Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1966, p. 5

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In Minna mum of mu nkmu Iliad reacarganm Natty can ur Ann eru Hm nuanced vows with Dr vm William BuxLud Archdeacon Readoflkm the Harmon rim Dec 1h bride who daughter of Mr and Mrs Jamu Wilbur flunk of Valley Dr The bride ml the son of Mr and Cyril View mum ol lace ovqr muuuwarmmn lnulon tulle was bald by uwum cl matching tulle She curled mm mm my Day plnk Smle pbnmlh Md lvy with spring wk war we try rd IWEDDING AIIENDANTS MIL John Brownldo Ton into yu mutton ol honor deonulda included mg Sherry of 1mm and Mn Wfiuhm Md St Thoma miller the mom All the ntlexxdlnli Mn own 04 In coxLn muted 111 mama mm drawn with Eves oek chum For mm am he bride carried handkerchief 9n bah1m 111 lb Had tanr umm mm nonmuu WIN PM CONT 10mm Cr mu llud ll lkkuinu 0m ML bu tonMd ma chm me III 0mm 6va MI IonIll filmm In dammit MIMI Mm mm Em moxian dumb mu whim 9n In 11w ll Christmas Setting Fér TIinifT Bites gidunlor Vogue the AM to um anon Ebfiiu in FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON with AUno skim maturing deep unpreswd plants It the back ware headdljm hm of mule matching their gown and canled bouquet while and wise furnhed carnalona with dreams who ribbon Douglas Sneyd at Toronto was gmomsman The usher were Dr Vern Waldorl Dr WUJlaln Ciprlck Dr John Alexander all of Onkvilk uvannm Hart of Commu bromer ol the bride fihcmdN Guam were taumi at tho Conunenlal Inn The brides 1m uwr chm InllAlcngm two piece gown palomlm pure dlk designed on 501mm mm mm above elbvw sleeves wide band ol delnu jewcLI accented the dropped waistline Ha ha of French Illusion tulle VEHIqu with hug and column bridegroom mom Med II the mapllnn wearing lolllamb dual m1 cmda men uxln complemented will halo In at tulle penis p1 btqtyn green and 1131 or the bride um dressK and Jfldwt ol coral W01 whlle had nng Mm Ln Nassau Bahamas me newly gpdnwifl Enid Reymlds mu Ilium mm Tomm lo 031M114 Ohm Orlllh Walkmoq and St Thom brlna command bell sleeve beEdlnL brawn Inn cram mm com coed her quill ldm on he hole And Ihwlder Ml oddl Wk InuumAm ngréiuinlgoxn in MmeM Conum Vulunblo Coplnl omlu FALL 7266414 Barrle Drlve Car LEASE YOUR 1967 TRUCK 0R CAR MR BUSINESSMAN 41 lm Id nmbIIImn plan ann Job Ind lInnncIll line can provu hIzhly rununmtlvo by yurl endII you handle them con mvalIveI and 1le no chance nu Me the fly vemum You can expect name monellry gaIm In early May throughout July mIdScytembcr mIdOcto her And nut December but It wIII Imporlanl In use can In InItrvenInx periode clalIy In Into My early June on MNonIbcr but po rIodl or corner odvoncomml lole II II lhxwuh late May next Dmm Soclnl and damnuc lnltmu wlll bu undnr good MPNH or most the ear and hm will be amt cal ol cmphula on manta mlnlly b1 Ina Juno lhrmlghvul July and In his Seplnmbm Mu mwflloul mind In lnvcl The llrll hm wash of July early Oc lnbcr nngilnul Dccmbcr II Lwld mu in change on Hominy can or lhI molt WI prov bendldll depmdlnl on how well you mlnuo them II no Idvandnl ym would like dun your plumn at union jun mnnmu mlel thnnm Ia Mum be tween mldApnl Ind Ill Hm ulna In only September but no 1th boom llml mm MI Indium unlu noxl Dmm Inr Iml do your best Ill nlong llu Hm the Mix ml Mogulm ml 3an nul fiilncm nun TM weak my at July thud born on Ihh any wul be endawul wth mnrhd lller ary llknll could Illa nucmd phyllclnn or conlldenllnl worker 1n hm orghumans ron monmy our blrle your hotum mflulu um whllu you an mko good Job hadwny dulnl MI monHu would bu umlbln Io conrcnunla on ftlllonlbll loll nlher lhnn In llllVQ or mm You will hm ml thnnm Ia Mum be Monday Personal xelntlomhlpl should prove mos harmonica on Sum day so you an mum on Many hour mm with Iamfly mm and even cowvrkmel ypu hnvn to work Avoid petflnau however oMrow LI blrtbdly ymgrmharoulqu Ila 1111 Christmas mm mm tha period when no open ing mm presents No Smoking Lime advise may mum Hal Wright Ontario garment ol wmom slnce gilt wrapping and pack ing materlau create consid erable fire hazard they mould be removed mm heroom and burned outside moon lhc present have been opened Chrlslmu tree Hill can be MW v9 1° fight an night Aiwayl shut them helm gala to be 193 H3999 the home keep them any lrom those dandnl molhballx the bub bling tree Llahll flue chemically naked logs that give colored lame 1n the fireplace and flu berries on bully and mm These arc all poisonous to eat ya hmdwble to inquisitive lll tle hands And appetites Quid turnA ywr Mun mfimeay By Emnum jomonytqw FOR THE BIRTHDAY Insure Joy With Safety THE STARS SAY upl Exchange On chnsitfiiasgeSeasQ Nml Mr and Mn llmurd Bur bldge ol DIvIdun Bl mnrk In mhlmu wllh out thy luau Theu Includc flu par onu th hmlen ML Ind Mn hula WM and damflv ur Shirley Newmlrlulx Mr and Mn Don Wllklnl MM born on Ihl lily will man MIN And Human wll be arlhlkny In cum Borden in MIME EH the Ind nu wile Mr and MW Nov seodn and Mn bmuaorInlaw Ind ulster Mn Ind Mn Robert leflk Top onto N3 nine minlaw daufllterMrmdMflMei man cl Mm NlliiKl Mr And II Norman 00 in Ind llmlly of Mullen wlll Narma siamu Mn an iiw com em Imfllflflfl Gary firming mu Mr and Mn jam adlgyol Drhry NflIIIflIII Mlu Jun Green Hall In In dly lo spend Mum ll 0w home of he brother Ind llllerlnlnw Mr and Mn Ralph Green Tmnlo 5L 01mth dimm zmu will Include Mr And Mn Georg Doorman and Don Dmy cl rendn1 Si muwembor mid Oclober And nul Documbr lem work honour nil hlvo In IllAround lood mr wllh tabla Amplhhmenl indium In Juno PermI rdllomhlp wlll b0 annually ovmtd or man pup with nmlnct duo brllhlul at um In hi connnctlon mar mumindd wlil nnd Inc my llmo In July 1nd plumber upodllly pro PEAIJDE 501E 10WN Entering fllafhhlmh on lhc nm of her hum the bride wore mm peau do mic design ed wflhmmmdn wall and floor length Mine 5km enhanc gd wllh dnpel min Lace minim hoKday men flu home Mrnnd Mn Ed Hewitt Ooddnalon Include Mr Ind Mn Oarl Saber and Indly um Mr Ind Mn wu Mlm Syn 01 Toronto mllllInI LIM Ming autumn0 the Waggon his or um weddlniol at Ann Dllu Ind Rob Stepfun WWWM bnby lungAM Lb gar of flu church tho candle mu conduct edbymv mm Int Tno in 43 ng 13l3luof brideiIEom and Mrs W0 hope Ihe holiday mm bring and hunter In In young wnnnlh Ind cheer to ranan Ind bul all hit In memory of III joy Ind lamina remain will you Ind your throughout cm lnl your um um lbs nu we all llhm ulend Handy urgean you Aden nlncm mm In on Ind all or coonenllnn with the wedI Chrlltmubueu And th mm orconunqu mm um thean Year mKvnd Hr mi Mm Wllllnm loser of Vlclorla EC Mada M41942 In tho luuva uuon Mlclnng WIIIIII FENDlEYS 74 mm at EILEEN DIXON AUDREY COUEDN Wheu Howe mm the flatIll plm them In the link and cut tho and the mm of under wnler before Pllcln them In van prevenll entry of air Into ha canducflnl van m5 Iubgeguong block to wnler up Commer ul flower pruervnflvel anon Immplny cu Iowan and they should be and to prevent Im lulul lotion and lower MlnL Harm remcdlu And uplrin pennlcm sum or In ldded lo Ihe wnlcr ullt Indlmllvo Whm Iocltlnl wetvoid Ir an of excmlva but Inc ch at TV dlrect up llthl or Mr hal air realm Dininf the awning IL good Idea often lhe Imnxoment an lhn oar In cool room or In llIe lgmmenl Ugh will ldd Wormth Iui clpu In hel dren band of matdllnz Nun velvel Blue and while baby muml tulhlonod their bouqueh um Andrew at mm wu but man Ind he an lnr eluded Ronald km OIhIW Mr And Mm Jack Hlnlon Ind lamlly of Campde Ave will have Mr Hlnlons mother Mu Brynn Redlem and her broth er Sanlmdlm of Am Minimal Dly luau muin GinMm new the Call lnzwood ruldanco of MP Ho bet Smith Ind Mrl Smith In dude their Ian Jnmu 2nd linden ll Cunndl Coll Etononto M1 Ellhubeulwidllh Comm In lhe mum Mu than 1191 brother Ind Maran mull Mum Lu Cooke Ind Mn Cooke luvln My Ohmlmu the Emblna Ava homa with Ihdr chfldnn Ind remlvel mm mm Onllrlo Dew1mm Azrlcul cm Ind Food on how lo mko Lhem In lunar good Idol dump Una We and Ihorten ucnu cvcry allm day keeps flu flowm reflux Ian er and pm mu odor from avclaplu 1n the wnlm hagddmnofpeed pn rhlnuwnugheldv lhe lhould length tleredveflalwk Elna gamma wont hllrargd our mflzerlnd carried and tom ludod brldol lube Mn RonIMAM ol0dwwn mm pm am the brides coullnlnd Ilhldy Dnvll of cum And Mr Allan he hxldumlldl mzwmjoz alum Flower Arrangement will add great deal of color and atmos phere to mm durlnl tho ulivoaunm Hm mu AT PING mm In Irat ddl cacy In Japan Mum It nil at About nd under flu name yulow lmwnd Iulhroluhfihe theme 95W we 91mm warp mum cum wanna menus mall ham They uxmi mi nwm In flu manvllle ma Mr nnd Mrs Reeves Derrick and Them Brampum Fresh Cut Flowers Add Festive Touch Cllldlll um open For um numflm VACATION IN FLORIDA AMBER TIDE FT LAUDIRDALI Iv Malalm ll IDHI Ink Wu mun III NIKIIIIIW Call or Wt hr Rompnut 1m Ouuuxwm malvod II GH communuwmvvm lord Oommunl an allovan the ceremony bridermm filler received um In Illulh ol old hmudILwiflt mlth Iul Brown Iccumrlu Ind cum oljbronumm cow Am Mums Ibo hid mud warm uthflmou menptlnud Illkwlm matching locumIIIth corlll VIII 141 mm bhxVImhay in 1151 wk an orchidconm Amt weddlnl lrhl 141 mu 9n polnulhemw ed wm raids ILRR 0111 cumcm um otundoa mlm Mogmulhomlm and ono lemhlo wn ulflnriuk m1 mumm Why Thai Christian Science Monitor recommends youer yourlotalu newspaper Your loul map In wldmn mm mm mm mm III on lot hi my Mlloml In Inm IMIII um ununou WHILE YWI mm mm WI spocllllxl In mlyunl AM Inm nunl In Importn munml Ind numllcml him Our InIInllon to bun um Inmhlvplr town In Monlmhu worldrwlda cannymdmtlIaml MAT unk mu 3M wovldl mm Manila Inalllva nvmullu Idl mlllx Ill Mm lull clanly In ilol Kill my 1pm manna gm mu mum 1n unnnox Onl llme Sim Ba on Mnuchuum UM M115 nun my 14qu Ivlmlpllm In mm mm mlul mm Nldznfllhm In Imam Jun IIII coupon ml GIU gnu up to 25 on STARTS was mac 27th FABRIC SALE 7184M BAHRIES LARGEST FABRIC CENTRE ROBERTSONS ROBERTSONS AT oun NEW Locmou 1le 147 DUNLOP ST EAST CORNER OF MULCASTER AND DUNLOP lmlon ONLY Aulhovlud Whlnllni Dulu Vv SATURDAY DECEMBER 1m rim Canndllm 111 mm mu dmlln limbo of Yuloudt ulaly BM muw mplo mun invalvod Jz Mm your Chrhlmuuter well more colorlnl byullnu gang nwdy gut Hum 69 111 um mambo your kn Md In kfiilflld with wnw dnrlnl thu mu III limb rm an wul in 5mm mlnrthrpoul ly of flu Nnvn plm Treat Treév With Caution ll Dump 54 Were fight in fashion when we wish you the best of everytlfingl FABRICS It block lb cm ol lg Md Wailirllnchl coma mould bc m6dto flluinmo 1L3 alwm rud lo om 0h Ick PM 723593 Monk lhu lumDnllod Aynl 7mm Yuur VILN yrme om olNunu WIWTWW

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