Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1963, p. 6

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wedding trip to he Cayllal City and the St Lawrence Val ley4 followed the wedding 01 Miss Margaret lsahel Carr and Robert Alfred Jarman xellinz or white gladlnli and red and while camaklons Adam ed Trinity United Church Thorn ton or he anemoun ceremony performed by Rav Lemma Warr Mn llBXack presided the organ and accompanied the trumpet soloist Mls Gloria Jen nellp playing Becaun and Ptrlect Love The bride H19 daughier of Mr and Mn James orval Carr Thornton The bridcgmam is the sun Mn Alfred Janmm or male and the late Mr Jar man BRIDAL GOWN The bride was cscnrted the Illar by her father For her apcclal day she chose lull Ienglh gown or nnmanzz Thu filled bodice or the dress fu rod willy scooped neckline lily point sleeve The tall lowing skirt map to Lawm lnz rain or lluslon Guipure lace daislcl embruidcrtd the neck llne and skirt ol the gown corona of seed pearls held the elbuw lenzlh bnullnnt vell of silk Illusion The lurid car rlcd cnscndu bouquet cl red gwcclhtart tom slcphanous and Ivy Ilmnmcu She Ilsa car rlnd zm hclrlnnm handmade lace handkurchlcl belonging to her grandmnlhcr An Exchange 0t Plants Bulbs Highlight Everett WI Meeting ATTENDANTS Thu maid honor wan Mk Mrs Keilh Den floor wnl had In lo ho Evenll WI lor lha Ecplcmlwr mccllnx when mnmhm nnd one visilur nllcnd ad Pmldcnl Mn llurnl pru lldni The roll call wm nn uchnmze plnnl and hulk Several llmu of husinm wm drnll wlh and many mmmunlcnunnx rcnd ll wu dwclxled lo buy no cnupnn luwnrdA mrlhrrlnz WI wnrk in Norlllom Tnnmln me Mllllnery ruuna In April In and pm to hnvo ltndrr nllrnd HM drum mum 0c lnhor MrL Donald Kerr Had he Incnl cumnl Mrnll Alan poem yrri Inf Stilllunr Mu Inlrl Inn mnumn lurmltd Mn llaxlcr ml Mrl Krrr wm In chum all play of hamnr Irllclrl lur Ion Irnlr Mu Iuler mm mmrl an Im mmln In hurlph whrn Vnn In hull pm dunl Apoh Mn Mm HM mu Mpnlnl rd in Hum the lywlh lnr Tnmvnnllol lrhanl Inlr wllh Nuunlllra aullmvli Mu Hub prhlnl AMI Inn pxrsrnl IAHOF um mm mm mnlnhrrnm lhn Evmll anmn lmlllmp nl mm Ihnn 51 mm no uhm In mrmhrr Trip To Capital Follows Nuptials MI inf Allm hm am Ill Ch II rflllN Alucun $100 mum hm Huhmm oi PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE MR ANb MRS ROBERT JARMAN Slrphrmrm in nu mmrl he Jum ln Guelph uhlrh uh 550 in VIII The nllendams wnraidcnllcal street length gowns of while nnrgnnzau designed with tilled bodice with pliqued rounded nocklines and all sklrts enhanc ed wllh Inrza how arthe bade Their hegddresses were wedding ring shape of makchlng norgnn They carried hnuqueu nl rvhile rose and camauan will vy Mary Can of Thornton aislur the bride Miss Eleanor Jen nell of Thamlun and Miss Ruth Jenneuvr Bradlord were brides maids Allan Amnnull Harris was he best mun Wallace Black or Thomlon and Lorne Wheucr Orillia wen the ushers RECEPTION recepllon held In the Thum lon Hall lullawcd the ccmmony Receivlnz lhr gucsh the brldca ther wnra gown of leal blue shnnluug accented with while accessorlc and manage pink and while rosel Aslsllni HI bridegroamx mnlher was auircd In gown of beige lam over Inflcla Brown ntccswries and Corsage ol ycllow mm complttcd her um lume travelling lhn bride don ned lhree Ilene champazno bulge suit cnmplemcnlcd wilh brown nccusurlu Her comm was talisman nun Guests mended 1mm mum Now Stalin Oshnwn Sudlmry Timmlnx Toronlo mum and Aunaundlnx um Fella n1 lha héfxcymoan he tuupla will uko up rcsldencn in Enrrle Mrs Hum rend lhc mollu prrpmd by Mn anu on $011 like man dclrrinmm whrn II In abused nIn prolrnm wnl In chum ma cunvtnol or Agricullun Mu Jnnmy who begin by INJan Ill mm Comb la Hm lar telling xchnol lain lown lulu and he Roynl Wlnlrr lair nm Mu Jnmny old the kl ory 0L Innwul mm Kricz 1m who mm In Nuw York In In mmlul French Canad lnn Mme la Mnnlrufl In llw Mum Ix mania uvtr 700 lnmmn Will be hold from 1030 mm to 230 pm Iho FREE HEARING MD CHECKUP SERVICE FREE AUDIOMETRIC HEARING EXAMINA Hm Olllu 4985 Yang Sim Wlllowdcln OM Phono Long Dhlmn IM Ink or No To Chow Auk In Ipuk Ia MR DON GRAHAM ptmmlly TION SEE THE NEW DATYERY CHARGER You mod mvor buy bun1 Iglln CENTRAL HEARING SERVICE HEARING PROBLEM ON FRIDAY OCT 4jh HEARING lINIC QUEENS HOTEL ZENITH 69530 Vows were eichangad between Marlon Charlotte Emma and Allan Jamel Altman at an alter noon ceremony In Central Un llcd Church with Rev Donald ll Jay nllldnlingl The brlde the duughler 01 Mr and ML Murray Williams Emma 01 Blake Street The bridegroom ls Illa sun of Mr and Mn ered Altman of willlam Street Thornton Given in marriage by her ia ther the bride was aimed in champagne beige llnen sheath gown enhanced with match lng jacket fealuring bracelet lunglh sleeves Sniin In match lng lone edged he willy mun ded neckline oi he dress and jackeL beige whimsy hat with veiling and beige accessories completed the brides ensemble ller coxsage was red sweclheart use and while siephanoiil BRIDEI ENSEMHLE hlx hnld henulilul 1an srntlmcntnl gill quuilnn lo xenllcmtn young or old who hnvu chuth Indy huh mghdqy comlnx up nml vnlunblo pnlnllngl of early lmndinn life porllnlln many or Kricxholll pnlnllnnl mu Ahoun Mn llnndy And Mn llnxlcr wm Miles 11m hrnu pictured II In con TOKEN 0F SENTIMENT The roomsman wax Walker Hunter 01 Thnmlon RECEPTION reception held at lha Cedar Rail restaurant the brides mother received wear ing mlnk brown two piece sult wllh belge necessaries and complemented with equals oryellpwroseL The brldegmms mother slsled alum In bulge llnen nnd Inca thus with mulching linen jacket Helga accessories and corsage Tropch rose whanced her ensemble Follnwmg he weddmg Mp the couple will reside on SIM dm Street Thornton hands In nuurlarnold Iclllnz hm the MM Mn mm In vhlnulnnu or Iurqunlne In no Inml Alta or In Imuller ver llfln Maxway bruiximafi puyA menu shawl drflcll of HM mom In In llnl hall ma thnlwly you are like most ymm munyou In to mach quickly than flmmlal budnm mum 9f yoqr mum 31ml go 013 ram 91mYml t3 11m in nimplo my to mnlm curtain your dmnmn for our own and your lmnllflllll alum no lullI nx your mnnm uh 1m mmu limo lm Mandinfi in II bunth communlt ntarc now in Inn udcql1nlo paying pemn lifo 1lean iiFvnanmllnnfiml lllo lnmxgneo not Hflilldfi immedlnio mlnlo In xmlecl your funny it Ide nccumulnlu 511 can ulul May we suggest mink our mum flnundd nhuu uml vnur nmnnnl lmnllh nlurlnm mluunn lmvo boon iven Ibo owenun to not better nducnllon mn your nor Youllkul llnrhd In Iyuinmmnny run fnrfluoruplholndt or probably uu mnrrlod null 1nd dulldmn MYHBI JIw fulum 00 may or you and for your wlfo and family your good kcth continues ivlfiu unJFSEpmnfienlm 1mm manual yilll ullwd mprosgnlflllvu of Th9 ExoglnhrJMu JnmmComE mam in Imam hllpMcmulmgpeéuommfw YOUNG MEN EXPECT T0 60 EARTHER THAN FATHER HAD DEFICIT 1mm IN THE TRIM cmmmnfinnnmunmmnnu ngght Gained InrFive Years Should Be Challenge To Diet How much did you welsh Hve yum ago and how much do you weigh new Take um weight Increase an the trench Foflowinl temporary summér gain which way wm miyounds go up or down Regard an upswing the polnl no mum to thupely walght and thachal lenge can IDI30I inla mde 110114 Forget the word diet The lelisiyiruz way is to lose weight on be some type of food pattern that every healthy perm ol vlowe but with calorie curbed Once you know which food pro vide the enentlal nutrients and he approximaie ceiorie vnlue at standard servings youve not the pattern Plan your meek on these pro Ian your meals on these pro Ieciive code Dinner serving oi lean meat fish or fowl Va round oz cooked weight ail rimmebie at removedr Lunch can be built erouuq coiiela cheese Vi cup or hard cheese oz or email serving fish or chicken or lelt over lean meat ounce urvinl STAM Wlfll FRUIT Stan breaktm wilh citrus ml at juice lmall glass oz or medium ile mange or he zrlpelrult Have an 28 or Ihreequarter cup of hot cereal or randyurea cereal with cup milk or cup of skim milk Ean slice of least lightly spread Try black coffee youll soon preler It Swemn beverage Ind Inn with now nulrilive meelener If desired Vegetable portions Hullcup mlngl are rlghl or all veg etlbles In growl below Illa ground and count mm 75 In 100 calorie Limit me above ground slnrchy vegetables peas beam lenlll and com lo hall cup lerving nle portlon on green leafy and olher vet an Illa lhmnt of her footwear and peopla In the 11m AelXInl budneu are wanderinz just how let will an The clelvale put Ihe new opan look or 511m Many 01 ha in And wlnler llyle OTTAWA CPD Mrl Mu Myrdnl Swedish ambassador IlInrge Irrlvad Sunday to lha Canadlan Parliament 1n up lion Inday htlore Joining her country delegatlnn to tha United Nations in New York Mrs Myrdnl who 61 mum at three andxrnnd mnher ix chlldrnn believe womln can nuccmlully com blno mania Ind tum She hu wrllen book on the milled Swedish Ofiicial Believes Women Gan Combine Roles nclafa Mr Mmlnallon he Unlled Nation delezallnn nha paqu lh svyedhlg dummy la lhn lanilinn dlurmfllent cnnlerence In Gwen neIore heInz uppnInch nm hassador In Indln Burma and Ceylon In 1955 Inc handed vnr Inu dopnrlmenu lbs UnlIed anloru orgnulznllon Ind played promlnnnl role In UNESCO In ml Ihe IrIl her Imhllfl dorl ynnl In Indh lo Ioln um mIIIInIry nrcIKn nlInIrl In SIockhoIm or tpeqlnl uslxn manu and now II min am bnudor Ior her rounlry Three new power on In nnrlhcrn Swadtn hm an In nunl oulnul momma km wall hnurl nboul lhlrd ha More Foot Showxi In Trends For Fall 31 um nfim rum MORE POWER cable llul mw IMVI Du mud cath mm 9i lo up Um measured Amount nl onlya lull pat on build mum or nr corn Fresh rum Ind Indu tuned with non nulrluvn Iwéelener mike excellep desserts Haw much bread Ind mud In use Have lwn la hm lhln 111cc load bread Ind lull put mlrnrlm or butter plus tableemu ol Freud drwlnl onnlads Wonderful Imt ll um ha mtecuVe load um keep and Elna this 01 bodily rapnlr an no the mumll Tomorrow Slop up exclcl TomomwIMenn HIbltChluln Ile DlelDellcl¢mI Brnldlll Calorlel Chilled mil lulce OL Wedze of lettuce wilh lhamnd Island Dr up mgyonmllul tbsp chlll on Fruit 1n seasonRipe pear Hot tea Nola For lunch curler lhn mend III at Mead null and mu Ammwn Pickup05 Glass of skim milk or bullet milk 0mm allbroiltd Mar 1ch 0r finned veal tirluip 01 clip edgesam erh lemon juice garllc powder In Ind pepper Finlay potato nr baked polnla Margarine or butler pal Zucllinl with onion rlnu Celery and radium Bullenonuh DZena mad with lem milk Collee blnck Total modesIlls have cutout opening on he lldeu dip well down the out rant Ind hva open heell MIELun lth min uer lot hmnan oum rm nyr hawavzr um Immedlue Mun or open luu The nothing parlicularly nbou cluvua Some manuhcluml who feel xnmnlhing ll lacriflcedln lhe Illnz pump havu pul narrow posh the heel press conference report erl were told flu currznk Ilylel lop name or In weaml heightAbout 70 per can of the mac wld hm used In have heel abovn lhm inches Mr MacLun estimates but now only 10 per cent ol lulu In thh heals Ind ha rent an lllu lion hecll In most popular height bdng inches HEEL LOWER Heels Ind nu wlll vary In he cnmlnl season but enenlly Iha min In Hm lower lhu hul lh morn raundtd the lot rounded IHhouzh WI III long way lrom flu Ilubby mundnd too VI or nix ynn no Pcopla like lhl elonuted look but mm In IVDH remu Mr MICKAIII uld mndlllcd In llhriivlciloirwomtn onl Dinner Culorlel 45$ Cant Beat Natural GAS You married In thus Ilu Ha uid Ihno 111 but changed over the year with In Iverincreaslnz range of mu Ind wldlh available Hund wurk may Iller III size slightly and dulercm types leather may run In diflarenl liza shoes even though hay Ara made on lama last Roots In style from Just Ibave he ankle to knaehlgh wlll ho one ashlonl mus popular necessaries Illlx Ill Three lnlerprekallonl mm Canadian manullclums are lnwer lell hlxh casual hnnt wllh flanked heel and suede QUALITY STYLE STRANSMANS TRANSMAN WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME T0 44 DUNLOP ST FUR IRIMMED COATS FARM 15 MODEL BELFAST CPl The North ern Ireland zovemmcnl may buy model arm owned by the Earl of Anlrlm The 25 acre arm Glenwhem County Anmm II regardzd on of the most advanced In the Uniled Kingdom It would bu used to train agricultural students lealller Insert at leg opul lngs lnwer rlghl mldlum hlgh aeslzn will lower heel In my sued and callsldn with mlskin vands ln allies and top mldlarnwn leather wllh turnedAduwn null edgcd with black anfiqulnzl GP Phala SELECTION PRICE

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