Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1966, p. 1

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TAPES datum General Vauler roedeNetheItemeeeeeeln Idettmottloletmalnoetm filmmm NEW YEARS MESSAGE war IIpod tor Meet New Yeah we ever national dto and televillan mm ion Vanler um prey unit with rod oemItlon tn the Flames trap Passengers In Coach Near Bostonj SVEIIEIIu Mlu IAPIA ttorton Ind Maine one oer dlerel yamnaer trItn unarhed Into Iuel otl trod Itetled wlut tromfirekgd on awn croutne In re muons dted ll tternee mulled trnrn and the tntck ottlotete eeItmIted there Castro Begins liis Ninth Year OI Cuban Power MléAVAhlfAnfigtFldelln Cletro on power more ttrmty tnyconumnd In Gabe then ever More ltta ereenat ulertty me have final III Jan me In the bonded moun tIIn rebel enterxod vlctortoul over dlctator Neendo Battrtr but he haeumolrtfi Ihlltl onen Pltll In Mllrlfp control over what he tell the proletIrIet miner to IE0 CHINA Whéctt Almost two month no The MC bttttonate OP Wtrephoto ovum op clmdgm nheat erporte to deter In the Violent Quake Rocks Chile SANTIAGO IAP rm Irrthquake on PM one earty today and deetr ut lo oent ot the home hull In the nttruto City at IIltIl ottldlh moor 0m death we potted et Ialtet HIMYIN boy wee III killed by Illru writ Three other Iona were reported In Iurod hero The eIrtbotnte etruok about 7r mtlee north at Benttero In the prevlnm oI terIpIcI Antolmrtn Ind Allcarnl Much ot attter bl comer tn duItry II touted In the area But the Interior mtnlttry uld Anaconda Co mlnoe and Inatnttetlonr It otmoutu meta Ind El BIledor In Antotesute Province were um ruled the earth IthI were Ielt ever wide area and were re ported Itronlort In the prov ot TIrIpncI Ind Antota Panto war reported In where rootroemen It theclty hall Wrd Itll ttr Ir In pot Illodmgttl to metntetn order nd Mp tn root hum told at the men rteath tn IIIIII Ind the deetruo tlon In the teItet town ot Ihout ttI contIIne mortty elld hummer ot ttlrney ronrtme ton lOWllI LINN DOWN ter min were ruptured thrr Ind power Ilan were noun Amy tnxtu wm nuhed In wlth water rumtlee The num It IIIteI In IIld to him neutered on scale oI Itd pInto uIItI wae rumored In llntluo It mo Irn EST ItttI by the cent and oodetle Iurvet In Waehlnlton tnln uteI Iter The letter IItd ItI obrervttory at Honolulu hId Ile mod In poulhle remote wave theunlveretty nl CIIIInrnIII eelemotoey mm recorded rtrnnn In Booth Amerth Inrt II It ruletmd 77 on tho tttchtrr There II no tnp In that rule It the mo ttan mnclrco duete IItIrIII In It Breathing Hole Enlarged Ior Trapped Whale Herd INWIK NWI CPIThe ttWIl one Gut hII Inlamd tneathlnl hole need by herd ot whtta thIII It In nurtry arctte IIII mtlee nrthweat ot Edmonton and hunt out rerord IhI thtett lette Ire the etub IpeIrheIdtnI drtvl tor minimum one pttee to hunt bent at belo nI IVI rewlree ehlln with tome thII em out lttrmtt III Iret ot Ire Meet me In mutt meltn AKIN4 meuuu ueu ustvw cnmndIvannanunI the club utetflhhrd unto Mooney at Letter new the Mr upped IrdI III men to In III 0W Inn Itwttee worth hymn were Itrttttrd Im at them It cltett or WIIMTIE Ilre dub IIII Innountrd lItIt IttdtttonIl tnInm III III on eon twonten teenl n4 hour It derttneu Gut reetttettt IorlrI ttuanet it nynnenwn In an numed the nun were finhmrnn ttnt thr month It the current crop elmuat were equal to CI IhlpmentI to all at Wntern Europe InCIIItIIIIl the ht BrttlItt rnerttet releared Itreeday by the on Bureau MIIII tIcI Int Alllttlltl September Ind October Ibo owed thIt wtth firmII to otIIIr AIIIn countrlae udtne Iood Itd to Indte thIt rnarttet II taklnl more than to per cent ot the II world wide IaleI Itte AIIIn figure are up IIII from comparable toIIII tor meet crop yeIr Whlle the Hm fluctulte In my threevmonth pertod Interdan Io locII crop reduction In varyIn mode the Importlnl count II the tabulation demoEItrate the ehe ot the AIIIn market shtpmentr to Communllt Chlne In the at three monthe at the I3 lireer which ItIrtId Aug ornparod wlth ILMM In IIme three monthr IIet yerr Id 0034 bttIIt mllht hm been up to as not aboard the treln No ml nlte check was avallnble on the numtm Iboerd the local run Fire Ohlet llorbert Fother III metre Iatd moot ot the ttme were trmed In the tretn ter 80 mtnutu untlt the the war put out He IItd IIIomen hnedthelr hm hm toex trtoate the trapped plaunlorr tlrumn utd one door wee blocked heeruee there wet body Into an the other ItdI CANT BREAK WINDOW Police Ohlet Relplt DelIto IIId he and Ottlcrr George stewm trted breaking wlndown wlth our nllht Itlclte but thIt woutdnt wotlr We ooddot open the door became thereweettttreuytr natoIot out the door with NI ed Itttck through the wlndow pureed him wa but then there me to much unolte wI couldnt Ion Mmeehusrttr GenerII Hoe pltlt In Boston Iatd It received ntne dead Irom burn end tour Exports Triple Title yeIrr htna Itttttre rom pam wtth 11908456 buetrell thinned to Brtteln tomato huehele to the European Eco nomlc Communlty and about emote to other WeIt Euro poln countrloe the whole ot the Well Euro peIn IngmarJoni bush DID4W however IuIt Itlzhtly under the total ot CInIdIIn etttpmente Io Ituula Ind III Eut EuropIIn IIIGIIIIOHl 11000 burhete Total ettlprnentr to Chlnl MI IIttItIn North Ker nd other AIIIn noun trtee wII meow htlhell In the Aumtmtober orlod more thIn double the 0M Itth eII Ittpped to that continent In the note period Int year In An September Ind October III enr AIIII mer ltot tor 33380 bueheletanlred well below the Wort Ettrweln Importe OI MM ttut tint Drropean Impotte Irt Yllt WIII tunnlnl It him evel at 754 KIntured whldden Ito III In Everett nld It recet ed two deed Ind to Injured Ind Ghet IeI Naval ttoepltet recetvod one deed end thm Injured Everett tl Intnduetrhl corn nunlty that Ilee on the entetrtru Bolton Polke told the driver or the net truck mood Bottley 29 told them brake true he ruched the mentor III the vehtcle Itetted em COME DOWN alert the truck the we came oonn on both rider ot the crate tnr and he holed the tratn ep rroadtlng Ite rIn dune the min endtrted to the now the traln with hintedet PoIIcI raid the toroe ot the cottLIton curled the treln Ind trtrdt too toot down the track the trunk ruptured IleUnl meet of It 7000 ntlonr ot rtove ott In Iteryerm The Itll tllted ott the tract and the trudt overturned Mmkennedy May Withheld llction Over JFK Book MOWIWITII It wmtflwlnl Mrh elm denLrton empor Itftntttfl Into we eat men lndlcabrd today Im not Join to IIIer It be IIId hut rennin point to reeotutlntzn firemen In dug well be resolved Mg leuly Ind loan The Examiner TODAY Ann undueI Ctty Neell CIuelItedtt ll CondoItl Dtetrtotl DuthIII ldttorIIII looml Theatrel womeeIl TV LletlnlIIl Whltohewaetrylnatore nmmttrernen head out Inlured Irom shattered who dowotnoetmurdhltetne Into Vietnamese In MEKONG nnrn earl in not allow mym with oll truck Fterne Iwept oer Interior IAPVWIrephotot Launéh ngrgEScale Drive sAtaoN APlThntuandl lot South Vtetnamore troops tanned out Icroee the Melton min to dry Ind reported he I9 VIII pop In two tapeL the minute operatlon wII Ilaunchedmitutéedey 3r mnuad troopl er and the Vtetnam were Int oombet penchute tunw In It Ieeet two yeerr 1h lttttltldellment Iorce ol VletnImeIe IntIntrymrn pere troope armored cavalry men and popular tom unIII deecendtd on Vlet Con Itronzttold In among 1hten Welt ot Salgon lhI paretr lumped Irom at planes1300965 Alr Force treneoorte end no our the South Vietnnmue alr tom thotnItpoee hudquletitm Ield remove ran no no or posit when they Import antemt dedlnod on wottttejtrmpmworetnlur Lesotho King Is Under Arrest MASERU Luothn IANJIM lrno mlnIIter ot the wmIdI oed ounlut nItton not hit Inn houu Irrtet at mid IlsaIt TueIdIy nlxht utter entire ot tending over thetr retentive owm Prime It atot Lem Jone than at Ilseotho ordered KIM IIth It corttned to tell prlm tn Mereru Iottowtnl day at dlaordekrmtlnl whim III pereme were In more then too Irreeted the deed In cluded WINIIWW MONTREAL row mocks our IN run roncr meant wemmnhmfimhmmm Meede metImam MI If WW teeveoemehmtom mean Luciana mun earn cent at the ovum were In IIIed tn Mfltfiw Wale Ireneme pom tutuuernotlnuwnatteltre nee In wmmnt moutbythevtotlllnesund US thud only mutt In Mm rmrtnoe remt ed lotlllnc 21 Immense Iohdtm Ind U3 trierlrymut killed ll MWWIMNW WWI Iltemonn with Vtotcona tome ottmlmwn elmmeantoomeottttem more But US headquarter leld American Matty helicopter de rtmyed Vtot Dona menu In the test two day In the rtveu Ind mote to to to miles Iouth untitqu ot NM British Trawler Sinks Fear For 11 Missing Men Vl JOIIN8 Ntld CPI IIII Iuclw IurvtvorI ot the Brittit trther 5t Flnhnrr which earth Iueedag em threedIy hattte wlth Ilre Ind winter storm oft the northern Up of Newtoundland Ire due hero late todry Ihotr mcue Ihlp the Brltleh trIwIer Oretno we reported malttnl trod to to It Itnotr Needey ht through htuh wtnde Inow Ind Ireeztnr rIIn down the northth Nut It Neatomtland wlth the men aboard they tmlude Onot Ilorn Bern er ot the SI Ftntmrr Indttt III II 15mm crew the Drum carries the body at only one at the tr other men tte hII been Identllled II II Smith to probable Ito the It othm now given up tor tort may become clolm when the Iurvlvan tnIhe port and can tell the Chrtetnter DI dIIII ter In the northurt Atantlc LATE NEWS ProDawn Blaze Guts 113 Hotel LAKE IIIAOID IAII prodMt Itre teamed out at the Hotel Mercy In thll Adlmodnclt rent today mi tireenon IIld two renptoym were mtutru 1hr Intlmttod as Item II aped NU out the owner and Ittll mloym were Inland Canadians Sign Petition OTTAWA CPI The Ottmu mrrntttee to End the We tn thnten entd Inlay that more than Moon venodlute hm met prtttton celttn on the talent IrmI to the Unted Emu Iovunment ta Intt the role at Victory Means Peace Spellman MANILA tItIttImI trnncle Cardinal DprIImIn Illd III to nlettt vtdm In Vtotnem men pen The ttomm Mute rtoer ot the Uh Irrnen tome Ind Inflth at New Yorlt Inlet ed In the thtltwtm try Ilr todev utter vtetttna Amutcen Irom In Vtetrwm Ky May Visit IIuIIraIia MIOON tnIItterII Premier nunte name IIIer to tttllt Annette let eeld IMO enCaalt otlouttttllote Murddtmmt Canada To lend than $7 Million mm we We mflmme

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