Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1963, p. 2

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35 Barrio mama North Callus ale has taken law new teach ers on It mu lhl year Two at them both commercial lea chm enlcred the leaching pm fusion am working in the busi ness wax1d an the wards71nd it désiiibe the Red Cross Here Mrs leIgh mee nurse and Dnnald Terry Paddison graduate of University of Wes zrn Ontarln spent twu yam in chartered accountancy rhetore beginning ht teaching career at Forest Distrth High Schoul last year Alter one yrar teaching there he has come to North Col lzglate where he will be coach ing basketball his year John Carson another com mercial teacher sprnt weight norm Joanna An er Queens Unlverrity groduotc is North Colieglntes libruriun but 1150 teaches English history and geo raphy Sha has three monthl teaching at Control Collcxiuie t1 her credit and taught rwlmming for live rummcrs with the Sim rcoe County recreation commit in ller invoriie hobby in art llrune Al liclllngluam in Kmduulc of the University oi Toronto Faculty oi Music lio are coming to North Collegiate to tench music Mr Bellingham lectuer at tho Fuculty at Music or two years while studying ior hi masters dnzren I5 Few New Teachers Added To Barrie North John Carson another com merclal teacher spent elghi years as an accouniam with an insurance company liter he graduated from ill University Toronto Before coming in Barrie he tough one year at Parry Sound Campos School Ilia special interests are gall and skiing nom Eporgonilcs can nmm Mild HIV ll luauImi lan II um IA mnunm mm Human In now up mm MM The schools econoqu teacher Miss Haul Martin come dlreclly mm the Hub donald Institute Guelph Her lmedial Interest nuulde ham cconomlc mus 120an panng Whllehlll Mich Flank IL Adams 110 who wmlo hn lyr the IOHK Wonder Wlml Xlulng Her Now hum mark Be do leachlnl the Ilrln or chcslm and the he club he teaches classtl in Englllh but his nxlm limo In pretty well uk en up wllh preparlng Ill Mn lcralbul mum thIory ol mulc tom Slim 59 hu man Cam ollc apostolic nuncln la the Im lpplnna ln mama to nllcnd lha Itcnnd MIDI ol lhu Valium ecumcnlcnl councll my 1112 CANADIAN mass AIMIIM Ahmbl Allow ll 01 Mundnlum AIM mu Alhuu mullhn ILA II roll Can lmv can cgur mm mm gymIL cum run an Im Cm Dom IM EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA III TODAYS sTocx PRICES Complm by Hun Dnulov Elm DEATHS rnfll uw IV Hi lli mu Moll Am Incl lel Im Nun hum Vanna Dom Mum xnnum my Ilom Tn hlmnhlldl In mm am ml II Mln In um my 1mm mm on In rm Yn Amel nllnd Nn nIJf Mml In mumn Innmuv rm Min cm 0111 Hulda In Dullull mn Amr mva man uniu Mumm mun 15mm lumen INUIIIIIIALI nutM II In III luau II um Im II Ullmm unleer worker of the local branch the Red Cross work with donor at an or the many donut clinic had here MIND un um Ilmnl Nolnollh han M155 MEL MlmnN Imuba nEuannAM nilsou on no JUIIN CARSON 1m 15H Mum saw Icln PM mu II III II mm llmlvmnl mm Cam mm Tum Unlun Wm luv mm lullh 75mm lnnlu Flu ND AI um mm In will ll In 7va uu 1pr imm wmny ini MRS MICLAREN an executive the local branch of he Canndlan Red Cross St clely join ether volunlee IM to IO DONALD TERRY PADDISON Anpllcnuam or memberth In Bunlo Figure Skulan Clul Ira pouran in Club ucrelnry Mrl Eileen Landruvllln xald hm 11 plenty apcnlnal In nll clnml and forum huva unlll Oct 15 to Jon Bush To Join Skating Club An lnnovnllon lhll your lhll appear la hnve ernclld much 1mm In lha club lhu lower Inn ol the no llmll Chlldrcn now Iva you can Mn ha duh mm lha Ilan Because he tnlln mmnbtr ahlp ll llmllcd mac number ourycnmldl wlll be ndmll lrnl In provloul yum the mini mum nun wm llx WIN ulrcl Turinr Mn being ndmlh an KlnmmNma erdm wlll hell on 11m club wlll lmvn he luv ll narrlo Ann mundnyl And Sundlyl Shun haurl on Thuw day In lnr Junior mo mo lnlcrmullnlu Ind unlnr 30 pm prlmlry 50 Sunday hmm In lrom we to ma pm Anyaan willan man Inlnrm flan In mun In Lindyvilla ll PA 3210 mun nu mm llmyllll 1m my ah Iu NI In Bum mum wow Wm Mlovm Mlll Ill In ndllnl Id 10 lllf Mn wymn mum at VICIMI IIHMIH Ilium WQMI mm mumlnn ol mo nm In nmu am m6 Mu mm 1m mln lllll WInlfl Emmi um llmd mum Infl WnL In W1 Inllnl ll 1h mm ll Inn runvol llama JMII nnlll hm MI NH Wm lhm on 74 mm Uumb II In JOANNA ANDERSON Skullnu under lhl fun Inlumul Wynla mm 1mm le mu In In man on no pl mu no if ml All Dflrm wnlrhlul and Ill Babyamen can do In to prevent fires lays Barrie Fire Department Chic Holly lrwlm They no vested with great mmnsihliily Inasmuch as they are responsible or lha I31er oi tha children with whom may sit and also tin property of their empioyersl Ofier Advice Tb Baby Sitters Regarding Prevention Fire blood donor cum She is PAHERSDN trequ Ahown ling ldznllflcallon er of the local branch the card In thl plum Red Cross Sodely prepam To help babysitter wikh this rummihluty especially during Fira Prevenllnn Week Clue Ir Hln often number of sugges ans First ha Iamlllar with ma house in which yau am working and know he quickest route In evacuate thfldren In case cm ergency He suggests that lb sitter uk Iha parent hnw cunlml the heating nppllanca Kn the event It became notessary in do so Delaney of the Depart mut of Economics and Dwel opment Tumulm will be guest speaker at the lane maean Gmqu my Devflopmenl Alsoclalinn Oct 18 GBDA Zone To Meet Here Thu flnl mecJng lines the Iummer mus will be held Barri Knight Column Hall Paynlz St 11 do um vm The Barrie Dislrlct Slump Club has held In um meeting of the 1951M lenson and flecled omcen Mn 11 MacDonald wal electrd president Stamp Clubbers Meet Thursday Plum were made or flu ynr gram or the we Slump Club wm hold in next meeting pm Thunday 1n the Ccnlrnl Unllcd Church Hall Anyone over the la Inlmslcd In slump callccllni welcome lo nllmd Offlclll forccnsu luucd by lhu Toronlo wcnmer olllcu Synnpxllz weak high pm Iuro mm mm wulhem 0n Iuln whlla wucrly clrcull tlon ll anco Iznln hrlnxlnz warmer nlr lrom Wculcm Cun ndn Into Nannern Onlnria Sklel In mlnly clelr mud on ulchu hm lormtd In sum ocnlluu Today should be sunny day with lempcrnlum hlthr lhnn on Tuesday parti cu Irly In In north munl Lak Sl Cllll Lake Erle NI ugum Luke Onlnrlo LAkI Huron Georgian lln Hullburc Ion Windm llnmllan hm dun Town Sunny with IN rlaudy IlllulVlll lody nnd nlumhy Wnrmtr Wlndt llxhl lodly wulhwm lb Thurldny nmuml Alumn Whlla mm Cor mun Noth My Sqdhmy fog rum clearln lhll momma Ltrumlnfl mnny SPOTLESILY CLEAN ECONOMICAL FREE SERVICI DEPENDABLI Cal Tho Fuel Dlv on New in lunlllll It USE COOP HEATING FUELS WEATHER FORECAST SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP II the should occur wrap the chlldren In blankets do not take time In dresl them and then remove them from the mg 3m Chlef AL In case in and the chlld ten are out 01 danger the next onlcal nap to call the fire department mm nelshhoro house Du not delay in mukln his pull he luxgefl ng be Erin to find out When your employer may be reachedr In case eyelrzelgy He also warned in line should my with their charges Accidents might happen in war gpsenca mhl To the palum Chlel Irwin advises that suitable and um Arrangements ha nude or no cowwnl Mm Anne Bowers Shanty Bay repmenlallvn In The Ex aminer Mull Suhlcrlptlan Can an Mixed buslnm my man who hnl lived ln Bnrrlo or three yuan 310 II widow and look up her pm llon clrculnlion reprcs enlnllve In order In hrlnz In extra money uncr Iha lho ladles wnnr buxlncsn Ind warmth Thuuday Iunnr wllh few cloudy lntervnll Ind warm Wlndl Huh lhll morn Inu becamlnl wulhwut 13 Lhil lflcmoon And lhundny Forum lampornhlm low nvcmlzhl hlxh numdly Wlndlor 50 75 SL Thoma 45 70 lander 45 70 Klldwner 45 70 Mount Form 7n Vlnuhnm 45 7o llnmlllun 45 70 St Cnlhnrlnu 70 Tomnla 50 7D Folerlxlmuuh 45 7o Tunlon 40 65 KIIIIIM 70 Mulknkn 70 North nly Sndbury 45 7o Hnrlmn 45 ID Snull Ell Munlo 7D Knpnbkulnx 7n Vhlla 111va 15 06 ma Mooauto CONTESTANT out FOX Ole Man Winter PA Hm infiltration through enemy llnu avoiding booby traps and capture the problems travel through unknown hostile coun try at night and auntie av tick an an enuny out xi an mm of the problem lch will cuuirant wldlm irom inur famous Ontario Militia regiment during Thanksgiving weekuzd drink of cringe julca to be given donors befora my art with than blood at Examinar mum Militia Regiments Compeie Kt CB In the first and only camped llon of It klnd in Canada our teams of 30 other ranks and two olllcen each wlll be fighting for trophy whlch wlll ha awar ded to the best combat patrol Ream This 600 Trophy presented by MaliGen Game Kitching General Oiiicer Commanding Central Command or annual competition will ha the reward going to the Ontario unit which demonstrate through its team the highest standard of leader lhip and initialiva mining The new annual competition which demand very high man dnrd of leadership resourceful ness physical stamina and millan knowledge II mal llnx and gnefllln typa chal lenge duigned tn lest Ihe milk my skills and Inlllnllve of every man on the team honorN Thll yearn finals of the com pemlun is night combat na lrol over undisdascd ground In he Cgmpfiorden areaI Slmilnr but less exncflng pn tml compelluons at Mllllla rum mer camp at Barriclleld Nin gnrn and Camp Petuwaw brought the Held at enlrlcs down to our unit taking pnrl next weekend They are The Royal Regiment Cunuda from Tor onlu Grty and Simon Fom lm ol Owen Sound and rub rounding communluos lha Windsor Reglmml Vlndsur and The Cameron Highlander 6i lawn The Innual klddlm was box derby Ipomortd by nrrlo Brunch lhe Royal Cunn dlan Legion wlll be held Mon dny pm Soap Box Derby Is On Monday The ma rouu ha not yet been Announced and will ml unlll luil day or lwn before the cumpellllnn Race ofllclnll elf lha lad Ind lnnlcl mlahl lry nrncflte run ll they knew tho couryp It could pmva dangeroul Legion Iwkcsmnn noted puntlo wlll mumble II My vlcwjnrk norm then move oll In lhe plan 1130 FOR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Fl rpmmu IA Hill Invlntlll lnlln Ill Hm Elly lollu IA MW flayl Vltlofll llolplul PA um WATCH FOR OUR THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL sum MILK an um um lAKEVIEW nm Bum Ammwmnsmv The Barrie branch of the CanadianRad Cmu Soder he been fictive here Ilnce World War Unned Appul agency since the um upped in 1980 and Cm SacMy tlnuously active yurniund erauon Camisan of 22 director and uven committee today the Bed Gnu open on hnanol 113500 and II mound whensver needed Red Cross IS waking Service committees Woman work headed by Mm Jahn Nay fivlllun Enquiry dulrmnn Mu Gabln mm In the March for mlulnx penom And In part Mlha Immflnnnl committal the Wellnre and Dinner oom mlnea came to than in 1qu Hazel low you LOAN CUPBOARD Tan Loan mpbonrd commit tee lam out wheelchnln cull the and canes In so wheel ehaln 10 are loaned an per manent balls and the remainder temporary The oommltm ll headed by Mrs Em hmhull The Wnter Safety commutes under Hmqu dlncuan WASAGA BEACH smallh Jozn Waidu of 001111 0011 old meeting of the lino and Tour lst Resort or Ontario here there is need for morn skllnz and acwmmodauan in the tram Mr Weider cams hen ram Czechulavakla 20 yam ago Hg Grouy Caplaln Dlggle CD Commanding Officer ECAF Slallqn Camp Bardw ha an nouan the follow Airmen promotion eflecuvc Oct Ontario Hairen For Ski Business BCAI Borden Lists Promotions Promoted III tank 52 gennz Corporal Slaven wn PMQ RCAF Camp Borden Corporal alchardaon Kin St Alfllton Promoted to tha rank Car poral LAC Mushall 60 Kin SL Angul LAC Pllllng PMQ RCAE Camp Bor dcn Fromm 19 lbs rank Acflnx Corporal LAC Cowh 34 Victoria St East mm District Deputy Lupu unce Installed the ofllcm ul Dania Couucfl lsu Knlzhh Columbul Grand Knight Punch Llihl Dcpnly Grand Knight James Clyna Chuncellnr Ed Mlflm Warden Frank Cnncflll Finnn cinl Secrelnry Jouph 5th ncssy Recorder Jamel Palm Treasuur John Knmns Advo cnle Joseph nun Guards Len 111501 and Don Sexton Lectur er Pnl McGnlh Trunk Clem Krncmcr Lhreo yam Ptlzr Kenml one year Install Oflicers Barrie Council of Club Commillu report wm Inn by Dan Sexlm on tho owl Inp pcr wllh all procech or unr rlc nclnrdcd Chlldm pcnnm sale by Maurlu Mandden ouch loolblll by Peter Rum and Darrlu Fnlr project John Brcnnnn The Ontario lnxunnu Aunt lor ha Knlzhll Columbun McLellnnd lnlmduczd Jnmu llcflermnn Du new Ml mur Inco rnpmcnullve Grand Knth Bemurdllaun hmuxhl mellnn from Drillln Council ma Mr Luprmnco nlmduc£d hh lmllllnllon lnm and lha mul lnn cloned wilh lhl membm hurlnn In nddmn Buyumu Knlxhl Lulu fimuymnm MODERN 3BEDRO0M BUNGALOW FOR SALE L1 mnst mm In the autumn when other cnmmltleu llow their pace Thhcammime cum tribute promotlnnal malerlal on mequs Emuan The Blood Donor committee In mlnmd to obtain about 5300 plnn ol blood lines it Kan In 1059 This committee whichneed the IIIIIIIM 31 volunteer lo ayerm head ed by Madmen wbnma sEnvgc The more popular committal the Homemakzn Cammilm under the direction ni Mn Ry Bowman provide immo mnken on an emergency huis in me ilineu Wsre work ing leivice no bnbyIimnl service uid Mn Mn MadIran nld Lha public Image the Bed Cmu ha been changing avaran in the in couple of yem mnlnly becaun the pmmnu ofleb fin puhllc lntgrexL LA The Bmla Red Emu may bu no memhmhlp Inch but anyone willing in volunteer lime and work who whhel to Inwlll be welcome laid Mn ilncLuem devalaped ha skl Ilopel on Blue Muunlaln east of Cofllngwood from relaflvaly small open klon ti the huaiesl and best known Ikl may in Dnyarlq 55 Sunday durlnl um skiing season mm 5000 to 000 uklmr pm no ugusuai Mr Welder who ha been called the lalher xkllng In tho dlxlrIcl lald many of lime vil llcn spend one or two nights in the ma Ind spend camlderlbll amounts money Mr Weldu speaking at the closing lunchevn of the limeday A1110 Convention at lhe Nancy Villa said Skfinx ll not yet rully ealnbflxhed 1n Canadl Ihauld do erythan In an er to encournza our young peep lava their own country and In Enjoy lhe wInIu sport this way they wfll hm hm mg The maker ma There an hills averywhm in Duluth and everyone who like In III not lookan or mountain la lkl on Lxlany preler mu any He urged resort owner de velop any bill In their ma and to open lame accommoda uun for uuu wiger VII In closing Mr er ad or union In llvm cl 1mm mm mm mm at Mill all over Ontario and than In lookan or Ihem Opeulan prepare 33 NEW DRIVEIN mm norm 0mm NEW YORKS niorbn 1mm TIMES 300A hwyma uml Wm Imlfl Vol 149W MV la ma mm Nw Yul cw All an wilIwhh MinnMind IV AltudHMlnl mm unvulul hum unlnlnnu UyWllwllnlmlm Ilnlnlnhniln FAMILY HAN KIM OIOU IMII Imomumm Blnl Irnm $6 Daublu mm thlcuull mls

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