IYIMOVNT IJNDHII LONDON CID Hrlhllnl ï¬rmml Im 1an hm IQ MHWl the public Um La 71 mm mnmlm mlnl rule which 51qu wh Icnllnm In Ire unl lo nmulu nl Iru than mlullpr lho Imml ml va HImlIHmINI In July T1u 1m nlhr 1y Ilrm aw Imiul er luywl iwanw Hwy 91 In ha marked Ivr lurcnam Monty drlvcr ol the ire truck 31 has always been first on me job and usually has lhe truck out by the lime ather crew mzm hm arrive lollowlng an alarm He will carry on us driver llls mply to the presentation may have been hls ï¬rst publlc rc mnrks as his has nlwuyl been qulct man He rather surprisl ed hls nudlcnco when he spake so llucnllyr lunch was served Bllcr which some at the uldsmrr Mn home and the willoughbya prgyldgd music fur clguclng mlmrlm 11 lmllw Ir llrl mum and llm ollul III was animus lm mm In Ivh IIJIIII nr any other In llnumy Illlll nllrd In lhc mm In Prawn wllnm llo mu unl In rrIIA nlrr nlnllln lprnh In anm Qurlmcn um nrnllm mm the ml vi Canada Glrmlx Ix lhu nnly um prrmu rlwmml In mnncdlnn ilh Irumld nrllvlllll WW Ihrrrnmnlh pcrlml Ind an ulm lnu nu rl lurn ummlh Itd In lrllll MONTREAL TI Irrllm Innry hmrlml Frnnrulu Hr oux 22 Qurlmc lly unlvrr Illy nllnlrnl nu clmrgn mn tvirnry nml wmrulnn Iynw mlln was pmlpnnrd lnr Nzhl dnyl hm lirnruu 5cmch It It lrdlry Mnlulny Postpone Heating Accused Silent llrcvc and Mn Guano who nu wllh Hm pump will link nn nlrn wrrk vial mlalhu 1n Saturday nighl mrmlmrn of he Cmme and Ccnunlllrc 11 by lmln for Winnl In lllltnll hn llomlnlon Gnu llomll Cum Wilma Mlglllon Clnrk nlm ROM COMMITTEE Fcnro viewers nm nppolnlcd by Cnuncll and although helr scrvlcu are no nflcn cm loy cd old rail Iunccs whlch Farm bl pnrl he dlvldlnu llncs nrn nsl dclcrinrnllnx Tm my mm mm mare and more new nwnm wlll ho ï¬nding the ex penny replacement somewhat of launlcn and nlso they will wnnl Io knnw Mm ls responsible Iullnxu lho decision Ihnuld ho nldmnuer or llm Councll dc hnd lunar from widnw who after pressure mm neighbor called In lh 0an lcnce viewers and asked for rcparL thn lho report was ctivcd she lhoughl that It called or expendilum of $50 rod In rlplnce lhc lance On In vealigutlon we find lhnl tho Mill would be 350 We ave tn mnke lhls not Iceond hand Arkr ramming about at flu Bnrrie Fair most of Ihe day we went to shop and large to go Strand FENCE VIEWERS USED Over $100 collected was used to purchase lazyboy chair or Manly and silverwam for Mm Sherlnx 0N JFlllE TRUCK Over 300 members at the com munity attended rcccpunn 11 Strand Hall Inst Saturday night for Mr and Mrs Manly Sher ing who were married monlh ago The couple have taken up residence in Nob um area Straud Mrs Sharing who came from Mnniluulin lennd has as be come part the community She was widow and has small amin ljyingwih them INNISFIL NOTES ll Col Baleman right General Staff Ofï¬cer First Grade HQ Central Com mand Onkvilln discusses be training of Canadian Army Physical Trianng inmmm with APAC omcials at Camp Reception Is Held For Stroud Couple OFFICERS DISCUSS TRAINING Hui we rlmnn xlltclnml new In II heavy palm xlrmnnll lnr prhnlc lalkl Illh VIIIIILIII nml all nquuln mun In con xldvml un nchl crlmc Rum who lul llnl Innl we Um Um Mnfln nruunlmllou nncrmu lhruuuh lullnln In llm Tnmnln am Judzu MnrdnnnH thalrman of lhe Dnlnrln loIILv Cummls nlnn4 Inn IJIIII hn will Mk US Mlnmry lrurml Hnlnfl Krn nrdy lur mnnlLuhm lnlk la annchl nlmul rrlmmnl Dlflllm Imllon In Onlnrlo VASIIINGmN rm 11m uullru kpnrlmrnl Inhl Mumlny any Cmmlxlnn polltu ro qunl In lntrrvlnw mtvlvsllr In lnrmmll erph ananII will In ulvm lull mnqhkrnllnn TORONTO CF Judgo llmco Mncdnnnld lcll horn Mnn dny lnr anlnnglan la mm In mumnl Sennlu mmmllloo hr vcsllnnllnn on crlmI nml ck an lnlrrvlow wllh Jastph an crlmc llkum wlm In mature Ho must do this from his own pocket and with his owu labor When It agreed lhnl market lnx llme has come he and Iho church herdmaslcr will no amber and make sale ha fund 0an In the church The Idea can apply to cull pl or lack chickan Charles Sproqu has been up polntcd church hrrdmnster and It In hoped that tho snmu aucusl wlll accumpany hl mom or 5L Paull ha has had In hll own hard Canadian Iudge Attends Hearing 0f Valachi Case We hovel number at very interesting autographs obtained at the Barrie Fair However we tolled to produce our book inr many of the people to whom we talked during theihrea days on the grounds or we might have had bigger collection One of the first came from young business man of Barrie who called us by our initials and Mr Stroud We ï¬nd this name is quite common and wn accept it proudly This young man who is younger than In nislll Notes said that he never misses our report and reels Ihnt it is good material CHURCH IIEKDSHMN An innovation is being stnlicd in St Pauls lnnisiii congre gation This idea came imm up Grey County wa where rurnl churches are iin ing it diiilcult to meet modern day costs tarmer who no duims may have coli pnrchnsod or him by the congregational tunds it he in turn will agree to iced the ant mnl until marketing age or un til ch time as it is mature KEMPENFELT DININGHR60M 0mm muLv ny MLSL Russell lllnnlloha before hand lng lmme The wave will bo away for speclal mecllng wllh West Gwilllmbury Council this week and the mummeeting cl Councll Monday AWOGRAPHS Borden He speaks with Ma In Firlolle ltentre Officer Commanding and the Chief Instructor Captain Batman who assumed his new duties at the APTC July 1501 TM ls Col Batmans Hrs The Rendezvous lounge QAYSHORE moron HOTEL Sharon nll MI of Duluth vllle and Krnntlh Um no Kurlnllirltl lll Wcrn llllnl Sumlny hm lhdr rnr wan MI by lhn Humla Furl lirln rrlnhl Mnmlnyl vclhm worn ldcn ilkl Llayul lllrknu to Wellnml mul Jnlmxly anlrr 45 Dunnvlllu Th CNll hamlnFm Erlo hlehl collided In lmck 1an bnlh Ocrulmnll 11 mman our lhln Lulu IIrlo nnumlnlly nhnm 11 how nflrr mnn mud ynunu wumnn In our warn kllXcd In mmlnz nc cl41rn£ ll miles nwny DUNNVILLE OnL CPINu Mn In lnxck were lulled nenr hrru Monday In In lcvolcronlnl culllninn mm wnl nlmon can hon rnpy douhwnlnllly nc cldrnl hwanz Um Innm traln your earlier Level Crossing Collision Kills uW umLuuull Mler th speech to he nsso clnllonl annual convention ho Iold rcporlou ml was per unul hollcl though he thought In large proportlon of tho asw clnllonn mumbLn hnd Almllnr vlcwl Im not nullnamnn Cull MC want lhnl undmlood Im Just mid on Iho Ilznlncnnm of public cducnllon unmu or 11115011 burz camd unified pub Ichool mum and questlnned the use publlc money to sup p955 qmlnntloqnl ducallon uv MacDonn Pruhylerlan mlnlsler and prosldmt of On lnrlo Public School mmeoa Assodauon on voiced strong opposition lo the prov lncc huol system Cleric Opposes Separate Schools Burlol Lnrnnl And Mon Lunurlom Fully Llunud Loungc Prosenls Nighlly Eniovlahnnem with CORD HATCH ll M1 HAMMOND ORGAN There were oral questions on such iimewam subjects as nuclear weapons Iincmpioy mom Great Lakes labor strife he Cannda Pension plan ihe Coiumbin River treaty supply of teed grain for eastern furthers brunch line abandonment on Ihe Prnirics lhe iCA mainten nncu base at Winnipeg iha civil service and Jurisdiction over the Eskimo northern Qucbec VSanié armor subjects of party acrimony wcrl bashed over agnln 93mm cmRev Members Retum Becomes Costly Apart from that and question over the seating 01 Snclul Credit members and breakaway Crcdmstes was bushes as usual First Item of legislaflon dealt with was maximum $30 nnnunl increase In per sonal Income axe to help sup port SIMmonlh Increase lo 37 inoldnge pqnsynns mAWA CP MP3 re turned to war Manday tiller Iwmmonlh Commons re cess Some taxpayer may eel the MP5 should have stayed home Fï¬rst Item of legislaflon visit to Camp Burden since lai king over 650 Sep nth Largely responsible or lha Irnining of maps within Cen ral Command nu ma cover lng Ontario he is visiting all 10 or the Armys mflnhg schonls Camp Borden Sept 2325 to became Iamilinr with illheir roles and yuan train Scclltm Team lmh mn mm or ncldlnul nl lnrhul In Huh wnqnn 1w lack nml Eon Hinzth llrnl Alrx Fltlclwr Ilnrry Wlllfl Gnnlup Lchhmnn smlni Wm Drlzlnm mum nr Icldlnu nunrhrd Sncllnn Team Clydru dnlu mum ur Knldlnxm ul luchrd lo Hum wnznn Hlmr um hawon Chum4 llnllhlny Her annnn llnlwrt lowl um Wnlur Ilnyd Hurry lrlul IL llcmlnl and Ron Secllon Team lkIglnm mm or geldlnul nluclml lu heavy nan Nehill um Son Vurdln Mmk Sccllnn Tcnm Perth lmlll mnru ar Heldlmu luchcd lo heavy wngonlluxhu Hm flux muck nnd Sam Huuhu um llnrry Walker nnhug Slrnml Scdlon or dnlca mom or ncldlnzl mulch ad lo heavy wagon Church Holllday Waller Boyd that ann Slmpwn anm Rob slorcy llcmlnz nnd San YODAY MST OF THE VIKINGH ll 830 pm Only ONLY THE MIMIHHS 0F munon II 700 SpcélHlLBcsl Belulnn lLoul 1m Russell Carrlck HASH Nq lLAflNESg CLASS Secllon IoGmnd mumplon Ncsblll nuerva Grnnd Cllnmnlqnzj Nesblu Sccï¬on BScnlor Champion Nubia Renown S¢nlr Chnmplnn Ncabllt muchFoal mm Jul Cnrzlck Secuth 7Brood mm with log lg al Seclinn SThmeyeamld ï¬lly or gelding Nash and 50 Section Noyenrold Illly gr gelding Nash and on Scdlon Yearling ï¬lly or co my nnd San Secflon 2Mnro or geldmg mm or over llghl Nes blll and Son Russell Canloll Russell Carrlck run Cglamplan Hughes Bram Reserve Grand Champion Hugbu Ems CLASS N0 IBELGIANS Section IMnm or gelding your yr over heavy Nes hllt and Son Nesbm nndw So erdln yank VerdlpVMnrk TOMORROW Annull us cc an BScnlarlchamplan H11th Bras Reserve Senior Chunfglontflughe Bras Section Junior Chmpién Hughes Brou Remve Junior Chnflzinni Hnyngxynmsi or 1963 Hughes Bran Harry Walker Ruben Slmud Russell Calrick Secllnn 7Bmod man with Dal by side Harry Walker Russell Cnrrick Robert Slmud Section wulyuawld filly or gelding Hughes 1105 Reg Blnck In San flurry Walker Harry Walker Robert Simud Either Sixamt Secilon Yearling llly or call Hughes Brns Reg Bind Son Robert Stmud Section ge ng year or over Ilght Reg Black Sun Mex Fletcher Alex either Egghes Bray Secllonr Thrwyczmld lilly or gelding Hughes Bm Garden Leishman Seclion lMare or gelding4 year or aver heavy Hughes Bru Re Black San Hughes Br Robert Strand Section loGrand Champlain Wrelord Hewsnn Grand Champion Wrefnrd Hew snn N9 PERCIIERONS Secklan 9Semnr éï¬amplun Iretord Hewsan Reserve Sew lor Champlan Wrelord Hew S3ch ViiJunior Champion Fleming Son Reserve Jun 01 Champion Fleming Son Section Brood man with M1 by side Flzmlng Robert Storey Robert Robert son Walter Boyd Section Yeariing filly or colt Fleming San Rm bert lawn Section GFaal of 1963 R0 bert Sloray Fleming San Robert Robertson Waller Boyd Secllon waeamld Illly gelding Fleming Son Robert Roberlsun Robert Storey Waller Storey plum Sectiorl lThmxeamld ï¬lly or gelding Wretord Hewson Waller Boyd Robert Robertson Fleming Secllnn kMare or geldlnl year or over llghl Charm Hallway Simpson Dawmn He be Wing Boyd Scum 13131 or xeldlnl years or over huvy WHIoM Human Charles Hlmdu Wal Er Boyd Haber Down Simpson Dawson BARBIE FAIR RESULTS sum um Mucus nnx 0mm 0mm AT mm mm mmw mum um mmmrr mm pm THE MOII IMPORTANT APVINTURI OF OUR TIMI Svcllon mi owr um Srhnly Sactlnn Yemlln null IAHB Cook um flchn Sacllnn lIuII unlor cull Lullu Cook Wm Clark Scrllan Hull Junior cull Sccflnn Cow mm at am my Inna Cool 11m Hrlxnly Wm ClnL you Errilnn Cow ï¬lm yml or mu In mflk Luna Cnnk meï¬ilvcr Mr and Mn Norman Smllh Wm Mnlcom Ion um um nun an CHM hmmut Ilnuln pony drlvcn chlld who but not ruchm or hu um blrlhdny at Jan ma Wm Mnlconuon Mc Enchnm nnd Inmlly Wchh and Son McEnchnm And Inm fly mn Funky Nrn 0n Clnu Boy and girl not over 1a mm of mu McEnchcm and ml Son Section II Tandem Harman Panlu over but no cmflng 50 Lorna Cmulnl Mr and Mn Narmln Smith Sccllon 28 Tandem amen Pnnlu over 111 hum Vern onVun Fnrml Section 14 Tandem Hamel Ponlcl Ind under Mt Enchem and family Mr And Mn Nonan Smith Webb and Syn Wm Malcolm Samar1 Li Sing Inrnm Pony hand and mm VamanVuo Flmu VemonVuo Fqnnl Sccflon Slum flames Pony war 41 but not exceed lnz 50 Mr and Mn Norman Smllh Mr and Mn Noman Smllh Lorne Cousins Vtm 01qu Farm Mona nuu nanny cellon 21 Sing Humeu Pony over but not exceed In 47 Lorna Cousins lame Cnuxlna Mr and Mn Ngfrngn Smith Search 21 Sluke Clan Slngle llamas Pony Nol ex ceedlng Llancll Purcell lJllr and Mn Norman Smith chem ngg lnrnlly as yo ya ummmn Section 11 Slngla Human Pony not exceeding 44 Llo gfl Purczll Mr and Mn Norm my uu wnr Hy McEachem and family Webb And Son Wm Mal cognsan sue on Palf Harness Ponies aver 44 but not ex ceeding 50 Mr and Mn Norm Smith 10m Cousins Secunn 20 Pair Harness Ponies ever 12 hand Vern onVug Farms Section 11 Brood mare ever 44 but not axceedlng 141 nanux with foal Art Morning Lloyd Sedore Section In Pair Human Ponies no uceedlng nat ural mane and all Lionel Purcell Mr and Mn Norman Smith McEachun Ind ank fly Wtbh and San WnL Mglcomson Secllun 15 Stallion open registered not exceeding 44 Llonel Purcell McEachem and lamily McEnchern and lamlly Wm Mnlcomxon Section 18 Mare open not Exceeding Maul Purcall Elm Malcomson Camp cfl Seclan 14 nm year old or Yearling not exceeding 44 An Morning Wm Malcom say Dixon Secunn single horse xult able nrdehvery purposes hit chgd to suitable vehicle Alvin Mark Russell Uncles Alvin Mark Russell Unclet CLASS N0 PONIES Section Bmud Mare not ugd Foal of 1963 Section Tegm mare or geldings suitable for delivery hitched lo suitable vchlcles AM Mark Rqsclj Uncles cm Nq wAaoN nonsas Seplion 11 Single Belgian hitched to suitable vehicle Neshitt and Son Verdin Mark Nesbm and San Verdin Mark Russell Garrick Sectinn Single Percher on hitched to suitable Vthlde Reg Black and Son Hughes 8105 Alex Flat Harry Walker Section Slugle Clyde dnla hitched to snIKabIo ve hlcle Hnllldny Walter Bayd Simpson Dflvison Hebe Dawn Robert Storey Flgmlgg Secflon Four Ham Tan dem Hllch Perchan orBeI ma Hughes Em but and Son Reg Blank and Son Harry Walker Verdln Maik Alex Flelcher Ugh wlgnn Nubm Ind Son Rune Cami Steam Four Ham Tun dem Hitch Clydexdalu or war an hone Chqu mum Haber Dawn Walter Boyd Rus ull Uncles Simpson Dawson Robe Storey Fleming Ind Son vu 100m mu CLASS N0 21 JERSEY Suction Dull Iwu ycnrl Ind over Dorothy Mar nn Section Yearling Bu Section Bull lcnlur cal Dowlhy Mnmn Section null Junior Call George Cumnran Section Cow your nr over dry Dummy Marian Darolby Marian Georg Cnm emn Sedlan Cow yam or aver In mllk Georgu Cam tron Dorvlhy Morinn acorn Cnmtmn Dorothy Morgan Section Cow yam dr1 Secllon IO Grand Champlon Femnla John Nu Ind Sunl Section 20 Senior Chum plan Mm John Nagle and Soru Section 11 Junlar Chum pkm Mala John Nails Ind Sons Section 12 Grnnrl Cham plon Mala John Nlllc Ind Saul Séétlon 17 Scnlnr Champion Female John Nazis and San Scellon ll Junlor Champlun Femaie John andl Seciion 1o Junior Yearling Helixx John Noah and Son section 11 Senior Heiier Cali John Magic and Son John Mania and Sen John Fen nel John FanndL Section 11 Junior Heller Cali John Fume John FenneII Seciion 18 Grndzd Herd gohn Fennel John Nzlu And on Section 14 Junior Herd JohnNnglc and Son Section 15 Progeny of Dom John Fennell John Nash and Son John Nazis and San Section 16 Got Sire John Fennell John Noll Ind Sum Sectlnu 50117 $23113 Heifer John Fennel John Fennell John axle and San nun mm Section Cow yes dry nr in milk John Fennel John Magic and Son Section But Uddered Ft male John Nngla apd San Section Cow years or over in milk John Nagle and Son John Fennel John Nazis and Son johnflNngle and Sgn 1341 Sec Inn Cow years or over dry John Magic and Son John Fennel John Nagla and Son John Fennell Section Yearllng Bull John Nagle and Sun Secllun Bull senior Calf Secllon Bull Junior Call In Nays 3nd Sun REGULAR ROUND lllMlI THE WKALTII MECIM llOUNM JACKPOT $270 lEGION HAll COlllER ST CLASS NO to GUERNSEYB Section Bull years and over John Nagle and Sons Jnlm FenneIL ectlnu 22 Grind Chanp plan Mule Bert SchaLV we qu Secflan 20 gamer Champlun in mm Section Juan1 Chimplan M519 Leslie Cook 1425149 Cook SEcUAn LB Junlor Champion Fenrpalle Vjm At Clark Section is Gét of Eire W31 garkLgsfle Cool Secilbn 15 Wm am Schnly Seéilbn 13 Leslie Cook Sclmly sécuan 5411 Cook Section 11 Senior Heller Ca Wm Clark Bert Schaly usueCook Allan wast Secï¬on 12 Junior Hailer Calf Wm Clark Bert 5131313 Lane Cook Séillnn ESTA Yearlhu Heller Bert Schaly hulk OoyhUWm Clark 526mm 10 Juli Yearling Heller £31 Cook Leslie Cook Wm Clark mun SectionIvaJyurler orlnmllkleaue Cook Wm LCllrk Bert Sahel Section Bu Uddenad Fe lush lesua Cook Win gut Wm WEDNESDAY OCT LEGION BINGO 0615 IWMn Vigilnan Progeny ol Dam Clark Leslie Conk Leslle Cook ï¬atflof sire Junlnr Herd Wm Clark Bell Graded Herd Wm Clark Bed Tho Orlglnll Drlvrln Bnrrlu 50th Link Rond In Tho Clly Bolvmn Hwy 400 Ind Hwy Admlulan 75 Chlldnn Umhr 13 Fm YHE WAR l0VER 5TH MCQUEEN Mull linltrulnnwnl TONIGHT and WEDNESDAL WM 31 33M on mm mow flAhï¬Wï¬k SHOWS AT 100 AND 000 PM SeEiinn Low Medium Cambing John Fauna Roy WuV Jame Hancock Roy Walt Section 147w Comban John Fennell CLASS N0 BACON 1100 CARCASS COMPETITION Chalmer Pratt Seciï¬n Comb Ing John ll Syme 2nd James Hancock 3rd DJ217 ULASS N0 22 LAMB CAECASS COMPETITION James Wilson Jama Hancock Charles Sproule Elwobd Bone Want CLASS N0 23 WOOL FLEECE Section Fine Medium comb Stilton21 Jm°3hmp 102 Pink Daron Mqrggp nagIna SEC on 22 Grand Cham ion Male Dorothy Morgan Aumgnll Se Em 19 Grand Champion Female Darulhy Morgan emu on Senior Chamiflon Mala Dorothy Morgan Mm nylylm my nuu Dorolhy Morgan George Carn erono Section 15 Progeny of Darn George Cameron Section 16 Get or Sire Dorothy Morgan Section 17 Senior Cham pion Female Dorothy Mor gan Section 18 Junior Champion Female Dorothy Morganr nun 1n BARRIE EXAMINER MAY mum Sectian 12 Junior Hum Calf Dorothy Mnrgan Gzorge Cameron Section 13 Graded Herd Dnrolhy Morgan Guam Cam emn Sedllnn ll Sénlnr Calf Dorothy Morgan Caimeron m4 In milk Dummy Moran Damn Morgan mom mm mm Section Ben Udderad Fe male 6pm gamma rSeitIun Senior YulIla Heller Dorothy Mama Gianna Camemn TOP HITS III II II Uulhm Juglm nerd IIAII NOW SHOWING lAST TIMES TONIGHT Helm George Iinquuuuu ALBERT FINNEV null um Norm America Between 1770 and 1890 WENT WEST 000000 Person ml ghe Bfnjsh Isle Io mu pmn nearly impossible In measure expected demand or callth basis or Th college is trying to set up group cl dentist who could be Incorporated under Ontario leghlnklon allowlng for the ex lahflshmcnt of prepaid health plans Dr Dunn described the Iaxk setting up prepaid dental scheme as at more difï¬cult than estabfl mg healthyhn mu muuuay Joint confer ence Ontario Public Health Association and the On tario branch of the Canadian In stitute Sanitary Englneen me plan wuuld be now pro and underwritten by den flsL In the same manner Physician Services Incorpor aLgd provides medical care by doglors WRONTOCPOne of lwo pilot project aimed in testing the leasibiiiiy oi prepaid dental care can be expectcdin Ontario within few months Dr Wes iey Dunn registrar of the Royal College of Denial Sur geons of Ontario Monday Dr mm MA Eugcne Smllh Ll Hancock Dlvll WIN Parker Peacock 58 Rupert McGralh Don Mchalh Nnrglanflayus and son BEDflWMWEVSIIINI nmmummmm warnmammu mmumaml wwnmwuu Test Prepaid Dental Care In this Dalmm mdlka Iv IIIEIIHM Ulla tiling merit Slutll MIMIan Nam yau may Running andmy It Ilia tomIla In James Steer BANDIT QF ZHOBE Victon mmnn