Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1963, p. 2

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Ctmtnt Chunkl my roux Con Illn mu Dom Imdn Album 11mm Alum 5m Amn Arm Ann PM Allall sum In mm at N5 Tu nmnnu ILA on Pamr Mn mu can 5mm Anm num oe Ar nun cmu Nbll minm ml n1 Several cxucullv members the Simon County Wheat Pm ducen Association represented Whnal Producer oi the county Ihe annual meeting of ht Ouiario When Producers Mm cialiun at London use In lendnnce included past president Clarence Dunlap prcsldenl Ernest Mclmhur county commilleemen M¢ Gulre Earl Parnell Cliflord Davin Ind Gordan Todd Main discussluns enncarnad ways at lmpkmcnlinz morn Iullahle system or financing lur cm Mr Cameron Dnuglas was Invited to pet the do by In second eldest son the dogs awngr The dog Thglcfl ear of an 11yearold boy Douglas Cameron 137 Vancouver 5L we lorn all an er neighlbarl dorlumped on him 13 hm Ilarn mnkon mman mm film YR Ounmr HARRY TAIT thBq hows his chlldpraol rmdicina cabinet luck to Mn Pallarsnn president the Cndringlun Home and School Dog Rips Ear Of 11YearOld Praises The Sale Wheat To Reds VI 031 ACTIVE lrocxl Alumlnlum IC ronfl Ilmm Trlhll Tnnl Clnldl llpc nomen le Ian Avllmu luaumm down mm down 11 muqu up ll Innnno ImCK ucnmol mun huml an down 00 uun up 11 on flow 10 ForlLymm upnmlo Um ynt they hamnwmnm prob Fnlhor in old um honhhy but too old to hold down joh Ha um young Imbltloon married wllh fnmlly Inn good 0b In pnyin far homo Wham tho Ion lien Iuddon his family unpmvklfii or his father rnnt hol no just Izoon hill OldAgo Socurily plul can make odd jobs horn and than Their mmmnn pmhlam In money In can in rovldo um Income in brinl up twin famfly E1 the other pmfdo happy nUrmnnt old Ill Only pmnanml panama life llcieu and lwnllh insurance can 00V both p10 lcml ll cumUm hazards at in loo noon or livlnE long lhntn hi you an your wlfo would over your noch wit trained mpmmmvn 11 Emlnlur LU Imurnnm Compnny Um Com ny helle Canadians Mp Humech 10 pm mud FATHER AND SUN HAVE COMMON PROBLEM TODAYS STOCK PRICES Camylled by Flynn Dnnlop Bum iou my 111 HI Dlnbon IMn ham Imp on Ind Amm Inhna Nc mm mm lulu Uumlu lnlernmv rip Jochy club mm LIV LuluInd Dullu lnlll Illln Allan llntnurl lmum Nu llolro NI Imus Norm W9 Inmu ru um Elddllll am on mm my Mn Iludlonl any Imp 70mm mt pa INDUITIHLI mma The recent aale 1300000 bushel of Onllrlo Wheat In Rus sin fine accomplishment by the Ontario Wheat Producer Markelinx Baird uld Mr Todd plus purchase of when as ex perienced this year when the bond ind purchnse large amount wheat early In lhn mp year or liluallon which cauld crcaled by here helng nu Inks mulling In ucu xiv carryaver flocks an Vexcellenl unmple 01 what can be Iccomplilhed In ulHulp program The dagl owner drova nonz lu home and then accompanied by Mr Cameron drove tha ynulh tn Tnmnlna Medical ArLs Building where he was treated cross between Callie and German Shepherd jumped on the boy when he Iried to pet Assoclatian and Jack Harper another phammcisl who in lroduced Mr Tul The lock rnnaisu allslic bands slrelcfied light over knobs on my am mg 1271 It Pow Rlv Minty nu Nor 0m NH Moon Lnrp kln lnrc Pldlleplfll mnmm sh II of Cu Tar om Ill hn Tuxo Unlnn GI Dr Ch hum Noflhn mumm Ila Allnm lllv Hum fill sun loci nlhll Unum all Unlud KIM wmmy wuuu II 5m llfi To Widen Highway Through Stayner STAYNER sum hith waywldeninu project or film way 25 her and Highway 91 lo Dunlman slated to he Dayan ment Highway 1964 schedule gelling udvnnce attention here ths all ram Iha DHO plannlng board wen in Smyner last month Mung with coun cil members they visited Ihe seclian of nghway 26 in Sm ner which will ha widened next year At the October tnwn council meellng Monday night this sec Han was described In nru beLween Oak street on the east and the Intersecflnn or High ways as and 91 on the weal The pavcmcnl will be widened to tha tidawnlk on holh side of tha mlinslruL nva ve moving ukll lty poles hack lo Ihe nldewnlkl Now In 10mg Cam any are eight Incl out lram Lhe side wflks Hnyor Elmer Darily 5n Once he Slnyner project finished Mayar Dority thought it would provide pavement or our land Nothing was nid about how much this Spice Widening Himwny 91 will ellnnd or lhe le mllI from Slnyncr In Dunfroan Acllvlty there no far this all includu moving Ihe roadside fences back In heir new loclllom STAYNEII Slam live man cnrnnun Jury ll an in quest hem Monday Afternoon delivered verdict at ncclden at death In In accident In which eightyurold Stuart Ver tluthcson was killed Sept The boy was lully Injured Men he dosed In mm at mr The jury llllchtd no bllme lhe carl drlvu lawn reuurer Alex Cullmn Coroner lhu Inquest was Dr Sluynu Pnllce evidenu wisrrxlven by Stnyncr deuchmmt OPP Conn Ted Jardun null councll mudnl tilled or lml nlzhl wu paw paged rucheduled or Thun rnlnl ll elm oclock Jury Rules Death Was Accidental Council Meeting Is Postponed the dam and on lhe wall Mr Tail says that no child under lho use of live cln rc mav he blullca Enmlnu Pham The October hum ol our Wink out line tho imponmt Imam cl Cumin Saving Band nnd llw henna at tho new 1961 Series lnnoluulninn Ibo ultimnto in Itcurlty nether with lmmcdhlc liquidity Ind nltmive Mum pur dmlng lama5n lmounll Clnldl Savingl Bomll The Stcuritltn Lint routinn Idlvmifird ulecliou bomb debcnuuu and llllrcl nullbk lot 6nv¢ulmtnh Wood Gume Company 1ch ml IMAth NIUI no Ila aint WM1199 up you Rmu M4 mimu mild on mm Conadcl Mm Mule baudan Parents DpntfPlayi Doctor In Poison Cases Canada Savings Bonds The Polxon Conno Contra bumu which hu In Indexed me an pollanoul producll Thu Innzdlznu of th pradum are sled and ml then be look 2d up on no er Antidote card In show and whnt treatment Inuuld be undertaken INEREAIING PROBLEM Th problem ol Incidental palsanlnl lncreulnl nid Mr Tail beam he lncrmlnz number or poisonous products heir mged In Igurel He II cosmetics madlclnu duelgen cleanlnz polhhlnl Ind deodorlzlnz Ixenls pnlntl Ind lolvenll fertilize pull cldu Ind weed killer are dan urmu ll mlsused or taken In tcm hl nid Synopslm Cold alr swept Inlo muthem Ontario Monday nlght brlnxlnl Ill Ihmplend lo the record breaking heat wave 01 lb put law daysr Anolhrr wave of cold alr has advanced lnla Noflhem Onlnrlo and will tpread Ioulhwnrd lnlo mulhem Ontario today It will b91001 in mlhem Onlarln lonlml with frost In wma Mellon but Im perlturu will probably in Wednudny In In event such an em ergency sald Mr mm parent should contact his local phar mncbt or the Polmn Contml Jaenlm It Royll Viclarll HQ pm 982 cases pohonin In Canada he added showed that medication wax the lanes map product panaibln or pokoninz the ac cannt or 55 per cent all St Clnir Ninar5 giant wlndlo Hamilton Sunny with law cloudy Inlbr val ady Much cooler Clur Ind cool lonlzhl Sunny Ind warmcr Vednuday Vlnd noflhweu 15 lo 10 May lluht tonight Ind Wednesdly Lnka Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario dons London Tor onto Sunny wllh cw cloudy Inlervnll loday Much roam Clenr and cool lonlxht wllh ul ml Sunny Ind warmer Wednuday wlndt norlhwea 15 lo 10 lodny 11th anlghl Ind Wednesday rune Whll NV um crn June my rqlom Sunny wllh luv cloudy luluVIII to day Clair tonight Ind Wednes day Coal today mildcr loninhl And Wednesday wlndl nonh wut ll Indy llghl 20mm ml 15 Io Wadnudly erlno lam Lulu Huron Georgian Bay Northwm wlndl About knuu becomln utterly no lo 15 nlm Fllr An lnspcclor of he Ontario College Pharmacy last 11le told nmnu not 10 amp hams meditation In cuqx 20110 In Marly 05m lddreulng he Goddamn Strut Home and film MIMIan on The Prob lam Accidental Poisoning in the Home Polsnnlnl he laid was dis covered by the merican Ac ademy PedinLr to be lho most common medlcfl emer ency among young pallenls Ind Canadian muslin revealed Hut on pernn Inch week dies of accidental polxonlng Most of the victim arechildren be tween an Ill one and tour Georxlan Alibunom 11 manml M10 mlons Nonh any Sudhury Sunny wllh low cloudy lnlnruh lady Much BMIH Clear and cool nlxhl Sunny and warmer Wal nudly Wind nanhweu 15 lo 10 dey 111m mum and Wed ncgdny THE IARIHE EXAMINER TUESDAX OCTOBER ma WEATHER FORECAST day Anolhrr Ir has advanced Mario and will rd lnlo mulhem It wlllrbecaol Similarly medxclnéa which Ill taken an thelr orllinll cun talners cnnnot be Identified later Mr Talr painted on few Ilmpla procedures can In crease Iner In the mm The wmr umbier thu bathroom wont cut ch when ll dropped ll made un4 hraakable plume In no 31m He added however that bad tasle was no assurance that chll drm would not consume prod uct Childrens taste buds are not lufflclenlly developed to keep them tram elttng at drink ng thlnx that hnve foul me He Illa warned azllnst min pnlsannul products out or their cantalnerl brown colored fluid in can battle look In vltlng In child even lb fluid In an acid medicine cabinet can be made childpron by lacking It with scvcral lllhtly wound cl mic bands Mr Tall lflld lhal nu child under the In of live can open door secured his way OTTAWA CF Magistrate Glcnn Strike ddivarrd Item lcclure Monday lo nine minor who pleaded gullly in drinking high uhool iaalbnli game Friday nlghl at Lapsdawne Park hem palianlngs allowed by house hold preparalions which account or 11 normal vesUcIdeI Also 11 percent clglneu Iolvenls paints In par oenlpmmeucl lwo per unhmd others 11 per cent 01 the medication the seem lngly lunocuous hngachn table responsibla or 45 per cent palsonlngs Only law tablet can caue dpalh in 91 Infant The attractive way that many patent medicine are made up nowadays Increases 1h pynbiem Mr Tair midi Medicines oiien iasle and innit like candy and are accoxdinliy appalling to children Forecast temperatures Low overnight hlgha Wed nnsduy Windsor 70 St Thom 4o 55 London 35 55 Kitchener 35 65 Mount Forest 65 Vlnxhnm 31 65 Hamilton 40 65 SI Cnlhnrmu 55 Toronto 45 65 Palerbomugh 30 60 Trenlnnfi 30 60 The mnxlxlmh lined up lhu pnnnll hulde lha youlhl and ndvhcd them ll we lhcir prob lam NO ASSURANCE SAFETY TIPS Killaloe Muskokn North Bay Sudbury Earllon Sm Sle Mam Knpusknsing While Rlvnr Youths Fined For Drinking MAIL EARLY IN THE BAY BEAT THE FIVE DCLUCI CRUSH Huh youlh wu lined Dr Irwin Allistnn al tcndcd the first threeday scien ml meeling at the Onluin Chapter of the Cullen of Gen eral Pracllca pm at his annal program or taking 100 houn of postgraduate sludy every twp years More than 500 family doctors mm all pm of Ontario Ind upper New ank State are lending Leclurm have been drawn from major college of Canada ppd the USA central whoa or Mulmer Townshlp school areaNo WI approved yesterday by vote of 148 to 138 The possible vole mg estimated at about 450 The was the quesllon Arewu In Ivar central school In Mulmer Township School Are Na Result It he pallinpuaklonx were Mansfield ya 79 no 58 suntan yes 42 nu 25 Rusk vlew yu no 24 Rnndwick yes no 16 Terra Nova yes In addition lo days packed with lclenllflc leclures all xigned to help Emily doctors keep Ibreul the pane medical prolrcss Dr Irwln wu In cumin brand range of technical and Iciznunc ex hiblu SELL LAMP BRISTOL England CPD This clly has sold one It old an slrccl lumps In Md In past nl lhc Capilnnn sua pcnsxan bridge 1n Nodh Van muver Mulmiu Approves Central School Allislon Doctor Biggnds Meeting Some of the fringe Benefits of being In Examiner ur rier boy were sampled In HOME IMPROVEMENTS Bu PA Hill BARRIE FAIR DRAW MODERN CHARLIE llUlST GOWAN 5T MIMII Mumlnum Door WINNER CARRIERS ENIOY FRINGE BENEFITS Regular member are Mr Pickles chairman Callins presenting NDEA Marcelé In to anilan of Program training Victor lhm Barrio Labor Council Mlu Kly Yu unaka Saropflmm Club Ind William McCuMy NBS Planning fur the Winter Woxkx Program well underway and all advorllsinz muerlal ex pected to be In the NES office by Nov The committee melr Sakurdly under chairman Pickles New members were Mn Dora Ayclilfe representing the Bush ness and Pmtessinnnl Womens Club Mu Nell MncDonIld re presenting the Imperial Order Daughlers of the Empire and Mrs Juan Morris representlng he Uniyenily ngenl Club During discussion It was painted out lhnl the tommlllee ls aware of only one proposed project lhal the new new use dispasnl plant for the any Municipalities Should Know 0i Winter Works Campaigns nlghl liter sale meeunl Shun hm drink are muse Chew 11 216 Ann St Jim Gill 1N Rose Dvnlop rm DODDS Kldnoy Pill 79 who 69 HUDNUT FuhlonSo Hllr Spny 1402 189 KOTEX ITI 51 for 85 BAN loHon DEODORANY 125 value 109 PARDEC lIQUID 350 value 289 RESDAN 150 valuo 139 DYNACHROME mm or 35 mm 319 FLUSHABYES 109 valuo 99c llGHI BULBS 65 56 vuluo for 49¢ GERITOL 549 vulva 447 ONEADAY 449 ulu 377 NIVEA LOTION 49c 46 89c 78c SOLO BOB PINS 75s 25 19C FLASHBULBSSyVInaAGI or M2 129 In Road rnmy lnnanHnn Inmld Ind lnxfllvo wnll lulld or hlldron Oukkly Muiru our d1 IGI oy 57c lAVORIS Mouth th L25 value PEPSODENT Denial Cream 69 BROMO SELTZER 109 value HUDNUT Egg Creme Shampoo Wu Rourvo Tho ngM To leli Ouanlllln SHOP and SAVE at DA AllANDAlE DRUGS lTD HARPERS PHLRMACY CALDWELL DRUGS LTD Thu Sputhl Prlcu End 00 12 MILK 0F MAGNESIA IDA BRAND Members agreed that all munl lcipalllles In lhls area should he hilly Iware of this winter work cnmpalgn and hat more planning xhnuld he done cake advanlnze ol the Municipal Win teLWorks ymgram The member ngreed that than possibiliiy of 12 monihs employment lnr many trades bui only it the municipalities plan ahead and put lhcir plan into operatinn by Nov taking iuIl advaniaize oi ihe subsidies paid byihe Federal and Provincial government between Nov and April Inloffiiallnn about he Vlnlcr Work Clmpaign can he obtain ed It the NES office MINES CLAIM MANY LONDON CF More than 1800 workers were kflled or lerfinusly injured In British coal mine In 1962 ha lnduslryl first fsalcty year Thu ml lam was 1700 SL Ronnie Hubbefl 11 Alired SL and Dave Law rence lo Sophln Examiner Photo 200 Valul PA 3901 PA 5407 PA MIN 99c 114 59¢ 97c

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