1m IN YIELD 01le LYON Frnnrn IM nn ldl and IF Uullrd mm llcd Waulnmlny Ill Um Lynn llrhl lunchy lnllml um lhrlr uwml Mcmmirr and Ian II Candiam nun HIM prllnb mum Mg In mm rnnlul luv lb HIM lo enltr Olympic rom lulu Trlmblc up lmllh mqu nxnlnnl Tumnln llam lnl lar plum re Illan Tim Mm In mum Can le flIInr mlr MIMI be us ulmr mm mum 1m lhlufplnu Mnurtlu lnlu Iuh InAl mum wllh In Anzrlu llam cl flu Nu llmml Funumll lufuq nml ml murr III rnr vy Tnmnln Ilmnlllnn Mt Drum llmnm nl llm Amulan Foolhnll Mauuu wlll Illuly be um In rim ulrlrnnlvo lmll lInMy Thumpon who hnl UVLII rfi foo llnnnnnh onln Gnm ullnlnl Mlnu lln lrnm roller lo llm lull Ilkrl menl In Importl and II Cn nndlnm lur Friday nlxhln unmo ml lho Arxommll In 1hr hlmimu hm mm on lho In Jury llxl Inr All mrh Mlnr win Archknllle caught his ï¬lm hll pawcr lawn mWCL MONTREAL 1C Manl mul Aloucuu ull 10year vel crnn Joe Slmclnn anmdny night In mnko wny lor lmpafl hnlmnrk Tom Zulu Hym ohl lptmlllcr lmm Cnlilnrnln who lencd an Mouruu cun lrncL Cinch Hm Trlmhlv mm Slrn chm 11¢an tcnlre luv lnu tn vyry nlnclnnllyf hbugm pllthcd real well he wholo game uld may Hugh Hank Natl dldnl give my ballcrl my ndvlce glvo lhcm credit Roscbdrb hndï¬l Ml humor unsouygpqw nl Mason In lhéYEHkm dressing room they nald My were downrighl W39 zv Kam John nuscbom Icnvhundcd swinger who MI dcclslvn hmmu humor or the Dmlg en In tho second mid tho plkh delivered by Inflvhnndcr Vhltcy Furd was cum or Illdcr About bell plgh Ioe Stracina Cut By Ms Asked whclhcr ho had thought about ntrhillcr enrllcr he laid didnt own give dnm cauil 513mm uuu our as going out or the Inst inning that saw the note nbuu lhe smkcoul on the messngn board ho said flgurui Id like to 12 mm more in the ninth but wun lot more cnnrcmcd about ending ha gum Kquax aald he was not nwnra when he slmck out Bnbby Richardson In the cighlh Inning that he had lied Carl Ersklnul imp slrlkmul rowrd Just Ian liltIn tired In general early in the game Sandy xaId Then all liqu weak In ha mlddle of the game lhcn go some nI my tlrcnxlh back but was lilllu wggk nguIngz the endl all liule weak Kuulax said alter striking out World Series record 15 for Los Angeles Dodgers In the 52 victory ovu ule Yunkccs In the first game Um beamseven World Se nos fly CHARLES MAHER NEW YORK AP Sandy Knulax conceded somelhlng Iha New York Yankees mlgm never have suspodcd Wednesday mom Sandy Claims HeWas Weak Throughout Tilt SANDY KOUFAX lefl IA Angeles Dodgers hurler and catcher JahnnyRosehom pm In dressing mom vesterday for knowing what to do No Ihey dont make comments when my come back In the dugout mer slrikehlg out Thats Lilllc League stull No They didnt describe what Koulnx was DADJUSI BRAKES DINSTAll ANTIFREEZE Ill5 éaiï¬ï¬ï¬sflcï¬givm alter the Dodgers luck the ï¬rst World Series game mm the New York Yankees 52 Kouaxslruck out 15 Yankees CABLES LIGHTS HORNS DIRECTION SIGNALS mass RAD HOSE RAD CAP BATTERY BATTERYZ All For Heres what we do plus antifreen ABSORBERS WINDSHIELD WIPERS ALIGNMENT DMUFFLER mu PIPE EXHAUST PIPE SHOCK mom END In short there wa agreement that Koulnx was superb yraxllnz They didnl la Eshlblish nnw World Series slrikcoul Roseharo crashed secand innlng three run homer AP erephata antifreeze need it Sixpiï¬ye shared In Montreal scoring at Kingston 0nL as the Canadiens scored pair or late goal to ensure the victory Sign sconma While ho continued to sharpen Ms scaring eye Wednesday Straflnrd Onthe had scaring support from Ilnemnli Parker MacDonald and Alex Delvw chla MacDonalds goal was the winner The rightwingerl scored an other Wednesday night helping the Wings to 42 victory over their Americtin Hockey League arm club Pittsburgh Humeis in other exhibitinns involving NHL teams Montreal Cana diensv beat vaidencekeds 65 the AHL 63 Boston Bruins nipped iiiinneapoiis Bruins oi the Central Praiesxlonni League 64 and TorontoMaple Lenin whipped San Francisco Seals at the Western league 72 Howe NiiL scoring champion six times will surpass Maurica Racket Richard us all time scoring leader enriyin the sen son Richnrd retired few years ago with 544 ganis Howe has 540 Amt his current pace Howe would wlnd up with 98 gaal season He numbed 14 In 10 exhibitlnn games By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fiveganlsshonld bra breele or Gordie Howe The Detroit Red Wing vel eran preparing for his lath sea son in he Nollonol Hockey League need only ï¬ve goals to become Mickeys alllime leading scorer Howe Increases Tbtal lip 14 Goalngn Tour Cool off with Dow Its brewed to suit your taste tastetested by men like youmen who trust thelr taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste yOu want in an ale When youre hotit coals Thu curve 211 right Ike table on Ike outside corner In minute hos buck two and two on the count and now Im looking or breaking ball and Im leaning in So he bust last ball past me on the Inside and out an The scmnd time was up had him 20 Hes fast ball pitcher you think so was looking or last ball He threwme curve ball the like at which never saw betare Maybe some pitcher throw curve that might hang little so they wont do it an 24 Not this guy He has curve ball said Trash Bernie GramIan BHly Bloke Bobby Rousseau Dave Balon Henri Richard and Jean Eel iveaujcnred or the Hubs who Ills twnvnm homer In lhe eighlh Inning Wednesday nc counted far all the New York runs In 52 loss In In An we Dodgers In the upener of the World Series But Trash doesnt cansider ar mo ment that he has Koulnx number NEW YORK AP There are pllphm Tam Trash the New York Yankees would ralher lace than sandy Kon ax TRESH PRAISES SANDY KOUFAX nummlwyummm to have tho best Ive ever seen LONGSIIOT WINE NEW YORK AP Dean Carl 321 longshnl stole the 7152 running ol the $58200 Lawrence Realization Aque duct Rncc Track Wednesdny as Chateaugny oddmn worm inth out he money Rld den by Bub Unsery Dean Carl went under me wire length la the good In the mile and Ive turlang us run In the excellenl time of 242 second aver Bald Englul rack record Jeanna anm Hawxe DIet xlch Harry Slnden and Mlka l912mm scored for Minneupw l3 Johnny Hucyk led the Bruins over their Minneapolis iarm club in Ulica NY with two goals other Hmin scorers were Tammy Williams Bobby Leilar gerry ibppazzini and Andy Ho cninn Len iHnley and Pete Pann gnbku were the San Franciscn marksman Lllzénbergcr scored two goals and Macmillan Frank Mahuv thI Bub Bub glam Emcee Ed Lilzenherger and Jnhnny Macmillan kep their 5pr Red ï¬ght for regu arm with the hats Wednesday nlght at Calgary Moe Bartall Willle Marshall and Harry Ollenbrlet mred or the Reds Ollenbrlels coming nnor Richard handed hlm the 1le during Montreal power 3Y nllnwed the Reds to 5mm while valdencewas man short the brew tastetested by men like you Dxivie Kean nnlched one opm uglymm Cam and MnrcnSatorl wan lhe third 111E HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER UT West Germany world niz Ehamhlonshlp Wednesday on Lake Slarnberg ham lhe Flying Duléhman 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