Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1966, p. 12

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Mi LONDON 10 Canudl will be In low lungs dulled mention by yll Family in Cwlannlll Yen Vlslla bx the Queen and Prince the Queen Mother and Prlncuss Alu andru amen mom wm cover avery provlnco from New oundlund to British Colum hln with Aluxlndrn venturing noun Into the Yukon An Norihwut lmllnrlu Ainxundra papuinr nym old causin of the Gnun Ind her Scottish iinlncier husband Ami Ogilvy will Iiuri iiuir lunr in mid May or enriy Jnm making grand thep ram Ontario across the Prni ria provinces in British Cw lumbin and than striking norih The trip my mu three week covers lhe Queen and Prim Phlllp has lllnmmy la null lncamplcte wlll arrlva In Ol tuwa Juno so or July Ind lrom than Journey tn Mon ml or Expo 81 spandlnl Ibuul week In Cauldu Queen Ellzahclh lhe Qucan Mother wlll concenlmle an Hm Atlantic pruvlnm durlnfl her vlslt In the second hill July lukln Ibou lo days or lour ol rlnco Edward II land Newlmmdlnnd Nova Scolln and New Brunswick llljm IN Lmaugur The Cnnndlnn Ian look like b93111 Iha hlghllx zcnmlly unuventlul royal your nu lur pnhllc ocu rlons are concerned No alher mnlor cngnuementu ara ycl schcdulcd In contrast to ma whlch lncluded lull Icnlo royal our Iho wm lndle Ind rlale vlslt to Belgium during which the Queen vlr lled Flrat World Wnr butlla field In Flanders and placed wreath at the Cunadlan memorial at St Jullem Alla olhlsloryl llrst rtlngk On morn orronnl puns hnwovcr 1061 run to inten sity public attention on Prlnca Charles who in 1986 Dunn to emerge as royal personality In his own rle sheddinl Hm sheltered privacy oi childhood n9 qzrrly teenimp yegn Ducklnzhlm Palace ha In nounccd that the Prince wul Itlend lrtnlty Callm Cum brldze starting next October Ho hu hm mom by Trln fly but mu has to pus ht unlvmlly ntrnnce aluminu Man at Gordonutoun school In Scotland Prince Hump lald mm Erohuhly will Ilay at Cum rldzo or two year and then mluht enter the British nrmod larvlcu In the cumlnx year Chnrlu Ina may hell la ammo some omdal dudes in keeplni wilh hll camtllutlnnnl com innmm Imus nuahwd on NI Imh hlrlhdnv Nov now ell 1b he throne wit nut hll tamer Icl lanljtzgnl Mon mow ll lamII by wulncrmln Llll yrlr Ind my mm Thl yur no la IIHM vlly on lhc mm at Im II ml dlalml To npmlml not menu In dun my mum Ind wlndn um ha llml 0301 Mg vygkm Mm Hui im hc Eximlner Mnu Mu ml Mum Ml In mm nluio but In 9y Fl MI WM mum PWQr 9J WWI leivmrnlum mink In the 301 may Mil Wm 10mm Youan um II no mm DunIn ml dhlurbum mavlu mmullnnl ml at flu nulhun NAM would lrd Hm mum mt onlulo lllunhy II an 01 um uptlfd DISTRICT WEATHER Chulu In unlikely VIII More Snow Forecast For Area Saturday MAMTNYJ wfll hm mow QUEEN ELIZABETH Ind Prim ljhlllp mm In cenl photo will vllll Canada duran Centennial Your ar Canada with puronumxl Iummu beenqu tha would interfere wllh hl nludlu palace spokesmnnlunld lhll mm ll looked 99 la Ilalnn Mn golnn Similarly Prlnceu Annas schoollnn would probably keep her helm Ihq Apokgnymn nld about My and stay lnl week Prince Alexnp AI mud cm 3712 clblo to delve trends In royal Iflalu I966 wn your marked by more dlspna alonnlo detacth Brllllh mu NE Over U17 culled from ubllc Maniairy an Bflt 1h ul nrmflunm today umm om nnlurdzy rmmlnl wllh um um IJllll chum In Iliumr um wlnda um mum to the monarchy came up wllh the manuran conclu Inn that only 10 per can of Brimu wnnled rapubflc but Lalo llmnn mlhvrn MM nI My lmlam Valium cloudlml with In unwnut Iln lndnn Clwdlnl om natur mognlnl wllmllwul mow will In mull com mi Other mdnly dry Wlndn llhl erlhem flcmlln my 11 mum wuflmn Whlla lum Alumv Norlll my Wry Mllnly nanny Iodny Illurdly dme um Illht um um 5mm In mun Wlnrll lhl Noflhml Whllo lllvu orh 1m mum hum nay Vu fnble 0mm Ind IV mm nunlu lodny mum Mlnl may lamay on www mm anllhla twinn am In mowflurvlu laday IA 11 nuhly mum Wu Gout will have milder can ana lo shill humIn dra and her Scuttlsh tlnlnclm husband Anaul Ozllvy will spend nbaut three weeks In Cnnndn on tour that wlll take them Into the Yukon and Nenlmst Territories tCP Photo also noted an overwhelmlnz ccllnl Ihnt royally mun ha been to cum it keep and mavu mm the limes In Ilmflur veln thn BBC gut out elevlakm program tho mnnnrchy that In utudm more honest 00mm from ordinary Briton than had over been express2d ba ton on tho TV screen workman or Inllance re marked that the Queen wnyl luaka miserable an lclevhlon xroup 01 old women walling an vlnd swag pcnsldu gaplqngdu 191 count roynl vhll nld Pthlp wnvcd but the Queen just walked the mm Ihu town hnl Lu wt werent Ihcro Imnllhi Immlan Kllthflllf Mount Pornt Wlnnlm Ilnmllltm 111 lfnlhmlnu Tomnlo ltmborw Klnlnon Tunlon Killloo Mmlmln mm Mom Iiwm on ma 1nd uulo lrxhyp uxpadv mm lmiperxuwu CI ercvhomh nun mm In an hkrlrdw mlmu conlummmlr dw cm mm MomwAwam Mflgmm wow In mom mu marI decisionmm mm men wufldhlvumbe mm WM Nomlher blue bhlfllm being comwmdll an mo mam hl Iddsd QUEEN OF Premln Daniel Johnna Queue uld Thursdayho hope flullm will be chum in which Cani rlnn out on cumulu tlon and Mom mi om IIIth NW Yen mun ht fimmwmu yen which will max thncenlennlll lbs confldendon Cum our two poop can work lo uelher 1n drafting now con nltmloml framework whcn there be mare ml coopar nllon bocguu 113m will hl NBUMO GP An Angli can theology roleuor nyl Proustanl lhooozlcll uhoob In Clqada provide mm In adequnlo and Ihodd train at Rev Fe Mini who cache moral uleololy the Anglican Church anly Col 1m hare aid III Interview chat Protestant theolallw mlnln ormhad In an Im praydonl madam In ml aqua New Year Méséafiei None the Institutions mm Canada km enoth lo provm oducltlon or todayt Chgulan mgyhlrx ho nld Nor are theyoapr Mm other promllonu hook in CI nag upvgu Th hook um drew Dr Feildinil In helm to llw llvn mnlor Preterm denomlnl HaulUnited Anlllun Prob byteflln 35pm and Luther Shoddy Training nkeImn ukl Rmudny mm lnvulmenl Alma 000000 loo dawn the drain in the aboruva It to mud Hamel wand pfokfi Which wold hm wo duced Evanlnl For And The Emlyn Echo 10 um flu Bedlmhhlro and Mllordrhln mu mf orulllzlllon will and out dllmlml notice to mm 500 new pemnnel todny um um to hurdle union barrlm wh ch the omnkntlon mid blocked development of vw MW 10me two new 311110 10 nfixlva umanl normom cub LONDON Onl CF Wallacde NIWI 70yar old mwlpnper Mum publhbel twice weak hu boon mid to Bowel Publuherl IN wn rnvnlod lhundny nlm b1 cgmplny pmldcnl Bwu Dismiss Personnel Mr nu the hkemr II MIMI Fab an Ihc Flplf would continua whim uudnfiqlnd Ihundly Mr wu uld hll com ny hm lha mm om Hug Colwoll Jum Mrl Arum Com Prid mon when Imfly loundod an lumpper Sell Paper WMWA 0P am Mr doln prmdunl Iha Candim hbor Conlml nyl In hll an Yml mm Staff Shortage MUIII STE MARIE Ont CPIDr II Mm dlrw Im ol an DMIrla mien Lb Mml dmmnoM forum udnnl dfllthwwlfl Relations Lagging thulmul temrdl In MM le Ilnla Dr My uld lurid ml ahotlm ol lnlnod hn mud ulhlck In march work In Iha mam cm lululion Mun umnmonl ml bu nhd 14 mm lunch lulum Ibwl $60 Indian unloved rm Ilu alumnir1 and minty Mm Intent May Aid Teachers mon cmrm 94m III Id admit II III lulu wm mgfiy mu in min ou hand Ichonl Tfldlm IMmllon uld mm will Ibo 0mm mduu wNMN QPllerd 11m wmunh of 1mm 10 mu to mm mmum leoN newly dam to I1 yelr the Mormon uld many thuppmlpn can land NEW ORLEANS LIAPH 11 um plm land Am lcln when Cuban Inceglry rolemd from Cuba mar lonl exouquon Irrivodhen nufln Iy They Iluppadontn 115 Ml Item Pm American World Mrwm jet and were ruled by lbw loo penonn Includlnu mupol Cubnm cmylnl placards And ringing uu Cub nlnnll Imam klnlpormlmdloluvo Cu or the United Sula Inerledlmu medium batman 115 mu dapqmwnllnddlo Cubln Thu wm pm at muxlgg kifiiiéilnflLSi Wu MNDON 4be Abri hun WWW Blonom 15mph he in un dlfllktlng all Hlnnol an Ic wqu In to do Vimmm In calm en ul Folnbuil mlv Irbrfi Pull ThanId Emma pm Pmxlll Anlnmchurch weanli Ilon lo North VMnIm which will fly to Hanoi Momhy IN the mum dawned TESKOL $3011 Atréfiliif prides whereVeylbeer is The worldsmOSfSumessful idea Just few can ego elx of the worm ieedlng brewers from Cennde lend Ilium Austria Sweden Ind Portugel ot together the idee of brewing beer eogood Ind l0 ri It it would hit the spot with beernirinken Illtnround the worl on beer Ihnt would be brewed to the ume exectlnu Itendurde wherever it wu sold When they hill the brew they gm it neme Its name is SKOL SIEOL International Beer And the SKOL idea worked SKOL hu nude It and nude it bifwlth beeruirinlten naund the world We nlmdy eeller in countries the worlds most successful Idea yin brewing ow SKOL In here brewed in Cenede Next tlme you work thlnt quench It with SKOL Internutionel Beer Discover the utietgfi flavour spatula tneu and true refreshment or SKOL Bey Lthelnternlt beer Brewed in Cunede under Manon ted to Lebette Ontlrlo Brewerlee Limited by BKOL lnternetlonll lted wl In ngkuignyngfiflgk uulqrflaoln palmMm wlelnberi men 1m Ohio Igldlp1qnvhtuyluv1 lhuaijJov mammrm dmjluoquut urmlulon Immath thulmh lowmun ch 3mm bo cum to Immune bdlIW WAWA lkctnkml Idrin an minuh tho on nllw ch Icrmfilo Pnlrlu on with all mmonunnflulv mm on It dramnuculy cg ducad nbolrd immole admtlon tuln dun to roll mlr ol Mllwuiundlyrlorn tour lhe union 7m donledu aln wm mu while dim orfltha 11m ln Vlaorh 53 Kid lpend Nu nut an dnyl villunx alluring downlklnlnve pmvlnce nmpt Newlwndlnn lwhen mungammaer llnel prohin IL mm srm Mums om omOpenqu at tho Inn Alum steel Corpwegzldicanu dmwmw WI WW MENz Mk flu finial lame 900010 of Ir 1an plan and open llonl 1n Wlwl150 Iu north or hfroaAnolhfir 1th min unpoy pan mp the lanthnzueel and Liam depulmznu Buthr war wanted to peter My Jim far mtg producll SteeljStoppage aw mm 11 net Thundly thltll Image to mum mammal Local an 10 mm Wodnudmdln 41m nldlhn local mad or Iha deny to onlblc unh nu UongL unloq rgpr 316 wail31 wu loun ingl moment Fm Henry kill101111 than wfll mum twa wqggfizgaspgfiwlq suqogsyr THAT CUSTOMERS ORDER summer MILK FROM THEIR MILKMANTO MAquAINrHEM OVER THE ABQVE Ramon mavmw RR mini SMifTHTsriimm us DUNLOP sit 45 PENEANE 10 III Mllk painaw Schedule Doc 3yht to Jan M11 in mm un Jiril Mom Jan ind Tuu Jln Yard nguJln 40h 43 Nornill Dollvcry No Dollvtry No Balktry Normal Dollyary No Dlllvorr AI norm ndhnkvfioryiéfil lor Iinl jldurlnb 9th pufyur NEW PYEAR HAPPY ind pnospsnous aknfiia am LIMIIED 1waiahrww moo 936 PW wngmsaf 7166500 HMS

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