Muur ll IIMI unlnl tMurh nullnl ll will at up Impurity lmlmenl plnnl Al IM ruler Imemn Intake ml Imp ll Illl pumlnala 1m sally of mu EMIn uv In In lmll 1dr wnluf mum and 1chqu luulh on Ir UL Wane II but lho mllmlnnlcn mynlnl Telephones Far Exnnï¬na WAm Ads Tele phone mm The leluunnne Humberto call for Lhr Businm mwmmnnept PA m1 FUIT WILLIAM lrl lunbaury ular thlnrlnlllun plant Um mm In In op CmUMI In Laktlmd my lu day Iflcr 000 mhlnnh mu Ibnml Tnnulny llwlr Illlnhlnl WWI In nrrnluly ruulmm hmm ll my Iml mmnrnL Iald Imnirr llnlmrll nnnuunc Ina mlgnnllun nl 11 um anlnnte We wrm wry clgo mmnnl lrlmdxt John Bmo umu mlnlnler MUM parl Iallo Iml an nulmnublle Innler lmnxnmcmhlInulon 11m mlxnnllun mm In hzm NI Merl nlcr Im nvrr whrlmlng clrcllnn vlrury hy lhr Pmnrmlvo omnrvullwl Muldrhc hm hem lnnxmmtnlnl In luihlomml incl llalrlri Wllllnm lllncaulny only ymrl old last May unvu up Ill dunl nlalla tnemy mautm Im nnumlu and xlcvclubmrnl my on hll daglarl mhlcc TORONTO ICII Ill hcallh lm crud nnc nl Onlnrlol must vibranl pullllcnl pcrwnnl ï¬le out ol the provlndnl cnb Boil All Water In Fort William rhé cm sald had ml or Ward plan or an cIlccllvo un Onre ax proved Ihc nclual measqu ling out Hm powers and dulles ha lruslccs will he Intra duccd AMIO Labor Mlnlslcr MacEnchcn will put Ieglsmlvn machinery Into action when he opens dc bnte in the Cammons on his res nlullon dealing with the trustee nhip lcxiglnlian The lasl hope of private unionsponsored lmsteuhlp was flamed Tuesdayuh¢n 0m 13 nadian Lnbor Congress nn nounced mat nu clfcdlveplnh muld be wurknd out wilh Ils nil Slum cnunlcrpad the OTTAWA CF The Com mons put stamp 01 approval an old axcpcnslon boos Tilesday nlght clearing lha deck or major debate Hr day on he Iovernment pmposnl or lcderul Irusteeship ova live maritime unions The nuslceshlp unprch dulled In Canadian labor hit lory would be under Ulree man board empowered to root on lgwlaixncs and curmonn an slriferiddbn Great Laker labor from Health Forces Robert Macaulay To Resign Postv MPs Read ToDebC1té On Sn Trustéesmp Nhu ï¬rst lady at Vueimm New York bpm M330 mi 12 99th an 4No 236 Conlrnvminl Mrs apégafangh With hem mynr MI MN rlly ultr wmlu mwluym In tho ml um pull nl rhlmlnn mar Hm lnluh II 11 rmvvnlr bul ll didnt mm hip mlllup lmh Immuan nn Illa uulnklrln nl Im rIIytlw mum ol lhe cilyn wnlrr uumlywu walled lu umInIn up In llmu mum cunlnmlnnlnu or umm lhnl umM Iv mm alrla In an unllunry 1mm n1 poul So In nu Illnm Mn lulled lollmin In emergency MIN rly muncll Huldanu was warm mvl dunk lho wnlur It lmjlnj nr rhlmnnled nlm lmmullnlo INCU lnllon ml more Inrrmchlnl rnhlncl ummc wan nol lnr Ml Amuml msnlblu mrcmm In lho unoqu and develapmml ponlnlla was Smiley Hum Ilnll 55 who It lhc pm drncy Gcnernl 5m Vnm mind In Imam llnl hum nl lh Dnlmln chnumlc Cmmrll hen quit that ml la run luc cewnlly In Don Mllh rldhu In llm ll 25 1mm ulcdlnn Mr lncnnlny will wnllnue In mmer lnr Tamnlu luv mlnlu nn Indullrlnl mmllhl rnry ho hm nprmnlnj fur Efl new mlnistcr 11ny re murcu nnd umpornrlly gave charge he omnamlu and duvclonmcnl mlnlnlry lmvln clnl Trcnoum James Allan 66ycnmld dnlrymnn nnd cnb lncl vclcrnu mm Huldlmnnw Nudnlk BHOCKVILLE CF Four muskcdvzunmnn Tuesday nlght handwflcd lwn neighboring fumfliu la concrete block and pipc whlll they robbed their homes cscaplnz with about woo and cur Brockvifle Hdmes Robbed By Gunmen Parliament lurns Iv the trus ltcshlp delme an uppmvlnt lhesm bong in oldnae pew sinusnusinz payment 10 $15 month or all Canadian 7n year and aver Th member CLC central labor body In Canada pmmflsed tn cooper110 wllh the government lo clean up what called an intolerable situnlinn in he maritime llgldsubject to luvnrnmem Iflemurds In It Iemparary Inutmhlp 1rglsla 10mm AIPR9VES INCREASE Ion lrusleeshlp over the Scalar ers lnkemaunna Union of Car ndnbm lhat lhe other lrado union parlle could not be can viLcedjn petaleflfl STILL SMILING Wall mm bllllnl on pm InIkqu nyd And rvnl Immle NI III ï¬ll don Mm nul llw fly um cl hlnL llrllrboiu ll MIN Unve mnlion mm mum mrmlullon In um Common In lhll wcek wllh nnalhrr ltc unuurxulauuu Hm Speak Man Mncnnnlmnn ho lhtn Icnl opinion lry Dr Maurice Olllv In common In dull on what pvlvmm In be Im II cramkw fly vein It lo Ike cum mlurc ntlnMrd prmrlnl by Gerard Ilmunnl nmmpmn mpmmr In Ive pmhmd Commum ml In Mr Thorns mnl Hmrmhrr mup lmlend In line Danuan mm who Ixmfn nillu Mr nmmpum ln Aw mu OTTAWA ICP lldnl Cnou lflcl lelllnle Mll Inn lhrlr llm nawlny mu Common mlvllrm rommlllw or prefer mm In Hm mm at Comnmnn nvrr ohm fluolnpmnl Hoclnl Cred xmup iCaouette Loses Commons War nlcy lmnmllnlely mm II my mmlrler lho tommll lMl ledMn nly lhu nm hul lla ollhu clmpnlnn CALEDON OnL LT Eleven plnwmcn wlll suck um Canadian championsm hero tr day at he nlnmnlmnl and wnrld plawlnn matches Thu winnerl wlll cam me right In campclc or Cnnndn In lho 1m wurld canlcsl Oilnfla wlll he rcprnscnlcd In fodnyn mulch by Joseph hum 46 Clarcmanl nnd W11 Tha longsharcmcn roJccled the proposals at mass mtg lng In Alwnlcr Market build Ing Inv Munlrraln wulhwcst end MONTREAL CF Slrlklnl lonxshnrcmcn rejected summon proposal made by federal modlnlar In an arm tn ï¬nd waLkoul mm in sixth ny Eleven Plowmen Vie Fat Title Ht International Match lurllver yvuvIxun him In my Ihe raise arteqlvax this jrnnnth will be Hnancedby an lncreasa starting Jan 1an um specinl personal income tax earmarked for the pension fund nggnew lax Is cxpeclzd 015m nn extra momma Jinw Ihq governments pension fund full year mans am daï¬ghtcr Le Thuy I7 AP erophnlo mm mull Lw invlï¬omun Mmuflvo panr which MN Io In lol MI um unl In he 801d no udlon nu hlll emIn Jenir IM In lmnmllnla mumUm In the elmlnn edit mu or mu mm In in mm mm ï¬lm Nun Dinh muml min immfln mm numlhlnu 1h nmmhl umd TMILIMII MI mini flu be nqpulnled hy UN IIIOPM Zulu EonsR rllm oi Vm lmlMLlehufllofll In upon lo Bounty Mm no TMIEI Formmn All 0m Juln Chunk no WI Gun Cmnmunlll 1mm Mao Tiehum pllnnllu hl um III wt elmwnl hp nlnl hi III with Havlnl lromlcr hrmhrlm IIm elder nan mldml Inn KIIlhd ticclam In In Inleï¬ View melly Ihnl lhu lrilnlMmmw win In mud COMMIM Imon Mum ammunlm and MA Arkclad llu mm II IIIM 1mm Fulton To Remain Rs 30 PC Loader mm Mai 21 mm cmn In lllnl lha I7mcmhcr va Democulic lmly hc scaled lhc mend rnnklnfl oppolluon amup Imam lmzrmlv UN FactFinders Leavo For Viet Nam Dan Dunkeid ni Gianmom wan the Ontario championships Tuesday and tho right lo enter ext yearl Canadian campedi lion omrrvnllvti TM 190 now II mm by helellhlc And 1135 lloggrawurnru Mullen More than 17000 mum at record openingday mend nnw Tuesday In me so car My cry If lnlernnllanl plnwlnl mnlrh Chinese Communist Boss Planx Purge um up The mat nap in to inform all parties concerned matlhe menu In dimmed he rtc nmmcndnllana mud by Judge Rene Lippe and Ihnl Ihc long haremgn will my put on lhe mud they look Inst Sunday Phfl Ruler counsel or the In tergagonL quemenl All uncluflmf Im6 Iold naming mum lh ï¬n arolrqup warned of dangeroul winds hlgh Ides And heavy rain In the southeastern Some of the islands arc sues lar tracking mdnns the 15 All mlslIJo 5ng range Flora moved at um northeul coast of Cuba Tuesday After pounding Ihe blind with wind and rain for Ive day Nearly 600011 er abandoned flooded home In Oriental and Cnmazuey pmvlpccs Thu wenherbureau nid winds sale farcewer esll mated oomllu la the north and 150 miles In 116qu at th itnrml Top winds of 100 miles an hnur balleredfthu southeastern islands in the 7SMMI2 British chain Ihaislandx are Ibau 5m mile soulheast of here Mler one or Lha lunges Ind deadliest rampage om record we normheaded out to sea lhm appeared lolbe no danger to Florida MIAMI Fla Hunlcane Flora passed aver sparsely sel Ied Island In the Bahamaslo day and moved easlwmd In the Atlantic away mm the Uniled Slates mm jgqu uémm cox ummn woman uN mmm mum wmnr mamam my Flcra Belts Islands lirrliflomiquorCan WNHquy ombér 9¢1963 Saysch NEWS BRIEFS 11 from APIleuten NDI Tall Mr $nnncld who became lb nm Conurvnllvt lender Io wln lhrm mmccullva Median HALIFAX CF Robert Arne Stanfield who led the Prozrculve Conscrvnllm mm the win Nov Scallnl po litical axe to he tpolllghl re cclvcdehal mmunl¢d lo slnndinx ovation mm the nmvv incel valm Tuesday with walkrawny vldary In lho pm v1nclnl elodlon em and New macrallc par lch wm debuted Ibo Cah urvuuvu InclMud lhdr menu In the am by Final Ilnndlnlu Innsth alleym muaum elmv One Min pnrly wnl Mr lilomledwgdthoomcr rldA died It um hpmbnly or bll ï¬rm ycuhlnlurc Thur battenbodiu wen lound Kn bushl short dbtnnco apart amt not 13 rqm where they unwed mm Icth bus or the mflLLIonz walk home Nondnyallemoonr Lawrencmflemln llnse 15 Kdowna service station ludmwaschmed with capl mnrdgr In thedouble daylnl Ha lpremd In com1 Tuesday unlw rctnnnded wilhuut mil 00 lo Emmy BC lCFDamin Ind Dlunxmng ldznllcal 15 yeand lwlnl always dld ev eryminxrluxelher Monday lhe bumqu glm died tagelher vimhm of flayer who police My bludx gonad hem wflh rill bulb Ln ydealh he twa mgr pdml girlHuch hiokh nllkefl ha bey Mwgflen Mgtnkeu AL LuLu 1quer bolh Ihu le Im Com lecrnll NSs Tories Dejdimate Foes Hammom man was charged with capllal mindu We the bludleoheii bodlels nl Dianna 1lefl Annd Doreen Elngr 15yearold lwlnslslerl were found near their home at Enduby in mumcentralflrilg Biï¬fdlly BC Girls ny In mm undorlm mm Hutu Mums liiumm Tho Ins campnrnblo PC lam Hdo In Nova Scolin was In ms lï¬ï¬‚l only three Llhnrnls wrro clcdcd Lulu lhc pollllml Inp lune flunun hand And lhu leernln hrld olflcn or 21 ymrl belam lulllnu In 1958 ln Ilia provlnm IMHN Ml climb In me when he nnmmHu hnnd pnny um had no member In tho llansc Thullul victory or he parly under hls Iradmhlp mm In ma Four year later he wm new fhcy iiilays did everything loxelher Mr Bing lcnrfully lald reporter all Pallco said an autopsy will de termine he zlrll were lu uully nllncked um um 5m parenu mr Ind Mia View anng warm null lummtr remn ll Mable Lako 20 mllu east others Onlyr other member of the am Hy II bmlhcr lhe twins Dylgyne 11 51ain when Illa call went on lot volunteers to help pollen search or the mixan twins almost every nblebodled man ln the lmmedialo area answered the lximmonl They made up party ol7n loggers hydro workpfl and mldcnu who helped police lurch throughout Mondly nlght not he body of Dlanna vm dlscovem early WudwrmmlnzTha body at gettimn walloundume luxur Ish Columbia The girh bod icswere nund few hours alter they weru reported miss ing an their way hmm from school Lawrence Herman Hanse Kelowna 30 has been charged with murder CP Wirepholp vowmm mm BRADFORD 31 mu Hanan Mr Brllldld him Hu uwn In MI men MIA ill with mud mu Mu ll Itll nzyongunwu Thu UII Automobllu Vnrk at Amcrlcl CLO whlch bnmnlnu or most at Fnrdl 420 employees tnlled mul lnu unlnn dlrcctnn and lhn Inhl commmu nnd dcclnrrd hg glrika lllrnnl About 1500 daymm worker wuo flopped mm enlaran Ihn plant by nhaul 500 plckrll who lmrrud the main entrance gale In they won in upon lo work around Mn UAKVILLE OnL CP wildcat Ilrlke laduy hnmd work the Ford Molar Company bl plnnl hm nu praducuvn llnu wcro gtnrlng or full output 19 models NOT CONSULIED The Unlled 5mm reported Io have named Canada or ne zoflnllng the annnm when deal without consulting Wash Inxtan and mun prim that ch the US with no allemnliw but la dupllcmlhe Canadian price after mulldurum when mu do Japan The Amnr can conlend he CnnadlnnJapanue when den was toward or advance pric Canada went fluid and In creased the price when three coil bung TucsdAy 115 Agricnlum Secretary ville Freeman was reported to hnve beam 50 lulurlnlzdwhen he learned of the Canadian deal with Japan that he ordered other otflclals in MI dcpartmenl to mind Canadian Ingestion made during the 15 law days that Hue two enunlrlel raise Ihe price of their whcnlr Wildtat SttikeStops Work At Fords Oakville Plant lnfonnanl said the Ialesl Ca nadian American blawup lol Iawed negofluflans by Canada at sale osame800000 tons when to Japan at prices virtually guaranteed lo remain unchanged for lhe next In months dwnrd Bruce pmhlcn As result of tha Canadlan wheat pallcy well lnlormed sources here say the us has dcclded to go ahead on its own ln an allempl In ml world wheat prices hlgh 05 ulll clal clalmed that Canada had failed In cooperate wlth lhe 118 In establishing priceselling polldes WASHINGTON iCP Th Unied States in ciiec has éused Cannda or hurting Amer ican eflorts lo market wheal abroad through its policy nf seii ing Canadian when iixed price while the world price is rising Canada and the United Shale are the lwo major world wheat pmducers and exporters and their dealings have major hi fluence on he dnyAloday world dealings LIISrlkjriglfliltttre Irkéd BYéphnCénddaDéél NoiMbro Trill£7 EéfCopy2 Pass Sunnywith cloudy lntervnjs 10 dayand naursday Low toyughv 4lmghlomarraw 7n Forlufl Iummary turn pkg wo Iocai IWéatHéi Ilnlirï¬Ã©nt he unld Don Curlm nny were lnry nnd dlrtclur public no Imam Inld he company ha rncelved nu nlfltlnl uplnnntlan lnr lho nlrlkc Wu wont know what ll Is Im lll Ilhcy Ilgu unjgn make Locnl 701 paid alliclala wm urxlnz plckclcu return to work but upccml mu auc cm Ho snld lull membch 1111 Meeting will be called It won as polslble Meanwhile unlnn otflclnh were meeting with he cnm pnnyl lndnnrinlrclnllnm ulllcu to dllcuu tho liluntlun N9 axmmnow Le Joseph Cardinal Sucnena Archbishop of Brusscla laid Tuesday night blrlhconlrol will be reached evantunlly Ill pm of Ihe HI and 1m schema 0r topic considered by the cotde which will mess this unlm Dec Icadlng Roman Catholic progressive said 4150 1h the council will rcdeflnoylhe churchp pushing 31 binh control but not thy yqur ivnflcANchl1y icnn men on counc voteddverwhelmlngly or mm uru ning the may 0199 em lug in 93 at mum151531 m3 In the past Canada and the us attempled to coardinala eir whatmarketing policies through consultallve commit tee that mat periodically It was mainly through this committee that Canada was able to deter minewhat US when surpluses under the American give away program could have damagin meet on Canadian comnierclal hiarkeis The CanadianJapanese wheat agreement is between govern ments with prices ï¬xed over perlnd of time 15 commercial lransactions awarded qul 9n nexlble lulures market where lhe prices have bgen risiug Thus the price wheat or hire delivery might vary from the current price n45 roman The Japanese market In con sldnred by the Americans as having great potential and the Us he made considerable ort to cultivate It In recent yearn In the form of subsidlea Jud other lndueements mg 1th would unï¬yuabrmu mmmerdal transactions Church Begins To Oust Latin