Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1963, p. 1

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10103le IY Tumnln Midnmlll II In Emlrrn Fmflvh onlrmuv mmnuurrd hula llml lhn mmml of Math N1ny VII lumll 1m lrm mum llmmh Iho mum Vlrknwnkl mu on one yrnr umlrntL Announce Trusteeship Bill For Unions puMiJmi NI Iunmer WELLINGTON Womb Md 00 fkly um um MIINUWY Iv OTTAWA lLII FUlmnl Home WM hm Ihn nmmmu hr tiny mmnnwnl mmuu plnu Canadian lnnllllme unhmu undrr Iluwlnrmlwr Inwmlwlvl tnmocdllp lmnnl The unlu Ilml pmvllhn Inr nlandmwnl muncll mlmlnLrfllnn mmllmw mlmu lur he poynwul chairman am In memlvm nml lnr lhr nuplnynm ml pnymml nl mlmnvl Newspaper Fined For Ward Stories OTTAWA cm Prime Min lslnr Pearson categorically de nied Monday night hm hero is any basis of fact in reports that Liberal MP5 are demand4 in Shift Finance Minister Comm and Health Minister Ln Mursll to olher posts MIMIL lIn IAIY Flam luluelw llr mflll dnugrruuu lmrri ram Hm mun rlllml In lhe Cnnhlvcun wllh hm villain of no mllu an lmnr why lilnugrnry lumlllra wm lwlnu ml to her hm vldlm llm lxlnml nl Tuhmzu Argos Renew Wirkowski Contract Vulnchl ms mld that mm hluh wmluluinn lhrn llmk cmn mnnd ul nm Nodrn nclinu hoard nl iudnrl lzul lhnl Heme Pledges CoOpéifqtion 1Lauds Mr Suhwmminw mum Jtromn Axllrrmnn nnnnuncld lhnl he tnlwlcml killrr nnd dope ped lur would tr xmxlnn wur lnr ptmrr um Venunancc that lluuldmrd Imr Mnrclla nl lhu mm lymllmflun aid has The whcoxummrc lfllll pullu ulhnnny would bark up Vul In glnry Hurricane Ravages daribbean Islés anachl who has not prized nllmrc since In say he re ceived lhe kiss deathn dcnlh stnlcnco lmm Com lema boss at bums Vllb knowso begins his second day puth lcslimany hclnrc Ihc Bunnie invtsllunlluus subcom millcc WASHINGTON Cl AP Jascph anachl whim Cnnndlnn pnlIcuhnpu la lnlervicw priv nlvly gives lnvcsligming Ecmh lnrs lndny mnbmrn we view bloody gangland wnr back in UN 1930 Wm ax have already denied and deny nnw calcgarically that than is any basis of Ian in these rcpgrts TthIVolcrencc la previous denial arose as result alcmenl Em Mr Pour olfice about the reports There were signs he said that might herald new chap er of coepernlian belwcen the Soviet Union and the West He also made these chic points China would be compelled io drop me ram her na tional pr ram it she wishes to surviv and should be membnr the United Na lions Lord Home ina 35wwnrd speech today pruisedSaviet Pramlcr Khrushchev or his step by step approach to salv lng EastWest problems and said he hopes that nextWar we shall be able to say lhnl this session of the assembly mark the 2nd lbs cold wnrlf MéY COfllERATE Gordon LaMarsh Will Retain Positions States Pearson Andre Gromykn Russ Kor eign minister called or the summit talks in speech to the assembly Sept 19 and said they should be held in the first six months of next year possibly in Moscow oreign secretary said In nn address prepared for the UN General Assembly that he could see some value In such meeting but said some points should be studied inten sively lower level first UNITED NATIONS CP The Earl of Home today prom lsed Britains cooperatlan In talk with Russia that could leadq unmmil meeting all members ha UNdisarmn men committee 110110le IY 99 Year No 229 NEWS BRIEFS falachi To Tell lflHGang Killings For Eununu want Ad Ma phOne PA 12411 havleluphonl number Inch to Lhr Busin or Editorial Dept PA 68537 UTDN tllmlm inland wapnmr nu XII 1mm nn In Mllflrnry rlum mm m1 Ilnrlrx nl musllmal Slrphm Ward vku lml In lAmdw Our Telephones vihlrh Mum Bur day hzn mm ch 0U Mnmlny nlahl In stroke of mldnlnhl lhll Wm MrScun nullon lave up In slum Drllllh Ilomlnlnn wlylm It held nlnce guinlng lull lmkptndcncc 0d 1060 and became Hm IIXUI npubllc In mu Gmmonwealth guns and tinn also Ilg MIINI llm mm rclchrnliuns which wlll ho Imppler lhnn Iinl qwerty general strike LAGOS ngcrln mullet Tnn Nara rcpuhllc Nigeria was born lodny ushered Xma be lnx with zlnun lama And the bum Ilrtna 1mm M11 my nnllonx anchoml Ihu hlrhar here Nigerian Republic Celebrates Birth Gcnavcse muscled In to become 41 annchl pm bosse under the lab herripom wcre drawn to Mr Pearsons nucnlion he left cuhincvscsslon comment made by Mr Pearson iaok ii anybodyi hand was anci morning cabinet session Al ihaf time he said it did not going in tail because of week end caucu meeting oi Lihcni MP5I chorts ihnl the two minis im were under heavy ire sprang from he weekend cau cu ounimnce at which infar mnnia said he cabinet was given bminl criticism by Liberal hackhenchers 1131151156 disarmament re quires precision and itis there that preparation 13 manual Soulh Airica should remain UN member because once eviction is allowed by major ltyvote the organization will cease to represent or reflect the sinie at the world Milcan countries should not seek to change the sintus quiz with wars of liberation DeAling with the proposed summit talks on disarmament by the 13 nations which include Britain Canada the United States France and Russia Lord Home said LORD HOME 119 mafriPExaminvr In wldernnulnl maul Jul mlllrd In the Mllrnluwln mmll nllvlmry mnnmlm un unlvrrslly lull In Jura lunlul 51m remmmlwl that one uudnm graduate from high Moi Hwy morn mm lm of Iurnllnn Ind lulninl mmum In It owned lhi uulml head 11m nlncnflnnkh nlm qu mend llml smdmlu In M10 001 In nmml lo we Fund an Innml ran lhrlr mumm 11 Mad unlmnllm In Onlmla lmIny mmmnrwkd flu rruvlnriul ummmnl 1M hullth aw Im ml lrin In 0mm wumunulu In plwlnllllng In lumlmumlnly nml dull luvnlltm 111m tnlkm quld MunInn lbe mum at lululna pm In mlull nudrnh and Hm can mum ll hnhrmllu oIrIEe Buy humanly 5m The 1101 nllll InfllmghWo pan ll The non umlllnzl 0n lhu my la Smllh and Son you wlll pa bgclmllflrll nml Gumbiol lawyer Eugen Curt said nothing hm hvcn 5d licd ilc mid Kim hearing wnl bmkcn or lim rcquul ol lonlmbcnnun inwynr who mid he wanted Io aimiy the evidence She also asked lull mulody nl lhcir Iwa chlldrcn Gamble 22 asde lhe cam Ior legal scpnmllon Shu charged hm 37yearold Human lnnbom husband leh adultery noglcdlng his nmily and mum daring part of lhe 32000000 Rcmlnmon typewriter Ionunu the Inheriud from hcr mp Krandmolher Mm Katharina chdcs Dcncdicl or New ank RECOMMEND MORE FRENCH Gamble emerged Ive minute Mar looking dislrcsw Sh Qald reporters was not very pleasa Imumbcanthfl Ihemur¢ by back door and drove on In lawyers aulomobile ZURICH Swillerlnnd AmA courl nllempl Io reconcile type wrilrr helm Gamble Benedict Pommbcnnn and her summit our husband Andre Iandl la dry allrr lwohnur closed xcs man Edieéfsffisqufiéfs Legalseparatibn There were Indications that the government may put ll trusteeshlp in elfect than suspend it whlle the trade union mnvemchne clean It own housg nn the grant lakes The Inlnrmnhls say it is slll not certain that behindthe scenes talks between the Cana dian Labor Congress and lha AFLCIO will produce work able efieclive unionsponsored cleanup of the strimwrn lakes problem But lheysay olrorls or non governmental lrusleeship are nrpeningJusl 24 hour before the Canadian govern ment plan to ask Parliament for the power to clamp led eral Irustcoshipnn flve water lrant unlnns OTMWA CmSpurred by the imminence zqvemmenl lmsteeship legislation Cana dian and United State labor leaders are moving closer to agreement on private pact to rid Ihe Great Lakes walerlmnt of labor hoodlum reliable sources say 0mm lhi mlml head Specialized Colleges Proposed For Towns Uniofl Accord Near HERES ONE PLANBosI IN rAxrs TOPAY PENSION HIKE 1119 mm mm vwvaml fur llw mlmllillm ol pmhlnnlu nl wmImlnlly mum nnlvlul ling um rollnm nl 071th by anlvm mernmlucc with Dr Juhu Drum me prin cipal Quunl Unlvmny Kingxlon an rhulrmnn Dr mum Ill vrcany nmnlmal human ol Iho new Emmmlc lymcll ol Canada x9 uua mlmm lommmnmlanom nut niw Inn lem 11w mum rnllllml Tho lumi lun lml Hmomlary lid rm In Onlmlu trylcwn llw lmwlh hr Onlarlu ulncnllnn lyllrm nlm mm to ma mum and mum yount Immu lnlo llm moulll 1m univetu whrllwr hwy um Ill Id 0r ll of MI lmlvml hora plmnld Ina Impulmulln In vnncml lrnlnmg lhnl hnulnl mil Um mull nml nlulillu uln drnlm Davlo Fulton larmcr lul llru nml work mlnlllwr In lho lulcml whim mu drfonlrd nlomz wllh lulu rnllre Ilnlc of lrozrmlvu Constrvnllm II hm bmn ll yrarn nlncc flu lnxl Monday night the poll had bran chmd only no mlnuln when The Lnnndlnn Ircn trend analysis lchnltd Mum of U1 xnvnmmcm The weep mnrkcd lha olxhlh llmu In less Dunn year mat rovinclnl voltr In Cnnndn uva wblulcd lhclr govern mrnlm leunls dlssoluflon lho slnndlnfl wns Soclnl Crcdll ll NDP lo lemls Prcmlcr Bennett campaigned on Social Crcdn or socialism slogan is part look our scat from the web st New Dcmacrnllc Party which In lum gained an nun Um xnvcmmtnL VILKDHIA CHTho Social Credit guvummnnl of British Columbia was relumcd Monday wilh nn Inmast mulorfly The Handing Social Cm Socreds Returned In BC Election NDP qurlo Onllrlu Cinnda Tuoflay ombu I963 PREMIVERBENNETT 0F ac 61 50 uqevoirrfinrh than lnuoduml In tho um he quczflcn Errvar Fund In mm nu In nec nury II II II MM la Um dune lrulr Muml clumm ms mn um il 1mm urn mum would to gays mm In Hm Idlfll Provide hrlu Ivr unlvay panama Mun lha 12min urmu muru Illrnfllu men In number Alkypqull lmlslnnm in Jul would human unlm col IrgM lhal wnuhl um unlvmlly lnel vmrk wamlvn rurrlmmm In lulu pmvlnrlal Innllum lefhnqlugy Ilplltrvrlllslrllmllnn at In Mghrglqnnllnui lurlulrl In Indyllslml In wnununlxlu llml wan llwm or Iwrlnllxlnx In mullwmndary nml Mull Id uknllou ilnhlo Knvemmcnl and In good cpmslllnn HI what will nomlnuu to hnvn Premier llcnncu won welco llnn In Oknnnxnn Soulh can Iltlurncy ha ha rcprmmrd hr 21 yunrlpnd uldn There were woman In tho Held at 205 candldulu and only one all llnflcn NDP In Grand larksGrccnwoodl wu eleclcdl Camllle Mnlher In Della and Human Hobbs In llcvclllnka NDl member In lho lull Home were lumod out In Invur Social Credit cnndl dam The xavcmmcm puny anlncd lwn Dclm all out In numnby ling Ihq Ilqchlufiu riding Only Sonlnl Crcdll and flu NDP pul up lull slams 1111 Lil crull want wllh There were our Cammunlsls one Indepen dcn and one member ol the St clallll Party of Cnnadn and all were delcalcd Mutation Minister Earls Weltwood who won Nanalmo and the Island by 51 vole rum he NDI In 1900 lost la NDP cnndldnlu Davld Stuplch by fewer than Lhnl Monday and asked lag rccounL Conservative was eleclcd pro vinclally In llC 1m Mmmt 5mm mt mm mm 52m It an appmn move In tnsurc Um pending Russian commilmcnls would be mu Mm Hm Unllcd Slum and mm are neuollaflng comm Inr Ircnly lhnl muld chlp mom ml mm the cold war and ul llmntcly aid In any fincrcnud U5 Sovch rude Canadian when board which controls sales abroad lmpascd temporary ban on nrlvnlo when den belom Um nusdnnule was mnqnnccd lumber uh to the Communlst country will tnx port facilities to lhc llmit until next July mnktng new sales pmblcm How blx problem not yet ctcnr but ofllctnl emphasize there no xhonnge of whcnt ltsvl wtth nearrecord crop now golna Into the bins WINNIPEG CHGram al Ida hm lndlcate Canada may hnve tumble lilllng ncw when 0mm because mu $500000000 Ruan sale The lime has come to en gage In decisive struggle against ho dickalnrlal regime the ppeal said El Ilnd nailed an officer and men III seventh military re gion lq Join us In our comhnL Small convoy were seen heading toward the mountains where el Had has been organiz Inz his stronghold lnlormants ln Tizl oumu snld all was quiet ln lhe ally and virtually all lroom disappeared lmm lhn slrnels alslgfiussiag axes Facilities Delays Delivery CP 1mm APRculm ALGIEBSUmts the Al gerlnn army today began join ng the dissldent lumps of re beflious Col Mchand On 21 Had The colonel called or decisive fight against President Ahmad Ben Bgllaa government government officer in T12 Ouwu capital 01 the Berber area Knbylia which in the nerve centre the revolt said most nancommissioned olficera and men In the area have de serted Algéiid Soldiers RebélI THREE SURVIVB TRAGEDY Mm flammam am hm Aflllflufl Prime n5 cnrwn Iold lllu House um he will nnnauncc In IN dayl whyth Mr Gordan will be rvappolnlcd Io hll mmnycar past er be re Pim Ha 51M lhc Inns lhrocycar lerm of lhn wnlmvmlnl rull way Buss expired Monday but that under the law Mr Gordon OllMVA CWMember of the comma opposluon all but asked Hm unvcmmcm Monday In mplace Donald Gordon CNR president and even sug gested possible mamm Jugllpo Mlnlslor Chmier Chickens rose llnted contact lenses are less Highly mun docile and much better hchaved than Ihose without them laid Dr Bluunl He wmt lurthcr and asked ho lranqullllzlng ench the lenses work on ncnrly lam Infimyngd Pixelns tIhy not mix 109M gmfmcr like am bu Opposition Suggests Chevrie Rs Successor To CNR Boss First item on the agenda expected was govcmmenl measure to provide an immedi nle Jump to $75 from $65 In the universal old age pension paid lneveryonglagud 70 and over CHICKENS WEAR CONTACT LENSES Tu prove point he pro duced batch or Inmun hen gazing plnddly at the chicken hyacdm through their me linlcd lcnsci suvulunuu rda as1t rctpmed to bus nos following sununer recess Elnun wnswcpaning la convention chicken brcM or on recent research In Bril nin and the gulch States OHAWA CPIA $100000 000 rise in pcrsanal income taxes is Ihevprkv tag on the proposed Mmaulh increase lhls month in old age pensions The Hans of Commons gal that ew rgm tbe gqvernmcm sr ANNES England leading7mm veecrinary surgeon today endorsed ms tldted cnnlad lenses for chlckens broilalniry reSoluA smu Milliofi Is Required House Of Commons Is Told the Iwamonlix No Mora Than Par Copy44 Pain Sunny with cloudy periods and continuing warm low ignight High Iommow 70 For full Summary tum to p91 two louls Jnscph Pigeon PC Jnlldln lAmmpflnn Mnnl calm naked was me that Mr Chevrior would replace Mr Gordon at he CNIL Mr Pram repllul only Ihnl he was lure Mr Pllzwn would not be ppolnlcd la lho poxillan Robert Buaulo Crcdillslo Qucbcc South In former CNR ulcclrlclnn Mimi Hm IubJec by asking Mn Pomson Mum he Inlendcd la reveal um name of Mr Gafdann nucocsso Locql Weather rclnlns III msillon unlil he replaced or reappalnlul But the Cons rcqucst by State Secretary Pickcngill government Home lander lo approvc tho resolu llon More the House ruse tor Ihe night so hat the pcnslon hill could be introduced Debate on lho molullon continua lo day flflfimans End walvcdflao rules to permit Immcdinla d2 balen1 lbsl pcnson rcsnjugion cisinn agninsl pruviding an im mediate hire There was sama criticism the In increase however New Democratic spokesman Stanley Knowles suggested that most oi hafiax ind illnuid be carried by corporations Gilles Gregoire Creditiste Lamint accused Ere govrmmentloihitjing law Opposition panics wzlmmed 1915 penxlon increase Ihough Iheru were Conservative jibes that the government had done mpflnp from in earlier de claim agninsl providing an im med Hensnn at Kingston parliamentary secretary to Fl nnnce Minlsler Gordon asu maled he exlrn tux take $100000000 In full year and predicted that Ihe old age pen slon lunleeady running deficit from the last pension In crease 15 month agowould be lnfllhe nlnck by 965 Heallh Minister Laharsn said hr cast he 10 Increase or 560000 pensioners will 093116 000000 in full year Ion spellcd out lhe clinnnclng methodfa boas cflecklve next Jan In our per cent from three per cent in the person income tax levy earmarked or rule pensinn und flhe ceiling on the amount payable by any in dividual would be alsed to 51m from 590 that maximum increase or an taxpayer would be 530 year hm In and to null lot MM WIM

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