Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1963, p. 25

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STORES ocronm 345 Io if166M VICAORIA CPIHow pram lnmt candida and In Mon dayl Brllhh Columbln gentrnl elecllon un pa Mlnlslcr Wellcy Black was he first cab lncl mlnhlcr returned his 21 Unn coming little more lhrm an hour after he poll closcd Alrlcullurc Klinhlnr Frank meme Will murncd In the Ingmqu rldlguz Slmllkpmccn Lands and Forests Mlnlmr nny Willlslon promlnnnl IIK me In power conlrnvmlu In the prnvlnco vrnn rcclotllon In For Gnome rIdInL Mm Ml federnl pollllu Io load ha Imgrculvc Conurvnlivr party In no lost In Mlxhwnyl Mlnlslcr Ihlnp lelnrdl In Knmloapn Earle Weslwmd rccrtullon mlnlller ll lrtmler ncnnclll The new Jetslar 58 min Var 19M ullllze Oldsmobilel lulllilo body on Ipeclal 123 winch whoelbau The Celebrity Iedan shown above In one our model in lhll new Old 50cm Crcdl Prcmlcr ncnncu unslly won his mm llccllun flrlury ln Okanaznn Soth c9nsllucncyl Bennett Rides To Victory But Loses Cabinet Minister BIRTHDAY PM OLDSMOBILE IETSTAR CELEBRITY SEDAN 7171 YONGE ST Robert Slmrhan New Demo unllc Parly lender who led an opposlllun of 16 member In lha Inst leklalnlure won rulecllan cnslly In Cowichnn Newcastle riding on Vancouver Inland AllorneyGmcrnl flahcrl Don ner who aim mlnlslu nl lmde Ind Induxlry wul re turned in lho MK Hummember cognilufncy Palm my flay Prrrnull who ml 193 he EC Liberal party Ilnca and ltd Iveman group In Inn 111 oust wm returned In North Vuncauvrr government was deleuled tha only cablnet mlnlsler to to dawn The result in Nanulmo and the Island riding productd he only New Dcmacrnllc party unln romSoclgIl Cndll John Grun Inn at nrmnr Velarun hdcrul external anIu minlxlrr awnd linen went dawn mm In bl In pal lllrnl lry In Yllo Hdlnu run an Frozrculva Conicrvnllvn mobile leflcs new llghl welghl casblmn leter Ruck vs engine delivering 225 hp and an opellnnal 160 hp ver slun are teamed with an en tirely new lransmlulon Jala wny available at extra c051 movie version Id be forever nampcd as Ellu Dmlmle Any way Im glad Ihnl flex In Um movie THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA HI HOLLYWOOD MP Itl taken low monlhn but Jullu Andrew 13 avar he disappolnl men of an playing Ellzu Doo little in tho movla version of My Fair Lndy span your 1n the min on he mm In Nrw York and London Naturally wanud la do lhc movie What ndrm in her right mlnd wouldnt Then Wnll Disney oflorod Inc Mary Pnpplns my Hrs movie role 11ml sollcncd the blow Sho referred to flu Harrison who ll rtcrcaxlnz hll rule Pralcmr lllmns Audrny new burn look nvrr Jullcl rule Aid now sell lhnl ll Iulie Andrews Gets Movie Role 1hls new lrnnsmlsslon comb1n es the perfamflnce or gears and tho smoothness lorque can vencr with torque amplfly lug feature which permlls ex lygjertormancu whhnul dawn muung km telling my pInycd he PLAN TRIP TO THE Section Bull junior ytnr llng Allan Edgar Cyril Cock Cyril Conk Allan Edgar Manl Ian Valley Callie Ranch Manl lou Vglley may Jinnah on Tandem open man or geldingll Mr and Mrs Harden Bu ret Mann Harold Patton CLASS N0 EREFDRDS Secllonr 17 Bull yam Er avar Allan Eduar Cyril Cook nnd Sons VDanajdflMckod Sechon Bull 1115 No entries Sectlnn Single Hume Horse open 151 hand and over Mr and Mrs Burden Mr and Mn Barden Harold Fallen Bum Mann Section Single Harness Horse npen under 152 hands Mr and Mn Burden Huold Patton Burnt Mgnn Harold Patton Cyrll dock Cyril Cook CLASS N0 HEAVY HARNESS HACKNEY HORSES Section 17 Pairs open mares or gelding Mr and Mn Burden Harold Fallen Barren Mann Bur relt Mann Section Lady Driver driv Ing Roadster ur Heavy Harness Hackney Mr and Mrl Burden Roadster Mara and Coll Game Cachrane Secllan Tum Race con fined to Roadsters In harness to busy Mr and Mrs Deo nurd Blight Burnt Mann Stanley Samervflle BII rel Mann Garqu Cochrane Seclfon Single Roadster Under 152 hands Mr and Mrs Burden Mr and Mm Leonard Blight Garnet Cochrane Eurren Mann Garnet Cochrane Stanley Gama erville Section Roadster Race Horses under 152 hands Bunml Mann Mr and Mrs beonnrd Blighk Stanley Somer vllle Garnet Cochrane Eurrell Manna mss No7 Rowsran cuss 5mm Pain olRoadA um Mr and Mn Leonanj Blilhl Gama CochrAnE Mr and Mrs Blrden Gnu net Cnchrnne Burma in Section Sing Roadster 152 hands and over Mr an Mn Burden Mr and Mn Leonard Blight Gama Cochran Game Cochmne Bunen Mann Section Roadster Race Horses 152 hands and over Bunen Mann Mr and Mn Harden Bur nt Mann Mr and Mrs Lem nnrd Blight Stanley Somervllle Stanley Samerville gen Call BARRIE FAIBVRESULTS valfoam Bay ratIi BONQSfatbabar by impMm yuur namlqdrhood braml flflflflflfl SAVINGS BBND aen m5 year FOR JUST DOWN you CAN BUYl CLASS N0 15 ABERDEEN ANGUS Sectlon Bull yam or over Malcolm Halley Seclan Bull senior year llnn No entries Secllon Bull junlor year ling lllr Glen Brown Secllun Bull unlor call Malcalm Bailey glcqlmflnllu sections BullI Junior calf Malcolm Bailey Malcolm Ball GgorgeAnderpqu Secdun Cow mink mllk or mowing evidence 01 belng 111 gm Mr VGlgn VBNWD Mr Glén Brown Malcolm Bailey Section 17 Grand Chum plan chnle Cyril Cook and Sons Reserve Grand Champion Manitgu Valleyfiqltle much Section 13 Senior Champlén Male Allan Edgar Reserve Senior Champlan Cyril Cook and Sons Secflun 15 Senior Champlnn Female Cyrll Cook and Sons Reserve Scalar Champion Man Itou Vylley Callje mngh smlon le Junior Champion Female Allan Edgar Re serve Junior Champion Manhou ValleyA Cattle Rune Section 20 Grand Champion yam Allnn Ed Rqserve Secfifih Heller senior yegrfllg Cyril gm unison Sedlan l3 Thireenulv previously shown both luu represented Cyril Cook Ind Sans Séclion Progeny of Dam animals Manitou Valley mama mm poquaficneod Section 19 Junlar Champion Male Cyrll Cook and Soul Re serve Junior Champion Cyrfl Coyk and Sons Champion 630k Secllnn Heller year old Multan Valley Caulo Ranch Donald McLeod Donald McLeod Semlon Hefler 11mm yearling Mnnltou Vlfley Cat tle Ranch Cyrilka and Sons Manilou Valley Callie Ranch Cyril Conk and Sons Donald McLeod Section 11 Hem junior call Allan Edgar Cyril Cook any Donlg McLeod Section 12 Breederl Herd bull femes any use Cyril Cook and Sons Cyril Cook and Sons Manitou Valley Ciltleflnanch Dayld Mchod vlug milk or shawan evldcncs of being In balkv Cyril Cook and Sons Manna Valley GINlo Ranch Cyrll Cook Ind Sons Multan Valley Came Ranch Domld Md Secllon 10 Heller my Danald McLeod 5511 sqnjunior cm npwn mum or 4150 55 noun run ma mm was In usv mmuaum am vun nan WILLOWDALE Section 10 Heifer aenlor all Mnlcalm Enuuceorge Agdelfgan Section Hiller junior calf Malcolm Bailey Mal colm Bailey George Anderson Mglcqlm Bailey Secliunl Helm yearling No enlrles ec an x2 Brecders hard bull enAlla any nge Malcolm Bailey Gemla Ander son Malcolm Balley Station Heifer year alcolm Bulley Georg Miami Sectlon yurling JONIGHT Produced and diluted by Norman Campbell Omhastm conducted by Louis Applebaym Heller senlor Malcolm Bailey llellu luhlm rd diluted by MAumcE andwu as THE MIKADO Campbal ERIC nous as KoKo ondumd by HOWELL GLYMNE POOHBAH Jplebaum HEATHER THOMSON vuMVUM nunnaw nowm NANKIPOO can mflwwmxw Section umu culvu prevlwsly shown Ibo um slimmed Hypoliq 511 Sectlnn 16 Junlor Cham plon Female Malcolm Halley Sectlon 17 Grand Champlon Fgmalp Malcolmfiallex Secflnn ll Samar Cham plan Male Malcolm Ballay Section 19 Junior Cham plgn Malm dnlc91rn Bailey THE mm EXAMINER MIDWAY OCTOBER DR 25 Géarze Anderson Hulan afu Secllon szeny ol Barn InlmalJ Malcolm Bulky Guru Malcolm Bailey Section 15 Senior Champion Family M31901 Bailey Seétlon i0 Grand Champwn Male Malcolm Bailey Section Grade nr wre bmd steer over month Ind under year InnisllLFlrml Clark anlurd undSuns Malwlm Bailey Crawford and Soils George Anderson Cyrilka and Son Sectlon nude or pure bred steer Wt one ynr In turban Wlplu George dmon Wilton Secllon Baby Beef one pair steers 600 to 850 lbs Crawford and Sons Seam Anderson Section Championship Stanf Innlslll Farms Clark lelnued anlhga cuss N0 17 MARKET CAITLE

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