Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1963, p. 14

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TM Inlcrcsllnz lralns mull lmund an be Hurrlo Tnmnm mnlnllnu ware ohscrvcd Sundny Shnrlly mm 12 man lcnnthv lmin cmml Mincl Inlnl ml ll canslslcd msscnucr und lrcinhl cars mnln mm the Cank lln Mldwny shown Innvlnu nan rle Fnlr 1qu lrnin mnlmlrll 1m nlmr unnrrmlrm he tlr cm umlnl yum nan Mmul 730 run Hm vhbllinu Sllnln lnrumullmmurmwk Inn Hqu slann mm um MI mlkl hr IIInu Yl WM VII mum vnglnv MM hnullnn an rx mum Imln Munmv cnlrltrln tar and In pIIurlHIFI tundch mulhhuuml Tornnlu Fulluwlnx the nlnllnn up Ilvl TWO TRAINS The Dnrrlcrlcw hnuln Invcl onmcnl on the high ground lo the snulh nlsn lurmcra 1mm nml me open nlr llunlre T0 the cast Minds Iullmud by hmulllul scenery along lhe mulh shore of the Hay Several persons from hllncls and surrounding urea have re cenlly hum patients In lhc Roy Viclorla lluspllnl Barrier While hospital ls not lhe mnsl plcusnnl plots in which lo be confined Ihere ls mmpcnsnl ing view from some lloarsr ll parllculnrly sccnlc slghl nl lhls Iron the your ls vlslblc from tho luurlh floor of lhc hospital Medlcnl Vnrd llv south skimm rrn secllon Flrsl of all lmmvd lalcly was Ros SL ln Queens Park la row at maple trees wilh vnrlcd loll colourlng inlcr spcrscd wllh cw Irccs on whlch Iho lollnge ls sllll men llh background smaller lrccs lhroughoul the park The lower of mu armory shows up 10 lhe wcsl also nurllon ol 1he lnp storey ol Conlrol Colleg lalo lo lhn south the high tlllm ncy of nnrrlo Tonnlng Ld ap pears Then non be seen lho open wnlnr the end Km pcnfuldl lay and beyond lhnl the railroad yards Allandalcl zon nlnlnx on nssorlmunt 01 mil way cm Mrs Ethel Braund and Inmlly ol Willuwdnle visited Mr and Mrs Carol Minshallv Sunday The Braunds have been summer rcsldcms or lung Imam Their cullage Is now rented or Iha winter to Chapman man ager Superlor Pmpane Ltd Banlo Mr and Mrs Emcsl Ryan Sr of Turnnlo farmer summer residents for mnny years who have men spending week as guests Mr and Mrs hiuy rclumcd humu on Supl Mrs Mnrgnml Childs of Bar rie couuge awncr on Lake Shore Drive has winlcrlzcd her mom iscs ln preparallon or occupancy during he coming seaswn What first glance looks like regular compclllive ma chine workshop really tho SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS MINETS POINT By ALLAN CENTRALS NEW MACHINE SHOP spvclnl mccllnu Minun lufnl Auurhlllnn mu lwld SM 247 the lmlm Mr and MM 1er Mikhrll In oullluu In ml lngr uwnvrl llm plmmrxl Incnllnn 10 5n0l mils IllIl HduIIl Mrs Hay Johnson wilh Inllncnza or law days Ms 1an Brennan of Harrie sum mer cullnucr for many seasons was ndmiflcd lo 0an Vlcloria llmpilnl Tummy or marry Vrrn Iluwnl gmnn Sn kaulmnnn arcnmpanlod by Wu xlslcr Mnrg Mrs Mark DI llc gin and Jim Germniml nlxn n1 Ugcmn haw hcnn visillng realm nnd Iricnds hm nnd in he surmumllnn urea nm wrrk Mr flown Is hmlhrr at Mon Mn Minds nm lhcy hnrn not mu mu olhcr far In yvnrs Vrm Ilowat and Jlln Gmnnlnn mth lnnn duh hundred acres In morHon nml qunrlcrl Inrnl 1l same U0 milm Knuth Ilfulnn Ugrmn or nhau 40 nnlu ram he Monmnn lmrxkr Truv oiling IN by xnulnr no puny vhllcd Hornrpnync and mm umnl Inlulillfl my Ml Unrriv Vrdnmlny nmrninL rrlnrning Imnw Ivy lliulmny 00 and Sndhnry llluncc nluuu lhnl Trum Cnnxnln llllnhwny hike around Ullcrsuu in he umkoku District was plun nml or Ocl Tux muting for Tum Club nmmlmrs oply The mxl fimhn in take place nl hr home at His Anna Lee Mich pm Oct The annual mudinz the Mimis Polnl Teen Cluh Wm hold 5ch 29 at he 1mm Mr and Mrs Jerry llcnlink ND ll Highway Elccliun of nflitm or the coming year was as Inllows preslllcnl Robert Milchufl vice prcsldunt Cliflnnl Emil scum ary Anna Lna Mulchull Ircas urcr Larry Lloyd rnlnrlnlnA mcnl cmlmllllcv illcn lluulink Riclmnl HuNult Innul Hrnylun Camp Borden nnd Tom Van vy recent news ilcm covering Ihu story rugarding branch 01 rec falling at the slum and damaging up or car shuukl have read that his car was lhn prop erly ufod Pnlrltk owner at the grncory now an visit In Eng land Alsu Ihn persnnnl ham in cunncciun with Dr and Mrs WON shnmlld road that Ihcy were slnylnn ho hum hr lallnrs mnlhvr Mrs Don ald Jacobs Hayfield St It Is understood this locomotive Is the last soam engine in op omllm oondilion In this part of Canada spcclal with No 6167 emitting was chairman 14 members at cluuds of smnke pulled qp inln ended the yards to men the Super Here ha setup No Conlincann mulclnlhewcsk MinctsFl mt between rall thn the Imlcr passed hc road tracks and New Tnlhmdal sleamcr was ready to procccd mm West side No Mln but as lhe rods of Ihc huge driv Pl nd and mm running ing wheels were on dead centre was Alan Sheppards SW the cnglnccr had to muse and comer Nn Long Hill back up hit on the slight first curve north side going downgrade Io gel smrlcd dpvgn hill Na Long Hill CORRECTION muchlno room Ccnlral Col logiales new $1500000 Iccll nical wing which omcially PM When For purposcl plnslh ulna was laid at Ma IHBd deplln Vo hullcvn Jcno Knl mun who constructing mw lmnlmlnw In III Mellon wn Iht nrlglnnlnr us him lo we muiluw wnlcr la mvu rollnnu un th mud Vhtn MI overan buck hon has hccn lllllnx In pnnlnn no dllcll on tho mum xldc Ilayvlcw us of tho largo culvcrl and It ll umlvrslnml nrrnngcmvnll Mo being mmlo lo plnn wnlcr Irom Hm mrrllow lhu uncslnn rll II 501110 ago by llnsl ml the CSMCHCE uwncrs slgnim lhu pnlillon or llghlx were in lnvor ol Esllmala No 2X lhlrlyllve wall col lluorcsconl This would have an rsllmalod per cullngo luvy wth capital cost spread over pcrlnd oI lnur year mm per year uhlcll lncludc poucr ln nddl llnu llxcro would also hr chum fur lamp Nplnccmcnl Aller lho lour year pvrlod each column would be billed Inn lawnth lnx null Ior currenl Imdup cnn understood In spade meek In lnnlslil Township Councll will ho held lhls week Thm 1mm the pcllflnn will be rumpm nnd ulsst on to Rural llytlru or lunhcr nclion Here is tho setup No hilnctsFt mt between rail road tracks and New Tollondal ml Vcst sidet No Min cts Ft lldt and road running west to Alan Sheppards at SW corner No Long Hill tirst curve north side going down hill No Long lllll at last curve coming down No Long Hill on west side at not at hillflnear store No it the Boulevard ond Cllit ltd ut corner west side op posite latter street No the Boulevard and Southvlew ilti southwest corner No it Southvicw ltd south side close to speed limit sight No Southview lld south side sec lond pain wcst oi Fairvicw Ave No to Foirviow Ave and Southviuw lint northeast nor ncr No ll Foirvicw Ave and Cliii ltd northeast comer Fairvlcw Am north lrst polo east side No 13 Buyview Rdt south sidc us and pale west oi Foirvicw Mo Na li Bayvicw ltd south side third pole cost oi lorge culvert nvnr Whisky Creek No Is nayvlcw lld souih side ilrst pole cost at large culvert orur Whisky Crock No to Clill 11¢ south side third polo Most oi Fainlaw Ava No 17 lrimto lldr north side iirsl pole west of Whisky Creek at Mrs hlnnlgomcrys No l8 ixlkc Shore Drive and Parksldc lint northeast comer No to lake Shore Drive south side in pain cast pl Porksldo Nu 20 Lake Shore Drlve norm side opposite Hrmksldo Drive opcns omorrow The rooms are uged or day and night in sifucllons Stephen Klnsella seven years of age not of Mr and Mrs Gerry Klnulla Miners Pom Road broke his forearm candy while playing loolbnll He was ll lhe Royal Vlclurla Hos pllal Saturday in or checkup to ascertain how the trggtnrenh antIlnz Mm Alma Ingram who is In Barrie hvspllul or checkup In regardlu ham shunting is prygreulgg lumpy Mn Rebecca Mooney My discharged lrom Royal Vlclnrln ngimla wgek ago Thera hive beenjaeral use of Intestinal Influenza In thh Heaiher Scull daughter oi Mr and Mn Clllinrd Scoiicama home from hospital on WednesA day and Is reported 0x again Dr and Mrs Webb lrom Cobourz who were summer col taurs or many years hava mumed lo the Barrie district and now are living in ho home of lhe intierl moiher Mrs Dam aid Jacobs corner Bnyiieid and Grove 5mm Dr Webb was very active in Minets Ab socialinn work hqidlnz various wus Inemred law yeuu azu the mint where It has been discharging lulu lhe creek was at the raleln about Illlry Ive gallons pef mlnue Since hen two dwelllngain Parkxlde Drlve have been receiving par llon this good water ll Aan EXAIINER mummy OCTOBER MARKET sq When comos to ologlrlcal work We hrAbor cromblo Eloclvlc fool quollflud lo Hm fullest to complete any ob with tho utmost skill and ot tonnon cinema and lo moo Iho roqulro monls of ob such as tho Barrio Control Col logloto Yet we are constantly called upon lo For The New Addition To The BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE And Were Proud Of The Job We Did ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR We Are Proud To Have Been Chosen As great milestone mat sowell reveals Barries neverending progress We wish xtend our congratulationsto the Barrie District Collegiate Board on the completion of this new institule of education Were proud to have been chose as the Electrical Contractor for the new Addition to the Barrie District Central Collegiate We are indeed proud to have played such an important part in the construction of this great milestone that so well reveals Barries neverending progress We Proud Of What Swine will be alull 5111 and 730 pm By FRASER The nnnlveflary aervlces In the Baptist Church wlll be held Oct Hnlny Wnnnan Toronto wlll he ha zuut spenkcr Mr Warmen and son will play H13 trumpets Alau Illa girls trln mm Tomnln Bible Collena wlll tlnl Mu Joyce Mltchener Ru Insan wlll be the mlnlxl at boll lervlcu We had rpleannl vlsl last week with Mm Jncobs who In so years of use and paflenl In the Royal Vlctorla Hospitalu With her keen mlnd and mm ary many happening and per sonage year ago were re called The Jncobs collage on the Mound one of the land marks yd Mama Fairview Ave ionneriy regional sales manager of Viau Molar Lid Gownn St has accepted £0 liion as xaiuman with the ox onio Mole Toronto We wish him evezyJucms in his new capacity offices an IQ exacullvé We WEI comu both Mrs Webb and the Daclor an their return to Ill area Plclire will be shown after lhs eyemng qervlce WEST 0R0 wasw SHEFFOED Que ago Im been sold lie wwlarey brick school of Wes Shellord for $1 PA 85509 Nat qulle Place de Arls 1n MnnlrenlBarrle Central Col legiatea new auditorium cer Gama mm was sxx gm Que complete domestic eiectrlcel jobs of all sizes We feel that if ob of this Importance can be entrusted into our hands undoubtedly you may also see your way clear to call upon us when you require electrical work done In your home or place of business for no iob ls too Inigo or too small for Aborctomblo Electric COLLEGIATE BUDITORUIM bqllt ugly 100 lalnly 1511 31 mm It In ap pearance and acoustics The 1100 5m hall will be the BARRIE ONT yem used as lawn hall Local chm filings rqumwallcnd schools In near to be By Waterloo setting or mnny enloyahle ac tgvlliuq slugenls anq publlg INHEIIOM the year am fin and if

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