Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1963, p. 4

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whwmu iizemnitwr AHIHMINfl and Ill mm mm lulmml m1 Ivv Imm 0V rm In In Amid am In my IIDIMIII Mm ml mm llIIAN IMIHIVT um II mrntnmn In nu nun mu nlnl mm mum An In IIIUMKL numuu um In lulvtrllrllnn dulv nnln In my nun mm mm luv null In 0mm mum Mn nuth ml 1mm m1 nunn mmIu us tm moo nu IMnnm mm lullll In Irlld mm NH W1 IVE Ind Iht lllmn um um Alum rm manM nun mm mam aulm mu to null bum 0mm qua mum 1n Inn How many llves can you save ln 50 years It ls moot question But the 0ntario Safety League must have saved millions Thats no exaggeration In 1913 many people laughed at such thing as automobile safety Who laughs today with more than 1000 being klll ed every year on Ontarios roads Who can afford to laugh And for 50 years the Ontarlo Safety League has done no thing else but strive to save lives on our roads in our homes and outdoors As many people know the Ontarlo Safety League distrlbutes hunting fish ing boating and homecarpentry safety rules If we dont take their kindly warnings to heart whose fault ls it Last year an agency in the United States At the beginning of the current year the Canadian Price Index stood at 132 per cent This means that with 1949 as the basis the index has risen 32 percent in 13 years In June of this year the index stood at 1328 and in July it jumped to 1335 ris ing again in August to 13394 This is substantial increase in short period The Babsun Re ort says that the cause of the increase or the indicator was the advance in the food subindex which rose 22 per cent in July and 05 per cent in August The major factor was the hi er price of meats influenced by trends The report also says that there has been no significant increase in infla tionary conditions and the recent price Barrle Examiner Sept 30 104B Jlm my Strachan first baseman or Barrio baseball team and goalie of Eastern Can ada champion hockey Barrio Flyers llrst winner of Davls lllemorlal Trophy It was donated by Mlss Norma Davis of Toronto ln memory of her brother Sgt Pilot Lawrance avis of the RCAF former lvy baseball star Vampire jet zoomed ov er Barrie at eight miles per minute on Battle of Brltaln Sunday Morrow ltiddell Insurance manager lelt Barrle to become princlpal ol Schrclbcr hlgh rehool James Parlrldge of CG told Barrle Llons Club about present status lelevlslon ln Canada Sets made In Can ada are selling from $700 to $3000 cap able of plcklng up Bulfalo Mrar Ed win lneson chosen campalgn chalrman llarrle Communlly Concert Assoclntlon Barrlo Ralepayors Associatlon organized with Frank Smlth president Lella Cltocbrano champlon showman at Barrlo Junlor lair lhlrd annual Farmers day sponsored by llarrlo Chamber of Commerce attracted large crowd to Post lllce Square or arade and dancing Yeranumncy tilt land wlnner ol llllss Hope that theconsumer prlcelndex whichmas been rising as the result of the devaluation of the Canadlan dollar will not rise as rapldly tn the future as it has done In the past two years is held by 13mm Canadlan Reports This isen couraging news particularly to those of fixed income and to investors approach ing retirement 15L Cnlhnrlne Slundnrd Huclnl lnlegrnllnu In the U55 well 15 horn In innadn will never bvromo fully ollccllvc unlll lho Nngm ncgmcnl the opulalhm able lo carry Iu lull we ghl In the economic achcmc lhhlga 411an Negroes all while lunch counlcrn get mum In Hm lml hnlch Rural Slmcoc lltle Alex McKln non of Barrio rcrclcclcd president Eluc tricnl Contraclor Association of Onlnr lo One of Barrlcs oldest houses hum by chr Dougall more lhan 100 years ago he ng torn down at Mnrkct Squnre to make way for new gnrnge Chilllck Mala Emerson Creed 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Living Cost Rise Is Due To DolldrDerc11uation Saves Millions Of Lives Wallis Publisher The Barrie Examiner EDUCATION THE KEY Published by Canadian Newspaper lelted 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie 0mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Ema shlzhl SederI 31mm THURSDAY OCTOBER Pllll Remember the rudden scare about babies and lastlc bags Remember the terrible acudcnts that used to be com monplace around power boats Remem ber when seat belts were thought or old ladies or timid people Ourattltude towards salety is changing but we should also remember that although mlli llons arc savedtlhousands stlll dlc Thank you Ontario Safety League Keep up the good work estimated that safety campaigns saved 200000 people from sure death on the highways You can scale down this fig tire for our own province and you get some idea of the annual debt which we owe to the Ontario Safety League and similar organizations won mens championship at Barrie Golf Club Slmcoe County championshlp at Orillia and Queens University title at Kingston Olficlal opening ceremon ies for Barries new lalr grounds at Essa Road Included Mayor Grant Mayor Carroll President Malcomson Hon Earl Rowe MP nnd Colonel Garry Lee OBE MC Copaco moved James Simpson from Huntsville to Barrie as sales manager Lloyd Bristow op ened Elumhinghentlng business In town rise has beenlargely delayed adjust ment to the devaluation of the Canadian dollar The suggestion isgiven that the most oweriul checkrein on consumer price ndexes of both Canada and the United States over the past five years has been competition both domesth and foreign in view of sur in capacity in many fields of domes activity accelerating economic strength in the European Com mon Market and continuing efforts to reduce tariffs this can only become more intense in the period ahead Thus it will be virtually impossible formany manu facturers to boost their price substantial ly without losing their competitive posit ion in both domestic anduoverseas mar kets To meet this competition savings will be sought via wider technical im provements and automation Thus while there is no reason to doubt that the consumer price index will continue in rising pattern indications are that the major eifcct of dollar devaluation has now been experienced and the combina tion of these two factors is likely to keep further increases to minimum liiany entertainment or Miss Kay McLean prior to marriage to Douglas Peacock Springtiel Indiana of Am erican Hockey League opened trainin at Barrie Arena in charge of Owner die Shore and Coach Earl Sclbert liow nrd Naphthall mannfing dlrccior Simcoe County Childrens Society announc ed several stait chan ea Ted lwiss and Donald Emery Barrie carried oil top honors at York Skeet Club llarrls lil Redmond chairman for Victorian 0r der Nurses fund camfialgnr Al liiln ets Pavilion one nlg only Bert Nlosi and lflrpicce hand lrom Toronto Manag er Sam Slronsman announced Fred Grant offered to donate $700 clock or tower In renovated town hall Pamela Moorhouse played in senior womens tennis iuurney at Toronto Cricket Club ltny Gariepy at training camp of Man ireal Cnnmllens Town Council met for first time in courtroom new town hall Robert Coutts ot Mldhurat won spike chem lonalrlp Ii Stile oi lliainn glndlolua ow with Em Marlo joln lhclr plnksklnncd lellow clllzona It the name public beach or even permit llnx them In become rhnrler mumbcrx Opllmlsl 311le wont rnally do much In lurlhcr lhe came of cqull oppor tunities 0r all lidmnllnn II llu mnlur key In lhc many Inorn now tlusrd lo Naurou Vllh Nlumllnn UIIIE nlu jnbn Ind 10 hlnhcr lncuuw and hghcr Income leads to groalcr purcluulng pomn Nrgrnu run he helped lo nvnrcoma Ihln hunllu or llllldfllflllc mlucallon wnnt be long hvlore he rlnml floor are npcnrd nml from Illa lnslde loo Money Illll lalkl The Negro population any given cummunlly today mlly Inch the econ omlc pnwur Hm would pom all other llllll being equal nmu lhe Nourocn purchnalnu power In nowhrre hour In propurflnu lo he numlwr of tho Ntxm populallnn nml In whlln hun lnwmnn who ban Ml doou lo Noam knows ll Negro may pone the rlghln of ICE to clubs lemmIng 001 or mlnurnnlx but he doesnt we the mhlcallon 110 not Ilkcly lo urn the money to be able In patronize the places that are nuw rluml lo him PLYMOUTH Devon jour nnllal and especlally an over seas correspondent wllh my lm commlaslon never an hol lday Even when he departs lrnm his base olllce Ink vaca llon he merely has change of scenery llir aycs hla ears and hla mlnd are continually upon and he mentally alar lng awny mnlcrlal whlch ccn be use In lulure artlclesl That exactly what war golng on all the tlma was mendlnz va callon down In xlorloua Devan at tlme when the gloomy wet day at the ma Iumxmr reemtd Io have payed away and warm Iunshlne made lt delight la mam lround thr lovely part of England So was um nund myulf ln Plymaulh city had pm vlausly knnwn only In Mr rlhlt war dnyl when was him ed llme Ind again by enemy bombs Ind MI nnly wrecked Ihell former A011 re membered nw lu 5hn lered Ilrezu Ind tlly ttnlre 01 than dnyx to was not null grcgnreq far he Plymouth whlch MODERN CITY CENTRE The plannm the rthulll Plymoth hIVI dam wonder lul Ind lmnglnnnv job mm In modem clly centre on lhu rubble nl lho No more do nnrmw windlnu almu lcnd down ha hill In the doth Wlde Ilreell Abundant open Ipncu lranslormcd lnln znrdenl and an ullrmmodern Ahoprinz cmlu hnve came Inlo be In lhl ham or the am lhll Will de vuulrd The Ilmll wldo tnouzh In cope wllh trnlllc prnbhml This mndtr ru ar nnzed In Iplclaul block cnv erlnl lam Inn havn wide cannplen over Idcwnlkl Thu Ilaru lhtmulvu Ire modrrn In cancenllon Ind dtnlzn wllh nn nbumnnl me xlnu not only In um um hunt but Ibo In the uppcr Ilnrey allncnlul bullnw Ind prnlullnnll emu Crnwnlnl II In new tlly lull wnlch hm upland lhe one wruked hy Gtrmnn homhm II lull nblnnl hulldlnl rr umhllnl lhc Uniled anlvnl Imlldinl In an Ymk nIlhouxh nnl II In ll reminded me vuy much ol the nrw tlvlc ud mlnlnlrlllnn hulldlnl Nuwn humus Illdulln And wmlwm Non nru wry much he umr Allhouxh lhu Ilymnulh my hull much llmr than ha on an 0qu ilxlled law dIyl am DIMKH MEMORIALIZED Hm III ylrnly lll mm nl war In In Iran Ilmll In hum lhl nlmUl rum llmt up nun mlnnl hmuu luluMa cmrml 1mm warm Ind lhl Ihvll nllrd 9U On lllll nvrrlonklnl lhc Au ll llymoulh Hal lunnlnrml hm hn lhn pl Thu mun nvlnl whldu mu plcc when Mr lnnrll nld hnm Ivrrn plnyln lame how whm IIth Ill cum In lipaniyh Mmmln wu lkuuhl Io Mm la nuw lho crnue III III un ul hum umnrlhml with lIurlanl lluwrr In wnllu nn whlch um um Imam lhvmmh Hum Mill plrnly nl mu nu wmm any 1m ml yruL To In lhlt Alum II In mm In llymoulh mmr ll llve mummlly we rm ymla way If Nullmul Gwlmhl Plymouih Modernized Streets Are Wider REPORT FROM UK By MclNTYRE HOOD mn ran mm BEGINNING T0 FEEL RIBSICK ALREADY an NIH Jay 50th buildings la be seen But pm gm being made aleadily in redovcloplng lhesc areas and modern home andlargc apunment blacks taking their ylaccs The new Plymouth la much more pleasant clly than the old am And could no help Ihlnk In that ml was me In whlch good came out cl evll Wlumut he devulalion wlllcll was lled upnn the old Plymouth In the 193M945 war ml lovely modern cll would never have liken ape ll hnl Dear Dr Molnar when am In bed at nlghl my arm he eome numb 1mm elbow 10 In gera Thla ha been happeninfl an and at 10m yearn nnw Numbness as well Ingllng can be annoying and II ha habll nflen of developan In the late hour aleap say lmm tour onward know people who are awakened by It and hen ally up because he dh eomlon ceaaes lla runner ol lradinu alcep or eamlan and In hard chain In make an In nued unnmt brlll By JOSEPH MOLNER MI Samfllmu the roblcm an be wired nimply or llmcl ll re qulru mm hll Mn Ind ermr And In Illll other lmunc Ipeclal nppllnncu and Even purulry my be requlmt The real mum at lhe lmubla can be Ind ununlly III dlllnnl from he Ionmu or aim nu her nu numbneu generally mm mm pruer In the nerve nl Hm arm bul lha pm um culled lnhrr up In neck or wnuldnr or Iplnm lhe neck or wnuldnr or In we in nlLkr ham lho nplm may lumr lrum mlm mmllll chnnm whlch lhIrkrn lho um at mm mm nIIA Ieu leu mac or In nervu emmlnl lwm Ihn IpInl ml llT MIHTV 01 WONT CW plan In mah Iulo MM hell nvnllnivl In all munlrlml unplnyvu Al ml lm lwrn npvnnul hy lulr mlmu leh mx Tmmmp mumil 11w umnil nw Ilfml an umn 1Iownwl um Wht lo den hy mlng Mr nr or nmnller pillow or lry lolan oul whnl panlculnr mm In pmllhm muu Iha lmuble SIMpin on one Ilda cr Uw olher an ha llu Innwcr Slew ln on back my mk nu camllllnn Ian nnllcrnhlu luhnm you llnp wllh Irma up or In rumd under you In Inch lullcu pmnm nn muln ch In lhl fluauldrr ulrdln Ill uun numlmeu 11qu In numlm rum nuk hours In milnr lmnc wMth MI mmmfll Ill uluy In mmn um Ilimnfl lhln muulc hu An rxlrn or mvlrnl nb um mmnro on Mm whrn ml at In puma prulllnu ml with bone mny hug In In mnnved Mum lmlurnuy hum hm huller In ho mm In lhvo wruuu ll ll lhu mull thnnlu In lmnu ol lha IIVIIIQ llmu he hull mu rum Ilium mum rellrr TO YOUR 69911 HEALTH Arms Become Numb Elbows To Fingers be necnssnry In bed other llmcs can be mad durlng the day The point Is there are lhlngs lo do nboui lhln annoying numb um Dear Dr Molnar My wn 1L ha flat blnck male on lhe 1019 MI loot dnnl 1an ll has ever changed In llzc hm1ld II removch Mn Perhnpl llnu ll Ix under con Ilnnl preuure hul dont want In he dogmnllc about mole hnvnnl ltcn Have your dodar examine It Ind decldo Dear Dr Mnlncr hmlle cu My nm 21 And In good health The Illshlcnl hump lmvu an un llghuy black and blue mnrk Frltndl lcll mu lhll Indlcnlcl vlumln dtfltlcncy Whll should d0 Thll can In Vllnmln dellc ltncy llnck ol mmmm vilumln or Kt but In morn ollcn mm In older pmplo who om 1mm Mrlod llmc have Ilan lhtmulvu Hum vlumlm It can also bl ulrlum dclic tn cy Another poulbllny LI de llclency In planloll or pmlh roxnhln In In hlnod whlch ll qullo nnalhrr mnller Am In an MRI you mum Khar nulh blood ml By THE CANADIAN PRESS All 39 persons on board an American 0mm Airline aircraft were killed 17 years ago todayIn maswhen In smashed lntn Hare Hill near Stephenville Nfld Ihal time wan the worst disaster In the hlsmry ol US civil aviation lha plane was bound or Shan non Ireland Nam Naw ank when crashcd 10 minulu alter lukeofl 1mm Harman Field Nfld where Ithnd refuclcd 961 1ssa Mlle Standlsh leader lho Pflgflm Fm ihcrl died 122645 Frhncis mill dlod FAIRBANKSMORSE PUMP DISPLAY TODAY IN HISTORY rAInaAuKsMons wm svsrms Slmw5uITuodny0clobormhGummwobumh furlhll Ipoclnl amnion nhblullMom mm mm olpom wlll dcmomlmtanlmm and mommnd numu Iml Iullod lor your nudlwllhom obflanllunl Wo look forward to mlna you WNW Ind MW in CM Iv Canadian Looomollvo company Tolnnlo Klnullun InnII WIIEII VISITING TIIE WORM PIIIWIIIG MAMI III IIIIIIII SMYTIIES ARM IIILEDUII IIIII SIE TIIE By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAWill Clnada won have to find new capital city In replace Ottawa Thé dream of FrenchCunn dlnn extrema nnllanlllm has long been lg quite preakv The dream of FrenchCunn dlnn extrema nnllannllm has long been lo emu break awny Republlc nl Laurenua nn lndependent natlan ln the hurt at whm now Canada 1le swelling llde or this French Canndlan sentlmenl now ll lnm in MI dream into poxlllve alm The large In Iocreala sellgavernlnz homzlnnd for all FrenchCanadlanl Thll new state would not canals only 01 he lament pmvlnm Quebec l1 would also Include was nd lncenl Areas of eastern Ontnrlo and northern New answlck where lhe overxplll mm Que bec has settled The map of Canada shows that lwa ailen wedges plunge in he hape of he pmvlnce Quebec One 15 northwest New Bruruwick which lnlmdel Into the Gaspe Peninsula The other enslcrn Ontario comprising all the land lying lo the cast line drawn tram North Bay to Kingston quartercentury ago Europe was rocked by almjlar nundc problem wedge of C1th slavakia known as lhe Sudden land plunged lntn eastern Gcr many This wedge was 1h hum of people German origin The desire to reincorporale Ihll land and II German semm lnln Germany led to Hiuerl lhrcat followed by hi suble qucnl Invaslun and capture 01 ha land The pallern could be reputed here in part FrenchCanadian cxlrnmisl are Iiready lniidnx of demanding pieblscitu in those areas oi neighboring pruv incc which contain pluralin oi FrenchCanadian HISTORY BEFEATS OTTAWA REPORT 1112 recent census ahaws lhni lhere are 5500000 Punches nadianx in Canadn Four In anequnner million live In Qu but oncqurter million New Brunswick 050000 in my and small pockets Icatiered elsewherel plebiscilc In some 0mm counties wauld probably dJsclou malorixy 1n lavor secedan lmm Ontario and joining Que bee Dnlurlon easlcmmosz cann llcs Glmgarry Prescott and Russell each mnlaln an nhsn lute mllorlly ol FunchCmr dlnns In Slnrmunl In In mnln clly of Cornwall they are the larynx elhnlc group In the oily ol Enslvlcw whlch lorml ll Lprnwllng yeweaslern 2a or our ap ul they re U1 dominant floup They lap around Government House and he ofllclal residence the prime mlnlsler mull County rcnchu lo he easlnrn cdle of hi cnpilnl Thug Ida thaw the chaotic Illunllan which could result lhm Frznch Canadian demand Ahould achlevo ploblscucs OLD PREDICTION Thirty yam am he lull xcnnlar Charch Murphy prr Hated lhal lhln demnnd or he lncurpornllnn or eastern Onlrio Into Quebec would evcnlunle Mr Murphy wul Liberal MP or Russell County lrom moo unIIl ms he wan cnblnel mlnlllur In HI zovernmenu FrgnéhCanadian Dreams Soaring To You In an nu CAR WASH Car Ann ma Dunlo nu MINUTES CLEANED INSIDE AND OIIYSIIIE 10 YOUII SATISFACTION Slr Wilfrid butler Ind Macken zie Km Ho wu med out by Fund Clnldlln resident nl Russell and was replaced by on thelr awn Frenchc dlan bank have held Lha In flnce ms This concept of In Independ ent Lauren hu he blddnl of large and glowing mm ocIely In Quebec culled 1h Phalunge Ila memberxhlp restricted lo FrenchCanadian Calhollcn ll mellher con nected with not condone ha violent extremlun shown by certain other FrenchCumin groups but it claims to have en 115M responsible Ind mpeot Able memben Th Phallnn It Id in only five year old but the drum Launnlll II of course much older the Phaiuuisu were in It ialn their nbkclive ha poni liau of Oilan as national capital wwld become lbw lutely impouible lhaJuI oi government would have to in changed Mm urious the via ibllflr of the balance of Canada wand be threatened And whll won upper morn remain la to Oniarin counties which contain major French Canadian zroup Inch Sudhury Ind Cachnne1 Rd Executive Lauds Papers BOSTON AHAn Advert lng execullva national thlln at mall and Item nld Tuesday nakhlnz excel news paper when It come to 1e11 In merchandise or bulldlnl substantial Imuue or In cum puny who will It Orvflle Johler vlcapml den In charge adverlhlnl lnr lh Indepzndcnl Gracm All Incohwhlch operate mm 5000 stores xpoke to lemlmr or advenlslnz manazm ahleruld the Chlclnbued with outlet In 41 mm Ind eight Candin provinces buy more mall newspa er loodadverflslnz than my er emulation In the world Na olher medla um know can Ive ynu lha cooperation at he dual Job or aelllnx mer chandlle and bulldinl loud Image of your alum that come anywhere lha nawapaperl In th lowm you nerve Johlcr laid Then Ire no miracle In ad vertmn IBM you work wlh your newspaper In stead of 1an back andwalr In or your advznlumenll lo do all your work you can ro nlvr mimic mulu Our experiencn of year wllh onus of Advermlnz prnmpu In In mend 90 per cm at our advertlslnl dalhr In newxppen II noun Jun Chlhl Ic cordlnl In an III at 604 elrcl And In Irkunwkmu ol lhn IIIHI which ll Illundll nm nzcnun Irth pmmolu ood nm Ind godllnm Godl pwpla mbodlmén o1 mm John 140 BIBLE THOUGHT Pul urnI ol God In STUDENT MECML SHAMPOO AND 00 KAY Il Dunlap PA um um Iuml PM nlmmm lllol

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