TOIH IN TIN Malaya ll muldl 1mm plmlum at In Ollawns Moo Harm mnvcd live polnls ahead In the Eastern Football Conlcrtnce scoring racn Monday night nIlcr klck In ï¬eld goal and lwo com vexIx ln nounh mdm 4717 loss IoCnlxu1y Slnmpglm Tho puce kicking spcclnllsl Mlh 53 points leads lenmmnlo Dave Thnlcn nnd Toromoa chk Shaun holh lied wilh Tthzn want Icarclcs ln Mondayl Illdm nan Stewart mm Inurhdawn and Jumped lmn CANADIENS TRADED elf Jacques Flame goal tender many malntaln is still the best in the business They also sent Don Marshall and Phil Goyeue to New Yorkwlth Planle and in return received nelmlnder Gump Worsley and forwards Dave Balon and Leon Rocheforti 0n the surfacc the Rangers got the best of this deal Bull only in the spring will we know for certain League presidentClarence Campbbll is predlcllng glut season for the NHL and it should be thrilling battle all season for posltiuns But the NHL opens new season tonight in Mon treal when the Canadians host Boston Bruins This should prove interesting as both clubs will be show ing old talent in new uniforms Both clubs have the guessers really wondering lhls spason So with the series over the attention turns now to the National Hockey League Not overlooking of course the Canadian and National football leagues Racine Takes Scoring Lead It surprises me that the outstanding writers couldnt pick up different angle The one on Yank suprem acy is absolutely ridiculous NOW ITS HOCKEY The best teams in any league hit slum The Yankees ran into fantastic pitching in this ser es but the Yankee pitching staff has no reason to hide in shame They pitched well enough to win perhaps eight out of 10 world series Every game was tough TheIast two were 14 and 21 decislons for Dodgers Is this crushing team dont believe so As matter oi fact all four games couldeasily have gone either way It wasnt long series but every game went down to the final out THE YANKEES have the club to be back next sea son in the world series Will the Dodgers be there Ihope so butdont or one second lever under estimate this Yankee hall team Theyre great Personally Im happy But cant see where any one has any sound reason to say the Yankees were badly bealcn The Dodgers never played better all season Their pitchingstaff perhaps the best in the majors was razor sharp they got full team effort and every thing went for them Its as simple as that There must be dozens of angles to WOlK on when lrylng to geta wrapup story on Series Yet all were hearing ls how the Dodgers humbled crush ed ind overpowered New York Yankees in this years world series Nonsense SURE THEDODGERS won four stralghï¬ the Yanks had only l71 team batting average and scor ed mere four runs But just what does this mean II mum Exmmzn msum ocraazn mu Examiner Spam Edllor Youve probably ha your ï¬ll of world series read ing But few lnal ews would be in order espec ially since being National League fan Im going to hand few bouquets to the Yankees ma mum um Snack Bar III III BL nmnn null Alley IV NHI hip VIII Wlth Ill Lctn lbUm muon Jult Iboutrnvrcr Tlrod Th SAME OLD GRIND SPORT AT GLANCE HUBERT It Wés Short But Close Series naclnc Thoun Shallo Slcwnn Clark While Grant Dixon Calcb ll Kunll Hoppmnn Jnckmn Dave Vll klckcr wilh llam iIlan TigerCuts boolcd lwo sin glns In Ticnl 1614 victnry war the Blue Bombers lnVlnnipcg lo Inku aver illh placa with 32 points third place wllh palms of scgcn loychdowns By RICK FRASER TD FGS Ill Hnl are wnh hlnh Hum Mm wm nwunlnl lo Gordon Spencer SW and Fred Wnrc hum luri with mm at pulpit Swami mm wllh hhzh lime win was John Hnrlh Sklp and mum Pluxlon lend wllh lmru al pnlnln The Allnndnlo luwn anllnz Club clam lln howllnx msan on Snlunlny OcL ml wllh Road lum nu hawlerl from Slrrclnvllle Tnlltnlmm And lumluln lrlxu romlslcd lllrkbyn nvemglnn Hum mum rnrh Ind Mnl In Um lnlluwlnu wlnnm as to learn Ahan checking mid Jnnssan thn he ononsive team is on lhc Ice Sterner Is an of the best plny ers nu he must learn to use hls size to choc Jansson ockcy has 11 tom the No spam nurnc lion In Sweden next soccer He was at Torontos Maple be Gnrdcns Saturday night for me NHI AllSlur game but lhu didnt lmprysshim We have new rink 1n Stork hnlm Just hum IhI yunr Um Hills 19000 snld Jnnsson Hs lillcd or every game And Ive player In Europe any Ranger general manager Mun Pnlrick Slurncrls good prospect mg LEARN Jnnsson hm been wilh New York Ran er during he last month aclng as an lnlcrprcter or III Sterner his nrolege who will undergo ï¬vegame lrlnl with New York after the slat of the regular season field team of NHL calibre in ID yrnrs snid Janssnn in an in inrvlcw Fmicssionnlllm in Sweden is just around lhn car rier llllnk Kim in live year we will bg hallway there Play ers will work at Jobs half in day and practise hockey half in dy Allandale Club Winds Up Season By PAUL nmsrmn TORONTO cmum Jans son Swedish sports writer left for Stockholm Monday posii Ilw that he will return tn North Americarsome day or unique Stanley Cup playot series Jansson believes is couniry will challenge or the National Hockey Leagues championship lrophy making pro hockey in In nlnmgiiynni pon Ottawa Rough Riders Dave Thech Vdark 21 smashes through the Calgary Stampe Sees Sweden In NHL Calibre In 10 Years ACTION IN OTTAWA CALGARY COMET mm Slnnlr Knlmnn 01 lmnml 2m Inch lrllllc ll Illmud 7M Mm 710 IfII AVEHM néimlmn L0 unnmnna lirumllmt 2111 Frl llvk lltrnml 11 Hnrds 21 Nun Srikcrs 19 Never Lam Blow llufl My Gun 12 Alley Hum 11 Am 11 Corn Hunkm Wm cmlcn 7Clmksnu nul Huld Challengers mxen muon Blows Never Lazar Com Huskm Alley nusms Non Slrlkera Ilnldera Hard Hull way flung Weslcmlm Clarkmn Ham Challcnucrs Am LP Grccrs Am 21 Lcmny Ex cav 22 The 50s 21 lluhbms Gmc 20 Robinson Cum John Lung 17 Tullersulln Ins 17 Queen 110ch Kenys Groc Berlrnm Bros Luke sidu Cabin Jucksunq Grill lllxh Slnnlc Score Phyllis Marruw Grccra Ace 303 High Trlple Score llulh Harris Grucrl Am Ml 1mm nowuNG ACADEMY BARRIE LADIES LEAGUE Lumayx Exam Queens Hotel Kellys Grnc Jack sons Grill Grcer Am Bertram qusd llubbog Gran Lakeside Cahlns Ruhinsnns Cruel Juhn Lang The 50s Tallursulls Ins ugmur STANDING Sterner member of the Swndish national team 15 hero in his country But he has his mlnd set on moving to North Arnerica tq play pro hoclgcy he doesnt make 11 this year he will go home Io play or Sweden sald Jansson But he wlll come back again ncxl year In Iry again Ha only 12 CREDITS REIGLE Jansson cred Eddle nelgle Canadian coach who went to somuimos they play In the an oer skadlumthere have been 30000 watching twn Swedish teams lhcrc der line or rushing gain during Canadian Enolball League game In Calgary Mom BOWLING scam llluh nu mllca Flnrmcc Wood 269 Mun George llllchlo 275 Ill Triple Lndlu Flarcnco Wood 6M Man Gear mum 71 III Avernxe Lndlcs Flor enco Wood Men Gnome llllchll 201 Orr Sam Poole Palvin 143 Inlllnxnll 240 Roblllnrd 119 W010 134 Lomrol 13 Forth thulns Cnrrulhm 227 Woodward GUTIHUE MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE HTANDING Floalcu l1 Gcorucli 11 Mur lancucs 12 Ilnwlm II Cnmrr any Jackalch Music Centre 19 Barrie Tnn ning 15vchinn Armstrongs Brass and Glenn Na 12 Kempvlew ll Halls and Simp sun Dont 111 11m and Glenn No Comm HlAh slum Dnlllngnll Poole 323 High Tliplc Paulo 790 0n IHEIIVEHAGES HIGH AVERAGES Tlmmons 111 Easy 209 AIemedcr MENS muon Ways STANDING Frebugs 16 Christie Appliances 14 John Lang Slcwarla Garage 12 Dnnxeflleid Mom 12 5an Dr vers ll SnvayMolan 10 PM gruslve Kiglers Simone Co Green Corner has Ray mean Motors High Single 11 Easy 306 Wnnnmnknr 05 lllgh Trlpl Wanamaker 686 Easy 665 MENS GROUP incur symnmn Ooberg and Svonsnn rolumcd to Sweden Sunday instead of accepting mlnar league con tracts with Tomnlo Before nelgle came they knew nolhlng about orcchcck ing nr lhlngslike Ihnl ald Janssan Now these fellows Slerner and twoof hls Swedish teammates Carl Men and Kiell Svenson wlw tried oul with ananln Maple Leafs are the llrsl results 01 Relxle work Sweden now has 10 Canadian coaches Sweden ï¬ve years ago with Im provement In Swedish Makey INSURANGE day night Calgary vmn 4717 CP Wirephnlob IOBPXIAL RERVXUBI OOMMIBBION When you mumlhe rmlly mmlnm mml be mm mm hmlmnl wile Ind clluhla dependnu Tell your lump OH yml My dlml tell ll Commkdml um Vang III Tévuulo 0mm HSIIIAI When ynu mm 71m ml blnhdly you In no longer owed by ymlrrmnu mllflc lulu upmlrly vllhln Ihlny In lean Inluml lmml ll hurlull Inll Iml Commlulon uflku you chm Mu lnllaw artfully lhn lmlmrllnnl an the but flu Cullnul nl hymn Farm 104 whkh your mm In nqullrd In In you IINIAIIIII of ICUOH to 11k to khp lnlurc Thurlow Bouncy 197 And II Ynnkro lnllcld of Joe Icpllane Illchnnhon Tony Kuhek and 71m Hoytr has no mnl chnllcnner In the American unguu who would Tnkn the other nlnrlcra Ill Downing only 21 whlppcd lhrnunh he lenuuo wllh 135 rmml nllcr moving up 1mm flu lllchmund lurm rlnb June Jlm noulon moved lnlo the mman rolnllnn May nllcr aptmlan llmc In lho bullpen wnund up wllh In rcmrd llnlph Terry relegated In rclltl work In lhe mrlu nflcr Ilnr rlng In I961 mm 1715 rncord and led the cluh In mmplclo names wllh la Sn WhlIcy Ford golï¬ng along In years SIIII the nIocky lcflvhnndcr only and cu pable oI ZI7 record In Iho Amcrlum League In In Iinnl Inks rgnme Iho nmlzoru Wu whole hlls and mo cajncd run him Tho vnaly trouble in lhnl no American Loam team has pitching alall like lhal Na club in the American League has lha palcnlial la chailcnle the Yanks Tho myth at Yankee lnvlncl bility really is mylh Sandy Koumx Johnny Podm Ind Don Drysdalc proved the paint holding the Ynnlu In 171 bah 1m nvcrpze was the key acquisi llon by the Canadians in multi playcr trade with New York which sent zoallender Jacques Plum In the Rangers In lhe game deal Montreal also so axwards Dav Ellen and Leon Ilachelort Perhaps the example set by the Dodger pitching staff will encourage he rest of the league la take out nflcr the Yanks alter this dnmnglng blow lo lhelr pride and pmslige Per hapsbut dont count on ll much as some Yankee hnkrs would have you believe ll this is hardly the case The Yanks breezed lo the pennant by 10 games over the runner up Chicago White Sox although Mlckcy Mantle played only 65 of the 161 games and Rake Maris appeared In only 90 They probably will do agnln next year LOS ANGELES AWIs the New York Yankee dynasty tmmbling Do four straight defeat by La Angola Dodg ers mean the end of an an Mlckcy Mantle and company In the American League New York Yankees and Sun Francisco Glunls each pincer two men Second baseman Bobby Richardson and catcher Elston Howard represented the Yanks while ouflielder Willie By BEN OLAN NEW YORK AP Sandy Koufax Lo Angelo Dodgera World Series slur led lhe way again Monday this time head hug the voting hr the annull As sociated Press major league Alï¬larï¬bqsqlgpll team le under zignme winner during the tran lar scasnn wasnamed on 68 at the hnllozs by baseballwrit ers He was Ihe only Dodger player chasen or he AllStnr team The voting was based on regularv sewn peglorgnancp SL Louxs Cgrdlnnls mead Ihree on he allstnrsflrst base mun am While third baseman Ken Buyer and shortstop Dick Grant Montreal Canadian unvell 1h mu round man Gump Wow Iey and Boston Brulm take the wrgpsott their ravmnped de fence In the 196364 National Hockey League npener tonight Ianostnn Koufax 0an Dodger Player Chosen ForflllStar Squad Yankee Dynasty Is Not Over Yet Bruins Hubs To Open HL Season Tonight In hnd mssimdny thean aBnTiZi Lako Simeon Shoal will be hcld at tho llarrlu Gun Cluh and gum man mm all over Ontario wlll Im on hand Club man on nlm compelcd or prlzu nnd Dan annoy lock class Lovell flnblnwn won In tho dl chk Gmdllook lha lulu 20 bcxlnncn wore on hand or lho llunlcrl Spe cial Shoal slngcd by the Barrie ha yCIub Sundny Prlie wlnnmiar he bcgln nern wm llullun ol Slnyner and Dighliabwq of 1mm This was the first ncw player xlgncd by he club but nezntlw Hun are underway wllh several nther playm Including form er pmlculqnnl xgmlteglder tampclc In the Georgian Bay Intermedi nla Hockey League lhls season will open unlnlnx camp one week mm odny under cogch Paul yuan Earrle Seven Up announccd today Ihe signing at defencemnn Dan Mchm xlxlwl oneInch mpaundcr whu parturde as juninr with Oshnwn General and was wllh the world diam plan Whitby Dunlap in 195657 and 7185369 seasons lrade Tom TrashMickey Man tleRoger Maris nulfleld or any olhcr In the leuzua 20 Beginners Attend Shoot other named team were outfielder Cari Yas inemski the American League hailing king and In baseman Dick Stuart both oi Boswn out ï¬elder Vada Pinsom and righh handed pitcher Jim Maloney Cincinnatl Reds third baseman Ron same at Chicago Cubs wicker Earl Baiiy oi Minm sols Twins and southpaw pitcher ann Spahn Mil waukee Braves May and Juan Marlchnl ï¬ght handed pitcher made It 01 ha Giant Ouulexders Hank Aaron at Milwaukee and Ka line of Detroit rounded out he lolnan squad The Dodgers who iwnpt he Yankees In four straight series games had lhree players on the secnnd team Theme sewnd baseman JIm Gilliam shurtstop Maury Wills and out lielder Tummy Davis the Na tional Leagu The qllm ark for the Montreal youlh movement ls delenca JeanAGuy Talbot ace of Wanleys supporting cast followed by Tremblny Jean Gauthker youngsters Jacques Lapcrrlere and Terry Harper plus Marc Resume an Amerlcan Leaguer whov has had pmvluus NHL shots with Canadians have some old time ï¬repower In Boom Boom Geol Irlon Jean Bellveml and Henri Richard although chkle Moore has ryllred SevenUps Sign New Defenceman Meier mld May he was Arena manner Wu Allsopp laid lhil morning that Ice mak lng will get underway Iomcflm tomarrnw night and mid the will be no problems provldlnl the Seven Up with load It Ior their lralnlnu camp next week Meger added lha he hoped to announce the names or coup other new prospecls wilhin days Weve been in ouch with nevi mil player wo believe can help Ihc club he said We hope io iinaiizc plan within lwu or three days will coup oi them pleased to have McHeth Joln tho dub need pawcr on defens nnd Don has lhe nbllily and ex pericnm to ill some he up snld Paul He should be great asset lo ï¬le In Miklla wha received re ported $15000 last season in seeking raise based not only on my scorlnz but what lhlnk my value the tlub In fluid assists The Leah Monday night whipped Buchester Americana in an exhibition at London Ont Dick Duff led the Leafs with two goals ngainstlhelr American League armhands The Hawks are all without All Star centre Sun Nikita Mikun 13 me with annual manager Tammy Ivan Monday at Chicago without success Theyll meet again laday in try and reach contracl urea menl Chicago ii ac Hawks open home Wednesday against New Yurk and Detroit is at home Thursday in Chicago Deiend ing champion Tamnlo opens at home Saturday against Boston Huston mired In last place for the past three seasons and out at the playoffs for the last four Is sinking everything nn anlio Ed Johnslon whu won the job Inst yenr Schmldl abu dnnlnz platoonlnl gonna MEET RANGERS In another move Schmidt has mauled exdnlencemnn Dang Mohns In centre the key to Boskonx hopes for slron delence Is Tom Johnson dr mm Montreal Johnson the cennal ï¬gure on the dultncc corps with Leo Bolvln They wlllwork wilh NHL yearlingl Teddy Green and Ed Weslfall Rookie DnnAwrcy and mom American League dclcnccmnn Bub McCord raund on tho gmup Another drnncc Andy lichen lon lulu cxRnngor mule Dean Prnntlce as ofld twoway Jor wards Wth Buslon machMm Schmld hope will glv he club more hawkchecking Toronto Maple Leaf and De troll Red Mugs 107 DEFENCE DANGERFIELD MOTORS Heady company Ill nn outdnlcd mimoth WI have he unsch IN ull KEEPING ME