Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1966, p. 4

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IQPNIYI no return ills well to consider Ilial10973 Leople ed accidentally In Canada inlD And as death toll figures mounteach year that common opinion it cant he pen to me becomes less and less assuring The truth of the matter lsyol course that it can happen to anyone who travels unless he or she exercises the utmost caution both in respect to his own driving and that of the other telQ low The National Safety League of Canad with the cooperation of the Bureau Statistics has compiled figures showing 33 per cent increase in the nations accidental dfiglls 1le 1354 Traffic led the causes per total er ceridrisa over 1064 Can adas acci ant fatality rate per 100000 lliation lose from 540 to 531 Males femaied by arctic of about 102 Accounting for 935 per cent of all so cldeni deaths were In this order motor vehicles falls drowning fire and explos Ion suffocation polsolung machinery blows from objects aircraft and fue arms Collision of two or more vehicles caus ed 394 deaths pedestrians were involved in 271 er cent 107 per cent ran off the road edestrlans deaths 417 per cent were cent of the per cent of the total traffch dien under 15 302 per cent adults over 55 The 1524 age group provided 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 27 1340 Town council was informed that new parking meters do not work pro erly in winter weather Mayor Peter ncialrrecelved intone on subject from Aldermen win Wilson John Gladstone Currie and Mary lauds Discussion started on necessity for building second colleg loto In Banlo In not too distant future Eugene Smith Utopia elected presl dent South Slmcoe Crop lm rovement Association Herbert Bar or New Lowell elected president West Simcoe Plowmens Assoclatlon Essa Road Presbyterian Church dedicatodnow memorial organ Capt John He Howard of Quebec City ap ntcd mlnlstrativo and training of Iccr Grey and Slmcoe Foresters Regiment In placo of Major Campbell Ralkes ED who Is retiring from active duty Barrie Horticultural and Town improvement So ciety designed exhibit for Winter Fair lhoso planning lo cct were Mrs ilarry Morren liarry oo Mag Livingstone Cockburn and Gray Town Planning Board was sot gigawlth members Chittick rroll Rodgers Harvey Jones Allan Scott Sml ii GreenNeli Milo Donald Jack MaclAmn Six new members oi town council for 1047 will be Clarence Corbett Vern iiambly 5nmmrvwgntfmrwmmnawrffm truffle providing 145 per mtogory 100 per NS believesit is4 nlflcantlthgtfltn the 1524a ercell roadfatalltfesmlved co on between two vehicles Tho homelated nelrt to the motor vehicle as the most fatal location 01 1935s 5612 noan families 304 or cent occurred In the home where Lei fire and lesion suffocation and olsonin actou M332 ercentoi dear Drowni iota ed1119 with 351 per cent dionhnder 15 and 223 per cent yoth 1524 Maies outnumbered females about six to one Watercraft almost exclusively male hazard were involved tn 231 per cent Of all suffocation deaths 613 or cent involved Infants usually throug regur gitafion or smothering Dnlgs andsolvents figured in 627 per cent of the deaths by poisoning gases and vapors In 373 per cent Of the lat ter motor vehicle exhaust accounted for 677 percent Children under 10 were involved in 325 per cent of thede fire fatalities The figures are containedin Acti dent Facts 1335 obtainable from the leagues national offch in Ottawa for 35 cents Charles Griffin Earle Smith ur Boyd William Valley William halcomson hrsluanca broker and Cnalg Hamilton organlst of St Andrews Church were Inducted members of Bar lie Kiwanis Club Jeanne Pengel famed Canadian soprano gave concert Barrie She was on guest of Rev and Mrs 11 it Howden of Trial Church oiilrwi REPORT HonéitBlon DOWN MEMORY LANE WithBoaiicmt Hairdo ayramlckmcnoisorl UllAWAlho honey blonds honey with the boulfanl hairdo and the striking Wardrobe It tr villlm to the public galleries In the House of Continents One Ihot visitors notlcc her unusual silentlvenul unlike most of iakeshore landmark for all cen 16 collectin In the Horus tury verandah of Carleys boathouse is being torn down St Michaels Col lege Ma ors Canadian champions last ear in unior hockey overpowered Hap mms acneFigaro 124m5tll1l11 for SliMlltea were edKellygBenny oft Fleming lliackell and Les Costello De spite acoro Jimmy Stracban played well for Barrie in goal also Ray Goflepii Pauliieger and Bruno Favero At tcndance record set at Barrie Arena of 2305 since artificial Ice plant installed last year manager Wes Allso stated Orlllia Blue Bombers all club had good season assisted by star roles layed by Barrie boys Gordon Roach ocli Cook and Jimmy Feltls Can adian Navy sold corvette Barrie which waavon Atlantic duty durin War to China RCAF Banddir ed F0 Clifford Hunt I1presented concert In xy Theatre Bar boys with thb fins mus lcal group are Kenneth Cooper Jack Vlseman Jack Clark Ind Howard Kelly OTHER EDITORS VIEWS CATCHING THE I705 Montreal Gazette The CNiI announced it will introduce timetables this autumn using the 24 hour clock stem Does this mean the beginnln the end of am and pm in Cans The CNil executive viceprcaldent Norman iloclillllon said the 24hour system pears to be universal trond articuloiy in the transportation Iyr om it certainly II the practice In Phiropo 311d rcccntlyllas been Introduced In lili fl it may take some time for the CN rum to lurll their tonguesind their think ingoround to 1705 hours 300 pm as tho commuter Ipcciol But the trend to Furopealllic Is on the way II the metric system noxtl STILL SKIRTING THE LAW Port Arthur Ncwwhronicc More people would bo satisfied if the govcmnrcllt would introduce bill on in own rufionslbilll to do away with crip llal pun Illnient netcarl of usi mailing Ilon II things am now rcumvcnlin the When the free vote was hell only III of the 20nlomher cabinet favnr ed retention of tho doatthnally If the government muted to In an honest Itrst itforwanlnlrlnm III course would be roar Any abolition hill Iponsorod by the government Itth certainly pan TIMI RUMBLE 0N Windsor Star For sheer lnvcntIVrnou youve got to hand it to the automotive designers Think of thf you can on car now that you couldnt It on few short Nepal lmnonihs floor nstud of than clumsy old auto mation Wire whcslI blind of the cub moded Iolld wheels And now wood of wooden one comps II coming out with the greeted cool III They call It the nimble acct it seciris to be sent at the back of the car open ed by pulling out part of the metal worlr Ind provldln freshair ride with pliv acy and dig ty Progress its wonderful All were waiting for now is for some company to come outwith revolutionary model caIl cd for lnItancc the Model SHERIFFS LUCK Hamilton Spectator ltccordin to new from East St LoulI count won two cars In raiflc during recent weekend not for her the newspaper ills or the pile of letters to distract her attention from the debate More TICJIJEIIL visitors have bee noli Ing lifr constant en ante orI ms IIwaI ill her heat behlnd liaIltll Ind Welfare Minister Allan MIcEIchen ndl LI noI Iulprlllng for hiIr Iret illdtout II the most dellc cuI dish from New Bruns wick to delight Parliament Hill lines the nut shipment of Relugouche salmon took the mini by Item Nor lI her It teniivoneu surpriIin for her industry Ind enlhuI him have Ilreldy Wanher pronioticn to the poll of parliamentary more my to Mr lliacEItflon Ind he has been the busy Iiar In tho iiouu in recent weeks IflI Ix citing lIsk has been to shepherd throu Nl complicatedlwel farI Ills Including those pro viding for unlverIIl medicare Ind the supplemental old In penIlonI Just II Mr ifIcElichcn in has bury dI has beent Iandln wlt out Interrup lion rough th nanIto IcI IIonI from 200 pm unll lid iournmcnt It 10 pm so his firllnmcnllry assistant hII on It his right hInd forer going Ivan bulk for her Ivo nnt mall WOMAN AT WORK The uysnrrold lIrI nldmut waI lint elected to PIrliIlliult ust over two your age In election tamed the dam tho Mi for outmorIInd NIl who wu her husband in that her first ummIIn lbs maltlpllrd savor the mIor lty by whlc hrr hthInd Id won the seat for tho leml party no yur Imam his announch crackdown on Ill blit raffles and lotteries in other words no one will be winning any more cars In East St Louis raffIcI even though thI Iherlff lI mindful that the or obfmivc of Iuoh Ictivit lI Ilrc uslvely rclglous civic or ch table There can be no worthwhile comment on NI story newt to my that our offlco Muir tlclnn has decided that the chanch oi the sheriff whining another rIfflc were about 7000000 to one anyway IllllNo STATISTICI Ontario Medical Review During lilo recent hoot ways lady krill showing up It the dootorI office II ing plain veyr Why Am In tired dootorl finally the doctor gave her In In swor Youve had My day madam Your hem bent 103 300 times your blood trmlied roe million mild breathed vou lnIlIlcd delibic int mammalian IA pinto gm mu mud coo Ipolro wall mov Id candor oooro lnchoI offlnmIIIIIrld0l ldlnchIIothIf rid mod seven million brain In th Earth ixumllm Audicrind II Iceland due mall Pool Offch Department ottIvI Ind for paynwnt of pom in cash DIIIYI mu Ind Million ilolldIyI erupted buboaiptlui roiu daily by oIrrIIr tic oily mu natty ocploI too by mail llmiI tom yIIrl1l OntIrIo III Mi motor Wolf IIE year Mali ow IidI mule III you Oui IldI Cum Ilritbh Icy Ilonl ll lel 115 Ind helm no you Offlcul Ill Ulivmlir Am Toronto Mimi 51 W1 Wool It Vllcouvar AC linmlwr of In Candiii 1r no In the leuerl election Ind nearly doubed her earlier rill iorlty Thus her constituents Ihowsd their unmistakable or of formIlch II Ieis lot of comment from fhfilflm ru 1n Iddltion to her conilderIblI work with her minister Ind In his department Margaret Ride oat of course has his usuIl vol uminouI mil to act upon Ind answer Melt weekends IbI goes home to keep In touch with her supporters Ind upo rlally to In her three sons Plan from her voteII IrI llgrge IIWobs complIIn II or fiiillclfllll Myriam of ng 0n Parliament ilIlI dis lllo IIlI on three busy committees 5h opted for mu on transport because the hub of her cori Itltuency II liloncton raliwa centre Arid Ills is member of the commiitm on heIllll Ind welfare and IIfety Ind cool oI dnlgI lbs eIrI Iod tongue of her in later in the present of ab Icnieeism from IIrllament lllll of lnatlenllon In the cham ber and of Ilodlrm at mitten Mrs illdloui II In out IlondtngIcllviit when Indus try Ihould shame est mI Jorlly of her male cal eIguII UP TO CABINET Although only Miorlthold MP circumstances may soon QUEENS PARK dé Houév that thfll ofrihorIrII weremot blamedbout gov ernment plm Yet tbcyhsd niWIploIr lilo NorWuter th it wu recurred bytwo young Englishman Buc Ind Caldwellwho MW on liisrorcoto Earn gold nunellon unlrm Ind mean rlvcrI bcloa or tc them lhlI menu It prospects colic ll let lion The Egancll of mtroction wn rspIIced by cIthclIcInd Protestant com and pouellicnI lheir mum on of the beta while com sled thI mm lulu combine to brln forward her aImI forconI erItion for aIblaot appointment New BrunIMckI reprelenioiivs ln thI inialstry now It liedlrd ielliI my soon be appointed to the Born Who will succeed hlthIlllthEngllIh ailing MIrfiret hideout or reach are ng JcIn Dube who Is liIlltly her unior In Pallia mean he slower to this question ties in closely with who Im minent nlmenluo uebec post In cabinet lho out Itlnding Quebec candidate for web promotion ll Bryce MI lruey MP im Verdun llul II not FreacliCInIdIIn If Mr blood should bar him from lhiI moritId ailment WI Qucboci domInd for equality between tho two founding ram will be shown up II mockery In that can all should the New Brunswick not Ippclnt merit go to FhlidHJInadlIni li Mrs hideout should be promoted iqtha cabinet IhlI ovornmrnt would be the first our history to Include two My mInIItcrI or should fhz be cIlIod mkllItrcIIeIi mlght well be the fllllp which CIllIdII womenioilr need to spur them to tales more Icile part in our federal politicsI development which would be welcomI II it Is omduo Make Big Profit 0n Medallions By DON DIEAHN TORONTO Prvvlndll gov ImmenlI Irant Iutborlud to lIIuI currmcy And probably good thing For WI hm mlnIId some coins hcrI Ind lhvyrI not the but buy In the world You may hm fluid about in centennial modlilo They hIVI been produced by the InicnniIl commitlu under hfihslrmmshlp ol lion JImII It IndmquoulIl lIli boniI Ind Ich other out III 0nd of the medallions II nickel Ind sliver the other is gold PM On one side is the provincial out and the wording Im Wlhi 1957 Ind north thorn ifrI emf olllulo 0n the mom is dimt of mlner with mining Mad frIinI In IhI bIriground And lhI wording gins IIlI Infovatlon tilIt thI medallion mm Md Inc If more In Inc or prurlum mm The male III IIOIII dollar for the aklrel loll for the lod1iIlId 0M Ind for In cm The mlnnsl ronlent however fI worth only Ibout ll roots to udi mIdIIIion Almrty mm In mm In been Iotd or adored Ind committee new II dmmili gt eventually uillag in Which pvoducilovl It distributio owfI III dotted mm could show profit of around 000000 You ml ht llch my to ply off inorlgIgI Bill LOTTERY Which brin 1o mlnd Iag sIlloil of Now lkoilIn ulnarIII ii lostcr which to IIII wrilsr has always had coiuIdthlI mull Mr roster fst we should get rid of the national debt Ind lie but In In Ind prIclchi Ip much to rig Ihll III pr Id min of giant Morin The ilrlrotI would Iell It It IIIII ho IIrh Ind In Inlelonsd Mg mflllool IrIl millions of Itnd probIHy an could be dons rorhlI priuwmldbsoutbf bus world III fill WI should not appoint unIicrI Iny longerulnar II VIrInoiII rIrilI lip hI would lIInI itrnn th inIlli lottery pvlu mid lInItc ml Juli think thI tIlIl wwld do lo the Irish hooplakes DIG IIIAT RIRD OXNAiw LIlf lAflKIII illrhoi ll Icidmd IIndId Ind und to union hli skin of tho wandI wildcat Irma III mode of law IN machine pain an old no atth IM limit of solo baa mi flash no nmunfiluflflllli sparrow in off In new pItrh WmlnMerdME Journey to Fort Garry fine NorWester nilqu have sot the Red River Mch and other bottor Informed If it hId not than Into the hands of Dr John Christian aehultl in ma titligforrned muffindisc plélty opposed udsonl Iy 00 control over the West and rod annexation to Canada Schultz WI larch millili Ilhlo for Canada Ion Ill lur vtyou to fted River before the officlIl takeover of the territory from the 115 Ind tilll Iction was the so Red River uprising Sclnlltl it Info only of trouble on is own If brother had hlin put In jail for debt but till wife raided the fallwith 15 volunteers from the CI dim my and set him hoe Later fuel put Dr Schultz In gall in For Garry Ind Mrs ulniitx came to the mom Elle smuggled knife to him lnIplianpliddingInthlnIn ed to his way throa ow be mIdI ope by cut hid buffIlo rolls into ItrlpI escaped Schultz get revenge on ltlel later by orgIniIlng the killing of film of his fellow Evsn tth he berm Sir John Echo rrwmbor of the House of Common than miter urd heirloomgovernor of lilo llobs Milli DEC ll MN IanMelan of RolanInd st Male Frlllricsblrictutlorn1 compel or co in In tilde will CIaIdI BIBLE THOUGHT osver lnIo Ipsks like fish mIn John Tl No one WEI talked IIIrI Jim no one over walked like Jenn no one ever cared liIrI Jam EIIy To Reach HORSESHOE VALLEY Only 15 Miles From emf JuanaO Iii itiouv CRARLEELL WOW lllf Ennis IIIEPllnim inera WIni pig in II lumh cl car lull ions strife In bailoupwomni flnInclal dlfflculilel for brit II no pom In Vietnam and Ilronger mainland Chlfll Ic cording homoloqu Sands four erI known Fran II ologerI The predic tions printed Journal du Db mInchc Include one that your pylnu Charlu of Britain be ladyldllcr thatkhdlodfln vsoononu Ilyl Astollr with claim ohm riot lastly Ind Iw mother motion all But IIan numbIrtllI of lel some wagon nIIdI IpsltIiI tohelp cut as stalk IpothI In our bovhoed0ui ost III II hIIP Milton To iIreit Iloik Ilghtlngmsll or CARRIERMISS foil 11 your Harris liliIralrlIr unior hII not mind by pln pIIIII phone 7282433 And cm of in lxIInlnIr Will mound To Your Home by pln THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS lFIIlurlng This WIIk THE UGLY DUCKLINGS HORSESHOE VALLEY SKI RESORT This FIIdIy night Public inade to robisln Iwimraum no

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