MUII FIGHT LOW WAGE MOWEAL CF Cann dm workan mm drvoto 1067 lo lhl mm IIIInn unjun mun pmrty Ind mm In ququ Marcel Pepin pml dint of tho 100000nwmbvr Con Memlon Nltlonol 1114 Union uld Wodnudny In MI OTTAWA CF Subslnmlul mm redncllons or lmporlm nl prInlInl prwu and eqqu ment were recommended by the mm board In to ln bled 1n the Common Vcdnca day by Finance Mhdller Sharp Thu government will tudy 11 upon And Mr Sharp asked Intelmod pulls to commml on the Zme volume as soon paulhle The lull bumd concluded the luxury on the basis Inca department ro gue for Maw 01 custom all in the 111M recent Iachnnlollcal chum 1n the In duslry Jamel ed1 and Arthur mm nduccd In mi uvba xln for mu rumm lul Adventure FMMJC Voy 31 PWJ 5le torén or IM Mai mnhWkolmpmflaJMIdvfl MaxMm by with nonpr Hmimd Mao dam Wm Pmu Ml wvmd by Immolluw fllymlawmrhmhhuo While au mm tall cavityka We Prcposes On PrintingiPressési Mnln recommendation nrox an presses used by com mercial rlntm should he nd milled nlyme from coun 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lonlhor to IIW 000 Bmlh ll Manw mu und mm Iupurlnundm 1mm muon Uni Inn othm honond wm mumm Ohouas of Kr B£dmnd 6mm emaillo in lvm mm of MI hint and MIMlmcll MVID hOM ma mu Faun ll mde with yin luau 7a hm um um him mm mm bulldln ui ockvfllo Nov me F50 who hld ham con dhlon livod Alon on tho flow at thmu Ikuctm mm lb Mi $333 inbovum mud to almhnzhmommr mk uh in an 9on mu damn mum wan 11g 11 mommummd My giémd 31000000 mm um Girlsfloï¬ored FaxHerdiSm Clbï¬diï¬Ã©Ã©s uunuvn autumn oi with mWMWm mVoMM cute um um Hum In On mlo mm 112m Buy on ufllloq llï¬ILVmllb doudl run mllmdmwdlmu to elm WK imtuflxadn Lia HA om nml mummy aw tad 2mm cold yum ï¬lmy was two In ocu ukml Mmfï¬dly ram hh bumlnu ham In AI my Mum All 11 mo Threhlld hll mother and M1 Damn who was WillIna II IIIth burn bntiucovmd In Maxmold 1mm It wlnundcnl Smith VIM10V como by urban monoxide In um uwy Iku umch Clu totem uuon Ind whtn tho top whlch 8mm wu be ruled bemth arm he won ham ho plt luau comloumeu hlmull Gray uklnl chum Emllh 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SKOL ie hm brewed in CInIdI Next time you work ulp thlnt quench It with SKOL intemullonli Beer Diuorer the mini I18 iiIvour IpIririin it hrneu Ind truI refreshment of SKOL Boy LthI intemIt on Beer SE llES lSlAN NEW lffllAN Hlllflll KONG INDIA IVBH NEW ZEMIIIIII SPIIIN NIGENIII INGUIND SIIIJIIAND £3 SWINE PIINIIIEIII IIIIllIINlI ANEN BONNEI GAVMIINISIANIIS WP EINIIIPIII IAININNII ISIANNS GNIINII GINNIIIIIIII HUNG NflNG munnvcunsr vumnunn maximum rvcummsm sunnmnnm 1mg mewmmn mfrlfmmr 31 $1 numulï¬ï¬ï¬ InuitIts sum 1m mm mum SPAIN NIGERIA ENGINNN SflflIlANfl SWINEN PUBIUUII NIIUJINII IIIJEN BIIIINEI 2a BNYMNN ISIJINIIS EIPNUS Ex HNIUII IIIlNlIINIl ISlIINDS la GHANA GIBNNIIIIN NVNIINI NONE INDIII E3 IUNII INNS KENYA MNlIIIIIIlIS PIIIIISIIIN SEYGNEllES ISlNNIl SIENN Try $KOL soonAt regular prices wherever beer is sold mlllou Winxhlm ulna ï¬rMqulJ TRY EXAMINER WANT PHONEW 1v Pérliameuï¬t At Glance DdenoiMluhm Hallm uld the mum ted leufly In vldlnl and lJflych 01 00mm In an menllon ol Iwodr Mm the lid lo muk the Mr Bl Mlcdmld Comrvnllvo mum Jo mm wbllc Cmndvlm extth of not on nk can was re By ï¬ll QANADIAN PRES wnnmmv 1m 11 Tho common Idljourn untu Jun mm royu 1mm wu Ivan to tho maul um murmblflmdvholdm cupyhmw bl alew www11er dunInd anonIl uhwl baa lo lyzo am one LYork Enstll Introduud pllVlle momm bora bill to up Cl am Dlnlovminl Corp 11w Common ifde ad loumed unLllJAn an ngnndl wetland um loclod by mid wexhxmnz 1mm Doe mm lompimmi Irillghl Ida oil mu xi xtl ï¬Desextxons WA vacuum 31 10 United sum Mum divmun hawdededcomln 1° cm to dwflod my Mujlhoflvx mmiy gap on tauL squcxwvogmg J9f1hfj°f spomunvm BRAND MYV Rom I10KJohnsolii TIIVoI Sirvlu RESERVATIONS Dug us viqld Wm Am in ma ANDVTICKETSIALL H0 said an Invelllnllon has nvuhd AhILr Vuwouver rutv dew wmplllmd mm mm MIDI In men use mun 1y had been nu new WW Both lht FBI ind 1128delellce department PM Md flu ROME they hldgl dam udx quenlqng lnl hon5 VIhléila vorv happyhéuyl From IHH Riff MéyWw