mm In anudl Auulllkfl Tb Dill MI hallfl 10 1th umr Mllllod um ll mind ma Am mu Ibo be an mm mum nmei 1mm nu nu hut mmn lfluWM 0min limo VIMle won llnl III In mm mm ymnl Innu IIMN lllfllfl ll Mtflllllufl um MunAl mu Am mu mum mm ManuAILnorNILLV cm lvmm ï¬lly HI NOON III II Dalm mlanmdulwulnfll min It hnflimwml OUEBEC STAND BAFFLINO tlclcrbnrough Examlner The approach lhal Premier Jean Lo ugo of Quebec Pm taken to the pruponcd munlcipnl loan fund will bum monl oth er provinces The prcmlcrl poalurlnu Ihoul hn lumll throat In the Quebec log Delaney Ilth Store Blll Slruchan Por ry Ryan Charlie lmmom nnd llcrblu Dymonl nCl glrla lollball lcam con nldcrcd but In ycm with Miss Urch Barrie Examiner Oct so 1933 Fire hug apparently at large in town Chief James Shrubsole may ask tire marshais department to investigate blazes set at rear of Brown Co feed store Firth Moores cleaning plant and Ball Pian ing liiiil yard in each ease tire was caught in time Rev Benjamin Pink erton Sm th Inducted rector of St St Pauls hurch lnnistll Fire mar shal reported barn tires in recent Weeks at arms at Charles Robertson John Brown and Andrew Cumming caused by spontaneous combustion no evidence of arson Dovercourt Salvation Army Boys Band ened Friendship and Fe iowahig Wee in Barrie wth lilayor John raig presiding at rally In Roxy Theatre Sunda evening The Fly ing liloliisons from England Capt James and Amy tailed in tirst takeoit attempt irom Vasaga Beach to fly non sto to Baghdad Aircralt Seafarer wilt 7300 pounds weight including tuel could not get airborne in two at tempts and undercarriage damaged Thousands of 1poo ie went to Wm to witness dawn ilg trom beach atr IiCi athletes ea lured iudhope Cup again with top pa nt winner being Lloyd Delaney lied htorey lliii Strachan ler Here are few suggestions that may keep your home fire safe Never leavesmall children alonel Even you are leaving for only law Mr ments get responsible person to stay with them When going out for an ex tended period of lime employ belly The traglc lhlng about all these fires 15 that threafounhs of them were the result of carelessness according to the 1Canadian Underwrlters Association IOYEARS A69 IN TOWN Her And last year dollar ire losses in Cari ada totalIEd $128000000 On the average about 170 ï¬res start inhomes in Canada every day Last year 820 persons lost their lives in tires and hundreds more received bad burns This is Fire Prevention Week and it 15 good time for all of us to pause in what we are doing and give thought to care with fire Fine println the legislation may curb unfair action by unscrupulous firms The details of contracts are not known at the moment but on the basis of avail able facts It would appear there are hid den pitfalls Always Be Careflil WithFire The objective is to create more jobs to absorh and tralhvnlder workers It can succeed lf employers live up to the spirit and letter of the legislation It will fall however if younger men are dlslzilaced to make room for the middle age In essence the plan calls for ayment by the gOVernmenl of an lncenl ve hon us up to $75 month for full year The money is to be provided for all ap royed older workers who are glven war and training under the new pm gram The schemestqrts Nov and will cover workers in tho 45andover bracket Theoretically lhe federal government plan to put the older workerback into productive 9mployment appears to be excellent In ractlce it may not be as 309d as antic patequ Small children and elderly people are Govt Bonus Job Plan May Contain Pitfalls The Barrie Examiner Walk Publish hr matrix OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published byCanadlan Newqupérs Umfleu 16 Hayfield Sixea Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brllq 51th Geml1 Mmm THURSDAY OCTOBER lo 195 Pm¢ The remarl mm ly lo the Ho lenm mum nablngsnpgl Woolwldt Ono day when she was young am the MI lalklng lo mg ml uholur Ind themnglnn Dr Inn 11 anelt And he uld to her My dear Illd you mun 119 Have In God In npllu what he Clergy lrn you fly conchlunm wr have an across an llcm mm hnok rcmhlhruncu by Lady Asqullh wllu at llrlllsh prlmu ml 5le lN SPITG 0F CLERGY St Thnmnx llmudnurnai Wu plleIhNI an cdllorlnl about nlmo Roblmon Voollch who lm unl wri Ion book In which he mu oulm on 0qu the undnmunmn of Iho Chrinl Inn rollglou We wondered how he mam antI In krlpl plu Job Illnluru In perhaps llm most cynical Flow of Quebec nnllonnlisl behaviour we we hnd lu conleml wllh In lung llme ll can In nothing to further the came Tnnndlan unit mul II can only lend luc cnur and com orl lo malconlcnln In Quo hec who are meld whlpplng boyl or the buckwanlnosu the prnvlnce Ilualllllu Mens Club of Collier Street United Church hold opening dinner with Bert Robertson presiding Giihccneyu dance raviilon Cooksiown gelling ready or biggest crowd oi season next Friday night iur music battlu hclwcun Howard Smnrta orchestra from Barrie Ind Ari Wests orchcslrn from New mnrkui llnyI KC oi Barrio in in Winnipeg and Minneapolis counz ml or Province of Ontario In inxzi cam conccrnln level of llnlny Lake and up per boumary vnlm reserve strength Cn olie Womens League held 1311 annual diocesan con vention in Knights ol Columbus Hall Barrie Divorce and birth conlrol were strongly alincked by the principal speak er Mrs Keenan of Toronto at ban quel in Queens Hotel llinds food store added to slall James Posi in men do nrimenl Bill Dymen infroeer ies nllClgnrello League iclorln School elected Billy llenih President Ross Sicrhens secretary lrincu of Wales Sc 1001 chose Slanley Reading and Bruce lllcCauley in name position Mnnl luh mm at uni Kelso as coach lniield consisted of Helen Crew Bud Ardell Myrtle Foster and Caroline Smiihi Oulilelders were Marlon Vair Sadie Reid and Edna Thompson Lila Guest and Beiiy Black siock were catchers Florence Russell and Ruby Thompson were Kpitchers Ella lilcCausland Dorothy lilc night Mabel Richardson and Belly Carley rovided reserve sirengih Cniholic Vomens League held 13ih annual diocesan con vention in Knights ol Columbus Hail Barrie Divorce and birth control wnrn hhpress upon evcrynne in your house hold that in case of fire ï¬rst get every one but of the house andthen call the fire department Keep your electrical appliances in safe condition Take them to qualified re pairman if they have loose connections nrlraycd or wpin cords Throw out old newspapers magazines and other waste combustiblcs regularly rather than let them accumulate In the basement or attic Use carewlt clgare es Never dis card cigarette or drop match without being sure it has been extinguished Never smoke in bed Keepa flashlight handy for use in dark laces Never strike matches or carry ightcd matches or candles into closets or an cs The government has termed its pm gram an experiment We hope the ex periment proves out as planned the more frequent fire victims If there are elderly persons In your household plans should be made to get them out of thghouse quigkly 1n case of iye This could be one blessing in disguise Older workers have growlng families and they need steady employmenti But tlie idea of robbing Peter to pay Paul does not make sense Young men must eatl tooi coo erate fully with the government in pumng the plan into operation But from the standï¬olnt of common sense and business ey will be encouraged to give preference to older men in all jobs fonwhleh the bonus is paid If the oldsters are as capable as the ypunger men Is there any we of preventing an em ployer from dis sslng Kaunger work er for causefl In order to ire the bonus johseeker It therexare no safeguards against such an action then the plan could go down the drain It is concelv able that older workers would get em fdlfyment and younger men would be Isthere anxwap Most pmglgyershyvill do their bait to lollnnlnI armmnn un nihér vole ullnl 11w Il llndlnre nlnlol lfll ml FL The Almenlm In rludod meln 11 Twin In 50cm nml nlm New Demonl1 On In mu Imltlm Md up mildly lulut lhe mel nvrmmml gnu 0m Mod ulcr nob And Iii um In an llama mad with nul umI llmlnl lho nllrn dlntl worded hy mend WU hld xlmppcd to LII mlu no Canurullvcl 54 mh And In New Dfmocrnh Th worll man tomlng tunlnmnr lmlm by lhn unmvnlh yam Fnur man anlu hml drillul had In ml durln lhc my hul no In lhln Id bomer In mum lvr lhc lwohaur eve nlnq uulon Inor numllnl lho IHmur mcrnovn walk dcnlly mm um Mum ll mu Dldrnbnnr Emu Jon llamrr Mumv Muqumlr Mrflnin Mundlluk Mullnwl Milka Nunnl Iquu ml IAIN NEEDLE mm Llhmlu out ol 91 Conn mm 11 aul ol 50th rnli Ind to oul of 17 NW Drmn mu mm mm mu Mll mm or nearly onequnrtn lhv lotl mtmlmshlp ho Home For lh llnl vnte ll Alum lpcl red Io ml at I10 0n the utvnd dny the to Iumed lullon Ihm Wm luo mm min on About no In And other Inm hall our nller In ltrmlnnllon or flu lwahau mpper brol nm In no ml ull II Ienduncn In lhl Home Cam monl has In roll call mm It mmr inlrrvnlx whim urvlu In Indlcnllon lllgndnnre it mm Al ii havinx voted ihcmuivu In so per ccni in cmm in my within our monihn oi Accepting In implicd iivhyur wnlrnct ll Iinicd salary many oi our Mi now Are lnirnl upon Ihowinx Ihcir contempt or Mir obiiullalu lo the nation Tim wnve of URL cinm oi iiwir Irresponsible cnn dud ll incmlinx wiih Impil Jugiiicullon They reduced the House Cammonl in In orntarical xhambles Inch memory oel not recall execcpl during the Ihlmetul 1m pipeline debate They merited and received lrom iColln Cememn thp mm hllilll longue lashing heard in the chamber Iince that lame New Democrat 1mm Nanalmo save similar castigallun to the then prime minister John Dieten baker in January ma They let up Ihametul mark in tnmncy lmm the lmpartnnt reassembly al Parliament cou pled with unjustiï¬ed padllmu attendante among those who did rundclcend In return to work Valcran obmverl hm asstu our yarllamcnlary pmcecdinfl having xunk In an unprece dcnmd deplh xhamcrul lack of dianNy Ind rtsponxiblllly marred by pnnlnn hlckerlnl lug Vntedlrll may lihh In of Inlcrlorl flu WIDIJIIIEAI CRITICISM During the ï¬rst three duylol lhek resumption at work alter their two months of holldln with ply thzy establhhed nearly many records did the Bums in Ihe haleball World Serial OTTAWA The playboy of Parliament Hill In having wanderlul lime oman REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Playboys Having Wonderful Time UNOLYSSES AND THE SIREN Enlmmml Iho hurl lur flu vmlrlclol mmmnn In hllh blond prtllurll urlnlinl lm prmnrc down to lum Iblv Ind II Impollml mlur Dnl lhu mm In lnrmlr zlu not lmlerd hum wry In alu and Ahan In some dum do nut eel nr nu mai Hulnmmrnl at In hml In Hull II nol mlouL 1111 um mull mm lame mm Irmmrnry tondlllon AHM urdn howmr he hurl on not mum In Ill lormer Ilu any mm Hum In mnmllnr 1m An Ilhlrlv mum In mumnl Illh memenl mm II called upon In work llardcr than normll It and In on lrn And warllnx harder um IIIIY Illhouuh nnl nlwuys mum llul Iamelhlnu ll lmpcd lnl lllI blood flow The hurt wri hurdernnd the prmur Incmuu nIn whnl My blond prawn ll all Iboul ally llul Junl cnnlula blah blood plenum nr an enlnrund hurl wllll hurl nllnck whlch II lnlcrmplinn nl blood flow Hm Man muxrle Trur peonle will hlgh blood prmuru lama Umtx ham hurl allnch but nln proplo without II can rnuhlo nl vulaul klmlu II he man nmvnlml kn ventricle In huh my our chnmhm Iha hurl lhrouxh whlch the Mood II In mmlnn pumped Winu II called upon In work harder than normll It and In on lrn And warm harder um IIIIY Illhouuh nnl nlwuys mum lhll Iamelhlnu ll lmpcd Inllhu blpod Myra The hurt Your dodnr ll quHc right when ha my hat hlxh blood pmmra used lhg cnlurged Venlricll and no It II mu Ihe Inrt prubltm Whlth mum hurt uluck be Dr Mullah men chest xmy dhclolcd have an enlarged Id venlrlcle which the donor nyl wan caused by high blood prmure am uk an medicIon or thy blood prusun Haw nerloua Ihll condlllon and wlll It cluu hurl lulck1KS By JOSEPH MOLNEH MD Had Inst Ihu vole Prima Mlnisler Pearson would have beenmbllnled lo prgduce Ihe nuclear arm unemml made with the Unlled sum an Agreement whlch he reason th sated should not be mad puhllc In ha interest of nullonal Ind NATO Iceurlly Th1 vole It could well be ur zued was needles vow which needlessly wasted limb Opposi tion Lender Dielenbakcr could well have Iccepled the comm Hon Illa lucl anagram Ihauld not be made public la WIWEHUI Innmlu In lee govemmenl which won the vole by 105 to 91 EMBASSY All Iamaum TAUQHT IV EXPERT omuu Lmnmm mu Murh run 5v any to Mm An Inupenllvnl KKK DUMK Ammcm mm nmm ADULT mm EMBASSY All 95 nLAKI ST he mule mn ull Mn Du Ifhll 0M1 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Blood Pressure Causes Heart Enlargement sum Wm ocr Idlh 966pm NOW onoamzma NEW ADULT DANCE CLASSES mun innum me Wnnl hm hlm nun tin or Inn Irnu Mm mm God my van hm Md In mm hurl III mllhl III ullndlllw Inlm mm Ilenn rnuhlo nl vuiaul kinda II the mall prevnlcnl lhrrnlvlo Ille llI mm cnmnmn Hum cnncer flul mm In mnny ï¬lm hunt lruuble It In Importn Hml we undmlnml Ind danl wncluda lhnl whnl ll gum or nun Iype nl hurl lrnuhln l1 nrrmnrlly nod or number Sn ll your blood prenurl II on high Ink rculonnbla mum um In mndiiy 1L Follow your docinrl lnslrucliunl on mldlm lionand pay IV mars mun dnn In what he Idll you lbaul luplng your ncnuu custom under conlrol Ibuut lllcl about reducan your wcluhl All hm make lame Hwy my all In romlarl tncrgy longer an happlpm BIBLE THOUGHT lnx It dllllcult ll not lmpoulhle In narrow the ward nvrmnl down In nn mm dimen Ilunl Enlnrud could be compared In mnrxnl well Clark Gable WM klddcd Iboul III bl can however he wan not only ma actor bul Also In lllllc llre mnn By THE CANADIAN mass IllsCombos Giuseppe Verdi wa horn Th Falhm Conlederl HonJ dtlemas from Canada New Brunswick Nova 5mm Prince Ed ward Island Ind Newfound Mnd met at Quebec 99 year no todayin 1364 discuss the leaslblllty gamma union of British nrlh Amerlcm The conler enu pamd 72 resalutiunl an oullln to he pm aed laden union and no later became the ha negotiations ho IBMI tendon Conference and evmlunlly formed the core 01 the Brllhh North America Acl mILThe Chime revalu llon brnkn out 03 1g TODAY IN HISTORY lllmvfll in flul hchind all 1h and trans cendlng cvcrylhing 15 in im portance la the qucsllon whnl Mr Macmillan Intcnds Io do The general feeling at he mn men In thal whlle the Delinan rcporl on Ihe Prqumo Icandal cl tho government down very lightly more vuu In It an Im llgd crfllcllm In prlma min slerl allure la hnva dull with that Ilumllon cnpnhly II he Reginald Maudling whose ee onomic policies are producing very zood results so or has real opportunity at promoting his own prospects oi being the nen party leader because he has good story to tell on more likely to arouse enthusiasm than the speeches of the other Ispiranll But Lord liaiilhsm should not be counted out yet He is not on the conierenee agenda proper but is scheduled to speak at rally oi the Con servatha Political Centre on thsi second evening oi the conierl ence it he wants to sink claim on the leadership which would mean giving up his peep age and returning to the House oi Commons this will be his opportunity to do it MACMILLAN Position wnlcn is already oi euouzh ATTACK 0N SLIM massive lnvestluution oi Bri talns slums housing problems land speculation and rent rackets is to be undertaken it has bem ordered by the Town and Coun try Planning Association and will cut across all political iron tiers and parties its aim is to produce reliable blueprint for Britains housing needs tor the next 30 years To ensure that thorough job at investigation is done the job has been handed over to London firm at indus trial consultants Behind the plans of Town and Country Planning Association is conviction thnt nobody really knows the number of slum hou st in Britain The last oiiinlnl return made in 1555 estimated mvmku mm GARDEN AND PIT IUPPLIII DUNLOF 1T EA PA 05000 Hon 0qu Inlon 7192202 Ind Buying 0M melng Mam 3001 LONDON The Conservativo parly conlerence nt Blackpool will be the maxi cmclnl for the party tint in bun lucid in re in it will proh oned on iha conferenco plntlorma the on ldplc in everyoner mind will be whether Mr Macmillan in to re lire party leader Ind prime minister TraditionHy the prim minister doe not take any part in the conicrenco vrd mdinna ill one appearance is made at real party rally on line Saturday niier ihu confer ence has completed it debatu And his political lulure may well rent an the ellact which thin lpeenh from him will im an hadcipgntes All lhou most prominently menlinned as prospective suc cessors in Mr Macmillan have key spot on he agenda Iain Macizad hnn probably lhu best opportunilyof making an im Krminn an the dzieniu En as been named In make liia windAup mach of hi confer ence and this will enable him lo Ihow hi1 men luppan winner Bullet ll nuimd the task 01 deallng with lhu allalu the Central Alrlcnn Fedenu tlan and that Is not In envlahla one Ted Heath wlll aka the centre of tha Ilaze to deal with Britains relatlons with Europe and ln tho llth the collapse of all Ml ellnm to brlnn Erl Ialn Into the Cammnn llnrkel he wlll be In ralher tough spot or maldnz strong Im 1resslgmon1 slegakg The importance at the center ence in also emphuixed becnusa it is lhe inst the party will hold before the next general ei ectiant And Innther bin laden in making it rigniiicant is that the aspirantsto thesposi nnw held by Prime Minister Macmil ian will have their opportunities tn make an Impact onth rank and tile delegates AslfiRANiS 0N usr NARCISSUS LARGE SHORT CUP 5MEéLeting May Decide 3Méémillans Future REPORT FROM ILK KEMPENFELT DININOEROOM OPEN DAILY 500 Our DISPLAY OF lUllPS HYACINIHS DAFFODILS CROCUS The Rendezvous Lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL Como In Now Whllu Our Slack In Svlll Plnnlllul l5 TORNADO MUM Texan gall In average nf 1K lumndocs every yznr In the llrsl hall 106 more lhnn 30 8mm wm reporlod In mo Bchlnd Ihe plan of Town and Country Planning Association Is onvlclim thnl nobody really knows flu number at slum hou sns In Britain The last ofliclal rnmm mad In 1555 estimated Ihe number at 600000 Today the moclnllon believu lhal llwsn ï¬gures are my much su sped and zrouly widervuumatl 1h problem The ioreign oiiice howzver now has little hapex oi persua dinl the maiority oi the cabinet to agree yzith it This majority groups ice that ii Britain sits In on the discussion and then reium lo take part in the iorce it will da man harm to NAM relntionx ihan ii she stood oom pietely alooii And it would mean Britain spending money it can iil afford to make biggerbang which is already big enough TACK AON SLIM The British government hat not yet made up its mind what to do about lhs United Slates pro ossi of mixed fleet of our nob vessels carrylnl Polsrll missiles as an addition to thl NATO dctsrrentforcos There is within the cabinet very do flnitedivision of opinion on lhl subject Most of the ministers and particularly those concer ned with defence am of the opinion than the force would be ol lillle military value and would not be worth the hundredsof million dollars It would cost Bri tsin The foreign office headed by Lord Home on Iha other hsnd believes that from pol llleal standpoint Britain should at least Join with the other NA TO countries in discussing ths proposal but without commit ling Itself to British partlclpa flog In the force might hlve done Thll leave him hllhly vulnerable to vio loue opposition attack from Han old WlIlon when the report debated In the Common nexl month nnd It may Increase the pressure on MrMnemll1ln tI retire mcelully from oflice Bu Mr Macmillan wnt still be ml mlnletervwhen he eddrme rally at the close of the can lerenée Whether he will ltlII be there nlter the Dennlnz report dchnle In the Common an other queltlon The depend very Ierzely on the lupport he receives from his own party in the house and the number 01 Conservatives who abstain lrnm min when the Denninl report debate concluded err on oeuvon BIrHl Llrgut And Man Luxurioul Fully Llconud Loungl Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH I110 Mg HAMMOND ORGAN llel He VIII 35c