Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1963, p. 11

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an moo Tmlxlor In true 111 Wulhu Spam Nu mu Summon rum ocwnn 111 Tul mm 00 Pope Plfly Inn Noun man anl nu Mnlnl Gimbh mm mun mu 1m in uuuln nu Mull Gumhy Qukl nm mcuw rum rmy llul mun u9u 32383858 11mm anon Hy hills CAMPBELL llrsl ankcr Caldwell lift long resldcnl oi Guthrie eel braled her aolh birthday Sept 21 The allowing dny Mrs wén Caldwell sislerlnlaw mn tertnlned at Grandmothers lea from 24 pm In 630 native nlng Mr and Mn Gzorg Campbell honored Mn Caldwell and her husband at dinner party In which 16 nelghbara wen invited On each occasion Mn Caldwell had blrlhdny cake and camge war pinned on llér On Sunday allamuan lllrr Csldvrells family 47h Barlho lnmcwsl called on her and an Vglker The Clown Vomenl Instiluu fdate lschanied la Gen 15 Tue duy evcnlng to be held ll Mrs gum Benhaml home 14 Pralt Barrle The speaker will nnlu In nmm will MR5 LAVENDER glir and Mrs Vicior hiny ai tendedihu Smldstrn Muddc oddlnl Sninrdny Sept at oclock in ihc Christian Ra armed Church in Barrie hm CHANGED Howe community are holding presentation for newlyweds Mrhnmi hin Dougla Young nee Shirley Vrinley Oct 10 iho Clowns school hnuse amen and card are in order nd soclnl in anilclpnied ev pryone is welcome ilrs Beriha Sampson is visl iina her son Lloyd Sampson oi Oro Sioiion ill 10 mum Barrle The speaker wlll ho District Dlrcclor MIL Nor man Tuck of Crown Hlll roll call will he tenure of lnleml to me at on of the Fall Fain mono Mrs Nnrman lenncll Lunch Mrs Evmn Ind Mrs Percy Bouncy mu 09an Von nun THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR mli IIRVICI AROUND SVIIMCOTE COUNTY DRlVlYOURSILFJCAII AND TRUCK Ilpcl aney rm nvnue cnc Wkllhu Spam Euplclen TELEVISION pnoamms CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEl GUTHRIE VAllEY TAXI CLOWES CKVR CHANNEL PA 812433 MNWMNM mm mm mm Mal In DIM UMIII Tn lrll Thu Trulh on Ill all ma Haw nun anon II in 1015 ml um 10 ll DJ Hanger Harvest Thanksgiving anniver In service will he held in Anglican Church0cl all and pm Ravi Ajiinwmi rccior of Johns Church Cookslown will preach in Hue morning The evening sen viée will be cnntiucled by Iii reci St Judes Rev ii The girls enjoyed the talk on First Aid given by Mr Mac donald from St John Ambulc Inca Barrie Both Thornton No group Ind Na group at tended no Th second 4H yyganlulnl of Thurman No Lllezuards was my Iflge Thprnlnn school anjhms JAMIESDN Thornton Na Llfezunrdl held lhelr first Hi Mn In Sept emberI Mrs Reids Elec lion of officer brought In hll nepuljvp presldant Anne All mnn Vicepresldcm Dorm Ja mleson secretary Jane Sunder pres rler Fancy Squim1 ngrnlulalinns 10 Mrs Char lu Jermey Orfllia who 19 braled her amn birthday 1m dny Ocl Mb 1150 John nane who celebrated his 77 birthday the same day Mr Indy Mil Everett John one Ind sons were visitors wilh Mr and Mrs Victor Johnston ol Drillll visited Mr Ind Mu Orville Armstrong and Johnston Mr and Mn John Morin Ind nmle ol London were week end visllm with Mr and Mn Frank Mgrgpo Mriand Mri Eob Beard Ind Ion wen visllors with Mr and Mm Rlx Beard IImum mm nu nm In Arum4 Tn mm Twln nm un mu Mm Szczeblor lot from Mellon OcL or threeweek visit in Wlmw Pollnd Sho wlIl go via New York and Copen hagen MM ARMSTRONG Mn Ada Morton Barrie Vill led Mr final an Sgnday Mrs Fred Woodslde As qnllh Sash has been vllninz her cousins lhe HIIKiHKl and M5 and qumm Sladdnn molor Mp lo rm wuuam Lloydminsler Sam Ind Ca1 Hr All uuu mu leml with lMII hth Man MI ln Ilvon neumMr mm our llnun 1m Lucy Th MIMImm Hm 1mm In onnlrl lg hillTim Illrlti Mu Club do Jun llrl Think wm My nvllmm locu Ind Hamill TORONTO THORNTON uman mum numy mm mm wmm pm wunn Trlln Cauan Mann nomen mop Th Un ulchlbln BARRIE CHRLEY Buy vmu CM Wu ltd the king at club Ind hen Ihlllcd In Immn In order to tul oIl posxlhll Ipldl rulll In dummy wulmul lhn lrumn relurn South could hnu allrmplcd lo rull made In nrdcr In nslnblllh lrnlh lrick Inn Mien Vul led the hurl Al lrlck Ibo declmr rullxed lIul he would probably In deluud Derllml came at play ll requznlly nhnncd by lhe Ilnc ol delnnu Iduplld unlnu hlm my bl prepred lo follow am method of plly In order In mik lho mind And lhen com yelled rhunn to dmmnl llne lny when lha delenn mu hm la do It DAILY CROSSWORD In 00 lhIdQ IM ILArva an Incln II II HIM rum fillIN In mam 011 null ll MIMI Full IKIHI Coll ll Dmud pm Ildl In Polynulan huh ll umau ml mm wllhw 11 I1 Imflh Amuch vmr mm It allwflld pluumr doorwny mmln Um 9min In pr flh pnmd bidding lolllh Welt mm Eu no Pu Opening Ind kin of clubs food rm In lllh Buhllilp Io Ammllln II No won IL July It lull lurprise party was given by he lamlly for ML and Rm Robert Gmham an the occasion lheir lolh wedding anniver sary Oct at their home All five daughlerl wire present or he happy event Ann Mn Jim McGinn North Bay Bea Mu Billie Slbbald of Toronto has been visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Phan Slhbald and an Tuesday he left by motor or Las Angeles Cum where he has acccpled poxllion SQRPRISE PARTY Burn at Grace Hospital Tor onto onihesday Oct 1963 In Mr and Mn Donald Burns nee Ermalene Jordnn son James Douglasl Congraluhuon to Mr and Mrs Stanley Ritchie on the birth son 5211 21 It Pene lang General Hospllll Brucu St ACROSS Tlmlll Sunday morning St Johnl Unllzd Church Rev Hill Im conductfl Ihu urvice The sermon Iheme wns Prayer and Polillcsi Holy Communion was observed and the following wera rmivcd into membership Mr and Mn Harry Dawson from Collier Street United Elrrie Mr Ind Mrs Fred Hnrpell from St Pauls Midland and Mrs Margaret Hlxllam ram Jimeds United Church 11er 5an SfluHI denim Nanh Squlh vulnenbk Mr and Mrs McGinnls Mn Bell and Mn Terry spent Sundayrwikh Mend In Mgalnrd The lllllc friend erk Tow nu will be happy to know he Ls homg fromhosplul He had he mlmrlune l9 Ill from rec suiklnghl bud Ind trmurc in wth in mm Baird nll spent the weekend with Mr and Mn Gran Pybrun Unllon Mr and Mrs McGinnlg numuu Acctmy Mr and Mn Wllmur Glflen of Toronto spent the weekend with Ihe Iarmers parents Mr Ind Mrs Gordon Giflen Cooper vlslled relnll vs at Ivy and MRS If TEE Mr and Mrs Clare Knlpe and burl Rlchmand Hm Mr and Mrs Ray McFaddm and family Bmle were Sunday zucsls of Mr and Mn Wfllllm McFadden ELMVALE on Vqu AJII Qlofl CONTRACT BRIDGE muk Duamn Knoll pmpar Amumulm Illulboy Indmull ml 1mm KM country INllvl hind OGHO 9y JAY ascxan Inluux llNolnrM mom1n m3 mm mum bull In In Inm menu Mind We plan Tnmonowlwfluwnnflnl laid and bid In mm Soth mud un 01 lhl pity Ilan he deliberately up club rick he did nolhnvn to Ian In 21 rhlnze lor Ipndn lrick unit by would haw la lose In any cme Ind lhun xnlnrd v1ll lrlck la max lhn ronlucl Nola lhnl declnnr firs had lo War diamond ham hln hmd In ardtr In force marbl Ind tram Mm Ind no In an ha mull ilnu South melhod plny would nlm hm mind Em hm hm ma Entering dummy with lha Jack of dinmands he 1rd ha queen dub And distaldud xpade on 12 West won Ihe club with lha act but wan then calm pellzd Io mum eilher wade whlch would mnka ha hing trick at club whlth would ulahllsh club In dummy on which 50th could laler discard xpude Either way West wm bauzd lo 1m dzclmr hi lenlh lrlt um um gun So he lurnld moth method 01 um fltu furi mi in con lracl He drew three mum of lrumpl Ind then cubed lhs diamnndx both opponent allowing nuiL Th developnienl now nude lha maltct ablol ulgly crllln mm in 111 Sep ember meeting oi Elmvale Lions Club and Elm veie Board ol Trade was Joint gathering at Palmers Restau rnnt Campbell introduced Mr HayEllis ElliLS princi pal as guest epelker He was accompanied by other EDilS stall He gave no impressive address on educntlon and wal thanked by Ray Spring Lion pre sident Harry Rowley wu chair mane President Whitfield ot the Board of Trade spoke ot also oi the new eign erected at Wonga Beach advertising shopp lng luciiitier in Eimvelu CAMPOREE Eight Scouts irom lrt Eimvelr Troop will be proudly sporting unique crest memento ot this districts iirrt Camporee held Oct and 6th at Sturgeon Rivar Scout Camp The crest consist of map at GeorglrnBy Dia trlct with an arrow pointing aouth The dots on the map indi cate location at the dillerent troops The circle is or peace and unity Around the circle Ire eight numbers representing the letters at the alphabet which Ipeii Camporee inside the circle are live symbols meaning know ledge through acout camparee The boys at the campfire depict the friendship in scouting and below are the Roman numerals tor 1963 Elmvalea patrol wee led by Dave Williams and consis ited oi Bob Baker John Kidd Jim Moore Bob Moore Jim itlarlln Garry Elliott and Peter McKnight The boys were espe cially commended on their show lug bythe District Commission er Haney Boyd The Camp oree consisted oi eix patrols lmvale won top award and pennant in the near future mothérr ol the scouts will have Christmas cords and gilt wrap tor sale to help purchase necessary equip ment HELP 0131 MEETING Robert Foulllol Knox College anonla conducted the momlnx mvlcu at St Andrew Pushy tcrlul Church Stanley Robinson Vuey Mar narel Orllllu Anne Mn Bll Revlll Newmukeu Beth Mn Cheater Baker Elmvaleh Mn Raw men Sun day with Mum Ind daulhluh Inlnw Mr and Mn Garden Rnwat ol Orfllin ILWI of HIM lhhr II 1de may mm mini ml wax now Is In um um mu waw mom INJKT Mm 5mm YOUR mam Am ur IWNWVWW Ml mm ND MK bummer Wu WW WIA IMK WW6 mumva mmww ml nu Ammo mummmom wawmxfi INJKT IMAKEFV goqrg min noun In um uo lu Mil Bl ll lull lL PLUS DARSfiEéEmz LA TE DISENT LE5 MARINE AVEC 0505 la Inn on goqv umm Ile BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY 601mm 10 Blll Amman YOUR MINI MD IWNW WU paflunmgp In mum nu puma lump pity

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