purlocl upper or Moral all tostumes is Ihis suit hat ram Evorius latest collec uon Made of Man needle IRE IMRRIK EXAMINER WEDNESDAY M3035 TOPS FOR FALL SUITS DOWNTOWN BIARRIE ONVEAYFIELD ST point lhellllle chapcau came in 19 different color and Inn tures wide cunlrasling silk grosgraln band andbuw DearAnn Linden Recently found an apartment whlch captured my heart It Wu no expenslva or me 50 Lnskcd lricnd who is hospital nurse ï¬sh would like to hemy room man She loved the apart mom ice and agreed with pleasure ROOMMATE Person don lhlnk names mnuer much If name doesnt personality you can he sure that chlldhnud friends will hookon nickname hm Denr Glad ery The only advice have or bay nnmed Sh legm IIIW0 What advice can you glve to these unfortunate kids who get hoaked with oddball names And whilg youie at it lake goodswipe at the paramsJ PLAIN MARY AND GLAD 0P name which belong to the opposite sex well In Ichool the names which can go bnlh Vinyl create pun confusion teacher who look for Keith and flu somelhlng in Ian curl is bound to have dilflculwï¬onceallnl her suggrlse Whyd up In heir children It seem to be huppenlng more and mm Two other Irlend named lhalr son Marlon My husband Ind began to call hlm Bulch lhe day he was born Fonunately it caught an and sgvcd hlm Dur Ann Llnnlm Some friend recently nlmcd lhelr blby Shirley In my oplnlnn In dirty tricklo live Inch mm to am but to name ho Shlflcy Isunfurllvgblei ANN LANDERS Personality Counts Regardless 0f Name Usually Ihey and ui siylng How about give mm and you can buy whatever you Dur Ann Linden In few weeks will belG Thls birth day in great big one or new aim Its son at maxim num ber About dagzn my rain live and Hand my parents have already asked me what wanl far my lath birthday My answer is Anything Im not fussy Then Ihey keep at me la suggest something and dont knuw what to fly Deu flung This sliuaiion will get warm More ii gels bciicr Tell your friend she mun inave within 90 any nnd start in look or new mom male ii you cant ind one you are stuck until May at which time you ihOIIid iind something yaucan Mordalone Gil1 OF MONEY rulizu Ihould tell her in shape up ar ahlp out but if she lave am stuck wllh rental cant afford My name is on the cm which doesnt expire unlIl May Please advise me llUNG Our bedrooms Ire at opposite and ol the Apartment and her boy IIrned often stays In her bedroom until armnwhich IIIInk ls disgraceIuII She has TV set In there 1nd cIaIms they enjoy walching lhe late show and Ihal am eviIArnIndnd Now whenever am home mm work her bay fiend all llng In the living room readinz the newspaper or ulleflna ln the kllchen mak ng hlmszl In My my to oh pllca and waltz in whenever he tel like It IO woomonms EXACTING RECIPES FRESH DAILY STORE Dear El Heres your letter and now dnnt have la tell em because you did My per sonal opinion lrthal you have no right to criticilc chIAmcan In people because they Ira un lmnginauve when you dont seem to have any particularly bright ldeus yourscll Please pr nl lhls letter or all people who wlll be laced with the problem of huylng Sweet 19 present Tell them to buy mu gill lhal laslsnEL PASO Oulafcilp wesls allendinz hr ElllsBulkwfll wedding whlch look place In Jhe Protestant Chapel RCAF Camp Borden Included Mu Bulkwill Mr nndMrl Rum Balkwlll all Exeler Mr and Mn Fprd and dnuzhur Nancy Jean Hanover Mu Ian hlll Kitchener Mrand Mu RoyShuller and son Donald Mr anera Brenlwnod Mr and MrsuD mien Mr and Mrs Resllva all of Hamllwn Mr and Mn Mlllikcn Mlllhank My and 5m Rodger Milllken of Elmira Mr and Mrs nnrllult of Trenton Mrs Mary Walnut and family Mr and Mrs Garden wnnll Th really mus me Mnney jus slip away and mates nothing ghaw tar Now no human II am It llflflll well III my unmet Weddlu an nlverhrlu amtdun man palflu mum out pm llu lellnu Ina lnnllm In All Item nl Inllrut In Home relau ol Illa page Yuur help In Inpplylnl um new will mall mm mm Pleue pholfl lha BunIn Eumllm aI PA 66531 and uh on Ellnn Dhun ur Audrey Conllun II In Wam ul Departan wgnnuyq GUESTS Phon Elkan Dunn ov PEOPLE AND PLACES F001 FILLERS hlushraomCreamed Celery an excellent and inexpensive second vegetable to serve at bul let suppers or with mast meats For luur tn six servings cut in to oneinch pieces about one large head at celery llour cups Cook celery until tender in iqur cup at wnter seasuning with teaspoon aninn salt Meanwhile heat one Munce can cream of mushroom soup with 13 cup milk stirring alien Place drain edconkcd mlery in simup baking dish mix in mushroom soup but with line tablespoon sott butler or margarine Com bine hall cup line dry bread crumbs with one tablespoon solt butler or mragarine and sprink le ancelerysnup mixture Bake in madcrala oven prohEalcd to 350 degrees 11 20 mlnules nr until bubbly ACT Auxiliary Plan Party Td Celebrate Halloween Hostess at he first mcellng the season was Mu Burbldze Mrs Dan Ham presldgnl con ducted the business session Plansfnr Hallnwaen Party be held at the home Mr mud Mu Jack Burbldze Pu gat SL on Nov were dkcuu ed at the meeting Ihe Wow eqg Auxilia lanthe ACT on will continue Ihis evening or Ihe class oi heghh nets in square dancing sponsor ed by the Beam and bselles Square Dance Club ussons he gin oclock at the RCAF Association Hall High Sirgei Mm lhrfls Miss Dav li Mr and Mn Hllpen Ind Mr and Mrs Rolenburg all Tamnla spumx mv IX GDIDUI Baby Foods momma CANADA Babes are our business our QILy busnasal Tho propamlion of my Govbov Joby Food dotulmlnod by 1b mum mo pmduct Sam Food quuivo lonau Booth Im than Ochoa homo high Inmpomlmes Fvuin Io oxmplo uhcoode Iwnal pomoo flowcookod In mun dtgouiblllly Eon Yolk nomad damn on menu Whmm the method cooking Imou and lomnlum no wiomilicullv commllod In the mine In food vuluuu For your convonlonco Gmlm Slmlnod and Junlov Food com WideTop Inn with mumhlu DulckTwiu cape lo help mum holhnals ol vomumlud loilovml thul Mucan wnuv TlnhIlilling can also prolocl food value of unuud poniom horn oxcuulvo uxpoluw Ia DIV other Idvnmnnu you can loo what you buy WideTop on ll any to moon on 100d Thu InvnoIlm an ol Junk Food um just right In mowing loddml lppolill lmpomnl 001va why Foodl no wound by Mclllllll who watt nuloly lntholnl nonuunlnhnlnumllon The uupllonllly nu noun ul lunlwn colour om unuuul Imonllmm cubr unhy food ull n1 Inlue mll In ulncllon lngndlcnu and In IHIleflum Customcooked for good nutrition glasspacked for extra convenience It was reported that group members had sent parcel of reading material to Nnrlhem Nigeria In answer la mum in Canadian newspaper made by Csnadla chars 1n Niggrja mums mm nusena Refruhlnents were served by the hmes ended that it would be necassary fnr lha club to de cide nnnnespecillcpmject and the vote would taken in the nu future Since it Iamatlon the malupurpnse the auxiliary hh been to mist the ALT Club The only other pratecl mem bers have completed was packA lug Christmas parcels for needy lafullies in the area luvIL Mom 110 president or VidalXI University Domnlo will Ihe menial Ipenhr an open meeting In Centrnl Unlled Church lhhevn hlnl The meeting cnmmtncg II 130 oclock Club member planned pm km for the coman Year One of ihe topics discussed was in creasing the membership of the club It was decided to change the meeting night to the second Monday In he month to nld the nr neyv mantle This meeting in being held in conjunction with the Darwin Conference United Church Wt men which began nlesiny muminl in Centui United Vittoria UniVersity Preéidept SpeaksAt Opexrsession Tonight If wk luloly numllun Imo CHURCHILL ARRIVES FREDERICION CF Ran dolph Churchill non of Sir Wln stun Churchill arrlved hen Tuesday nlghl lor lveday vlsll durlng whlcll he wlll view Ihe Dunn lntcmadanal Art Ex hihlllanand address the lacully al Ill Univcrllly of New Bruns wlclf Among the delegate nucndv in are Prelidnnl oi Covenant iCoiicge Toronto Rev KaylHar riot Christie who leadinz the Bibilrllfldx Mn MMc Intyrc President of the Tarnnlo Branch UCW Mrs Cecil Brcnn of Richmond Hill phairman oi Leudenhip Development corn mmee under whnse ampicel the animal is being held Min Beatrice Wilsan Tannin help ing with line prozram Mn Georg Court also alToronio assisting with the ludldzviauai aids Al this morning lesslon missionary guest Ind mlnlsler Iram lean Wu the weaker Dr Tnkuo Mllxumolo Is on loan mm anan lo the United Church of Canada Thlx mend conference actualv Iy school for leaders has up froxlmalely 7o Walling ddegllu allcndance various dele gates are being blfleted In humus lbroughvut he Elly The Ilrst cnnrcrence woday session took place In Orlllil Churchmlnd conlinuu lhruugh until Thungay Kin Edwnzd Lsdm Choir wlll enlefllln during this evev lessian A32 W325