SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS We are sorry to report Jack elvu patient In Royal Vil oriu Huspilal The United Church Women fhdl successful bazaar last Salurday Mr and Mrs Kenneth Tom llnsun and our children of hp and Mrs Cyril Spams ended Markham Fair last week Mrs Prosser ls spend week gelling acquainted wjlh her newest granddaughter lmnet Arlene Alkinsun at Smith Falls xeral ladies from here cnded the rummage sale spam qred by the United Church Wa inen of Lelroy Wednesday FANCY PEAS YORK 10M GBEEN BEANSMW iumrxm2mm35 SPECIAL YORK FANCY CUT SPECIAL IOFLOZ BOTTLES SPECIAL MONARCH PIE cnusr Mlxm2 67 SPECIAL YORK ASSORTED SPECIAL FANCY KENNEL SPECIAL STOKELYS RINDLESS SIDE BACON DREDRESSED CAPONS SPECIAL 5WFTS PREMIUM SPECIAL GRADE By Mlls ll SAUNTER CHURCHILL mm mm no Inma ou mm CREAM WM mm HI Gllll HIDE nu mum BUTTERBIALI Mrs Palcrsnn attended he BellRawsnn wedding at Knox Presbyterian Church Elmvale Oct Rev Locke of Lind say Mr Palmon nephcw was ha qfflpjatlnl mlnlsllf Mr and Mrs George Carter of King City were guest Mrs Jack Reiva and tlmily on Supday Mr and Mrs Andrew Gra ham and family attended the GaodfellnwMcKeen wedding at Burton Avenue United Church Barrie Miss Carol Graham whu was mald of honor hnd pro vlously entemlned at bridal shower nr Mm Goodielluwl Gucsu wen udmmntu of BDCL Elghlh Line havu mnved to the lormer Presser home Mrs Chris Burns has accepmd Fashion an the m1 at Ark EdenNursing Home Slmud 51 Also AVAILAELE THE mousswlflfs PREMIUM mummum hm hum um umnm vummwwNw In In mum nom IIMHIUII HIM MIN mumvlnm lluld Mmlll lLI IKD A1TRACTIVELY PRICED mmmmw human mumIm MIL OX VINI Mrs McCluskle and Miss Wen dy MacQuania visited relatives at Need over the weekend birthday tea was held In honar nrers Phoebe Gibbons who celebrated hei 9th birth day Get lOHI at the ham Mr and Mrs Nelson Brownlng Sunday allernoon Thus allena ding were former neighbours and relatives Including seven 01 he malgreaggrgndchlldren The mmmnnlly here was aad duned to hear at he massing of farmer minister Rev Fred Bemer of Gravenhurat Mr Ben nor had celebrated his 901 birth Mrs Mac Conslnhla Inn and David Mr and Mrs Blake Corr atablé and family Mr and Mrs Jack Constable Bonnie and Sha wn allended gathering 411 um clan at Illa home of their cousln Mrs Kenneth Graham Hills burg recently mum my ILAGI Mm rum on In nun Mum IIACII ua mt mu All DATES SPROUISV Californlol Gardan FmM Onmlo Grown Young Mlld Tandul ToEQutflln Swauand Juicy So Good hr You Valipncia Oranges 31 IOKAY GRAPES lunlou Goodnm hom Cullhmlal Luau Clumnl Crllp Juicy SHOPSYS BOLOGNA SPECIAL GRADE munIo urnva SPECIAL SEE STAMP COUPON son Dill IAIY Ml Gil Al Locon hu mm mm day In vmk He was heldxn high esteem in this charge SHAKELLSDMERS There was good aliendance bum churches in he village on SundaysThe Unlied munch held Rally Dny services with special music by trio of girls Miss Brenda Allan MissCnml Graham and Miss Jean Spence St Piers Anglican was decor nled with the fruit of ï¬eld and garden or their HarvestThanks giving services The Choir under ha directional Miss Mary Sloan sang Anthem at both aervlces Rev Tran was the minister in charge and Rev Norman Martin lheuxugsl speaker Smlth attended Iha lrouseau tea in honor of Miss Marilyn Cald well the brldel home in Bar rlgon aturd5y Mu Gary Campbell of Grav enhurst Mm MacGlnni of New manhe and Mra null 01 Lelroy called on Mrs Russell Congratulationé in Ms Judy Somers and Kenneth Shakell will tied 9n aluday 11 an nuqu Fin Dom Largo Plump Ivory 7h lowland FOR THE HOLIDAY Munom MIAh Mmmmuwuu lieH tutunun OVALTIII ml autumn mumrm nwu In mm MT HM 59c °Z 89 SLICED mm spent Saturday In Weston with Mr and Mrs Keith Cook Callers on Saturday with Mm Bowden were Mr Ind Mrs Andrew Hebb and Miss Hde of Tamma and Mn Ben Sign 01 Flsherlr Corner By MM BDWDEN Vista on Sunday wm Mr and Mrs Ray Smith weie Mr and Mrs Elmer Emmi ol Nap val Mr Ind Mmléck Jordan of Wastan and Mr and Mn James Miflelof QawuvIew Brownlng who II convalesclnx the home of Mr nndMrl slaw Brow Has RutIi Brownan End Min and Mn John HanMina Bar He went the weakend with their parent hero wmu iii Fedhaw been belumu Ihl pin week Mrs Mervin Noble Ahoy spent Saturday evening will Mr Mrs Hupbert yuwuauï¬w J1me 5mm HOLLOWS 12 oz PKG 39c 35c LUCKY GREEN STAMPS mutantm hm Munnun 001111 MultanNE MM mum mus mm 530 ocr 910 11 OH ml mx unma Milli Ill MOTION aidOdd INN John Bullen passed away In Stevenson Memorial mm Al llslan early Saturday mnrnlng Oct The lunernl we held from the Anderson Hotel Home Monday Ind Interment we in Mount Tnxut Omelety Mr Bullen who had been lll or two months lenm bl wile and one eon Jimand number zranddflldren One wnJn1n predeceased hlm mernl years Re Wu member of the Unlted Church enable pastor Rev Mr Holmes conducted the burial services He will be mlnaed not only by hi Immediate family but neighbor and lrlmde or Ink klndllncse and cheery greet BL Mrs John Easton of Ari Eden smud Is spending week will her daughler Mn Wice By mm was my man Mrs JunAc Tnugh mm her Iamfly 1n Tomato Mrl Jame Duninn Hagen VTOTTENHAM PRICIS IFFECTIV OCT 9101112 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES Afrvoun LOBLAW anon kinriuowiv womm gwfllruwrun mummm mumm go mu III VMIthlnufwhhMImw Whmlmm mama hmmumdï¬u Iy maul Imnnmvnl mm Imun II um am an Inn mm mlvtylvnu 0qu um 51 unmqu an um Id mm mm II lmmnuw mm mo Cummm mama olmnuln Ill mn uunn tum mm mm mm sumwin nonhm my mum lam but lulu Ilvtl IHURSDAY FROM 900 an 600 pm FRIDAY 900 am In 900 pm SATURDAY 830 un to 600 pm CLOSED MONDAY OCTOBER th HOLIDAY STORE HOURS can be redeemed for number from here attended Band Head anniversary lervlce onnsungp Mix Noble or Barrie And Mn Housman spent few lee and Mn Hancey Allis lon culled Saturday on Mrs John Bull Mrs Susan Lancaster and daughter Margaret Brampton visited during the weekend with Mn Flarenca Lancaster Ind lamlly 77 Mr and Mn Aubrylander and family of 30an rpm Sun day with Mr and Mn George Abemeuw Mr and Mrs Arthur Thomp son spent Sunday allemoon with mend in Concord vlslied Mrs Russell Rowe lull week BARRIEilixAMINER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1min 133 any farts 91 Buflalo NEWTON ROBINSON days week with mm Housman in Hamilton Mr and Mrs James Wenon and Jimmie Tomnw spent the weekend with Mrs Russell ane The young people be com munin gathered In the hall Fri day night to shower Miss Sheila Andrew brldehrbu at Omaha 12 Mr and Mn Ted Houghlon Taxonto and Mn Jessop of Al liston were vlsilon during the Weekendwilh Mn Bough ton Congratulation In Mrs Hen ben Connell who celebrated her nslh birthday on Sunday WM Iamlly dinner in the hall at tended by her lamlly and grand phildyeq also HI and 3717 er Andrews Mr and Mrs lel Ho and Mr and Mrs John Baylln and daughter of florbntu TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA 1414