CBMC Hears CPR Foreman September Building Shows An Increase mum Mm Club Mr cum mrmmr IIIle Hnlnn llnud ml mlnlnnl Io rnmnuvc Innman or In farm ulnm lnclllc Hallway wm Tumnla He lnld lelllloul ex mIrnns mul rwlalnm In Ilurnu In vclulhm Vn hi ynh NI Mu ml nemnal Mu Um Ill um ermltd llw mum moany 11mlan ol Hu Cumin nualum Honl ommillrv In llurlnn Monue Un llql mrrll all In ulnhl New nlnglc Inmlly ducllings Slollnr Cunslmcllon or 120 Innwood SL or 90 Pcnclnu SL or 02 Pcnrlnnz 5L Dr Pcmlnnx 51 or 90 Prnclnnu SH 11 Ormlslau 0r Ml Im 5L Am Cnnnmclinn or Ollnwny Ava for 15 Dummy Mr or Ullnwuy Am or J7 xlnwny Ava lnr Ollnwny Mn and hr Ollnwny Avn and Huldl or 15 Lay 5L nvlrlrcn pcrmlll nra nlucd nl IIMMXL Pp1 and nlltmllnn llumphnyn lur human Vnmlcr Knlyl fur an Mll Sl llmwn Inr Ill Queen 51 qurh or Alrlmnnld 5L Carnoy or M1 th 5L Mrs Vnmn lur Tvmnln Bl Holman or II Ierrln Lima nunudnln for 11 Turnnm $1 llaulm lur um 51 IL Meangar ur so Vlrlurln KL llnrlxmnnn or 21 Vrupm SI Th dccrcasc for lhe year 31045577 but hat mnlnly due to he 515mm vnlun plno do on nunassessaqu permits noted Md Smith Only In he Industrial depart mcnl docs lmrrln Ahuw do mm In pcrmll mine In cam pnrin September wilh Inst your RESIDENTIAL September building permit vnl us were good said Aldl Smith showing an Increase of $302110 nvcr lhc mm per lod in 1952 Commvnllng on tho monlhly report released by the building Inspector Chris Spank Mr Smllh nnlcd he mm par mlu wn $413910 $302110 BETTER FOUR OFFICIALS checked Ihe imc it took Codxlngton uplic School pupils la clear 1y Irwinrhï¬ pléascd wulh lie quick and orderly eyacuaï¬an BARRIE FIRE CHIEF Rul CHILDREN AREQUICK AND ORDEBLY HT FIRE DRILL mm MIledrn mniarnl anl Ixrnmh hrlwmed muuumlmmn Mr Clarke luvnul mnnhm In rvlck up mpiu ul nu mm The Muslim Hun Drivrr 1N0 Ulrlulm llnHmmkr and II Dultflan Mrmnn nn nurlr my on In meollnu 11w Mllrlln nanz mm hymn mul KM Jollmnn Inn Mia Nlmf IMMIer ma pmenl lmm Urlllln and Winn Cnm mmm New Imkin llula C04 nr 104 Innlsfll 0m perm anuul 91500 mum and nlmnuunn Thumns Development or 17A Dmck HI Ono Ivmull mhud $1000 Mlsctllnmm nnd nunnurxs nhle Annln Vny Slum or Dunlap 5L Lchvlcw Dnlry m5 Dunlap En llmlcrwmxl II or ill make 5L Anni Way 51 Inf It Iman 51 Twcnly ullmr ml an Squnnmr I061 nl mo 5x lm at Milo nu lnA mm mm New Flush Pcrolcuml Ltd or 155 Wellington St Cun lincmnl Inn or 321 Dunlap No pcrmlls valued nl $52000 Addlllans FLhcr for Collier Tcrxignl In 191 Burton Av Dnngcrflcld Mo orn Dr 211m Bradford SL Twa pcrmllsvnlicdnnl 7800 INDUSTRIAL lwrwpcrmlli vï¬luélnl mm MONTHLY CONIIAHISON Time now dw lucnnlu luucd Seplumlnr 1001 Al 000 mm In mm or 1101 0004 an lucrmo mono Accessory buildings Con bell for Caroline 51 ML Ncmhwuy or 10 Holgulc SI Stone or 10 Vlne SL II Partridge or 30 Frances 51 ALgoodchllq for 15 Maple Ave mi pernim wit cmmancm nwnlu and nllcmllom Nixon or 12 Dunlop Delaney nan Llnes null Services Ltd or lnyllcld Sl Eleven permits are valued at 511500 lhl building during lire drlll yesterday From lcfl are school principal Mac THAN 1962 jmco pcrmlll valued nu ma Codrinzton Public Schan yesterday The chief super vised one series of fire DOUGLAS CONCRETE The Mmrmrnl mun ml lwlh nun and MI Axnrrlcnn lrullneu urcullvo lull wnl rlmllrnml by Innlullnn nho Inlll Illa unretlmlmxl nppllu Ian rm Irqu Imnlly llm nmll nr Lnnmla nl Hull llnm VI Anni SI QUEIIICC Cll Cnnndlnn lmnlnrnnmcu wrrc lull Tuculny Iny have moral ohllumlon lo ulvn nmlmlcvrlnpnl rounlllcl 5min lrmln mlvnnlnzn no lho rnunlrlu rnn hulltl up no Alnml iml llvlnu lllrlr populnlm Two lnduslrlal permits In San lemhcr 1961 at $7000 Two In 196 at $2500 decrease at $82500 Five mlsccllnnmus and non nssassnblc pcvmlu In September at $1000 Four In 11m $0150 an Increase of mm YEA COMPARISON NIncIyJivo new If ellinz ner mila In 1962 at 8300500 Nlnc lyAlour In mm at 1295600 dcrrcnsu $04700 Om hundred nnd sixlyUure nlllur rcshlcnllnl pcrmin in 1962 nl 3mm 0m hundrcd nml thirtyour In 1m ll $133 dgcrmso 01 0746 Fillyhm commtrclnl par mild In In El $51M me Mvcn In 1061 nl $694000 de crcnsn MILO chrnlylix mlm mu and nnnnucnsnhln In 11161 11mm Sevrnly In 1963 ll 03191 decran 510 Four mmmcrclal pnrmill In Scplemhcr 1061 at $9000 Seven In 1901 at 3139000 an increase 01 mo Sewn Mdusrnl In 50200 Semi In NJ at 3235 309 dccmsc 3000 Free Trade Said Not In The Cards Lcnnnn fireman Dan KcaSI City Police constable Ralph Berry and Fin Chief Rally Irwin Exmhcr Phutnu drills Ihnlwill he held In Ear tic schools The 532 pupils got out or the school la 52 seconds Dollvomd Cohan Prucall Conmm Complohklngo of Sllu vnooucrs no Ivu general prutlillanor hero or many yen hm been named Slnyncra Hrs cillzcn of the your Mnyar Elmrr Darlly nn nuunccd lhl week The nwnrd ï¬rst In kind In be conferred by ha lawn will In rustMd by Dr Ives pragmm honorinz hlm Nov in lhu Innnil Ilall Dr lVlI mclvtd nnulhcr lrl hula ercr thll nummer when Iocnl mldcnu umvnmd hn Iown lo llnnnco dnuhlu mm In lho new wlnx ol lhu Colllnx wood ï¬rmml and Mnxlnu Hut pull In hll hunur The st0 Wu no ltncrnul 11ml Ihu commune rmlvcd by he mlddlu nl Scplrmhtr wllhln 8300 at month mnmy lo llnnnco luurhrd hospital ward huhmt In other llrl Dr 1m hal Mao lurauzhl rrmxnlllon lo Slay ner wllh hll pmwinnlnu nchle vumnu nmnluxr phat zrnphcr nnd hurlkullurllL Allwrommun ornnnlzmlon are mumruling In lhll zvcnl Mr IMin laid This problem of hnvlng In live almnsl on lap of other member lhvl family which unavoid nhle In lhc oncstorcy hour tcmnvcd in the lwoalorey house fSImylarly he snid hecon versllipn ol quack and host méy have la nrelully dlr med Inward topics that would not disturb children overhear ing Ihem He noted tendency recently In mnko all moms open onto central area so that activities of children for example are never out the way ol the parents an Implementation 41 the philosnphy or togetherness that can Increase In tension in home fYou may be entertalnlng In the llvlng room mid Mr Dav Ics and yet never herle to escape an awareness that you are sort half way In the bathroom the 5am lime Mn Davies suggested um many families are not finding mom in houses they are pre scully designed or adequate sopnraLian the Iamilys mivi ties 10 CBNTRA ARM Stayner Honors Dr Ives Small bungalows and splll level houses Papular or the last decade and half are Ilka ly to be replaced as the builders slandAby in trend Iowan the twoslarey house accardlng tn Gmlfry Davies Hum archiA lcct Yoprlamfly donor should be pulled Immediately and If he 1m avalléble call In your 10an pharmacist or the Poison Control Centre Royal Vittoria Hospital will bring the needed advice Dr Raymond Asquith direc tor of the Royal Victoria Hus pita Poison Control Cenlie em phasized that the mntalner oi the poison should bebmnght lo the hospital with the victim il ï¬realment at hnspiialix required Harry Tall ah Inspector wilh the Ontario College at Phaxu macy qugllned El bystep pmcedure to taken in cases of wlsonlng Im the Barrie Kins mgls guy nlg The first big flu is as certain what poisanaus substance waytaken than the quanlity Ihut wastaken how long an it wag laken and lhe age Ihe victim should be determined LALL DOCTOR SAYS FIRST ACTION THE STAYNER sum Dr Iimplc reorientation oi 2fStorey Homes Seem To Repque Small Bungalow Only 20 per cent of all poison CENIRAL TAXI Dieflng Thdt Wds Taken Minna ma WEDNESDAY ocromt ma PA 642 Whllo here In Apeclnl mush cration given to heating In lhls country because of the cllmale Mr Davies said other sscnllnl things are ollen missing Bullden never daslgn huuse so lhut person on com 111 the from door In winter and remove his heavy clothes ull nnowy and wet without going through lheJIvlnz arcs of lhe house to get suitable spnl such as he basemenL Thesccss knrlllng aspect of home design he pointed out are usually overlnnkcd by buyer who dazzled by ac gim mlcks When houses are designed ex pressly la be liver In he Im plles such need win be taken care or Provision must also be made for physicainecds Mr Davies ieuiu lhai the attention at many home buyers is disiracicti by gimmicks such built in stoves or large number of bammms provided at the expense or living space home design toward an Inclu sion of human values In the de slzn Plans which allow for the ematlonal and psychological need people will Illllmalely he more successful Such an apparently innocuous Isubslxanu kamsenc cause no reaction or an hour or wof bm when absorbed in the inv Latina tract causes avcondfllon signllar lo pneumoyla The condlg lion since not induced by vim the not Vnzspond t9 treatment by drugs and V1 us uafly 152a in accldens however requlio bellman hospjul Ihe res can be treated at home either by the family doctor or under advice Mr Tall added that the Hm la lreely avallnble and that lo cal pharmacists can Ipeak on the subject of polson control the request any lncal group xequestlng such talk mm One Days Poison was 51qu after Mr Tans speech emphaslled the Im mortance of leeklng lmmpdlm medics advice when anyone fwnglnwsanyming that yo no WELCOME voun UNITED APPEAL WORKER WHEN HE CALlS IIIEE AGENCIES CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND ONE OF THE PARTICIPATING AGENCIES REQUIRES $730000 FOR PUBlIC SERVICE CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE $7965000 In mintry bekuamlihx dun 1n mm mummygnmplql and Advanced IllIL Ilul Umel have And lnr mm at 11ml am MIMI ll Cmndlan Nullmul lnnllluh lor the nllml pmvhlu In wild luv lnulraunn world cmn mnln 0111mm In prumc 1le rulma It Mum Illnl Ilvll la lucb he lllhllm haw lo llvu normnlly In Hurld of dub WI ul day rum nwllrhnl lnr MM lnnvllnlu dark WITH YOUR HELP BARRIE UNITED APPEAL Epoch lulnlnl mack wigglva Ianandpomu Io walk +0 quihly one must be be tween he axes of Zland 45 be physically lit and have no crim lnal moid Mn nson snld Bpplicnnl go through Bnrrle Police Chm Ed Tschhhm and Ms depart ment and are checked with the Royal Canpdlan Mounled Police The raining Bum next week and Inst or 10 weeks Classes are held one night wrek EMO hudquarlers in 190 Building N0 LESSONS NEEDED Noel Coward who has written mm 200 song during his hall cmlury in Ihe theatre had only we music lessons Thlrlyslx men in Simone Coun ly have taken the course passed the examinations and are now auxiliary policemen lfomuï¬dw night will hé akcn up with lnlmducllon and semen ing of apfllcanu Mr unison sald mo wlll alsa be starting class In Orillln yilhln three week Tin SimcueBarrie Emergency Measures Organization will be gin taking applicant or EMO Auxiliary Ponce al ihc County Building beginning 730 p111 lu mnrrow Ray Atkinson EMO coordin ator said there is room In the caurse or 18 and they cxpccl to have In from Barrie nnd eight from InnlsflL EMO Taking Applications For Police Course KINSMEN IASI NIGHT heard Barry Tall lam an inspector ortha 0mm Call iga 01 Pharmacy explain the problems at accidental misun NBC lelcvlslon wlll explore me Louvre an gallcry ln Pnris early nexl year In onelmur color lelecasl meet E11 was originally schndulpd Im Monday but wns postponed at Inslmammt Harrie City Council will hold spcclnl making an council chambers lomarraw night sign oclnck Holly Irwin Barrie Fire Chief sald Ihe ire slnnm under he back shed which runs the width or two aparlmenls of he house at 109 Bradford 5L nwucd by Mrs William Evans Mr Irwin said woman len anl smelled smoke and opened lhe door leadlng lnthc kitchpn an the smnkg burst In on her damage could be $1000 butsnid lhnre wasnt loo heavy smnke and water damage as he Kim was put Wallythree ï¬remen hauled more than an hour last nlghl la extinguish blaze in Bradford street house Special Meeting City Council $1000 DAMAGE TO HOME iuK and loll action be taken In lhe event of poison ing accidents With Mr Tan left In right are Dr Ray mond Asquith Vdircaor of Ike Royal Victoria llaspila Poi Fire Department Battles Blaze lll ulwnyl President In St wart urges thal member pbcially those who havent help ed In lhe moneyvrnlslng project make very ullcmpl to allend wurk partlcqlhlgy kpnd Barrie Dislrlcl Hnnlers and Anglers Conservnflan Club has 50 cards wood cut and plled on 113 property Filleen more cards are on the ground wailIng to be trim 113d Mr Stewart uni thelngulan would be making concentrated wort this Saturday Sunday Ind Mnndnyi The cluh has zone to far in olfer reward or the worker to show 0115 wcckmd nul wllh the water the truck curries whlch Is 500 gallons The lire call came In In azlsl Firemen had no sooner retur ned mm the lira when another alarm was rccelvcd al Mr Irwin said It was an over hcalcd momr ln one hc ma chine at laundromat on Em Road Anglers Club Stresses Need 01 Tree Cutters son Control Centre Sld Kn dish Barrie phnrmncisl and Kinsman and Ray Living slon president of Um Banin Pharmacisls cl atlan Examiner Photo