Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1963, p. 19

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nu 1mm ranlmm Ayn ll IllMY mnnmmmu ullly mu In hm mm mm nm mum rmm rnnlllflnmll mvvr um lnm enmlllnn um nImm mulny In Ihmnulh am Am mm mm hr lIKrhlml llmulm NEEDED lllnlml rmh pnld Int rlrrm nlllmllnbimx Hm paid of Truth up nr dawn OllV HANDY MOTORS 176 llllAllFOHDfiT SEE US NOW AUTOMOTIVE Ma mum mum IA I01 vmmnm BI Swnlhrr mmhuonurl MI lhnno llnrrlo IA om NT C0 00 Cookslown 56 MCKEH IIAHVFSTEHS llunloading fnrngo ham NEW IUICA ClllN IICKHIIS nwwm mmlllinncm rnkrl PATZ llMlN CLEANERS Illa unloadm ruling nyl mm 25 luster milking wlm new Dc annl 100 Sam Mllkm Barrio Holly Hwy 27 FA 50135 Farm Supplies Service Cum Now Holland Dnvly umwn Ilcnlly Farm liqulpmont 176 BURTON AVE PA 81173 CASH TRADE TERMS Mus nrnAv mum Tele plum um cxin mm or HowInn Ml Slmud ll llznlrnnn Hula llnnnwun lsllnd lock mm In ucellenl qmllm Mn sunolk nod ram1m man tw Robert sincmr Churchill whom Lenny mm IIIISBY urn du Delaher 10 1h Mllukmu hulL unmp Ion Huron mm mm mm ua um blood and slain mm Coukglown Telephnnt Alllfll ax sum MINESING MOTORS Ford Trader and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 215 MINESING an nonsxx Hucth Pen ma In Club one wanted holmzd haunt Ind ond For Appolulment Ind lnlnrmnlon Izlzphum PA 541 cr coma la mblu Ann rut um Sunnldax Rom NINE Pm at Illa xix Inch old Tzlwhnm PA been DEAD STOCK Highest price mm or dead tr crippled came and horses Small animals rcmavedlree For fast service PHONE BARRIE PA 61732 Collect or ask or Mm LN EillnEé HANK MOWE DE LAVAL guns AND smch 129 Bradlnrd St JA 85541 Evening PA 32585 FARMERSVMARKET Out Home lmpmvemeul Mana ger wlm will help you with all your planningno ohllgallan of tours We will wnrk hand In glove wllh you you do It yoursell or we wlll do the com plete job or you BEAVER BUDGET SERVICE AVAILABLE flIrCKS DEAD STOCK 33 CHARLES CHURCH TREES AND SHRUBS Mmmu mm In and I3 lutnmnhue II III on Lamar Tzlkphnnl mm PMNO WANT Una UPfllht mun Apnlmen um gramd 1n lnodfondmon Telep PA comm urnmum Huang army Fllm am will Inn my swmPA Hum Scotch film or mm ur we uunlonh We per ma Your cnu mu mu dlvldlr whdbrnlk Telepham PA Mu 00 TABLE Slack Polllul In ll pl Vin Derkwy Ind Soul In Furln Funny ll homer In oncenlon InnML Nu Sandi Telephonl BM ARTICLES for SALE 712 75 pp sum Ann FEED SEED GRAIN URGENTLY FARM MACHINERY dfomam License No 172062 Nick Montague Pmp HOME IMPROVEMENT HFRUII VEGETABLES BEAVER LUMBER co um IMPROVEI GARAGES RECREATION ROOMS ALUMINUM STORMS SEEBILL BALL ARTICLES WANTED DONT MOVE LIVESTOCK CMIS SWAPS in Maui our came vl Ami uu runm 7mm mum humu lml mud nm Runny pmm an mnml Mil Mnl lull rlvllmllll In Ink ll Ith run in umily up tam mi 1mm IA hm um Tllwlmnt II mun Pi In Ayn yum yum nmnml nun nu ma Hm man lull In Vu my rm numv mm mm illn 1s Inf all rm unm Mum um munr whim IIIIL nlAll nANIumn II hlr Unnnul rm lunrhnl ml ml Inumy Mun hlr plum hull mum umr Col um on mum mm In mu mml or vlm mmm um in nun lllryrl All III flowN hllrhlml IA HIM I0 HELP WANIED LOST FOUND nulrrv Kwnulor um 1m 9mm her rln um um rI Mn mum in mm Mull mu wan nule Du on um Ionm mm so vhnnl PA 50 Hull lm nvvnlntmnnl mum WDMM yo Immer 111 my cum IM omlnn In mlll mm puny up In lxprmld lppllrlnl TtIIvhonI om III In vumm tn lmnll Ilev nmln mun W0 vmy Iuvln Nb Ina lumnll pm elnplmnl my Turk104 nucx Ion uhull hut m1 bu mm ovllhul mIXM Campmy yum Inna Law low wk with 101 um Trlophonl rA mu an In or down Ailw au Mnlorl ma sum IA mu red ruer than llu mm by Ih Ml dly or Ink Fully mum1 PERSONALS mu run your Um ua or you A1p er 57V lsu BUICK pm nan wallo vuu um lulu u= mum Dllnl MI be an XIII met whomry Pnu mm nmr pm Tdapnnnu PA CARS WANTED To iuV Mum our dnnr In In llelmlnl hick wllh VJ mnlur ulumnlc Ix nun Ion cunnm cncuu mm SL max Iss1 bulll mu he dawn kill or pnlemd drum WI Inmn my mm human 91 or circummnm nlll nvn my cm Camr flu l2 nunmnnn our dear Intomlll rimmlulm mm bu cuuum mm mmwa my yumm ngnmgmgy my In colon onlyWMomuu in mu or PA mu m1 anVlan mu dun an In caweflonl Ind bl wllh muchlnl lnllflon dell lnld whllulll 11m cuxlom ndlo down 175 per mum PA um mu Halo mm nun 1n ma madman nu mu Eula mm ma mm mm Telmom PA 520 mumm nu cm led In 0107 bllck lnlz Ur whlla mm naln ulndmmd men low mun moo Telemann PA 050 In p111 ouneL LIth In Interior mom auditioned nlw mulllu Term can bl unmet Ph0aI Countany mm 1953 PDNTIAU all door lldln nulnmmn annualsmu deep trend Hr In Com HIRE And In with mnlchlnl 11mm am as per month mm HUDSON Sean Al cun dluma new pllnl nh ndlo mow um elm ms Tflrphnnl PA um mu Nu FBI M401 THICK or wldl cnmpmely madmanA ma rudy nu ma ms mu dawn Telephnnn mm wm an older Mr maul Telnpham PA MED CAR or III Clll haul nun llzndmon Motor Sales alevhnm um Anni or mu mu ya us DIDNAECII Conuruhll In all Down or an or but an Wm at older Mr Km vu TRUCKS TRAILERS CHEWDLII Shun WIKW two Iqu BMkanfl two loll Men um um cylinder um KIlephnne PA um WszNs COLUMN BUIUK nhulfl mm anmllllun wn lnnl dul blul Ind IN 21 Teltphflno PA ML m1 humour in ma candlllon to uh our pnymnu Telemann MIN Am Illtr m1 now um wan yuurfirin him when PA um 1m hip cannon lfllelynn limo nl Tullphflno Amunu II 51317 m1 ammonia my III equipped Hut 011 Icnpl mama PA lms 1960 Moornldeor two wna coral andwhlle Dandy shape an new tires hill prica ONLY GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 15 Bradford SL PA 85971 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR CALI FEMALE REL flERES BARGAIN nouns Helen mm to malor tullom um whit4 Ilm In buullml Imamu WHII chlnl Inllflwr ma mu over Iymunl par month PA lNI PHONE 9mm smoun YOU GET GOOD DEAL monllL Telepion Ton1m will In rmlwd try uudmlznul up In pm hmdny Odomr IMI at he mdlun 13 ADDITION In In MUD ol IMIK MANAGEMENT HHOI WILDXNG nl I0 Jnhn 51ml nnnlo AwHuUum lvvr luulnr plum nml Imfllrnllnnl MI nullxhle at live nlflcn at In Mutiny n1 oIIhr 51ml lmml ur my lender nnl Ima umlly mm JOHNSON sammy Box 00 flunk 0M mmmunkulan mulpmml mu wm mumr nu mm In mu nlhu luau wm Iza Iv um um urmmrln cmmmr an Aaamuu lmuuflnl up ullnn mom lfllfll IDM ml 91 mm qun unIL fifiynon In mm mmmu lllumln 9m Wm lan yum Illllln CONN or LIE lull Imploymrnl hnuulnprr Indvmrnnndymln Elytrlln mum mwm IA and mm mull In phanul In bdrm mm Ilunur I2 TENDERS Hm nounm ma Ionian um MM Ely Tllphanl PA dlyllml unnxn lhlflmumln nu planmu lul nr Wflllmt Any mlu tonMum mu Iqu hummer xummcm Wm would 1n mm new In and mu 311 mur1epnun xr 513mg WymuL nnu Phona Na EMPLOYMENT WANTED Name Address Prepan or college or bellcr jobl All books and tulllnn or as law 0150 week Lnruesl High School In Canadl Write for Free Book lAua Pronrwmmnmun Llle Insunnce Compu men and In menu at up uplhl mu mu Mllnn mm lbovu an Iveru Allnrmldo or In mm wlm lnlufllvm lcnufl him And lo qunnuum cumulus munm an wm nux lllnly tummy OPP FOR MEN WOMEN Ir YOU uhnea wth In mn Income dont um Gmwlnl ornnlnle uln lo 11be alumn only nlmmd In mm Illh Imblllc lid by ten min or punu emplny menL CA PA Hm p514 Sum dny tnnullnllm 1m Mlle Sam7 And Oom mlulnn Mlnlurhl voslllanl oven or In man llrvlu Wlfllm In lulu Apply Alexlndar AVI belwern Ind pm mum MAN 11an or mixed Inn MII hull zxpeflenu Mr DWI llulhal Churchm elcphnnu 141m mm nusniim med with or mm uut chlhl nw Televhnno flu or ll Cum Strut Ann nnch Taxp127 EJQLJCnufi ma MAN WANTED nor mm Im mum am 4pr as mm mm To train as advertising te resentative for The Barrie xaminer This is an inter estin and creative sales posi on with plenty of op portunity for advancement Apply in writing in Advertising Manager Queen aid Damausle 515 Box 1061 Branllord Onl unimm alumy hm nu or 1mm with denhle Ana mem um mu mmzd with pm to Km or to ma pcr not an or mm mm nth co vmum sum telephan PA 60315 THE BARRIE EXAMINER FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME MD AND MIN 50 Du hull qu or pqume custom lemca Apply Manxmar Avlnlu Iwm and DBL RELIABLE mlddl Ind wonII or honekuplnl In modern ham No chudren Prrnunanl pouuon Telznhunl PA MN III IllMEL Womln VIIIM lonk Imr our uhool Imldren In do um hnuulurlnl Ind Tell9mm PA ll ll WANTEDFHH ur 41ml houn keeper to In IIL onlofllble mm dam home Cenlrll Apply 20 Birth hummer mom rAImc din lousnnrn mull tor nod an humidnI mvlnknm mm In mum cm calla Tomato IO HELP mums YOUNG MAN MALE E1 FEMALE TENDER FEMALE HELP MALE HELP LANEOUSV Incemaianal an Tudor CA good candjlion GRAIN000 bushels Rodney Garry 03h Quantity loose Hay 550 Bales Mixed my well lav ed Baled Slrnw PIGS25 Yorkshlre English ban chunks 75100 1115 Yorkshire Sewn bred Black quilsln ghl old Ol Callle Pigs Farm Machin ery Hay Graln Straw and some Household Blind 1119 undersigned has received inslnlclions from WILLIAM NOON lo gell by public auction at the premLses LOT 19 CONCESSION 13 VESPRA TOWNSHIP mile north of Highway 90 at Essa Slollon SATURDAY OCTOBER AT 100 RMi SHARP The iollowlng CATTLE Hololtln Cow years full flow bmd again Holsleln Cow years oil flow bred agaln Holstein Cow years full flow bred ognln Holsleln Cow yea full flow bred ngnin Holnleln Cow years lull flow bred again Holstein Heller yearn fresh cnl fool HereiordDurhom Cow yearn fresh call It foot Hereinrdllolsteln Steers rising year old LDurlInm Hellerr years old no open Holstein Calves Steers Heli ern 56 months IN WINNIPEG EM SHARE at the Iarm one mtle south miles West of Nattawa of Highway 24 Theseare blg strongcattle tea luring the get and servtoe at our three herd bulls Mltlhtlla Neg Imp Smtsdnle Lyttnn and our junior slre Louada Buzr land It you are Interested tn good strong cattle that need no baby can alter you get them home attend this sale We lee you will not be dtnppolnled 11 butts 40 females maxtly bred hetlera Catalogue on re quest JOHN CURRIE AND SONS RR No Nothwa0nl Phnnc 194W 440W Mmgs AND mscm EA AND smw AND pm thin or ALLAN NEWTON It la 11 Concealer Em nwmshlp 11 lot north I9 Runway one Concession west cl Egbert Sale or Funm Slack Ind Implement Terms cult CHAS FOSTER Auctioneer GLEN 35m FARMS l3 AUCTION SAlES Wu WM Tnvul lmln IOI DunIop II In lmll own Du Haul 7mm In It IOI DUNLOP 31 AUCTION SALE Aucllon $3197 AUCIION SALE Fflday Qct BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE Jamison Wino Fm WynnMon And Imam For Vow Roumllom Call Now Fort Garry Hotel ROY GOODFELLOW to sell by public nuctlnn at the premise SOUTH LOT 11 CON INNISFIL TOWNSHIP Mile South and Mlle East of Strand SATURDAY OCTOBER AT PM SHARP The following IMPLEMENTS AND MISCEL LANEOUS 120 John Deere Crawler Tractor complete with bulldozer blade new motor lreut trouser AukChalmers WD 45 Tractor Model John Deere Tractor with David Brown Loader gravel and ure bucket Na 45 McCarml Deerlng Baler McCormic Deerlng stdedellvcry rake llke new John Deere No 51 Hur mw plow with remote eyllnder nearly new Hand Sprayer Al lisChalmers No 60 Camhlne motor graln bln Ollver ManA ure Spreader Mll Seed Drill disc John Deere Double Disc traction Drag llerrnwr Case heavyduty Mnldrer CulA tlvetor l7teeth Heavy wheel of Farm Stack and Implamenu and Housdmld Ellects The undersigned has receive instmcflom from Owner or management will not be responsible for iniury orlncddenls an property day ol Frank Webb Clark JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Phone Barrie PA Hm Térirfi cash Deflnllely no re serve arm 11 gold Nothing my removed until mum or HOUSEHOLD EFFECIS Dining Raom Suite complete Chesterfield Steel Bed full size with springs Wooden Bed full Ilze with aprlnxs Anllque Sauce Round utension kitch en table Findlay Connnr cooking range large alto Al Jan Sellers many other smaller ardclel pulley InlemIUonel lumw hector Plan for CK lmlor McDeerlnx Power Mow er wt=zood new Me beam Seed mm 15 am or Mb reed fertilizer mu er Al my launder Steel Wheel non mum Gnu Seeder MH tide delivery me Set of 5an dire Meclion Drag Harrow drawnr Some Sci£91m Mfl Binder good order Wheelbarrow on rubber Cockshuu No Manure Spread er steel box Al Ier new rubber51nd Wagon roller bear ings hay rack Set of Scales 2000 capacity 150 Barn Rope Pulleys Hay Fork 0an ham Fanning Mllk Screens Mllk Paih Viking Elecch Cream Separator 800 lbs cap acity new Chnlu Forks Sho Irllclu AUCTION SALE Phone PA 66525 for mmMom FA lulln III OHAWA Luxher Au drec1nr he CBC Tuesday vn negistm and Inspected Rams and Em also Commen clal Ewes Owner nrumariagémenc wfll not be responsible or injury or 30de on pmperty day In Nothlnl be removed until settled for Térms lash except Tractors half cash balm1c may be an ragged an Approved joinlnotes Ali will be and without serve as the proprietor Mn upnrmn Lug ulster Pmny Plpeniés up inches Quantity gighes and many other aru ex JOHN FENNELL RR No Brudlord Onlarlo HAY AND bush els 03mm bushels Barley Quanliiy oi Mixed Grain 500 Bale of Alinlia Hay 300 males of Wheat Sirnw HOUSEHOLD EFECKSDnv enportz Quebec Renter ermii Crosxcut Sam Chesia oi Drawers Metal Wardrobe Kitchen Buileis Washing Mn dnine Norse Spun Heater large size Electric Radio Ex tension Table with boards eoiric iron Ironing Board with cover Eleckichannler heat er Bed SprlnxeMniirees Linoleum Rugs Cupboard Siep Ladder Tmbler Chairs Wash Stand Casement Window and Screens Fire Extinguisher Wash mh Sinnd Wringer Electrig Stoves Gnlvngiued Bip mu nu mu an un up Melon Fence Strudzer inctor Umbrelln Air Compressor mick ao zlllnn electm Feed Cooker Hood new Portable Gram Gun 10 oi hose on zSlb pail Cider Pm complete 23 Ex tension Ladder Simplicity hp Glrden ihctor lpeed ahead reverse plow diau cultivntar attachments 11 Ford illIan Truck automllc iransmisslon rebuilt Va motor Mgallon Gasoline Tank 100 gallon Tank with Pump Grease Gun Jamesway Electric incu bator 500 ESECBPICH leet 5i Cable CAHLE AND SHEEP Yearling Holstein Slam Year llnz Holataln Halter l5 Suiialk 13de 35mg with Lambs ma Mm SIMCOE DUFFERIN SHEEP SALE Thurs October 10 at 130 BAR FAIR GROUNDS Stay at the nuns cpc rn PA 474 SPBOULE Auctioneer CF Jack has been Appointed Mk relations or was imounced IIyIIIM Sh BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES Tho umu volume healed by another melhod could cost over $1300 per month Electricity Is Safe Clean Flumeless More Efficient tool YOU CAN USE OVER Independent surveys prove that moro water can ho heated at Iuwcr cosl wllh Hal rale electrlc water hcaung than any other way Matchless electric wallcyrhcatjng ls provep be Mm umu over 00 efficient dlfior methodsan only bo as much 65 efficient BARBIE HMEER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER van unnuhl ruuvn The arm high wagertun Bushman or the Kalahari De III Saigon capital or South Viel 5911 in Arrch use an Irmw Nlm true mm to 35 polson Man In one drop dam throughout the year can kill man PER MONTH TO HEAT IT 249 STEEL ST BLAKE PIN9721 MWESTPIIICES FASTEST SERVICE nunmm MATEnmis IIIORNLEA CuShCgrgy ELECTRICALLY Why Pay More CAN use OVER wu GALLONS or PIPING HOT WAIER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY BEST FOR LESS cymm Is not HOI WATER FOR FUll DETAILS CML COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE You Need all the 200 USE DEADLY POISON PA um

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