um THE ASSOCIATED rum Th flyder Cup mmpeullnn won by Unlled sum ll of Um and navar km on Amcrlcan hnrel open wllh mm lnursomo mlichel Than will he Inllomd by ellhl hul ball mnlchu Saturdny and 19 Individual muleul Sunday pinyin in ll mljor dumpion ship in Britain And tho United State buwaen ms Ind 1330 winnlnl an unequliieri limui cmwnl Jonu Innuenca LI evuywhen iii picture Ilna in wall of the mlwiing brick ciub home is trophies In ovarywilm Our case has in me replicu the trophies won In in mud mm at 1910 ThrBriliflI Open nmuleur and the us Open and Imlieuri Paces Americans To Lopsided Win the KN Murphy pul Tumult thud mlnnlu lmm lha Int Ind Hobby In mm It 10 In the cam lull Jlm Am lllrlml rrnllrd lur Mdlulrr nut HM m1 bi bi ml TORONTO Cl Unhmlly Toronto mun mum llllv llnlplm Mm Umva Wulem Oululu In the InIrcul Icgllu Srnlnr Snurr lmnuur Ivy delenllng MrMnlvr zl ww Wndnudny Nu nmn Idmlulrd lo nlrlll hmll MncDomld lllo had lhm point perlvnmnco In Email And an mm In Iilll burgha vlrlary Hunla F4 dl Jnyll Huh llo In Hm rnlddII period bean MnLDunnId nmmul In Iva cllucllru Ill Mnflln mm UM all ur Ml 0A1 Ind nmy Du lur Um 1m lhu lem mu Inn In elm yrm ch Mnl lluxl Ind Fm Glover olhrr unmn goals our Dc Jordy and Michul llnrvey mm Var lho hum Harvey on Ihlrdyulod pennfly Ihol Blues Gain Tie For Lead sqpmm rmc Jan xum mrtd lwo an Ind hm 1m min In Clovelm wlu over llnrshuy In mu omnlpq nllhl in wllh less lhnn mInule la lllo lru pcrlod and add lnx two man In the mlddla po llod Kcnl Dough mulled ah lcr lllo game by Tomnln lllnplu Mall 01 the anlnnul ulxue Les Dull lu llraunld chk Gamble Jlm lnp ln and Garry lIllmnn All new lnrlhu wln ncrl Jun llnlclln xol null morol nnly goal FIRST GAME anmxse lhe um omnnlxed won I511nm In Canada wn Idlple mm the Indlln znml haggalnwny Jabblnz Ind hooking to he head and body far he nm leven rounds the 27yearold Torre plled up an early load Ind was able to withstand lalo rally by Fullmu elem Joey Hnrrlxon the ma nchlnl undcr Ncw Jersey 1161 noted 518 The lawned Torres Pucrlo Rlcnn now 11van In Naw ank4 hid three pound Idvnntnzu Kn weight 151 lo 153 TEANECK NJ AHOnce beaten middleweight Jan Tor res consistently luster and Iharper will his pun ch mmd hll comeback Wednes daynighrwlth lbround deci xlon over Don Fullmer of West Jordan Utah Decision Win For Torres Manager Alkopp said the Le zlon Minor lucky Msociallan has booked the Ice or 20 weeks surï¬ng Saturday Nov MI Thaié nulons avgylns heavy sknllng sesslun Ihl weekend will allicially open Ihe new season at the arena Ice making began yesterday and barring any unlnrscen clrcum sinner3 the Ice wlll be ln llne shape when the chlldren the area lost it Salurdny afternoon It 230 We Allsopp manager of the Barrie Arena nnnounced part at Ihe arenas program for the coming season and it look like another light schedule or Ves and his crew Icamxma got linden way the Bank Arena yes terday hhd Cam McAnhur left and Cy vlerla are pic Another Busy Season Scheduled For Arena will also ha skallnx Monday afltmuon and pp has crew of Iwo engineer and mainlcn nnce man In mm In lho busy schedule For public events it means lhe additional slut ticket sullen ticket taken ush en and In crews Atoms Pea We Bantams and the Midget 01mm team hnvo weekly pructlccs and gums scheduled and lhe Public and Sopnrme school league will be held aflcmmns lallowlng schaol hours Schedules for them league will be released all later dale and Slmme Foru tm plan weekly sessions again Ihis season and It expected that the popular bmam ball will gycralu pgnln Thursday and Sundny aller nuons have been set aside or the Bnrrla Skating Cluhl On Thursday the hours will be be tween uo pm and 730 pm whlla ounlmur perlod wlll he held Sunday mgmoonq L3H hudny and Friday will be hockey nights In Barrie These nights have been mscrvnd for Intermediale and Junior CII hockey This will be tho ï¬rst season for Junior hockey ANDERS MENS wEITIi 26 DUNLOP ST nor hockey will he held every Saturday mornlng from am to pm also on Manday even ings rame pm to pm lumd above prtpaï¬nllhe surface Arena Manager Wes Allsopp announced that arena will open the all and winger season this Saturday COMPARE AT OPENING 81288 SPECIAL FOR lAMINATED JACKETS SUITS $2429 TERYlENE sums COMPARE AT $793 $4200 Wes stated that the Ice oc cupied an average at 60 hours week Ihroustmut the season Ha anticipates Ice will tenmin In the nrenn until esly April COMPARE AT um 095mm 12 SPECIAL PAIR with aknflng session in the almnoon and evening Skat Ing II also scheduled for Mon day aflernoon and avanlna Examiner Phnto Corner Anna and Dunlap Slreeu NDERS MENS DRESS PANTS 5495 GRAND OPENING All W00l PANTS OPENING DAY CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION WASH CAR TO YOU IN 555 THAN MINUTES FRIDAY OCT 11th At 26 Dunlop St West Mm lug EORMERLY or MENS WEAR 123 DUNLOP 5715 L49 OPENING SPECIAL OPENING SPECIAL RANGERS LOSE MADRID UPAP Blll Madrid ï¬veMme winner 01 um European Soccer Cup Chum plons Ilammed Glmnw Rang er Scotland Wednesday night to all the second round of Ihe campemlon Tho crack Spanish mm finished with an assume alter home undawny Hamel 11 but Ring cnv 10 In Glasgow two week ago IRY MADE IN PRANCI COMPARE AT ill Provldenco Quebec Sprlngfleld Hershey Baltimore Rochester Cleveland Pllubnrlh Buffalo BaltluioEa radiate Pittsbullh Bullalo Clevqlnmj Henhey 6min fndlnnapolll FA Clllcauov Baslnn 001441 Montreal mm Detroit ll New York 010 Wednudul new New York Chlcaio 13mm Today Chicago new Amuleer Leann Eulern nlvhlon AP Provldenco 00 Quebec gprlqgfleld Chicano Boston Montreal mum Detroit New York Central Lelm you Paul COMPARE AT 695 ml CANADMN PEI35 mow 1min HOCKEY RECORD SKI JACKETS SWEATERS Waving Â¥I Bun PHONE PA lMfl Wellm Dlvhhn SPECIALS 106 lob Barrio 95 1100 44003 OPENING $1288 SPECIAL SUEDE JACKETS OPENING SPECIAL $288 mm 314 COMPARE AT SIB UNDERWEAR 150 VESPRA STREET WILL OPENS The tuhaned Western Hockey mum mm Hg 19ml um night the hpme Nb ncelï¬ exl mimbar the mJIehluh ty Denver Ppnlqnd Buckgmob In yam leader In the south Not only is While Rose the cleanest burning fuel all you can buyIt is also the most efflciénl the most economlcal Let us assure you of complete home comfortCall now and arrange for the most dependable homo heatlng service avallobler White Rose Autuynlflo delivery Round In cloak humor some lny budge lorml the cleanest burning Fuel Oil you can buy Make change for the better minnow1E MAYBEMARTIN DY PINMAN COMPARE AT $2950 oranmo 31835 SPECIAL PHONE PA 85027 ammo armu Mm IKII umomm SUBURBAN COATS uppear aven tough My Open In the comma City 11 homcstaqdlna Invaders mm lepléd collchIuh of pros mm ddgmcl WHL club and other 1mm provide noodynand ml to ma compuylun ALL WOOL SOX BARRIE BARRIE ONT Ml at flï¬i