Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1963, p. 4

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Aulhulud Olefin lull IMI omn Dovum mun and ruml you In an null lumhn and lllulun and Hand lluxlrl In IIIAN lllnln 0M II Muman uIIv MUIIH llllal he lfllll llfltlfl Ilium um muuu mumm um um I1 Mva In rm any By mm It umlh Inn my Mum can mu In Dalnu auo mt mam Ml much mun mum mm mm Imt puntlint Nu ml My mu rm win Wm An 1mm cm Mvfll NIHll IN Owl lUHL VIQHIVIO mlvllxw cm Aum Imu drum cumn rm an mum wanna In nm um um la hm lvm All Ibo IN ION mm Dilly Nun my run an Pm no Dr mllo Fonda who lllllngunl pointed out that no one run nchlcvo flu envy In lannunuo unlm he has the ap pmlunlty to speak IL Windsor Slnrl Snrnln panel look in realistic vlcw bllln unllsm In Innmln The members mull not ms that In practical to have two language spoken Across the nation 61 WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO There is growing trend away from annual elections The twoyear term is Jerferable as it permlts new men to learn he ropes of munlel al government and give good service be ore they are requir ed to go before the voters again It has been said that when councillors are elected for year tho munch 31in gets 10 months of government an two months of campaigning This contenuon could be unfair to the people in office It now appears reasonably certain that Eimvale Council will give final reading to bylaw to provide for iweyear terms for members First and second readings have been given and third reading is expected aiier all members have had chance to speak 1t 15 questlonable however whether Mr Gordon wlll retlre in the strict sense of the word dynamo of energy he has served the federal government in several capacltles over the past quarter of century During the Second World War he acted as chairman of the War time Prlces and Trade Board In this capacity he rationed our food our gaso line and our luxuries Mr Gordon has more to do as he an timatcd last week He wants to complete the reorganization and strengthening of thfipubUclyowned railway system then re re Mr Gordon is controversial figure who is not noted for tact in hi public renouncemenm But there Is no ues ion as ta his ability as an execu Ive Dining his years as head of tha CNR ha has canled out major reorganization of the systemtjargel in the field of consolldations He lttleddeadwood from the financial structure and stream lined operations The CNE began to move from the red to the black and debtridgen Aliabfllty became an asseL Repppointment of Donald Gordon as chairman at the CNR board was logical stepflby £he gederal goveynment TwoYear Term Is Best CNR Head Has Served Well His ReappOintment Deserved William mhl nllcmpls 10 Inch The Barrie Examiner Wills Publisher Eh Eéarrivfifixaminér TWO LANGUAGES OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canegllen Newspaper Limited 16 Hayfield Skeet Ben1e Dem10 DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian sum GWanf norm 000351 mu There pro cw hwlaclv on In tho wcokn Immediately lhfllll It lllo lhu detailed plannlng lhal wen lnlo lw murnlnz ol xervlm lly lho llmo lhm new lllonlmlcra go In the poll lo elect lwo cunnclllnn or the dlllrlcl how ever llu klnlu IhOllld bu lrolml out And all lhoxa wllh new clvlc alloglnnca wlll be well mm both lhI benullla Ind handlcapa nl belnz pm 01 bll ally Munlrcnl Slur Mnnlrcal lodny has 1000 mm It didnt hm morday ml has grown nlmnnl mun 1rd co rnphlully mld nlghl Rtvlcro do rlu give onllly hml bcclmu pm of the me ropolll lhrqugh nmlubln nnpugullon llul the Snrnln pnncl ex lllncd In Unlarlo English Is lho amp ed tongue and people xprak ll lhono who ran Honk Irrnch do not have the dilly mama to nxorclsl their knowledge GROWIHQ CITYVOF CANADA Sgt Marshall Leiroy who went overseaswith 76th wounded or third time Lieutenant William Little son of Dr and Mrs Little arrived home Sunday night alter three years at the front to complete his course in medicine In March 1915 he enlisted as gunner and went overseas with 20th Battery won the lllllltary Medal at Battle of the Somme in 1918 and recommend ed ror commission He took part in the Allied offensive which began Aug this year being in action near Arras Franco Simeoe County Temperance conven tlon held in Barrie with Lamont ot Cnillngwood elected resident Can nlng kitchens throug out Simcoe Coun ty are being centred on chickens lwo bulldogs broke into Nat Dymenta sheep at Brookdale Farm worrying seven valued at srao so they had to be deslro ed John lilngham had sheep kll ed by dogs last week Sep tember was ralnlest month in 22 years mean temperature 53 degree was low er than average St Georges Memor inl llail formally opened Monday even ing The small Anglican arish in Al landale has an honor roll 76 at whom six have been killed and 12 wounded Several cases otSpanlsh tlu reported at Camp llnrden Car at he ship ped nl liarrle atockyards Satan ay ior which 31850 ewi was paid In clllcs like Monlrcnl Quebec 01 lawn nml nlmHar ccnlrcs when Frcnch and English no akcn freely blllngull man has lho nl aprorlumly lo use nth Ionrucs That my Ihere are In many hi ngunl men women Ind child ren hero canvcmntlonnl French In school have fallen llnl The financial factor must also be con sldered Elections are costly to the muni cipalit which must 1filrlovide deputies and pull erks and po placea too The candidates also must spend money to get elected and campaigning annually could involve large sums of money over the yeaas The twoyear term give assurance of 22 months of good government coun cillor who has served this length of time in office has chance to develop his own talents for municipal administration to the benefit of the people he represents but It fact that when election time nears councillor begins to think about and work or his reelection This is to be expected Mr Gordon deserves the thanks and the commendation of fellow Canadilns He has served this nation well Mr Gordon took over the tap execu tive positlon of the CNR at time when the railway was badly ridden with debt and sorely in need of rwrganlzatlon He has done much to solve lhesa baslc prob lems and he hopes by the end of his ten ure of office to have achieved his olr jectlvesl Alter his work for the board he was named as deputy governor of the Bank of Canada and served with distinction al though of necessity he worked in the shadow of the then chairman To many Canadian Idultaol that er lod Mr Gordon was the most Impar In men in thematlon If he is known todan for bluntness as hudhlttin CNR re dent he was remembered or tn Ind persuasive powers in war days If there was need to cut down on the butter ration or ten and coffea cou ons Mr Gordon would go on const Mons radio hookup to give the reasons why He was suave Ind convincing and eminently successful in his dealings with the great masses of the people M910 IIIOMJZM 11m rowan numlm Em mwun Immlnnnln In Canada ulrr Inr vlllton mm homo Aha hu Men been In lm mum lnulnru hm mmhnrr of lnurlvln Ill male nymu wllh In Mr lhllfilnl lnlmcr manager ho Cnnadlan humm lmr nanrs And Add low omrr muan What lien II Camdul pegl Al rcclar allha Cm mullnn government lrnvcl lm mm 111 Ottawa who mmlly pamd Ihmuxh here All our ol Europe said lla lhn un Ipallcd Huldx nnd blmaml hmth and lomls Hm Ium Europeans Canada The Maple ol lIrilnln nml olhrr European munlrles ho Inld Ara Ilck ol cilltn lrcmimz with lanrbll cmwdcd bendm and hnrmlnx uhlworld rtnlru mlmd hy cammcrdnllxnllnn Fur bearth nn chrrmle 11 hard lo heal lho French Riv lern In south Spain lha leo of Venice And Canada cant hold candle In the his Ioric lppcnl or nuclml Mums Flaran or Vlennn Slranxuly enouuh lla nolhinx at span Mama Falls Hm Rockies or he my night Illa al MontrealWI limply tho depapgq gpncfs Unlil recently Canada conccmralrd ll Md for Iourisls nu he Unllcd Slales he wnrldl biggest murkm but the naw 0mm hen prayed so auc cuniul plan naw are under way or similar office In Paris and somewhert in Wm Ger many But Inning Canada In upen live place In la 15 tough job In the are of competition from the glamorous and Im bolldn you in Europe why no to Hahlnx Toronto ur Vancouver when you can go In Rome Lisbon or Madrid or oanunflcr he price and in Jun than halt tho Mme moi2mm SPACES SALLYS SflLLlES Figure or the year since the Canadian Tourist Bureau opened here wont be available uMiI November but ll 50 maled the number jumped to 60000 mm 40000 British our Isu lha pmviaus year LONDON CHWhy would my Brltan in his right mind with all Eumpe nearby hali day playgmund want to no lo Canada on vacation Well many of them dont But many dc and the Canadians to sponslble for tho campaign to divat tourist across the lnnflc lnsund he English Channel any the number mwlnz all the Lima Brifons Find Préstige Value In Vacation Trip To Canada GETTING READY FOR THE LAUNCHING ccnluvinle Camd Imlx Iha leml IMII ammum lhu mun In Ml Ind mum lol nu mm mm MW lmurxl down My mun mu ImllmrnL Inrrlln and pain du mm lncrnml Vlclmlml wor ylml Illll leclmnl umnry wnnld lead In In ulllrnl InA numlnn mlmh on ml Knllllrnlly nnlhlnlnhlr ID qur day Fume ml UnIM mm Ind Imn dPnIlnl In lluimlll 1an ha I730Canzda mu mlul In lmlml llrllaln hu nmr lwynnd 0w dlnumlon Ilm Munwmle the Common wqullh Inn and Ihnd Since mm damn Ilmllnr mum hm lalhrrml dust on Whllrhnll Illhtlv nu rloml llrrllunlu rvrr mm In ha mynl mm wnl In Im 11w Inv ommtnl II ml duy Ilsa curled llmlmnlu In mlnclvlu null mlnrtl Hm llollnwmlh Iun nhllllnul nr nnrlanlh mundll llnl Ilrp HEFDHM HM In lhrlr dumlrdmnl tunrnry ulrm lnr mum llnw In mmr IrMIllHIlS ulrcnu llml lhl mm In cnln nnhlo INVMHI Inlu NI mlmu and ID ummll IM Hm mauled by mlmm sir Jullaphcr Wnn Innx no um OPINION EILIT lulvllc nplnlun ll 5pm on lhll hmr In ad lame IlClIDn nnllnx Hm rnnvcrslnn wolxl lulu nl lcml ltvr yrnn nnd rm Mum umlcclmnlhul £100000 000 dnnl we lhl pnlnl ol lullchlnn nl alL And luumse nll Irillsh lavc mmMn urnm lo nuumo mn drvlnz ImllyIlmllyhm and Mn ulve mood whomor and with llw llcclmnl pmMrm mMIy llrllqns cur Ihoyyllj be mm nrllnln accopled decimal coinage In prlnprXc lwo your ago and thl all unv ernmcnl cammlllu produced camprchmxive report Invorini decimal nyslcm hnscd on lhu pound Itcrllnx dtvldnd lnlo 100 cents or permit nullhc mmmlflecl rtporl was no unanimnul Twu ol the nixmember group hrndcd by Lard Hulahury held nul or major nnll worth lo nhllllnxn allowing Ilm nynlcm lduplcd by Soth Mrlcn nml prnpmd for Auslmlln and NM chland LONDON CPIWilhln HI next decade Canadians will bu able lo exchangc than louris dollars for simple and scnsl bln decimal rurrnncy whmve they may rum in lho world Everywhere that ll except passihly In tho Uniled Kingdom at Great Briluln and Northern Inland where Ihe xmnllm thnnxu II bolh heavy and flow We still at people Arriving In Manncal wearing sweaters and coat and finding the em pegmire in the 901 common complaint amen prospective tourists here Is that present literature deslgned lot the Americans not suitable Ono Englishman complained resent wing in my mull Canadian tourist leaflet saying Jusl get In your car and ddva nun 595 vs led says new lllemlure ls belng deslgncd and nlready tho Damian bureau ls hnngingouk Iqaluzlal specifically or Bril of moving to Canada But bl slcnd of selling out and taking the plungu they over first on vacation hav look mound and soynd nu pmqudl Field my one major problem Is getting across the den Cm ada not mid country ln aumme ILK Hesitates To RdOpt Decimal Currency System llul llllrn illlII llamde God In lllslmplml IVM In IIL nmmhy Ml In unruly ul 11111 ml to III lot MIN All lulplun II In by plmkl God III pm mum 1mm hr rmmln In balm1m rmlnumnpll IllMl MI Olfllhll Ihc hnnll Ind Invin mrnl hnum lnlon mm In nmnlnl In nvnr ol flu mum unll Iho nml mn vmlml In adan Ind lhl unlul lo underAnd llowevrr flu mundrm lyn ltm mmnlu nrohlrml It lhc Vowar em In mlr Tho eenl Hallworth the punM ptnnlull loo II or awry dn rumnmra and hulltrul run wauld MM be mm dqu Nnmu In only one llu lllllculllu bridlan llrflonn ur um Itmnnn why lhu llnllhury commlllru ommendrd lnlnlninl Hm pound Mn Ill Irpulnllnn In Inlcrnn llunnl lrmln Flnnnclnl clrtlrl car dung In nmno Ind win would no world ln vrIlon who no nnelhlnl cl tnrlr hmlnm In lrrnl Mlhnuxh mnnllnlnlbon of loyalty lu llvilnln lhil mud mosl Amlnllnm bull Thru munIhI lnlcr Hm Kuvflnmflll changed In mind nml minle lha prnxnc lml tonvrnlenl mmo dollnrv In Auslrnlln In only pmhlem dull has Involved the name nl nu new lushullnx unll Mlcr lnylnn wllh quid knnxn mo 1nd melha In low emmenl unrxpcclcdly named an rnynl he mm In tnrly Hullh mln All other Communwuiih muulriu Ind British dependcm cics noi aircndy an dncimnil Imvn pinn wail ndvancedi Thu irish litpublic lha only non Cammonwcailh country in vuivcd was pinnninz la wnil or Brilnin but nuwmny go Ihcnd an ill own Soulh Mrlra lnlroduccd rand wonh Ihllllml lhl major unlL rhln mltm hm the advnnlnxo ulllixinx most Ike old coins during lho Iran IUnn perlod chl ycnr lho rc puhllc wlll dmrlhuln new colu Iimllnr In in and value lo Cm nndlnn money POND NAME BIBLE THOUGHT lowed In In 1961 South Alrlu an changed in 1961 while Hill member or flu Common wcnllh Auslrnlln has 1966 ha data and New chllnd 1967 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ianoil wasrdiscovered ll Oknlokx A111 milk mm Calgary An American revnlulion ary inrce under Georg Washington was routed Chadds Ford Par 136 yum ago todayin lTflby Iho In American Regiment naw lhu Queens York Reg men one of Canadas oid est military units The regi men was organized before the revolution by Robert Rogersinmed for his Ro zers Rangers but inter was moved to Tamale by Lt Col John Graves Sim coc first LieutennniGnver nor of Upper Canada whn nrgnnizcd them in Rangers lmertar Olivu War dtll Holmes died TODAY IN HISTORY Lumor color min tho work of thl llmoul Cuna dlnn lrllJL cm null Cm mlar Arllnll rule fly vllunl EmIon ol lhn mull played nu Omr Menon nlu Imllu urprne color sullnble or chlldrtn The ulan ol Pmlll Ind haw vh spends her lpjnhdny looks or Hum nlver 15mm communlly 1n nnrlh central Smknlchewnn an awn Mbrnfy Dlmnl Nclflxbon mlnr 1110 mm erldu North wm Tcrrllnrlu Cunndu Ind du aulhlrk Ccnlrnl Amlnlln Go To minL color Dank nu pmum um may uuu Hm lmpn ol the flock color Mann the Emma turned pmxpedor 1013 HOME MD The whole prom of dilation and consumlon In Impar am pm regulating the em penlure the body When ll cold the blood vessel cam lnct This relrd lou cl heal mm the body by reduelnz the blood flow It the mine In but weather the tavern ocv cure The caplllarles expand In permlt greater blood flow and greater loss at bodily heal Pmlmy how lhe nervous lystem tuxelm this mm 11 on may things not yet understood Ind explllned but It happens lmlll blush ll Innlher enmplc at the emo flan causing sudden dilution he blood veuels thu time menopause there Is thin amount In mblllty In this mm of the blood venelx vmmotor 1n xtgplllly wn 9111 The hot flash he run of this Inmhillty The blood vu xeh dilnle luddenly Thin abrupt and strong now blood hmugh the may mall vane the hodyl Iurlm lulflcient lo Ugly Duckling wlor guil Ihle or dlildrcn Art or Everybody Boy MeeLI Band lulubla or children Down Nanh colnr Primlllve Plinlm Chu levulx calar Ilnilmndcra Richy th Earth 0101 Story at Papamaking My Next Door color lull ahle or childml Clamt Abovt Milk Made Money Minlcrl Music Indla QuecnxPlnl ruler Samoa Skccnn Rhcr 1npllne Wnlk In the Farm 1101 Crammer it Work colur Navn Soon cmflsmen do diilonal Dundlcnlll DwDr Molnar Whit lake place in ma body durinl hot flash Whit cum the Keeling heat The blood veuelydllale They and especially the cvumleu any pillflea It the when the bodyhm controllzd by the mu van watery Under sudden right at Ihock weblnnche We become pale blcauae lhn capillaries cun urIcL Wllh rue the revelu taken plnce We become flushed because Ihe capllIrles dllnte It Ippem In this use to be related In decrease In ha bodys production ovarlln harmone UN In th Classmom Canal lar England Family Tree color Oyster Man Parliamentary Procedure mlurn 01 lb lndlan color nominee Iransporlnllon calor Iullable or chlldren Beaver Dam color tunable for chlldren Cnnndlan Smallmnutlu Dlnry ol Sldewnlk Supuln undenl colar Introducing Denmark Lets book Weeds calnrl Man and HI Dog auillble or children Our Town It the World Slums TransCanada Summer col TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH LIBRARY FILMS Hot Plasth Diflerf Severity Duration ll yrm helm lhe undunlel betumt rnlrl Hana Kym and hey um hum mm rlxld column In pm Thrlr compact mum which normnlIJ Mu Ihm monlhl Inrludc mrlwmlai nlnunn lhip thcory mum radio or mvlinllon Ilr lulu dAllylng For In maul Iummrr vncnllon 16 hour mm was lhclr mwlnr Icth ulc and MW My haw rudu IlldII lltrnxtd yen 1m bay Iir om tndrll who mnrdn qunllllcd Ihrm Inr Acholarxhim and mnnlht lralmnl It In Camry Flylru Cluh Holiday Periods Enjoyed By Cadets CALGARY CF Sixlecu hour at chum dly durum lhe Aummnr wouldnl wund plenum In maul l7md In yearold hul 11 Camry boy llnd lhe result are meal or ImpreuInx he zlm hiagicr Enfiilope color dey qfrtha xkrm and It cm affect In loamy uenulheu no woman feel warm Her face may or my not flush Shirgay Iclunuylpergplre Lenlll color chfldun Story named Lenlil who ply the humoniu Ion or person who mm film from he Nallonnl Film mu lute and olhar such Inurm nhould order mm throth lho Barrle Public Librlry Mn It least two weeks notke Whna we unmet yet uy how the process opernm we do know dill Idmlnlmrinx mull amount the undo hormone estroun lend to lessen or sometime ellmimla ho flaxhu Often Ilmpla ledave or tram quillzm luncqu egnpll wdl Evmunllytha ho fluke lubxlde tpontmeausly but then no name my mam In how lunl lhllwlll uh Samellme they Vlnhh for time then Ippnr Inln In ox daily Snuon 307 Cauxtuu ho famous French undersea explar tr shvws new ethniquu In hl search or oil In the Persian Gull El Dnrador Invclorul nxjum Guiana baby Inch weight It lnrzer than must nmlu to he lure but wu om two month xouner than mm In tended Such use are In mm unknown They can have ho nmo brulhlnl trouble II It fllcled the Kennedy blby In Auguxl premium baby um lulu gives reason to inspect that Iln mother may hnva tendency lawrd dlabelu even ll no yd become actively appr nL Another llclor alien lover looked miscalculauon flu um 01 conception Herculu cnlor suitable for children Hercules an old horsedrawn lire engine lave mg Cty all Village In the Dust color Archaeologists mm the Royal Ontario Museum working on an Millur excavation only 15 ml lcs ram Toronlo Ho flash ailm In lever Ind duration Women the la called nervous typealthough dont much like that Warm tend to hav more tumble than Ihase who are stolcal and calm Den Dr Molnar it slhlo lo have 7pound Mums baby at even months and all it pumagurgTMfls 15 Certainly because dz doeml govern prematurfly In strictly mnller of whether thu bnby has had the normal nInI monihslo develop ll less It prgqntgra Days Whhkey Gap Row in tale the North West Mounted Police brought to 11 ma collection nl photo graph Alnd nrglsh Ikalches amiable lot link boy lemcd Io

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