I45 BRADFORD ST DEAN MYERS Pmldeial hope sun will ablnrto ac lcepl my personal lnvllaUnn pram tomorrow tuning In shun In um fun and Illa glam uur of our 1964 dealt show This occulun of come hlgh llghu the Wondarlul new 1964 model whlch pgonjlsenrcvlnld ions In anlmnollvn progress cu way wnll lo uylng thank yvulor pinwane and sharing vi you our en lhnslnsm orAh Illmulnllng world of nulamnblle rclnlllng kncw you will enluy the cnlcrv alnmenl In the olllug llva may of was 55ES 538 mm is lovelyMlSS SHIRLEY HARMER one ofCanadasIopenterialnmpnt kllporsonalmes 7v SHIRLEYLHARMER This ISfYoflfPersonal lnv1tatln Attenid1hg yojur sh9wl Cgmeélzaahd 11111 damhis hegHriful ï¬ngprIIlgf Canadas finest carsfeaturing seeknew styling renoVations that will leave you breaIHlessTheyregéaredtoeerypoékgla book and averyï¬estaMerylthgyfegfpfzXou soo pii=véï¬i1npo Presenting Forflqui MEhterldihmeht CanadasOwn VIVACIOUSSONGISTYIJST0 WAupruamwoobmmr plush pophdgiqfpgqiql groijp and Manual Come see hear and meet PA 61885 LTD