Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1963, p. 7

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Mm IlillrlNlUllllJl MONTIUMI HIY Mmln llvln Mrlln Um My mumm lenrrnl rvpurlrr Unmmyn IMEMI urnyap ml Im rnnynu umwu nnv wll In nnnml nluull mumI mrnlq Ind lho umhl uni5m my run rll ynu 1Iw Inlle lumx mun Hunllwl mm um nw hul play ulr mwn rm lmfldvl III nahl Tim urqu hmr lmlr nn MIL mlminv lulu mud mmrh mm nml AM mu mm HIIHIHHIKL vhrn mm Ikinu luv mmfi 121 mnrg In unh 15 lmktlnlo TnL MUD ltcrully crlrhrMul llwlr ZvIII wading mmlvrnmy nrvy HM and Inule In lhclr hunm Ink Taillry Srollmnl nu MN no law mu yrnn Invr In Hm lhcy rmrgmhul no Im mln Willi lluIr Inlmly my llml In hymn mu mlmly Hwy llml In Tumnlo rlflmlln nml Imam Mr Ilml MI mm Jisi reminder he sure lum your blacks and lurk browns Inside uul hen you put Sam at he standouts seen so far are shirt dresses in black cotton with while stitching Checked piqucs in black and white have inlercsting pocket details plus tlntlrrinu wide xcuop necklincsjusl right or toslume jewelry ill Ins Sol nrnpcs nrc slylml simply for any time of day or 101 inlunnai cvc nlngs When black 15 as con and camlanuhlc as shall pink ur lemon yellow you dunl have In bo dicland to by the ualhcr So many of lhc new Marks and handsome dark hrawns mining into the stores make palm or easy washnbilily lngcthcr with their fine fashion nppcaL fly ELEANOR ROSS Black always louks so inviling In late summer and early fall is because by hen the pas tels and hot weathnr clothes have begun to pal and most wnmen feel he need or new mood ANNIVERSARY Black Casts Spell After Cool Pastels THIS HOUNDSTOOTH checked wool 51ng is among the new sportswc chosen or bowlers this season by lash Ian authorities to zippered skirt ts attached to want jer sey Bermuda shorts and is worn with matching wont jersey top At right tnshinn authorities recommend the alllun erll in IMIIHrr Darin nml Ilmu nllhhhlld Mn STRIKING mhl MM lmmmw In ymlr hlnhdny ynur lmnucnpn lndlculu that Nowmlmr ynu um hr mm mm wlwro munry mum un runmlml uu rlmum luv nhhv In mm mm mu mm mum nml ll ynn rxpcrlnlly rmrlul nu 11ml llw mmlrrml lmlwrrn now and Spmlnl rnrr will Ive mm mm nrnM mmlutncu Ill munry mnllrrn Ila lunllallc In mnklux mrdmm nml Ilanl hM In Innlidmm uhrm yunr puckrllumk mnrwrnrd Il nut guml wrlml lo rnzngn In NW rnhxm rillur FUII TIIE lllllllllhflv IOll TQMORIIDW Since you will want In ale mlmnlnue the wnxhabmu n1 curdumy be smarl about ulcrl Inn he lhrmdx bullonx buck 1m and binding you buy In no will the yardage And rcmtm hrr lull cwrylhlng must be nnrlrly wmlmhlc lhn lnhrlc Etl Furthermore corduroy hfu juxl tight body or II nclv nsllinn llnc Anny Mlmdy has to rcmlnd you course how wonderlully curde my wears and wasth And It came In welnhl Hm la mm Iurluhlu to wear Early In lilo Roman winmul mentor or jrtkcl and on cold days under cunt It Is light but nasty unrxn you Me planning program of home sowing new curduroyl will serve us nn uddcd lnsplr ann In start right And nr the nldcr more ashlunconsciuus glrl then are abstract prinls und lapcsm theme with Near Ens flavor and all in velvety ensyAlocnro for corduroy THE STARS SAY The Iiulc floral print an among Um newest and sweetest or young fashions Glen plaid and novelty checks laok good In school While we re thinkmg ubnql all clothes ll might be well to non ha corduroy while has became yearround lnbric top at hackleschool clothes Is here again fin new pullcms and In wundcrtul vnricly of dillcmnl prints and luxluro lcm is alsn woth mle time It lakes wipe the dryer drum mm damp sponge or clnlh bn are pulling In your black out lils This rcmovcszany mm of Hm ram 11 previous load YF ROUND FABRIC And avoid combining blacks with washlaads of colored gur mmls which have white packets lhnllcnd to shed lint Ihcm in the machine This will reduce their tendency to pick up Jim from other garmcms in the same load Photo FASHIONS AIine or the alley The threMoncd mm In double knil won features grey gored Mina skirt while puII mcr shin and gold hip length wesklt Shown win the outfit is me lilies 5er in bowling shm bag CP Wim MMst nr Armmnnmr PA 87 ENTHEILIIA SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvnlo will Ive mind mmlmtncu Ill Ila lunllallc In and dont tlulkl lmm on lhll day be rndowrd wllh ho qun nrcvlnl In mnkc an rxcc lurker ml or phyllclnn Whm Job mnllm um um ccnml you Ihould not hnvn lno many mloul pruhlrml to ram bnl alum In larl by ullnz your mill and Mann to flu ulmanl you nhoukl be able lo ndvuncn mnsldcrnhly cupc clnlly duran lho tumn mnnlh In lhu mlzl Dmmbcr Jalo Mnrch mrlod In Mny and Set Irmhcr am nun Innuenrcl luvcrn your pmmml Illa loo TM month Into December nml Mull Mny mu Aule 10M nlvn prnmle mclnl m1va nlm rnmnncn and your do mnllc lHe Ihuuhl Ito ml hntlowt All In II plusnnl nulle lhcn yourl Md Ihauld 1an your bnnkbouk In good shape WI Important however Ihnl you use your best Judxmcnl In handling your Hnnnm and that you Invold ulrnvnxnncu and lpcculntlon chl lood palm lnr mnnclnry mullm flu um Ihms monlhu MI nlm ncxl Jugs and Sgptrmbcr Following some hrlrl rammin by Alan Swnn In mun pms cnlcd 11pr and Gmnzo with One he highligth oi the evening was humornu mock wedding temmony Mrs mine titted in he preacher while Mr and Mrs Vennblcs Sr ionk the part oi the bride and groom Aiiendnnia Wm played by linrold nnd Marilyn Venn blcs and Cecil Milne was lhn Inlhcr who gave the bride away This was all rccordcd on ian to give lira periormm an or poriunily in hear themselves in ndlon and to give the audience second chnnra at me humor The entertainment not the arm oi dancing music pm vided by Fred Burt an his elec tric guitar and Norm Crook with his viaiin whilo other guests played cards ALUSTON Special The home of Mr and Mrs Grarlle Vcnnbla Allister was the scam of surprise party In honor Mabel and George Variables on he nccaslan of their moth wedding anniversary other guests attending were Mr and Mrs Fred Bun Mn Henry Crook Mr and Mrs Hur oId Vennblcs Mr and Mrs Bmce Fraser Mr and Mrs Mun Swan Mr and Mrs All crumbles Mr and Mrrr Halley Mr and Mrs Milne Mr and MrNorm Crook Mrs Flarmm Gallaugher Barbara Vonnblu Lisa Crotcuu Mr and Mn ll Goddard and Mr and Mrs lama Gnunugher Allistqn Residents Fete Couple Marking Wedding Anniversary THE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAYIOCEOBER member oI the first gra ng class In nursing Winnipeg Childrens hospital In 1913 Mrs Simpson now In her late 70s admits she is slowing down hit My husband Is 81 ml cant keep up with him she said recently Hes nlways wanting go fishing Ma joycd the IrsLdance this reason at the Alliston Memorial Arena last Frlday when the Lacrosse Club executive organ Ized social affair lo raise money to cover lhi summers lacrosse club deficit Music was provided by the Allislonl HIS Au um lined 19 Lei Misstaii Butt 1012 on Sundny fervouawn where she will be studying domesiic scienm at university Mr and Mrs GeorgeVena hie journeyed to Toronto to ailand the graduation exercises Sewn of their daughter inr bem irom her basic clerical course Graduation exercises were hcid in the auditorium oi the Eastern iligh Schoohof Commerce with cniuflainmant provided by the brass bond of he RCAF 411 County York San and group of Parlu guese ioik iorisis cniied NAZ ARAH who performed many of their national dances Follow Tlmi OI Tl SAME OLD GRIND7 mwmanown wxgmmgq cg The one gLLIsTOIE QIOTES Special The Ir and Mrs Gunlie Allislon was the surprise party In Allng and Georgq lhll day will Hm qunllllrl AnnA rxccllml Slx Monllu 0M Vnr Two Year SI Monllu Ono Yur Two Vnu DRIVING AT l0 LONDON CP Lady Alina Eamon who 60 drive two htm sports car claims she has had brush with police or every year she has been drlv Ing She look out her first II cmsu in 1905 MR5 SYLVIA SWAN Ropmonllnu Alllllon Am Rhona HE 726 HERE ARE THE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0R RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR ME SCHEDULE OF POINTS NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Miss Shirley Variable led lhe group In several amusing parlor game while lunch was being prepared 0f Up 10550000 In The BARRIE EXAMINER Mail Subscription Contest large living mamtype elecch clock Standards of pink and while gladlofl mums and snapdrng on decorated the allar the Salvnflon Army Citadel for the weddlng Mr and Mrs Ralph Cooper Jr Chplaln Don flan dall officiated at the aflemnon ceflamonxt Wedding Trip To Maggi Falls FOIIOWS CopperMcKinnon Rites Given In marriage by her THROW OFF OR BY MAIL WINNER IHROW OFF OR BY MAIL Ill be calling bnyomofi Could Be With voun Help RENEWAL SUBSCRIPYIONS NEWLYWEDS SIGN REGISTER 5000 poinn OIOW will Imapolnla 50W 58 The reception wax held In the Iuwm hall of the Citadel Receiving the brides mother wow royal blue tailela dmu with matching hat and while accessories and coxsue peach roses accmled her an scmhle The wedding muslc was phy od by Mrs Pearl Putnam who also accompanled Brig and Mrs Buuer of Toronto as they nng Take My Life and Let It Be and later the receptlnn Happy 1110 Home When Jesus Rgcamou Garry Cooper only brother at the bridegroom was Emanu mnn The usher were Dale Butler and Gilbert Weston bro th In of Lho brldemom The flbwer glrlsmwore pmk dolled swlss ovu lalfela and they carried basket 01 pompon yellow mums wore Miss Gladys Cooper sister oi tile bridegroom as maid of honor and Mn Dciores Weston also sisier oi the bridegroom bridesmaid Miss Evelyn Mc Kinnon sislcr oi the bride and Sharon Weston niece of the bridegroom were lower girls The mid oi honorx and bridesmaids gowns were ash ioned aiike of mini green em broidered man do soie with matching headdress Thay car red bouquets oi yeiiow mumd The brldcgmomx mother as hrathcr Melvin McKinnan the bride chose floor length gown while law and net over satin styled with lace bolero Jac kel lrlmmed with sequlm llur sheulder length well was edged with lace and was held by crown pearls and crystals She carried bouquet of red roses and while stephanolis mom AnjENDANIs For their wedding trip to Ni agara Falls the bride wore powder blue Shea with navy accessories and coxsage of pink Sweetheafi rose 0n refurn Irom FL11 honey moon tha newlyweds wlll take up residence 22 Codrlnglnn Street Baxm slated allired 1n royal blue lace aver taffeta White accessories and corsage pink Sweet hear me completed her ex semble Barrie delegales Included Mrs Harris Mrs Alan Mac Donald Mrs Quinlan and Mn June Ramsay Women teachers from On and Vespra lawmhlp nlsnaltcndcd Provinclnl officers attending were Mn Hazel Farr FWTAO president Min Dummy Mur Un uecutivo secretary Tor onto Assisting with Qhe pm Zfimwm Bailey Pelerbornugh past president and Miss angml Hood Mid lnnd former member of the provincial execullvc Raiding oflicer was Mrs Mary Wright CoHlngwuod director for Region No sA to proviac mi éppnrlImlly for officer In bgcame unquain led and lo discussmutual prob lems to present Méralloli 1501 Icy and infqrmauun to assist hither in pm gram planning aprovidg the stimulus and lnsplrallon for the years wuxk in Indexanon lhecanfercnce tnaklhe arm 05 workshop to prbvide guid ancevand Information for assoc anon and vunlt nmcm The specific purposes of the confer ence were yFall Conference 0f FWTAO Held satugday The Fall Conlcmncc Ihe southern section 01 Reglon No the Federallonal Women Teachers Association 0n arlaiwas held at llunlsvilleon Saturday PA Your comfort zonethat tender area Just below lhe cup Io oflon slvon to dial and poke now oommllzod lti an done wllh an elnsuclzed mlmcle bund thats ounhloncd on on that comfon 10M wornoklndly Embroldqrod wllon cup ha hidden lunar IIIL Youll Ind COMM Iona Ilylo or wiry figure Whllg In um cup um 12 42 mm 457 WWW amilabldram 250 warm vim mm mu Mm mum Nonmam mt The bride only altendani was her sister Miss Linda Forbes The maid of honor chase in gown or powder blue nylon and not over mum with matching wed ding ring henddresn She carried hauque oi while and pink mums The groomsman was Reg Forbes hmiher of the bride Fraser Nicholson and Gary He son intended ushers The brld entered ihe church on themrm her iniher She was gawned in flour iength dressv oi lace over salin The gown was styled with iiiicd bodice wilil softly scooped se quin trimmed neckline and 1in point sleeves Tiers lace and net accentuated he bouiinn skirt crown of sequins and pearls held iha lingerilp veil of nylon net The bride carried bouqum of red Sweetheart rusesi my pr noan my ppm The brlde Is the daughter of Mrund Mrs Cccll Forbes of Duckworlh Street Thé bride gmnm Is the sun Mr and Mrs Sinclair of Eamon Inn Cafe Baskels Varlegnled gladan adorneg St Giles Angllcan ChurchJoxlhe wedding Miss Nancyflall Forbes to Gary Al lnn Sinclair Seph 14 Rev LA Haney omdaled at the after noon rues Mrs the argnn gilgs Aug 11011le Johns Preslded in STICKY SIDEWALKS TROISRIVERES Que 10F Suburban housewlves wlm dont llke asphalt contlng on the sldewnlks held up works depart ment employees by wntcrlng the cement walk wlth garden hose until clty cnuncll called all the prolcet The women sald lhe asphalt when on hot day and stick to their hlglz heelJ frnm the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and ether points In Spulhern Ontario the Sirecf West Barrie nnd accessoriés an coxsage of ye law roses écpflun was held at the home at the brides pargnlL Receiving the guests Ihe brldns mother was nlllregl In mink brawn enhgnced with while DM Hulk

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