In his fireside chat to the nation Prim Minister Pearson voiced his growing con cern about demands in Quebec or separ ation from the rest of Canada This prob lem as he so clearly emphasized goes to the very roots of our survival as nation Mr Pearson said he does not like to hear these shrill and climbing voices of separatism in Quebec At the same time he is irkedby Englishspeaking people clamotingltor another kind of separatism because ey refuse to admit the French fact in our national lile pnme mmxs at is determined in his firm yet tactful way to ind solution for lhls vexing problem and to weld the provinces from coast to coast into strpngex pa He said think its htgh time that the voice of reason and moderation was heard in the land think it is time we spoke for Canada Canada which is greater than its art strong and un ited Canadarwtt which there can de veloplpoth the roupdingracgs In these words Mrzrlgeiï¬bn has aimed the barbs of his argument at separatists of both sides One indivisahle nation is Demands are being heard ageln for olr servance of Nov 11 aa statutory holiday for all Canadians At present the hol day 15 restricted largely to clvll servants school children somehmes and to some business insututlons The average per son however goes to work as usual on that day and he may pause for two minute silence at 11 am it he remem bers to do so To many service men the lack of general observance is deplorable One Ottawa veterans magazine suggests that Nov 11 should be served as day of Reverence throughout Canada instead it contends disinterest and indifference and even contempt for what this fateful lay means seem to have become na tional habit 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 29 1938 Lt Cnlonel Patrick Hennessy Commandant of Camp Bordon denied report I11 lcavcs cancelled Oil and gas explos ion caused death of Harold Moore New Lowell gara eman Five alleged cat tle msllers North Slmcoe committed or trial at county court when they ap Imrml helare Magistrate Blck in Mid and Town acquired third Orange dgc with lnstltutlon ol Harmpnyfla We cannot subscribe to this View Can adlans are fully aware of the heroic part taken by thqlr fighting mlun in two world 3100 to meet over Binghnmx sioro Elizabeth St Russell Carr of Brentwood Dislricl Master installed officers in cluding ilrsl VM oi lodge Fred no erlson ln addition here are Allnndalo LOL 432 and Barrie LOL 452 William Kaley workman ai Barrie Tanning le lled narrowly escaped death when hull ing machine broke lie was removed in hospilal wiih head abrasions Elm valc inlr reported ntlcndnnce up 35 per cent this year wllli record school parade led by Professor Angclol Barrio land Alimy mm by drama armors ml barn John K011 near Fenncllg threatened by burning nrnw slack Durlon Wnrnm lalnswlck winner or Harrie Fair rnll wheat conml thl stand would we take in event at another war was discusslon theme by Ilnpllsl Young Peoples Unlon led by Mm ll Iomllnson Rev John Mc Glllicuddy oulllncd programs llnrolll MnClcllnml of Bell Telephone named manager Newmnrkcl Arnold shrill VOiCe Of Separatism Deplored ByPrime Minister Aumuma mum null rm oum mpmmnl mun mva ol vb In ml 1me 1mm m1 Imuvny mm nrmnn wuu mu nun uumm ml Iluuv TNKIIHW ll MOI mum IIILL Am no mm much uuumu muun DONNIILV unumm numnpnu In In null my llnfll 60v II In uflllfl um nu uu mum uw mm mm mi mm Hunle mum and mlh walnut nu Im m1 mun In my cm luv um IImL Innmu Vnnnuv mm In II Iy Munm ll Awlfllom rm rumn rm In IM And Bum IV ctmmmc 11 Cum hm rmMIL mum an no la An 1mm cu 110 um 11mm mm In MemOry Of The Fallen AFYER DE OAULLE Mnnlrcnl Gazette lrcslxlonl Dc Gnullon lcrm ofï¬ce muln In 1005 he then Um the crucial quonllon will he nnl Ibo mum III nucrcunr hul whclhrr my wr cmnr can make lhn th flopuhllc NMNM 1111ka mu HM II TM II II nu IN be out plum1 bun min Publisher The Barrie Examiner 3hr Emmi Examitttr Publlshgd by Canadian Newspapeljsumlted Bayï¬eld Stréet Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Ema 511th Guam Muller WEDNESDAY monm ma Pun Quebec 15 an Integral art 01 Confed eration not thorn in side of Can ada as some Englishspeaking citlzenl suggest unthinkingly Quebec no wor ried solely about the language problem allhgggh the spreaq of mgguallgm the only ho for Canadas greatness it not or er survival His appeal to reason has not come too soon would be very helpful in bettering rela tions with that province Quebec needs more industries it deserves much greater part in the operation of existing usiness and industry Absentee owners largely corporation must appoint more French Canadians to top executive posit ions As to Ottawa it may have to sur render some of its taxing powers to the provincespowers that were taken over during the Second World War and never returned Quebec 13 jealous of her provincial rights but she is not alone in such think ing Ontario and other provinces want greater flocal autonomy and they will have their chance to voice such opinion at the next DominionAprovinclal confer ence warsA Scarcer family in this country has not begn touched by war Contempt is far from the heart of Can adians but there is wide difference in views as to the way the day should be observed The whole objective of the day is to honor and to rememben There are ways to accomplish this pur pose with dignity and effectiveness First chlldren in elementary schools could take part in class in Remembrance Day program on Nov 11 With such an ar rangement there would be plenty of scope for imaginative use or speech and song and sklts iieeney new private secretary for Prime Minister King His father Canon Hoeney oi Winnipeg was vicar oi Irin iiy Church 190809 Eifcctive next week Dionne Quintuplets go on winter schedule one public showing daily Cassin potato iieidmnn or On tario advised locai farmers not to over igad market or iiLm prico might ilaii As to the adult population their best day of remembrance is Sunday when they can go to church to hear their min lster recall those fateful war days and to visit cenotaphs for wrenthlay1ng cere monies Many congregations hold annual remembrance SCWICESt Donald Knlsley Cafg junior and Frank Glilen Creemore senior Judging contest at Barrie Fair Bacon udglng contest won by lilchgue and Lloyd Cumming Lady Tweeds mulr coming in Barrie to address We mens Canadian Club Oct 13 Misses Margaret Webb June Thomson Peggy Parsons and Jean Lay entertained at dance in honor oi Misses iiuth Simpson and Dorothy McKnight who are going in lrnlnlng for nurses Veilosiey ilos lial Ken ierry lloss llinlkln Jock nueher wnn bnys ehnmplonshlps at BCl Ileld day Doris Ereedon Fny linu df Alice Wysorled nnd Josephine Glor nnni were glr winner Four Ber rle layers on Simeoe County nilslnr hnsemll ienm Doug Ramsay catcher Eddie Slransmnn ouilield Grover Krish nerllrsl brine Gerry impear rhnrislop nnrde Vclnrnnr Club pledged MIT port lo Grunt flrllnln in present crlss Vorldl hope or peace centred on ourpower conference nt Munlch lurlny over Cth rllsputc Chancellor lllllcr agreed to mlponc Germnn nlohlllrnlinn for 24 hours SELF EXPRESSION AN ART Saturday Review lho urea in which poor oducnllun nhnm up ml In In Mllxprmlom oral or wrlllcn work French Illulnry may bu lnkcn Kuklc them could be rmcllun agnlnsl rcsidcullnl government Pnrlln munl wmn pnwrrl have been xrcally curbed hy Do Gaullc my neck 10 my Mum Null pmldnnl wilhoul De mullen pmllgc mlghl tall It makes llllln dlflcrcncc how nlnny unlvmlly courm or degree man my own he tunnel me wunln lo mnvu Ill Idea ram one Innlnl In nnolher hh educnllon ll Incomp TIHng In let LI Only purl of the nlucullonnl pm cm The nhlllly Ilnnlx wllh rmonnblo clnrfly In even dlnincllnn In another The business at momhnng llw Ilgm worm puuln them down In proper It quencl ennblnu each one In null own wdzhblhm Its the men Inla achool II when lheu menllnll Ihnuld ml ll llama EDINHURGH Scmlnnd Stlll nppusltlnn his been lmmedlate 1y expressed to Iovernment Inn for the cnmplcte nergan zatlon ol the local governmcnl Itructure Scotland The plan announced In Vhlte Paper presented to varllamenl by All llacl Noble secretary at slate for Scotland has as lLs ehlel mature the slreamllnlng Seal lnnds present 33 cuuntles by mcruerl tn hran Lhz number or countlu down In l2 Some of Scotlandl clvlc laden are agreed Ihal some changes are inevitable and necessary but lhe sweepan nature ol the prol ponls hal Induced sense at shock in he Scottim capllal and lhmulhout the countryl Haslch mulling counllu many small bul hisoric Scolliah burgh wlll disappear 11 ad minllmllve enlillcs and it ls llrcady obvious that lhcy do nal lnlend In ulv up heir ldcnll llu wllhoul slrugglcv Local prlde Ind tradilion wlll have In ha appeased Ind lhal will ha nu may ask Although he npcr doc nol spell out speciï¬cally he counum which will bc merged to reduce the number mm H112 Iome nugimllam an arm comlnx Irom cvll urvunls and 1m authorities Hm me some at the den upmsrd PROPOSED MERGERS The cmlllnl cuunllcs Cnim nut Sulhcrlund and Ram and Cromnrty are nlmmt ccrlnln lo nlo orlecounl Furl Wllfllm min well has come he munly awn new county lnldnz In rm Argyll and lnvcmcu mnnlndcr nl Invrmcu could llun Jnln mlh Mgr and ramflru Mycrdumhlre In and Kln rflrdlnl and yummy Alum PM lh Klnwu nml perhan File llrnlrcw Ilml UHMIMIOMIIHO wllh Lnnmluhlre flundinu un ll awn We Luann and Mldlnlhlun In My nmnlxnmnlul wlllu linll lxvlhlnn jalnlnx up with Hrrwitb nlIIrr Iuhlu Iloxhomuzh Imd Sclklvk runnllu Me nurr In he Illlrfld uhlle Ayuhln cuuld unflu ullh Dumhlw mu WI willg Kllknxtlhnuhl Tllvlvflvlrmfl hm mMI hailmi Smaller coun Olhlli phsilillc amnlxumnlinnu VIUIM lhrsr HEW clmnly MI Inlnlslrnllvr mm new Inmr In In wlll rxnrrlu Town In Fulï¬llk irnngrmnulh nlld Mm ndnlr Whlllmrn and HAHIREII Ilkdy In Mar 1er Mull Mrnllllrn llnwlck Sclkll nml minimIn llkrly lo bl brouth mum MIXED ll mum nw nrumunll mo hml mix ed Mplhzn lml llu mum1n veru me much Ilmnulr Hun Hune In Invur Irnvnll Jam Build 5L Monumo Fllr nld IMI II In mm pm leglulnllun ner Itvim MMI nmnller hurt me bran nm mon trnnamlmlly Iml ICIIHL It Khan lhe umnly wumHI All mwmmrnl 1th ll nnmmu II will lIHIm Illllll huuhl Inulng lhrlr lmlu prndonl chmmr ll II enrlnlly nlvml lhnl lhl rvnmnll In mllmlnnl llu Imll hurqu wlll marl with 1M maul mlmnu 11 ll be mm rydy rlvtunce or flu plum mmlnl Innll Idlnml mull IIIINIEI COMM mm 113in er Dawes nl hmn Ill14 Mldlnlhlnn IAM REPORT FROM UK Object To Changes In Local Goverhmenf By MdNTYRE I000 nullu Me inllbwlnl N0 PROFIT IN IT Hes which have vraudly pre served their lulu will not mks kindly to hover by hluer neighh ï¬n Edinburgh Dispatch cum mcnu follaws The secretary oi stale known lhal he cannot prupm revolu llanaxy chlnge like this without amusing vlnichl opposltlnn lA ul loyalties are strong and will be llercely defendedi The Ila lus of those who give servlce lhelr communities mom bcrn oi local counalls ui one kind or another is highly prized and righin so To llk men whn hold oliice In theirvown dig mm in um 10 close down thtirown caunclls nnd amnlfln male wilh other II In lnvil lham lo surrender meuure oi local rule and that they wlil nol rqsdlly dol LONDON AP an Wilson bcmmu prime minls or hla Labor government wll have new look Were all Iml 01 main ml country pushed around WI wn has pmdnlmcd We nccd la Rel Britnln firing ngnln on Alx wllnderl inï¬eld of It In on two or lhm Vilmn man Ihndow cahlmt which would form he NM Labor ad mlnlslrnllon Harold Mlcmu Ianl Toda nrc hoalen About 43 party topmtchar In all are hclng roamed or nlher mm In uovemmenl lhnl Mod 70 mlnl Ind drnmlvs VCoIlldrlvgly Labor tum pmunll In mu mlddlw Mpmll rfspmnhulgy wl nllhnrond rupmnhllll wlUI llllln of Ihe my noclnlh rndl dullm ol their cruudinu yrs m1 Indhldunlly llm Ivudcrn ml lmprmlnn nl mhnlu com pmnu and high lnlnllmml nrlllenmrnl 1hcir uholn em plmnh In the prodrawn re rlml nl Inna ll mlemunn The clcdlon muxl mm by lolwr IBM but could no called onrllrr hy Macmillan llrwn In Wllmnl ltpuly he mu Huh MIMI11 be me hln nld duel and In Jlfl uny The hmy emollnnll hurt drvcrl Ion Imeflm In lamn me Io hOIINI Illm unlnn arumlmv WM uwknu In Ilnlun lalm uvimlhm mlnllll and Mm quallnu Mm In be New Look In Government Is Plan 01 Labor Leader Vllmn duxml Ivy Idllll rrwlnllnn hII withle hlrmell anIy nnulhe WIM ol1lnlmnl Mwecn mm Labor Iuwovlm mun Hm In it world Kennedy Klmuhduv Ind Ill hulk ML 5011 lmollm rxpflknro and hnckxmuml qullfly llm In lull Ilc Ixme Um lonellmu IN Innwlllnncn mumr mm In awn ruck any ll man utll mm II yurl member lmXInmrnL In pub Ilc Iw mum hlu diller ur lun and mm ll prion rhnmvum Wllmn hm urn In ll IIII Lulmn Hum 11 mm mm haw plum In the punyl Mull command llvu Icy men Hank Mm 1Ny vlzhlmlnum Gmm llmwn ID and Ilhlll Gunlun Vlliur mlddlw runan JunI Cal lhlm ml mm Inlay and My ymr OH Illrtuml ï¬lmmun him In mnlormlml NI OIUMNIHIII UNION So Yanlhoflbnnlc ha only HutV partyu Vldl MM been slamd The Scolllsh 0L It has merely Iosscd lhe ball lnln lhe lield ln me hope lhal many local aulhurlllus will come In mulual agreement to amalr namatc llul human nnlum hclng what ll long and wordy baulr la ahead helm llnnl con cluslons arc reached mmea sort aurlurd 1h home 1an He my he wnnll move lal of he humqu he mu In mum diplomacy and wllX in by raliunnllllnl nrfllxh Amrlcnn relnllom The ï¬lm Ilon tpcclnl relnllonshlp mum he lay Murmfllm cm tu altered huoflondnd Frlntc Well Germany 1qu And other nllm Garden Wnlkcr ahnduw for elin usury comm mm the upper middle chm Ila ledured history at Oxford and hened in prlmo minister now lordI Alllccr postwar Labor cabincl Callaghan was 11 calico lnr bdon unlnz with he Hoynl Nnvy In lhn Second World Wnr lle wnl Junior admlrnlly mlnlncr under Milan and now In prospccllrp chlncrl lnr Ibo uclmncr wlth ldcu nlmlmllnlnz llriulnu lltnley Fpnlullbl on klrnce nml lorrlln nflnlrl wnu one of the llm Eumpenn mlnllnu lo um pollcy of dlnmxnzunml CullWm lorcu In mlddle Eumpc Illa vrunuï¬lnn lod um GHIthcH men WHm lo mncludn llml Ixriluln no lungr nn nlfunl nuclrnrpowrr ul lun wmnnnl phlkmophlc un In and lmmllm lemm mum hlvu liven MM be ropulnuon II In an ouulnnd Inx lonrlwr nl wllflcnl phllu mpluy nt 01km And III In canId In up cum pmm Im WitIIPIIVIVI llulillnllu Mull pmvnh ch onw only In 001 dmh ml lave By THE CANADIAN PRESS BIBLE THOUGHT xgu Much of the far mmhm larritory of Canada wu armed Into the dlslrlcu Mackenzie Yukon Unsw and Franklin on year ago lodnyln masand placed under mnlml or the Realm government Yukon became tenhwy In 1397 The malnlng area was dlvlded lnln In district 01 MIC kenzie Keewnlln and Franan in IDLE HisThe Canadian employment Act came farce 1452 King Richard III was born TODAY IN HISTORY Un By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Molnm am 14 yearold Kiri who wnnls la know more about venech dlseue have read about in the library but dont underaqu why apparently only hlppem to un married people asked my mm lher and sh wouldnt tell me Venues disease like nlhera inni limited to people who are ur arent married For all unc lical puzposes it is transmitted either by uxuai inlimacy or in some cases it is congenital meaning um inky it he mu parent II the disease And married couplz neiuler oi which has the disease and who remain ailixiui to each er wont at itar be morn predu limit chance oi can hating gonnaiithal wg Well Im Snman 1w bul maybe can answer your ques on TO YOUR GOOD MELT II this pool at dlaem has become so siren menu new users it Um we began speak bug plain ads to yan ennmm lgnuro the Venueul disease largely spread by these who are sexually prnmlscuous Much nl the trau hle and this came for ma concern ls traced to yaung slers high school age ll his shock you all can lay that it shoals me too lint ll llflW mm may have read in the library but it La my suspicion that your idea about venereal disease hnppen in aniy to unmarried peopie came irnm something written by somebody who was trying to be nice and polite or delicate about line problem writer WASHINGTON Ont Knrl Marx and Christianlty find nommon ground on woo Acr farm near lhl western 7n lam VHIBEe In known as the Brethren of Early Christianity practises communal living lo dtgree liml forbid any nl the 96 per mm living an the arm from possessing ciihnr money or pro perly Broliwr Alexander quo one oi lime elccied lruslecs who ndmlnisler lhc community quolcs Marxin defining ii nlms From each according hi ability In each according lo Dul he nmphnalm ml mr arm unarmed in conformlu wilh lhe on or God and In the xlylo early Chrisuanlty All lhings all things In com mon so dnlh the RIM rud lhings an lhlnn ln mmmnn the lplril gently pleads the hrelhrcn alnu convinced they arclelnz by lhq 1qu A05 The m1 derived from lh Huunriles as lounded in um on mm near Kilchcncr mllu northeast ol hm by Drolhnr JullusKuanck Them wcro only three mlqu and three chlldrcn In the um Community he prculon community lrunslcned Ila hnld Inns lo nrcmen SnskN and lnler In Yarrow 110 whore mun bmhlp grew In In mo arm wnl buughl nenr hue OWN SCHOOL looycurkwldrlnrmhuuso lho nucleus ha cummunlly New In kllrhw the cum Brethren Blend Religion Marx Fidelity hnpoflagï¬ for Many Reasons 16 Dunlop Lu mm hIIL um Ikngu my Inimhu mi 44 dmunlal dun hllnndh blrluhr llnl Ian damI m1 Ever Hear mum kiwi mamath 111 nm 0ka Boy and Glrl Do 15 yu of A90 Reglmr Now league Eogim SAT OCT 51h It 10 mm BARRIE BOWLING JUNIOR lEAGUES Lell Go Bowlingl who look it or muted for pm landed to that all Immed ple behave in Ideal lnshlon They dont promlsclmu hlil school ml may get mar rledmt ha doesntmean she automatically become moral and falflflul She is what Eh However don mean that gm nr boy may be premise 10an the teens and not pru enlly learn Ihal morality Isnt just an arhilrnry rule but the reguXLol 50qu Mason Fidelity and flood chmcter in general are important or many reasons other than he risk at venereal disease but am speaking in medical arms in term or preventing discue be came that In what you asked nu about Have made the MIst clear hope so heumsa the more lhat girls and boy 14 undernand this the has van eml dlsease we are golnz la have amnnz hm of 18 17 II and older Deu Dr Malner deep ly cancemed abaul my daughler Her husband likes ta ï¬ckle her until she Ls an the verge ol tears She L1 loslnl welzhl constanLLv Could lhl have any boating She cab well but Ls usually un dcr lennlonl Mn wMl ll the pradice L1 upsetting enough to be an emollonnl lac lnr It could aonlrlh ln ï¬aï¬iculvar artidulrlickhnz ma wqyld do ll your daughter dislikes the lckllng she should Ask her hus band Ieriously lo slop ll 11 he Joesnl well wlver 1mm Lime lrnrnemorlal hava lound plenty wnys la make lhclr wishes em phatic Hll um In llcldu may be radisllc ualL munin dining room when 311 cal human and the adjoining chapel iiioleilike living quar iuu match an on each side oi the main building Time is school modem twomom buildinz providing 210 mmlnry education In the Grad level Those who continue an may take department oi educa liun currcspondenct courses The community Wm IL cen tral lreaxnry prnvldlnz or the need all its membera al most 5c supporting Women puck and free produce for the table Homemade bread and armproduced mga Ire served uun currcsponuence courses The brethren use lhe laltst cqulpmcnllhcrn evcn an au lnmuu brcndsliccr In the kib thanand lcnms or men oper ale lhmhlnl machine on an hourly basis far neighboring lumen Olher men work In lhl machine shop or handle lhl geese and woman my be signcd In the noodle notary or lake their turn In the kitchen The doors In npcn far any who want In leave and lher is welcomealum wim ycnr long prcgnrmory verlod lnr lhusc wnnl lo Joln lho brclhrm The mmmunily provides consldcrahle demo mm security hul then an cw lux urlu and il mnku demands on its mtmhcn Communal livlng Inch mull lean lo but one an alhcrl burdens my nrnlhzr Orwnl fluor People who huvo lived Xile lollIndulgan wuuld ind mm mm hm rnnl cros rum dimk unk MI mm mm my MM divk uulm mlm Maud mm ullm ml Im Iyllumk nMilM mm mm ml um lulu 11 way DIURETIC dm ulhflyumndnmdm Kan mm In many hamil hm dun duh 10 um Mi In In In nul mumlmm ham 3nd in hlfxy PA M021