Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1963, p. 15

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ruml um Ihmvnum hum mm mm mm mu Ild IN flnfllnl III um ymm lam lam ylL mm mm mm mm mm IL ILuIpnm IA um 4an IIY kiln In Ind IIIIIIIIWHv YIIHHH III If II II IHMII IUI lnm m1 mm nm IJhIHI Ill IIIIIHL fr mm nu run mm mm can rnA mmm umr Com my mum mumm In my mm Mm holvflll zxrh mm mu II umlnl NJ um imnmurn wimm wlnl m4 urmm In mvu mum In no comu rum ll mu mm mu In new connmnn Taluphnm um lOST FOUND nunn Mlm um mNNII or Wand lluol In nrlnpulll hull and onlul In mm mr II in mm cu Inln MI 0m lllfln can noun IA Im fiTON nwcx In In Ind ha 13000 amlml mum Colmuny pm Imrk In law pvlu or um unn down Trkphonl PA on on mm nur lnHuM MM 91 I0 lvhnnl PA mmmum unclaiman Painuni 11me Eum nuuun mm mm mu humm ix roiamanxm mm Tvlrphunl mu to mom dun vuu qunn lnr on Mrloflflowm um Mun na yr nu In ol Inn lam mm mlnum slmu le ynn mm um nu hydrlulle bun mum ltllyho Alunun ll um All Enuv nAILgn ML MIDIIILI PERSONALS um whit um um mul Ilama Red ry mu ml Cm mn lflu pm Teleyhum PA mu wm GENERAL Moron eneufln an mu lmmnnllle mm Analn conunm um um moo omlnn mllu Nfly Nulp pm nu ur mmm Dun MW um nuuma sum nun Tellvhonl was Null CAI WIWANCIY Bl lath mlemd drlml WI hum In any mnrdlm llu chummu cam in Btnul Cam ll Coma It PA 04541 Bunnu buk um vamnaitafi an In 141 qunm mo PONTIAC Pmulm Conm uwo VJ molar vow mum bum ImamII Inmmn ullom ndlm in nu mmcu low pm at 11071 107 dawn Tnlnphnno PA Hm nunum our door mm In Illmin blfk mpg mm filo whuuvfil urcirlisn 53 35193117 mom Ttllphonn AUSTIN ham Pnan al mow um Izod mm lunlblu Cuh Rum lo mumle fly Tullphnn PA 11 In II FLYMflUIfl two door with deluu mean no lonl punt Wm ma mu lulnmllln trlmmlulan Law In me ma menu mm 156 VOLKSWAGEN Delun In In blue Lou an nwnzr ur new mndlllcn low law He at 1137 human PA Hm 1m PDNIIAE Lunnuu mm lamhm dunr lulamluc Ill cyl Inuer law mllule bunllmbcnlh dlunm Tcxuphnnc PA was 1111 PONTIAC Llunnllln lutm mm In nln wllh ndla And Ihlle III Hm sean blul And wbll In color Telephon PA 971 umIESKLEKTTenfiZS mm mm tanninLn uuuxe um bud bclli mm bl luld Telr new PA Hum 1m Ich nhullk molar Ind truummlnu tom and hlua um mu am Tlllphnnu PA um lawcost lifeInsured fié BANK on NOVA scam um wntfinur ollurlclhu m1 gum EN Pelux gale gnaw AT VFRENCH MOTORS 758radlord PA 85971 MQIOR CARS FOR SALE FARMERS MARKEI 331 dlmunL 52 501673 on vnur cm calfbrali flunler CRAIG HUNTER mOULTflY FARM LTD SIROUD PHONE 71 AUTOMéfiVé Mo and mo pofillrymen are chlhllil DLK LB PULLEN Sti ed may to In and day ox 0rdernoworenrly EB It new wth Scom PLAN LOAN GOOD DEAL MORE JUERTAIN NEW CAR TRUCKS TRALw VMOBILE HOMES WOMENS COLUMN uk POULTRY CHICKS FEMALE HELP HELP WANIED EKALB PULLETS YOU GET GOOD DEAL IIINI FOR THE NUDE AND GROOM Watch Clusmod Ad for Icrrlllc lurnllun and IV puma barium urunmm cum AMHIML MnIla mm mm mm ml vm hm nu nxnano In um lxruumxn mml mu lu mu nmylnmnu Ilav In Mn mu In n4 Mnlmn munluu mu on mu mv mu Wumln ll an In hm Iqu mm Momy In 77M II la am ultvhonn um hum nlinm nah um urn Ncln mm hwuwavl mum um dlmm Tillth lA llNu LAM would III yum qunl vuIIIM In In om IIIIIIIMII bowl thI nun Tollphanl In um mm how Llnml Bahtfly mum bulor mm 51 mm SALES HELP AGENTS Sill mu bllnl lncnlud nrmnu mu nnl um maxhunt mu Inle In pm Manny In mm Wnnled by Emdim Mnnulw lum proledtd lerrltory mm ulbhlllhld bullnm Iup vlled lmck nqulred mm nlllnx experienta pnlnned erl lo flux null llem hm EMPLOYMENT WANTED nmcxuvzn Wlnlld In work on unlan five uni Worm mndnlnm loom Ap 1y John Paul Illphan nucx muvlms mm mm war In mm mum Iru mo unly Ml an mm In mun musm nun or Inn mull plmlan film lrauv lmur mu am hencflll Telephon um pm PA um or PA um Aulumobile dealer requiru Ihop Iarzman unable of uk lnz complela control of xervlce dcpnrlmenl Al pasllhn or right man Apply to Box 12 Barrie Examiner stating age and xperlenee tuneup Plul Wlulld Mummu mmm mm hqu mumm A1 Smith klrny 03M COUCH lining minimum compiel ed yen academic nr led nical high schooi Away 1mm bus transportation and accom modation aiinwancu provided wlmnn Immedme 51 an lldlu maymm fix on um prmmm Pull um ym me Apply In pencil to Mlu Ruler ll Dummy Wm New dlning lounge and coffee limp requlru waitresses Ex perience not necessary Win work with Ind be trained by our mallm Goad waxking condi lons and mary Very high KrnlultIes Please apply in wrib In In BOX BARRIE EX AMINER Wanted by Trust Cp girl In no lo 30 Experience helpful but not essentlll Mull be 01 near Ippeamm and enjoy meeliu the public Excellent working conditions Ind 5day week Sllary cnmmeusuntc with experience Apply giving me marilal slams and full par ticular to 170 BOX 439 BAR RIE wAmnEssEs REQUIRED you enjoy meeting the pub mu mm be or you Prelerence will be Elva lo applicant with previous silt experiencn and knowluigc twin 11s vnrled Ind challenginx job with Opporwnlues or person who can me their awn lnluallve We have anolhér Ming or an Imbltlmu Indy In the Inlet esllng Held 01 Cluslfled Ade hint posmon IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 10 Hm WANTED INTERVIEW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY PHONE 33771 Apply in wrltlnx ma AllyEflfISlryG gunman FOR WORK ON INDOOR INSTALLATIONS OI COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG MEN SHOP FOREMAN Thu PHI Examiner POTATO CHIP DISTRIBUTOR FEMALE HELP MALE HELF TELLER 1925 Car Rolls Over Saul Man Died MULT HTH MARIE Onl lCll Aumll nullmmlrun ulnar old Mull sic mm mm mm rm Illlnl mm whrn MI ur vullrd um rim lvnl on lluhwly In mllu north at hm lmk Hrhool lo NM uL n1 union nu lam any lmdrr nol Mr urlly nrwpl ulnar 1in TENDER Trmlm will In retrlvrd by llw underullm up In 1100 Nunn Hominy Odalwr ml ms or pplylnl LAIF In Johnna 51 id and Dwmllc um lubllc Schonl and In It clanlrnflxm dem wlll be mclvrd by Ike undcnlnwd up 00 Noon Maudy Octal 11M lwflor Imw ploughan lho luhllc Srhool ynnh Far pnrlkulnra Mild Bond Olflra PA 15668 71w lowesl or any under no nrcmnrny armpitd GEORGE IIONGSTAFFE nunlnm Allmlnlnlnlnr nnrrk luhllc School and nyllclvl Slrcrl Hurle TENDERS FOR SNOWFLOUGIHNG Scaled lenders plnlnly marked as to conical will be received by the undersigned unill 1100 oclock noon Dlel THURSDAY OCTOBER 101963 inr Ih rcninl ai lhu Iollnwing nnawplaughlng uniu iar lhu 195164 winicr season Fourwhccldrivcn type lrutlu equipped will oneway Ind iypc ploughs and wings in be stationed ll Barrie Elmvnlc Coldwalcr Orillil and Sinyner snow blower to be null able at Barrie Onlurlo molar nrndor may ho nulr niiiulcd or truck bn alniloncd at Elmvale and Coldwmcr indicalcd in Jim nbovc Tenders musi be nubmlllld on me Iornu Iuppllcd by Kim Counly Furihzr lniarmallan including lniurmnilon to Bid dm Speclilcnliuns and Tender Farm nvnllabln nl iha allies of he undzrnigncd Ii mulled chequa ln lilo Imounl oi 0000 mnde pnynbla In the Treasurer oi lhu ilnrrle Subur bnn llands Commlxslbn must he nuhmlilcd will cnch lender Thu lawrsl or any icndcr no ncccmrlly epicd CMNK Enl Slmcou Counly Enzlncer Emmas Office Counly Admlninlraunn Bldh Burla Onlnrlo Engineers 0mm County Administraunn Eldg Barrie Onlarlo Ilunlneu AQImImmmn mum luhliv mm mm luyligld Mml llmlr BARHIE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION TENDERS F011 SNOWPLOUGHING Sealed tenders marked as to contenLt will be received by the undersigned until 300 am DSTt WEDNESDAY OCT 13 1963 or the rental or the following snowpiaugh unit or the 136364 winter season ltourwhecl driven truck equipped with type plough and wing to be stationed In thoBarrie Shanty Bay Ora area Tenders must be submitted on forms supplied by the Commis sion Further information in cluding lnlormation to Bidders Speellicaton and Tender Forms available at the oilice oi the undersigned certified cheque in the amount at 310000 made payable to the Treasurer the Barrie Subur ban Roads Commission mtIt be submitted with each tender The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted CLARK Eng By virtue ol warrant luued by line Reeve the Township Innidfii undcr his hand and Ihe seal of the said Corpora uoo bearing hate the day of May 1965 nio oi lands in or rear of taxes In the Township ol lonlsiil will he held at the Community Hnll Stroud at me hour two oclock in lire ailer noou on the mo day October ma uulesHhe axe and cost are sooner pnldi Notice in here zlvcn thattho rm of lands for role or arrears of toxu was published in Ontario Sauna on the uh day or July 196 uud that copies the said list may be had at my office land are no Ili sold oh the 1th day of October on adjourned solo will be held on October 16th the ume hour Ind place 1235urer Ollioe Hill 15L dly0fJ1 Imam TREASURER SALE OF LAND FOR ARREARS OF TAX TOWNSHIP OF lNNISFlL OUNTY 0F SIMCOE 561 NOTICES Enginccr Barrie Suburban Roads Commissinn Rf 330B Treasurer mm Mum Gem HM Illm flu lhc Nlllnn lndlln no yem old Undo and mluinnmc Full Nuluw 110 ullmn lhn Vlncuum Rlchnrd Swen nun and Clifford Evnm 15 an accused In connecllan wllh ha June 22 Ilnylnx another londonur nnberl Mnnhall 23 when body was lound by campus In nondtnu Inrk About 25 mile Iaylhengl htre Tha Jury mu excluded mm ol the day while the Idmlul hlllly of cnrllln uvldcnce wa lnutd Thu trill conunuu my CHATIMM CPI Nenly mlnulu of cvldcnca was heard Wednudny In the cupllnl mur der trim of Iw youth mm London on helm the Ontnrlo Suprcme Court Jury was ex cludfqi 1mm Ihe caunroom wll be faster than nlr hm laid lhe Inventor ba taulu the hovcrluln will no from clly centre to ally ccnlre win Mlle but showed thgm nothing backerén 3am Brilalnx min km Rampart will shortly wnlch demonstrnllnn the The lnventm is Christopher Cockcrcll 53 who produced the first British hovercrall party of American designer who wanlcd Io use what pm mu we wen making laid lhc inventor LONDON ANA British In ventor says he raclnl to beat the Americans In pmduclnu the worlds first havemaln on em or travelling 400 miles an our Tho train which pram ype has nlready been hull here travels on cushluu ol nlr hoverinz About In Inch abgvc coqcreta rack Hear Evidence In Murder Case This proposilion pi ad before Ihe annual mecilna oi lha meteorilicai society by Dr Diolz oi the United Slater coast and geodetic survey in Washington The society an inlemalional organization which is studying meteoriies and cm ier believed cnusod hy meteor ile on both the earth and the moon Dr Dielz said the huge de posit nl dapperrich nickelIron Britisher Races To Complete Worlds First Hovertrain OTTAWA CF promin ent United State geologist pro posed here Wednesday that the million at Inns of nickel cop per sulphur and Iron which have been mined In he Sudhury area came flrlqm outer space miles east of Highway and mile north SALE so head of rezlslered and mad Hemlord cattle pigs high class farm machinery hay allaw min and some household 1mm Terms cash No reserve In arm sold COUGHLIN AND THORNTON Auctionem ron ALvm mums 22 Concesskm 0m annshlp mile us of Duh alon gquth on smumms Complete Jggngerd dlspemll of 45 head onfitNflM of 10an barn by fire ANDERSONy PLOWMAN AND C01WllL Lm Geologist SaysSudbuxy Iron Nickel Came From Outer Space AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct 12 pjm sharp Al the farm John Rudu 1M 22 Concession InnLam mile en HIS EYES HAVE SEEN CENTURY 13 AUCTION SALES AucnoN SALE Satyday0ctober 12 urdfiy October Inland mllvel mun con mvlllvely 71 pm Mr lmm III an mmmhu whcr flC upllll VI Iquu rm malnly In Indlnn moman wlmhotot How 01 foolllhly Inked Everybody love Inur dl mm Dld lhcy throw mm at Burton Holmcl and Jlmu Fuxpalrlckl Nol on your lift When the tun dlmwd lmo lb was and wo had In my and larcwcll lo Sarawak everyom elk wnrm nll nvrr Now cnn Ildcr Mlu Taylorl hulhnnd Whlch out Dddlo Flshcr cum lIlI By 1301 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD Am1mm hnll my ledun or may uld Clyde MICK the cynlul Huck Heaven know her male hunl been the mum Muck Iald what with phyan mull cal husbandl and All The lmlrlcsl lhlnx sha cauld luvs done lhnl our Umdon Take ElluMhrlnqur he laid look Ive got deldflne Inflated but the unemployed pm Inn blithely canllnmxl ll train will nu concrete ways bullt over exlnlnz rall tracks or alongsida concrete highways The need of our research to prnduce the worlds um hover rain system enurer depend ent on government backing snld Conkercll The scheme loo bl or any private under taking eliminating lhal rlda Io Ind 1mm 31 an End ally Otllclals of the Survey helleve that lhe Sudbury or deposit camelmm the mantle ot the earth hclnw lhe enrthl mmlle deep crusl They lay they have no evldence to support the theory that they came tram uuter space sulphide ore In the Sudbury d1 lrlcl probably was contained In meteorite which plunled tn earth game 1700 000000 years ago This new hoary of the orlxln ol the worldl rlchcsl nickel de poll ls not supported by the Geological Survey of Canada branch 01 lederal mlne and clinical surveys department THE MOVIE SCENE The new No price $10M just shot of the mlxlmum ol 31an ln US funds Allowed under Illa International When AKreemm to which Clnadl and ulhnr major when export Ionl Wnlmuln Inflfllfi mm Lawer quality when com mands lower prices and Na and No northern which form large pm at Ihe Clnndlan crap 197 19 The Cnnadlan wheat board put the price up three cenlsmes day shove the cast 01101 quallly Na northern Ihe Lakehead over or the flu Hug In yeggs andrmr 175 WINNIPEG CF anndlan when prlcel mnnlned un changed Wednesday after shopl Ing up eight cents bushel In week 1an nranu International dqnand RemainSteadY No Lam Imfiroving The Image 0r Everybody Loves Guide Inllu In lh Ina wm In muurnnl hm only chnw day when lncldem look plan mmvnnkm nu Am Ilmfl alto Imltmd ll Klndv nine In Mr roudlllnn In flu Elull Me mm ham or pllnl wllh bullet mud In MI nhfiomm flndnry Mnllmn Illllnncd ll Klnrhalon Mr Pam In hull 5H NIH Mlch mmdld on 000 hull whtn In mm llu Mullen gm In tom hm MULI 8TH MARIE 0M tCILA your old Unllld Elnlu Ilnmn Wu mud Ind chuml hm Wrdnudly Illh crimlnnl nulllrnu 1n hand llrurm lollowhw Ihn wnun In at Ml nuold USAF Coppgnlnfl Your wmnl mull Gm land 1mm You cIn do my luend men It And you lllllo old hi1 whnlt docl Ilwmlkl am with hex1 5mm um 0hr You mud your palm Anodur mm Mkm In lelevlllon Jerry ll Haw cnn humblo for In hour on Im unen Ivory vmk nnd mndcnp In nu Ilm And In Marl thla monalouun um cu MM In all lhv help lnwm xlcnl ldlolx Jury lkwll llnl mph IdlDll bid or I110 lm um Show TEX Fm lttllnl nu com knack bar or bclnl llll biz Ipcnder Ind llltll old Hoi to II wan Ihu an herull Soldier Charged With Negligence henyon lo lum lbw 1m nn muting 1n lalwlllnn mumiflu no Jugxflflulmd Im not Ilnlnhed Another use In poInt Funk Slnllra Whit about ank SInIln no In Iroublo beenu In tlluufly put up Sam Gllnum Iho Chicn mobster II hll Lake Tahos Inn So Iaw day Inlet SImln ll announced utcuIIva mhunl to luck Wamcr Wnrner Ilthm nm wlu hulp Impva hi Inr How do you run An mm In Wumerl IuIl lulu IIal bound lo uu Iy pithy Vol3 ham boon when he Mn lhu muonnl Inlhem and Scrle lust Sunday Yul to like Wm np uyunyouml the world Serialmum yaun ignite In maybe Em Ila In Sudbury cloned or ona day In protest axalnsfi In Imperial Oll lelled declllnn to much conslznmm lulu ccmmkslon mm slld lng mla la med nlo per gallon Some Tomlo dulm had threatened II In Ilme Io lollow lull The exzcutlvo represent deu an In 10 brand guallne mangled In lha Mclropoflun am It decidzd to have nah brand lmup make study In relauomhlps with IL mp plying company and report thelr recommendluon to flu central execullvn for possible Iugporllng chlnn NEONTO CF Protest cloath by Em service nation opaldim in sudbury Int vmk will not be duplicated In Tor onto lhu Tomnlugxecullva or um Ontario Retail Gasoline Ax odallon decided Wednesdny REGINA CF Than II no lumncauon or Iharp rlu In the price of Camdlln when 0mm Gibblnp pmlden the Suhtchcwln When Pool uld Wednesday Mr Glbblna nld In In in view that Lha mm unu bushel boost In Clnadlan when price announced lhll week nupponed bystha we part or the normal lpr 10 Adjustmequ that take pm film Qmo firm hp um Provlnelal leenl Ron Thatcher sald Iherbwfl mnklnl No northern when the Lakehead worth 52003 bushel mean the leequ 1961 federal election promlse ol wheal has hemml reallly But he uld any xhgrp In muse Inc raponed Id vacated by wmu authofllles fin HI United sum would be pew alizlnz Canadns steady custom er because of Illa 104 new customer Rulill Ind would cause 111 will In the long Higherpriced dumm when whlch toms rellllvely mu proportion of CInldll output mm mm 208 Io 115 Manmm chin com mlulmer of the when board said the latest lncnua natural chnngc In the Intern Iona mnket Ijluntlan In vluw nth the cunt demand or VI Toronto Stations Will Not Close court we téia LaumWix butm by an the clubn waiters WANTS INDIAN FIGHT BANFF Altl CF Indlene must be Intensive and turn to fight for what they want Ne mu done In the United Slum Rev Adam Culth nl Prince Albert nld muday Integration mun more than ettendlnz the nme lchooll he told the thtchewnn Federa tion Indian It mum be lnnllnl to the nme churches and tnkhll pm in the name no will mum such In home end hoe Ind curling dubn DONI LIKE GORDON QUEBEC CP The Qub bee Clty Lnbor Council made up of pretentetlvu from 85 unJonI he decided to and CLUB MUST PAY MONTREAL CF Quebec Superior Conn hu urdered the Caslno Frannlx Inc Mon ml nlxhldnb In pay $40500 In Mrs Lnuzon whose husblnd died Iollowlng brutal heath In the club Mn Justice Paul Emile Cole awndeg $20 one to Mn Lauzan pmonally and $10500 hgrhur boys GIVE WOMEN RIGHT OTTAWA CPI The Small uppmved in vflnclple Wednu duy bill which wwld give minled women th umt mm as unmmied women lndlspu In at lmmavnble pmpeny Sen ator JunFrancois Poullot Qnebech the bllln nponnnr nld ll wu designed to allow mur rled women in Quebcc la dly of xuch pmpuw without luvlmz to ask myonal permu on OIFER CLAY 081 mm AP group of Sum hnxlneumen handld by mmnmr Dm Cohen nld chneadny III altered Clulux Clly 5000 lb meet Ed dle Cotton next summer or en Her The bout would be pllnned lentHwy for Sulual new Emu 9011mm dun to npen in no N0 ROOM FOR FBILLB 10mm cm mun nobm uld Wtdnemy every dulln Ivenl on education by marzmlndul lovemment mun we awId the bull obieo llvo of pwvldlnz better edu cation omlnz chm new bulld lnu York Unlvmlly he laid than In no room or frills and an ornamental may Emilio llvu wt In arm CUMMING FIID MILL Anna PA 4264 THE BARR EXAMHUR8DAY OCTOBER 19 63 WORLD NEWS551 BRIEF BARRIE It In with prldo we dUpIny the new SHURGAIN crest HI lymhol of our dclormlnuuon to keep you pmvldcd with tho hon producls and mrvlgcs for lhu next 25 yam Ind lhomflcrl Ilmo mm to move faster grow older 01d ch5 make mom or new mnlhodu now producls and services Wu In Ind to be part of SIlURGAIN Feed Scrvko system of local food mun uhclurlng bucked by the but of Can ldlln rcmrch which or over quarter century hu provldcd lcmlmhlp In afllclcn agricultural produclion help lng to make lnrmlng bollcr way of Illv BRADFORD FEED MILL Dcnnll PA um BRADFORD new horizons PAPERS ARE SLOW MOSCOW AHThe Commu nm party organ anda com phlan Wtdnesday that the So vie people Innt clung hell piper quickly Enough ma the Soviet posh Iyllem pm the Soviet rIIl Ind nIr yuem dellyln delivery In 50ml IN by In much mnnlh BEAMEN FIGHT MARSEILLES France lieu erIlA ihnunnd anlry lnernh ani amen demonstrated hero lWednuday minim reduction in Illa French Mediierrnnenn merchant ileei iollnwinl lull in irniiic between Franceanrl Algeria Part sources said about 1000 men were out of work or risked losing their Job because he cut in lrniiic FARMERS VISIT UK GREENOCK Scotland GP Twanlysevcn Ontario farmer and Ihelr wives Arrived here Wednendny for 11day our of Brllish arms and agricultural inmiuiiana They will visit lev erni Brilnlnl bestknown cal He ranches including Brycel pedigree heel shorthom herd and commercial cattle C2151 mernon nenr Stirling HAY PlBEONl human MONTREAL or bramb lerd Groulx heed oi the health department nid We ueedey pileonl have never pond tineMo the health ni Montreal citizenl He wu corn Vmenulm on recent report irorn New York Ihout the ulhiiity pizeonl mny he no ere oi iuuu dieeno which nIiecte the human hrln end cm he iItIL SHOWIVARE BINDRANCE WINNIPEG CF The eur rent crop oi television ehowx denlin with chalozicei proh lernx tend to nder rather than help the workoi paychinirixil ihe directorol the Cngrdlon Mental Health Auocietion nid Wedneldey Dr Griiiin Toronto plychillllfl raid an interview that the televillon shows always giamarize the psychologist and sychlalrist and make him look ho mir acle worker 3mm 011onlld Gordon duhman of the board of dim Mr of Cancun Nntlunnl mn wuyl Hum Illd Wed nesday reloluuun woman the mpminlmen or Mr Goh don wn Approved her say meeUnl by vol to COOKSTOWN IRA WILSON 4mm

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