Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Dec 1966, p. 1

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MIGOM AP flu US rtnvy Innnunccd today In ywcrpackcd Talk Farcn 0M némndo up all three Illa nlvyl nucleurpowcrd lurlnca IhlpIls Ictlan In lha Go Tapkh Nerd Vietnam or VI am mafinunnwwmmummmnm mm M11 In Jimmy lW of mm NM mm mr on mum MM Win It Pinban uyl Iod hllmd In mle k1 um oil ahhr Captath 113ml 31mm 1191 um MM MIMI named Hull mam an wmmy nbonrd In Dru 6mm onlm 1M mlpunl nu ma 1mm malmMwwaxmcmdAMm Inpamd la hm mm moment my flintrum In an annualMum Ponmueu aim will and 0mm Wm MINIMUM 3m cm 0mm in In for mum wwwwm mwwwm lo um mm mm mm Mr CAPTAIN RECALLS DISASTER rilha lam ln arrive wu the am Elinbddze whlabjnlncd me nlrcnll unlcr Emuprim Indlhn crulner 14ml Beach mllu ofl 111 North Vlanamuo ML The three Ihlpl operalcd pm mly an Tuk Fam 0m with Mow Scotland rm mom mm mumby hmuvemdmmwmxmmw WMOWIWWMWMIW NuCIedrPdwered Ship Off Vietnam an Inflow with mom Inquiry Into VIM Allllllfl pm loan Captain sum laid his now 10 wlm WMmda mm by In lfllfld mt mum aod Immdllndlanwnm houu fllmlM ll In am In Eng AMan 0mm cadet Itallonod at Base Burden are hlvlnx their In allch win British Neurqlogist Dies aunch Ship Without Fanfare leach Portuguese Agreement memwrv eekend Skiing Looks Great Men LATE NEWS Hométowh elvspapqgfor iund D159ch BORDEN CADETS TRY SKIDOOS the us am nunum M941 terranun Illa nailed 10121th In hlslorymnklng roundha vaynxe without refuellinl The 850mm Enttrprlu 1110 world blunt warmly Ar rlvod Docs or her mom tour duly with lha 71h Heel of Vietnam The human prawn her two mm 1115 nayy lgzlulur mg nxwlmund flzfifinl dickmd mm In Soulh Vielnlm Ind um hour Nong Yearg mm Ip ler Wednesday he men from Tanzania 1mm and Mll aynla had chance to try dmr hand at the control Mn he who third mi Milhm am lam puma kll Imo an was calm ma wind Ivy to my lawIs boilom Indu low Tnudu no mllu mm IMO ho flu broke oul Ind km to mflu mm Mm In an on In Mumn no at th mm NMwmfllnd wnmn 21w uteri in 02m MJ YogiIf IM Woéldildii Ibo Drum MM am mm with own Perished In Frigid WateIS mound Only club of Any at roamed from of us Air Oavury Dlvlllon battled Not Wm tome cl knwm Illa In mountain nur meddim northent ol him my reports In they won mmwm Na comm wu reform In flu bl Mekong Dell Iwup hunched luudly metal reflmanu of Soul lemmas howl Includlnl 1000 or man partroop who umped unop poled Inlo milIced puddlu 120 0ququ of 65 kumnn nld Vlu Cam ll rammed ll l9 killed 1M number Announcod Wedneldfl or flu Inninl two dlyn afloJlmbuled to Al film th v5 mfllllry cammlnd ported Amurlcln Imov mum ln Bonn Vlmum ruched film In filmduly In mum of H000 mon our the pnva wk CAIUALTY LI UP ullnn mwwo sumo Exmlmrm nu cammmd Illa Innounced v8 cuuduu lu wuk mu 109 film and wounded cmyolduwflh uklle31 Ind nwbymobllel the Cowman In wmofihfimk bdo MMWA CPIA yumnd mm by Omar Ul commu mum Tuesday mood an 10M Continued Growth Expected In 1957 11 In 1901 without lhn In lllmry vruluru that mum tau OConnor may hm mm lama lllrry mm Ind whim mm mm in had my MllomHM In Ihc volu 5191013660 and 1sz W1 amid mil61 think ha loo or mam Mn 1le at mini firhi End If army TM Vim13 Hum Only an ground Any alulflcnnca wu NKYO MP Ohlnnl MM nnolonr explosion npparcnlly lu blunt indium bl mlde toward hydrogen woman plum mam uld lodny on was me speculation Iho dwlca exploded Wednesday was mull hydmnn bomb or mlnforced nuclur wupon Althoth the calm Chlnm Announcement gave no detail the Illa and MM de vice Mame newspaper had nu doubt cnnulned lharmm nuv1lr mnlerlgl They note the Ohm an nouncement laid the mumed Chin nudm knowledge to pow luv Sum mdlc lrlm NW Yearl prmn 14 um tuln diouuvo clowd Wu over Jr pun guy me wo mull ply Illenuon the Km lhn ml production of hydrogen bvmh By chlna now ll Immlnonl and only mum ol lhm the Sanka ml Chinas 36me Mavv 3e Biggest OTTAWA CHCami lln country 1n the middle he an um lhn Unllod sum Ind uh III will ranch 10ml mnuul un demlndlnu not 10 Accelerm mmlcrfiuln 5y build awn erm om 0mm Rafima Ukuwmld no need Canada Is In1he Middle 0i AntiMissile Deience no Cnnldlnn territory on Mild 18 bulk lanllllllll delancu bum which could be confirmed wilhlngha U15 Jr he olhc hindynuclur mlulla inhuman Iuch dr cummncu would an plm nvur Cmdl Ind Ihh caunlry would at man In radio mm llwlz WASHINGTON AP 111i Ufl Food Ind Dru nld Wad ny it Im um Icllou aimed It unmad lnl dluribullon of Ironcabin premium and lo com 111 ollwnd with drum by Mllclm In Cnnndl llll week numher drunl conlnlnln cobnlt Camdlln henlth ldflll uld wu pneumaan Action mun Mall mun In nxpllnulan or number at dun Imonl Mmhocrdriakm Thi UVB lovarnmont mncy In aid it will onvnno ugup mu mum on lhl lroncobllt cam dull on lhl lroncobllt cam MMA ll druu In mud to be unulo Uu mncy uld um mu win In mm por mgmylly 5er Suspension 01 Cobalt Dxug In India olflclnll am 111 Fem no Idvmi uch Jacob an wn Almpl No mum wu mm by the 0an la mom bum ha nu W0 had mm mm at In lm In uan um um Mommy Mum Thu Cnnndl mlm Win lo mm uya lennm dnlem Honorofficial do not bellow the ma lulllodged by dram bomb boclun 1h xlzldullymggd hy 30000010ns Immlglm TNT Sunkel Iayl Japlnen olllchu believe In Hvbomh would hm Induced yield nelmo 1000 mom But 01 new we Anhl note the Unlled mu all hydmlen bomb undeh ground In vauda In 1002 In the 100M191 gum Another Japaneaa nowlplpu MAnlchL nyl lha Nth tut wan bellaved lo have lamled tho mount lhumomudm InllMlIl In the Guam bomb Conducted In hld wellhu the lat mankind he flowed up plkch In mm what do velopmenl um nqwml uld NIAI HAM on will Olllclnl reunion wu Iml The US Mamie Margy Commlulon nld oniy um Chlnau In had yield 01 ml hundred kuolona wid thu will Arcllc am or lhl ropoled NikoX nnlllmmlle Iy am Thu would mmlur my men wnr lo hllh northern muudu whm Illout would be leu minus WVIMW an chm tn hm een thinking mm mm poulhully whnn he told In Common Dec um thn $110 NORAD ru manl lho U5 ll unl knly lo mum mulor in In Immodmn luuue on It chlon 11 mm by III lo 0510 In lnllmlulla Mann Mann Sacnur Rub Manmm hu n1 hm ll nomldenbln Ivldonco um Ruull hu fluted bulld countermulllq Iy dr mmpdagmuwdag us Search Dun Ilqu In lndlcnled lhlt lho US conlldnrlng mljor al lompl to reach Imumunl whh Ruuln am In two at lnln from building uoly pamlvo counlrr mlunn Iylv inpqoam yum G6 Dutlnl ll Hnburl bflol w0M nu wo yg Id mam Aid In MM malt culni 31 almaaormhuhwoam mm mm IN curled uboul J00 meow oflhn Nth ulv um in cum to No Mall milm on lhc um um mud by tho mm but an Mann antrde hr wamm 1m 1M mood Ann Aldonl Clty Nonl ClmlflOdN ll Cbmlull mumI limbM EdlmilH anuH TV Lllflnnll WalterM The Examiner 10 DIED WITHIN MINUTES TODAY LONDON Rnhtm Mn Moth Elizabeth muran omo Wodnudny nigh um modinl Ihmmclu 1n nuptial wn Innounced lodlv Tin Queen Mother 00 under went ugrgery Iorrelia of mm mu file In no bllc enu mtnu or the ne month mun bullotln in mm hm to convnlma IHII mik lnzln unlntsrrupted mov Returns Home SANTIAGO AP Earth luman cunllnued lo nuke 1h mu Wednudny night and than wm wnrnlnp dowmomalwnvcllm urvderm ol continued crupflnl 25 mile all more Thu volcnno xpn mm Ilre from ha omn ballom Wedner dny um llma that mighty emh unka railed mm 1000 mile the comr ridl conul mlv Donn wm humd Ind Ill ammuod 0000 pmonl wm In an provincu Macml Ind mpnu Th million per ml Ilvu In ml Iran Ruldunu mm which mm 10000 um huu Imu Ivanlad mm lha mm doplhl Mun 1hn mam Ilruck Ml mm old our Amy mum mad brick Ind wood coilpm In In own Amid hll lMI dun and mum 110d lowmi 1m M1111me hllll with lhn Ihlk Ifnltunh llyplnl bonulh mu qunku duhand much of th pon Will Mun hm rum wm ropomd killed II And two other mlulnl Quakes Continue To Shaké Chile an In mm old boy Nu mm wen ml dud in min IM two wrhrl commu nlty 11 mil lo 1h noun wm mmmn Thu Hm tfum mlllmd mm on Im at Ind Ilthl tumor continua Wodnndly Th nlvy nmd um ll um vnluna conllmnd mounl mu ymo out flood Md My Ind no man my am ML nld Cumin 5mm than mm fin mm hold their Wham Inn Ilon unu that Mm mm Mlle mum boon to thy Mum ma ll CidIn had com mundod mm Mr commhalonlnl In Nmm mu dumbed um Inaw cum momma LZHéILqenti tings Li Tami BM BY Mémhérs onAWA CP Nazollnoh or the Cluadlnn Brotherhood ol Rnllwny Transpartgnd Gen erll Worker have turned down lnflwn wm aim and led ml In later nyrlhe rajecllon MN the undo logAmovgmenl Infinmdgg he mlon Ammmd Wednes day habitan for he 20 000 member hnvr vnled mum down an rallwny pro penis or 24percenl pay In crem over mm years which mean Ute Issue nuw must no Curl Goldenbarx Mom real uu lnlzelwun man for Ottawa In the conlrm qlxvula hamlet mm worlfier and 112 mun wlyl 15631 uxocullvau declslon wnl varylliadi1l Imlc wm otter wu Acctprod earllar this month by other trade union ropruontlnl About 30000 nll worker in In Ihup truda Ind nunoperallnu and 19000 women And brakvlnon 1111 PROCEEDINGS But CERTIOIdOII wnlked on madllllnn proceeding wlm Mr Goldenberz NW 25 claim lnl they had no confidunco In Agreement wouldbo readied Iclevhble to lhelr member ghlp 31m 01 whom work or nlo qunko wu all In San Ulo enpllnl 600 miles Ioulh 0w oplcomra but no dlmllu wu reported Chnan lint mIJor eltlhqunku MIMI ll 19 Had 00 In thl hmlly hm Will 11m number of mail children Hull Wllilo lied ISx Wu nk on In one mornln to hum who human to be Inld up with lnfluenu Hula Wlilin wn qulM Ilmon mmm In lhc Ilckroom When It Ime lar hlm no In went up to hit whul bodaldo and nld Mn nod Ilnt pow You Ion lhe old nun mu pond W011 hm Hn Lu the baby CAPTAIN TOM Mu film at bu MIMI ruler HM am am nu Mk hum an mun ahm Onlno Jam Kmnun Wed HERES ONE In my uplnlnn they dulnl dlncrvlce In lhelr nvnmcm ms n01 giving them an up potluhty to vol on tha Her and my disservico to lha trudu movement In Canada by pramring compulsory nrhllra lion lo mllecllve bargaining Mr Gnldcnher laid When Mr Goldunherz re porlcd In days no to Labor Mlnlsler quholspn he said he was confldenl qua CERT mdd we to tha settlemenl ap proved by the remind lha unlonx involved In the fihgulu inior was load pauiblilly member ni the leVEIIhD mi union will reiuse in mi yihe am mentv signed by their nezolim turn but Read president oi that mu said Moniraai Wednesday CERT move will not Iiiect iheir decision in enu1n hniinis already have bun em but not yet ilbulniod comm mm Ema But voting by at on Is axpeded 1m well no January and he CERT daemole could attack the outcome Ric wm onu wu arrived alter mm months of mod uon that bum in 52mm Altar Pullman ordered In and uvenduy Atran that begin 4n The iezldiiinn provides an lnlrrlm wuo Inclmo of per cent over we yam LONDON CF So mm prlsonerl have been maplu mm mm ions that enlar prlsinx bookies Iaylnz odd on fin exodus British Bdokies Busy With Brgalgs Nouzpupen runnlnz box mrec on tha escle And captures deglclcd canvIcls Ind Wirdm In omnly drIan luusu to Ihxunt lends dub lmzlhg Christr5151 quxo The home Who mmum In nllmllm lth Cunar bury 111 officer sold keyl lo prlmnm who halchodln un luncMAful em 10 The sum ndes Union 0mm pmtulod that prison maps himIn lhe arm at lruclu wllh Ion Inddmwm belnl allawod lo rk bald the wall sum prlnn Funk hlnchell l7 you old Dmmoor caper who in been free lur 11 duyl wu waded ready lo alve hlmnll up Ifler lhu hunt or our olher Dm moar lsonm hn codod he hu zlvpn pm confirm Mum mm mm mm

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